/// <summary> /// درج /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int Insert() { JDataBase db = new JDataBase(); try { if (JPermission.CheckPermission("Automation.JSendExportInfo.Insert")) { JSendExportInfoTable JLT = new JSendExportInfoTable(); JLT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = JLT.Insert(db); if (Code > 0) { return(Code); } return(0); } else { return(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(0); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public bool Delete(bool isWeb = false) { ClassLibrary.JConnection C = new ClassLibrary.JConnection(); ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(C.GetConnection("Server02", 0)); try { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Bus.JBus.Delete")) { return(false); } JBusTable AT = new JBusTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); if (AT.Delete(db)) { if (!isWeb) { Nodes.Delete(Nodes.CurrentNode); } ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JBus", AT.Code, 0, 0, 0, "حذف اتوبوس", "", 0); return(true); } else { return(false); } } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// حذف /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Delete() { JSendExportInfoTable PDT = new JSendExportInfoTable(); JDataBase Db = new JDataBase(); try { if (JPermission.CheckPermission("Automation.JSendExportInfo.Delete")) { PDT.SetValueProperty(this); if (PDT.Delete(Db)) { return(true); } return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(false); } finally { Db.Dispose(); } }
public bool Delete(bool isWeb = false, JDataBase db = null) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JTariff.Delete")) { return(false); } TariffTable AT = new TariffTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); if (isWeb || JMessages.Question("آیا میخواهید حکم انتخاب شده حذف شود؟", "") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { if (AT.Delete(db)) { if (!isWeb) { Nodes.Delete(Nodes.CurrentNode); } return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(false); }
public bool Delete(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Dictionary.JDictionary.Delete")) { return(false); } JDataBase DB = new JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("delete from dic output deleted.* where name = N'" + Name + "' and lang = N'" + Lang + "'"); DataTable dt = DB.Query_DataTable(); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(false); } ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JDictionary", 0, 0, 0, 0, "حذف از لغت نامه ", "", 0); return(true); } catch { return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool Delete() { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JShift.Delete")) { return(false); } if (CheckUsedInTariff()) { JMessages.Error("این شیفت در احکام کار استفاده شده است و قابل حذف نیست.", ""); return(false); } JShiftTable AT = new JShiftTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); if (JMessages.Question("آیا میخواهید شیفت انتخاب شده حذف شود؟", "") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { if (AT.Delete()) { Nodes.Delete(Nodes.CurrentNode); return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(false); }
public bool Update(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Dictionary.JDictionary.Update")) { return(false); } JDataBase DB = new JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("update dic set text = N'" + Text + "' output inserted.text where name = N'" + Name + "' and lang = N'" + Lang + "'"); DataTable dt = DB.Query_DataTable(); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(false); } ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JDictionary", 0, 0, 0, 0, "ویرایش در لغت نامه ", "", 0); return(true); } catch { return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// ویرایش /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Update(JDataBase Db, bool Send) { if (JPermission.CheckPermission("ArchivedDocuments.JRequestArchiveFile.Update")) { JRequestArchiveFileTable PDT = new JRequestArchiveFileTable(); try { Db.beginTransaction("RequestArchiveFile"); PDT.SetValueProperty(this); if (PDT.Update(Db)) { if (Send) { if (!(SendConfirm(Db, 999))) { Db.Rollback("RequestArchiveFile"); JMessages.Error("Send Not Successfuly ", ""); } else { if (Db.Commit()) { //Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JVacationHours.GetDataTable(Code)); return(true); } } } else { if (Db.Commit()) { return(true); } else { Db.Rollback("RequestArchiveFile"); return(false); } } } Db.Rollback("RequestArchiveFile"); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); Db.Rollback("RequestArchiveFile"); return(false); } finally { if ((Send)) { Db.Dispose(); } PDT.Dispose(); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// حذف /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Delete() { if (JPermission.CheckPermission("ArchivedDocuments.JRequestArchiveFile.Delete")) { JDataBase Db = new JDataBase(); JRequestArchiveFileTable PDT = new JRequestArchiveFileTable(); try { PDT.SetValueProperty(this); if (PDT.Delete(Db)) { return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(false); } finally { PDT.Dispose(); Db.Dispose(); } } return(false); }
