public void WritePropertyWithNoValue() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add(new JProperty("novalue")); StringAssert.Equal(@"{ ""novalue"": null }", o.ToString()); }
public void Remove() { JObject o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, o.Children().Count()); Assert.AreEqual(false, o.Remove("sdf")); Assert.AreEqual(false, o.Remove(null)); Assert.AreEqual(true, o.Remove("PropertyNameValue")); Assert.AreEqual(0, o.Children().Count()); }
public void GenericCollectionRemove() { JValue v = new JValue(1); JObject o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", v); Assert.AreEqual(1, o.Children().Count()); Assert.AreEqual(false, ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue1", new JValue(1)))); Assert.AreEqual(false, ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(2)))); Assert.AreEqual(false, ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)))); Assert.AreEqual(true, ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue", v))); Assert.AreEqual(0, o.Children().Count()); }
public void TryGetValue() { JObject o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, o.Children().Count()); JToken t; Assert.AreEqual(false, o.TryGetValue("sdf", out t)); Assert.AreEqual(null, t); Assert.AreEqual(false, o.TryGetValue(null, out t)); Assert.AreEqual(null, t); Assert.AreEqual(true, o.TryGetValue("PropertyNameValue", out t)); Assert.AreEqual(true, JToken.DeepEquals(new JValue(1), t)); }
public static JContainer ToJContainer(this NameValueCollection target) { if (target != null) { var jobj = new JObject(); foreach (var key in target.AllKeys) { jobj.Add(new JProperty(key, target[key])); } return jobj; } return null; }
public JObject Transform(InstrumentationEvent instrumentationEvent) { if (instrumentationEvent == null) { return(null); } JObject logLine = BuildPayload(instrumentationEvent); try { logLine?.Add(DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES_KEY, BuildDeviceAttributes(instrumentationEvent)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Exception thrown while transforming JSON", ex); } return(logLine); }
public void GenericListJTokenAddBadValue() { AssertException.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList<JToken> l = new JObject(p1, p2); // string is implicitly converted to JValue l.Add("Bad!"); }, "Can not add OpenGamingLibrary.Json.Linq.JValue to OpenGamingLibrary.Json.Linq.JObject."); }
/// <summary> /// Serialize the <see cref="IterationSetup"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="iterationSetup">The <see cref="IterationSetup"/> to serialize</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="JObject"/></returns> private JObject Serialize(IterationSetup iterationSetup) { var jsonObject = new JObject(); jsonObject.Add("classKind", this.PropertySerializerMap["classKind"](Enum.GetName(typeof(CDP4Common.CommonData.ClassKind), iterationSetup.ClassKind))); jsonObject.Add("createdOn", this.PropertySerializerMap["createdOn"](iterationSetup.CreatedOn)); jsonObject.Add("description", this.PropertySerializerMap["description"](iterationSetup.Description)); jsonObject.Add("excludedDomain", this.PropertySerializerMap["excludedDomain"](iterationSetup.ExcludedDomain.OrderBy(x => x, this.guidComparer))); jsonObject.Add("excludedPerson", this.PropertySerializerMap["excludedPerson"](iterationSetup.ExcludedPerson.OrderBy(x => x, this.guidComparer))); jsonObject.Add("frozenOn", this.PropertySerializerMap["frozenOn"](iterationSetup.FrozenOn)); jsonObject.Add("iid", this.PropertySerializerMap["iid"](iterationSetup.Iid)); jsonObject.Add("isDeleted", this.PropertySerializerMap["isDeleted"](iterationSetup.IsDeleted)); jsonObject.Add("iterationIid", this.PropertySerializerMap["iterationIid"](iterationSetup.IterationIid)); jsonObject.Add("iterationNumber", this.PropertySerializerMap["iterationNumber"](iterationSetup.IterationNumber)); jsonObject.Add("modifiedOn", this.PropertySerializerMap["modifiedOn"](iterationSetup.ModifiedOn)); jsonObject.Add("revisionNumber", this.PropertySerializerMap["revisionNumber"](iterationSetup.RevisionNumber)); jsonObject.Add("sourceIterationSetup", this.PropertySerializerMap["sourceIterationSetup"](iterationSetup.SourceIterationSetup)); jsonObject.Add("thingPreference", this.PropertySerializerMap["thingPreference"](iterationSetup.ThingPreference)); return(jsonObject); }
