public virtual JPakeRound1Payload CreateRound1PayloadToSend()
     if (state >= STATE_ROUND_1_CREATED)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 1 payload already created for " + participantId);
     x1  = JPakeUtilities.GenerateX1(q, random);
     x2  = JPakeUtilities.GenerateX2(q, random);
     gx1 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGx(p, g, x1);
     gx2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGx(p, g, x2);
     BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX  = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, g, gx1, x1, participantId, digest, random);
     BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, g, gx2, x2, participantId, digest, random);
     state = STATE_ROUND_1_CREATED;
     return(new JPakeRound1Payload(participantId, gx1, gx2, knowledgeProofForX, knowledgeProofForX2));
    public virtual JPakeRound2Payload CreateRound2PayloadToSend()
        if (state >= STATE_ROUND_2_CREATED)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 2 payload already created for " + participantId);
        if (state < STATE_ROUND_1_VALIDATED)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 1 payload must be validated prior to creating round 2 payload for " + participantId);
        BigInteger gA          = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGA(p, gx1, gx3, gx4);
        BigInteger s           = JPakeUtilities.CalculateS(password);
        BigInteger bigInteger  = JPakeUtilities.CalculateX2s(q, x2, s);
        BigInteger bigInteger2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateA(p, q, gA, bigInteger);

        BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX2s = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, gA, bigInteger2, bigInteger, participantId, digest, random);
        state = STATE_ROUND_2_CREATED;
        return(new JPakeRound2Payload(participantId, bigInteger2, knowledgeProofForX2s));
        public void TestValidateZeroKnowledgeProof()
            JPakePrimeOrderGroup pg1 = JPakePrimeOrderGroups.SUN_JCE_1024;

            SecureRandom random  = new SecureRandom();
            IDigest      digest1 = new Sha256Digest();

            BigInteger x1             = JPakeUtilities.GenerateX1(pg1.Q, random);
            BigInteger gx1            = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGx(pg1.P, pg1.G, x1);
            string     participantId1 = "participant1";

            BigInteger[] zkp1 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx1, x1, participantId1, digest1, random);

            // should succeed
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx1, zkp1, participantId1, digest1);

            // wrong group
            JPakePrimeOrderGroup pg2 = JPakePrimeOrderGroups.NIST_3072;

                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg2.P, pg2.Q, pg2.G, gx1, zkp1, participantId1, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on wrong prime order group");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // wrong digest
            IDigest digest2 = new Sha1Digest();

                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx1, zkp1, participantId1, digest2);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on wrong digest");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // wrong participant
            string participantId2 = "participant2";

                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx1, zkp1, participantId2, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on wrong participant");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // wrong gx
            BigInteger x2  = JPakeUtilities.GenerateX2(pg1.Q, random);
            BigInteger gx2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGx(pg1.P, pg1.G, x2);

                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx2, zkp1, participantId1, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on wrong gx");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // wrong zkp
            BigInteger[] zkp2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx2, x2, participantId1, digest1, random);
                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, gx1, zkp2, participantId1, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on wrong zero knowledge proof");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // gx <= 0
                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, BigInteger.Zero, zkp1, participantId1, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on g^x <= 0");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // gx >= p
                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, pg1.P, zkp1, participantId1, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on g^x >= p");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected

            // gx mod q == 1
                JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(pg1.P, pg1.Q, pg1.G, pg1.Q.Add(BigInteger.One), zkp1, participantId1, digest1);

                Fail("failed to throw exception on g^x mod q == 1");
            catch (CryptoException)
                // expected