public static DataTable GetDataTable(int pCode = 0) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JAUTVacations.GetDataTable")) { return(null); } JDataBase DB = new JDataBase(); try { string query = @" Select AUTVacation.Code, DriverPCode, clsAllPerson .Name , subdefine.name VacationType ,(Select Fa_date from StaticDates Where En_Date = CAST(FromDate As Date)) + ' - '+ CAST(CAST (FromDate As Time) AS varchar(5)) FromDate ,(Select Fa_date from StaticDates Where En_Date = CAST(ToDate As Date)) + ' - '+ CAST(CAST (ToDate As Time) AS varchar(5)) ToDate , Description from AUTVacation Inner Join clsAllPerson ON clsAllPerson .Code = AUTVacation .DriverPCode Inner Join subdefine ON subdefine .Code = AUTVacation .VacationType " ; if (pCode > 0) { query += " WHERE AUTVacation.Code = " + pCode; } DB.setQuery(query + " ORDER BY ToDate Desc "); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool Insert(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Dictionary.JDictionary.Insert")) { return(false); } JDataBase DB = new JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("insert into dic (name, text, lang) output inserted.* values(N'" + Name + "', N'" + Text + "', N'" + Lang + "')"); DataTable dt = DB.Query_DataTable(); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(false); } ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JDictionary", 0, 0, 0, 0, "ثبت در لغت نامه ", "", 0); return(true); } catch { return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static DataTable GetDataTableForComboBox(int pCode = 0, bool QueryType = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Station.JStations.GetDataTable")) { return(null); } JDataBase DB = new JDataBase(); try { string query = ""; if (QueryType == false) { query = @" SELECT S.[Code] ,case when S.IMEI > 0 then concat(S.Name, ' ', N'(تابلو)') else S.Name end Name ,Z.Name AS 'ZoneName',StationCode, isnull(cast(S.name as nvarchar(max)),N'نامشخص')+' ( '+ (select ss.LineCode1 from(SELECT DISTINCT LineCode1,als1.StationCode FROM [dbo].[AUTLineStation] als1 CROSS APPLY (select (select cast(LineNumber as varchar) from autline where code = als2.LineCode) + ',' FROM [dbo].[AUTLineStation] als2 WHERE als1.StationCode = als2.StationCode FOR XML PATH('') ) D ( LineCode1 ))ss where ss.StationCode = S.Code) +' ) ' as NameWCode , (Select Name from subdefine Where Code = S.StationTypeCode ) StationType ,Cast(S.Lat AS nvarchar(50)) Lat,Cast(S.Lng AS nvarchar(50)) Lng ,S.[Address] , properties .* FROM AUTStation S INNER JOIN AUTZone Z ON S.ZoneCode = Z.Code Left JOIN [Propperty_ClassName_BusManagment.Station_1000002] properties ON properties .ObjectCode = S.Code "; } else { query = @" select Code,StationCode,Name,ZoneCode,Lat,Lng,IsTerminal from AutStation S "; } if (pCode > 0) { query += " WHERE S.Code = " + pCode; } DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public void ShowReportMangerForm() { if (JPermission.CheckPermission("Bascol.JReport.ShowReportMangerForm", true)) { JReportManagerForm p = new JReportManagerForm(); p.ShowDialog(); } }
public void ShowReportChartForm() { if (JPermission.CheckPermission("Bascol.JReport.JReportChartForm", true)) { //JReportChartForm p = new JReportChartForm(); //p.ShowDialog(); } }
public void ShowDialog() { if (!(JPermission.CheckPermission("Bascol.JTruck.ShowDialog"))) { return; } JTruckForm LandForm = new JTruckForm(); LandForm.State = JFormState.Insert; LandForm.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(JPermission.CheckPermission("Bascol.JConfigBascolForm.btnSave_Click"))) { return; } if (JReport.SetBascoolNumber(Convert.ToInt32(cmbBascol.SelectedValue), cmbBascolType.SelectedIndex)) { JMessages.Information(" با موفقیت ثبت شد ", ""); } //Globals.JRegistry.Write("BascolNum", cmbBascol.SelectedValue); //Globals.JRegistry.Write("BascolType", cmbBascolType.Text); }
public int Insert(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.LineSubsidy.JLineSubsidy.Insert")) { return(0); } JLineSubsidyTable LST = new JLineSubsidyTable(); LST.SetValueProperty(this); Code = LST.Insert(); ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JLineSubsidy", Code, 0, 0, 0, "ثبت LineSubsidy", "", 0); return(Code); }
public int Insert(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Shift.JShift.Insert")) { return(0); } ShiftTable AT = new ShiftTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = AT.Insert(); ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JShift", Code, 0, 0, 0, "ثبت شیفت", "", 0); return(Code); }
public int Insert(bool isweb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.SMSDetails.JSMSDetails.Insert")) { return(0); } JSMSDetailsTable ST = new JSMSDetailsTable(); ST.SetValueProperty(this); Code = ST.Insert(0, true); ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JSMSDetails", Code, 0, 0, 0, "جزئیات SMS", "", 0); return(Code); }