public static void AddLogEntry(string logEntry) { // This is just so we can manually trigger a dump to file if (logEntry == "SPECIALDUMP") { var logXml = LogXmlHelper.CreateLog(db); WriteLogFile("testLog.xml", logXml); return; } var lines = logEntry.Split(Environment.NewLine); var logParams = lines[0].Split(',', 2); if (logParams.Length < 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Log params does not contain two entries"); } var server = logParams[0]; var transaction = logParams[1]; foreach (var line in lines.Skip(1)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { continue; } var type = line[0]; string[] parts; var log = new Log(); log.Server = server; log.Transaction = transaction; try { switch (type) { case 'c': // Command parts = line.Split(',', CommandParts); if (parts.Length != CommandParts) { throw new ArgumentException($"Command entry does not have {CommandParts} parts"); } log.LogType = "command"; log.Command = parts[1]; log.Username = parts[2]; log.Amount = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[3]) ? (decimal?)decimal.Parse(parts[3]) : null; log.StockSymbol = parts[4]; log.Filename = parts[5]; log.Timestamp = ulong.Parse(parts[6]); break; case 'e': // Event parts = line.Split(',', EventParts); if (parts.Length != EventParts) { throw new ArgumentException($"Event entry does not have {EventParts} parts"); } log.LogType = parts[1].ToLower(); log.Command = parts[2]; log.Username = parts[3]; log.Amount = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[4]) ? (decimal?)decimal.Parse(parts[4]) : null; log.StockSymbol = parts[5]; log.Filename = parts[6]; log.Timestamp = ulong.Parse(parts[7]); log.Message = parts[8]; break; case 't': // Transaction parts = line.Split(',', TransactionParts); if (parts.Length != TransactionParts) { throw new ArgumentException($"Event entry does not have {TransactionParts} parts"); } log.LogType = "transaction"; log.Username = parts[1]; log.Amount = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[2]) ? (decimal?)decimal.Parse(parts[2]) : null; log.Timestamp = ulong.Parse(parts[3]); log.Message = parts[4]; break; case 'q': // Quote parts = line.Split(',', QuoteParts); if (parts.Length != QuoteParts) { throw new ArgumentException($"Event entry does not have {QuoteParts} parts"); } log.LogType = "quote"; log.Amount = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[1]) ? (decimal?)decimal.Parse(parts[1]) : null; log.StockSymbol = parts[2]; log.Username = parts[3]; log.Timestamp = ulong.Parse(parts[4]); log.Cryptokey = parts[5]; break; case 'r': // Request for logs to frontent parts = line.Split(',', RequestParts); if (parts.Length != RequestParts) { throw new ArgumentException($"Event entry does not have {RequestParts} parts"); } var username = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[1]) ? null : parts[1]; var reference = parts[2]; // Stop the timer in case this takes a while commitTimer.Stop(); // Commit now before creating log for user Save(); addedLogs = 0; var logXml = LogXmlHelper.CreateLog(db, username); JObject response = new JObject(); response.Add("ref", reference); response.Add("status", "ok"); response.Add("data", logXml); RabbitHelper.PushResponse(response); // Restart the loop so we don't try to log this special entry continue; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown log entry type {type}"); } db.Logs.Add(log); // Restart the commit timer commitTimer.Stop(); commitTimer.Start(); if (++addedLogs > 1000) { Save(); addedLogs = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid entry: {line}. Exception: {e.Message}"); continue; } } }
public void IListAddBadToken() { AssertException.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList l = new JObject(p1, p2); l.Add(new JValue("Bad!")); }, "Can not add OpenGamingLibrary.Json.Linq.JValue to OpenGamingLibrary.Json.Linq.JObject."); }
public void Iterate() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue1", new JValue(1)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue2", new JValue(2)); JToken t = o; int i = 1; foreach (JProperty property in t) { Assert.Equal("PropertyNameValue" + i, property.Name); Assert.Equal(i, (int)property.Value); i++; } }
public void GenericCollectionContains() { JValue v = new JValue(1); var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", v); Assert.Equal(1, o.Children().Count()); bool contains = ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1))); Assert.Equal(false, contains); contains = ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue", v)); Assert.Equal(true, contains); contains = ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(2))); Assert.Equal(false, contains); contains = ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>("PropertyNameValue1", new JValue(1))); Assert.Equal(false, contains); contains = ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Contains(default(KeyValuePair<string, JToken>)); Assert.Equal(false, contains); }