public int Insert(bool isweb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.OnlineReader.OnlineReaderConfig.Insert")) { return(0); } OnlineReaderConfigTable ORC = new OnlineReaderConfigTable(); ORC.SetValueProperty(this); Code = ORC.Insert(0, true); ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.OnlineReaderConfig", Code, 0, 0, 0, "تنظیمات کارتخوان آنلاین", "", 0); return(Code); }
public int Insert() { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Personel.JPersonel.Insert")) { return(0); } JPersonelTable AT = new JPersonelTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = AT.Insert(); if (Code > 0) { Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JPersonels.GetDataTable(Code)); } return(Code); }
public int Insert(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.SellerTicket.JSellerTicket.Insert")) { return(0); } JSellerTicketTable AT = new JSellerTicketTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = AT.Insert(); if (Code > 0 && !isWeb) { Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JSellerTickets.GetDataTable(Code)); } return(Code); }
public int Insert(bool IsWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.SMSMaster.JSMSMaster.Insert")) { return(0); } JSMSMasterTable ST = new JSMSMasterTable(); ST.SetValueProperty(this); Code = ST.Insert(0, true); ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JSMSMaster", Code, 0, 0, 0, "ثبت کننده SMS", "", 0); return(Code); }
public int Insert(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.UserDynamicDashboard.JUserDynamicDashboard.Insert")) { return(0); } UserDynamicDashboardTable AT = new UserDynamicDashboardTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = AT.Insert(); if (Code > 0 && !isWeb) { Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JUserDynamicDashboards.GetDataTable(Code)); } ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JUserDynamicDashboard", Code, 0, 0, 0, "ثبت اشخاص دارنده داشبورد", "", 0); return(Code); }
public bool Delete() { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Personel.JPersonel.Delete")) { return(false); } if (JMessages.Question("آیا میخواهید پرسنل انتخاب شده حذف شود؟", "") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { JPersonelTable AT = new JPersonelTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); if (AT.Delete()) { Nodes.Delete(Nodes.CurrentNode); return(true); } } return(false); }
public int Insert(bool isWeb = false) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Station.JStation.Insert")) { return(0); } StationTable AT = new StationTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = AT.Insert(); if (Code > 0 && !isWeb) { Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JStations.GetDataTable(Code)); } ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JStation", Code, 0, 0, 0, "ثبت ایستگاه", "", 0); return(Code); }
public static DataTable GetDataTable(int pCode = 0) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Personel.JPersonels.GetDataTable")) { return(null); } JDataBase DB = new JDataBase(); try { string query = @"SELECT [AUTPersonel].[Code] , clsPerson.Fam+ ' - ' + clsPerson.Name AS Name ,[AUTPersonel].[PersonCode] ,[CertificateNumber] ,(Select Fa_Date From StaticDates Where En_Date = [CertificateExpirationDate]) [CertificateExpirationDate] ,(Select Fa_Date From StaticDates Where En_Date = [CertificateDate]) [CertificateDate] ,subdefineCer.name [CertificateType] ,[PersonelCode] ,subdefineSpe.name Specification ,AUTFleet.Name Fleet ,subdefineEmp.name EmployeeType FROM [dbo].[AUTPersonel] Inner Join clsPerson ON [AUTPersonel].PersonCode = clsPerson .Code Left Join AUTFleet ON AUTFleet .Code = [AUTPersonel].FleetCode Left Join subdefine subdefineSpe on subdefineSpe .Code = [AUTPersonel].[Specification] Left Join subdefine subdefineEmp on subdefineEmp .Code = [AUTPersonel].[EmployeeType] Left Join subdefine subdefineCer on subdefineCer .Code = [AUTPersonel].[CertificateType] "; if (pCode > 0) { query += " Where [AUTPersonel].Code = " + pCode; } DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public int Insert(bool isWebProject) { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JAUTVacation.Insert")) { return(0); } JAUTVacationTable AT = new JAUTVacationTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); Code = AT.Insert(); if (Code > 0) { if (!isWebProject) { Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JAUTVacations.GetDataTable(Code)); } } return(Code); }
public bool Update() { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JAUTVacation.Update")) { return(false); } JAUTVacationTable AT = new JAUTVacationTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); if (AT.Update()) { Nodes.Refreshdata(Nodes.CurrentNode, JAUTVacations.GetDataTable(Code).Rows[0]); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Delete() { if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.Shift.JShift.Delete")) { return(false); } ShiftTable AT = new ShiftTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); if (AT.Delete()) { ClassLibrary.JHistory jHistory = new ClassLibrary.JHistory(); jHistory.Save("BusManagment.JShift", AT.Code, 0, 0, 0, "حذف شیفت", "", 0); return(true); } else { return(false); } }