public void SetGlobalVariable(string propertyName, JToken value) { _injectedObjects.Add(propertyName, value.ToString(Formatting.None)); }
private JArray GetRoles() { JArray roles = new JArray(); CollectionRoleItemController[] controllers = rolesContainer.GetComponentsInChildren <CollectionRoleItemController>(); foreach (CollectionRoleItemController controller in controllers) { string key = controller.keyInput.text; string requiredMatches = controller.requiredMatchesDropdown.options[controller.requiredMatchesDropdown.value].text; string andOr = requiredMatches == "All" ? "$and" : "$or"; JArray criteria = new JArray(); CollectionRoleCriteriaItemController[] criteriaControllers = controller.GetComponentsInChildren <CollectionRoleCriteriaItemController>(); foreach (CollectionRoleCriteriaItemController criteriaController in criteriaControllers) { JObject criterion = new JObject(); string field = criteriaController.fieldDropdown.options[criteriaController.fieldDropdown.value].text; string operatorDropdownText = criteriaController.operatorDropdown.options[criteriaController.operatorDropdown.value].text; string @operator = ""; switch (operatorDropdownText) { case "Equals": @operator = "$eq"; break; } string type = criteriaController.typeDropdown.options[criteriaController.typeDropdown.value].text; if (type == "Reference") { string reference = criteriaController.referenceDropdown.options[criteriaController.referenceDropdown.value].text; criterion.Add(field, new JObject { { @operator, new JObject { { "$ref", reference } } } }); } else { if (criteriaController.booleanValueDropdown.gameObject.activeSelf) { List <TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> options = criteriaController.booleanValueDropdown.options; bool value = options[criteriaController.booleanValueDropdown.value].text == "True"; criterion.Add(field, new JObject { { @operator, value } }); } else if (criteriaController.numberValueInput.gameObject.activeSelf) { float value = float.Parse(criteriaController.numberValueInput.text); criterion.Add(field, new JObject { { @operator, value } }); } else { string value = criteriaController.numberValueInput.text; criterion.Add(field, new JObject { { @operator, value } }); } } criteria.Add(criterion); } JObject jObject = new JObject { { "name", key }, { "query", new JObject { { andOr, criteria } } } }; roles.Add(jObject); } return(roles); }
private void AddBufferGet(JObject toAddTo, string methodName) { toAddTo.Add(JSON_PROP_BUFFER_ADD_METHOD, methodName); }
public static string ObtieneReporteVencimientosPorProveedor(int pIdProveedor, string pFechaInicial, string pFechaFinal, int pIdSucursal, string pSucursal, string pFechaIni, string pFechaF) { CConexion ConexionBaseDatos = new CConexion(); string respuesta = ConexionBaseDatos.ConectarBaseDatosSqlServer(); JObject oRespuesta = new JObject(); if (respuesta == "Conexion Establecida") { JObject Modelo = new JObject(); DateTime Fecha = DateTime.Now; CSelectEspecifico ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha = new CSelectEspecifico(); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.CommandText = "SP_Impresion_VencimientosPorFechaProveedores_Reporte"; ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Opcion", 1); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdProveedor", pIdProveedor); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdUsuario", Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["IdUsuario"])); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pFechaInicial", pFechaInicial); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pFechaFinal", pFechaFinal); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdSucursal", pIdSucursal); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.StoredProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pFechaInicialR", pFechaIni); ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Llena(ConexionBaseDatos); if (pIdSucursal != 0) { Modelo.Add("SUCURSAL", Convert.ToString(pSucursal).ToUpper()); } else { Modelo.Add("SUCURSAL", "TODAS"); } if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.Read()) { Modelo.Add("RAZONSOCIALRECEPTOR", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["RazonSocialReceptor"])); Modelo.Add("FECHA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Fecha"])); Modelo.Add("FECHAINICIAL", Convert.ToString(pFechaIni)); Modelo.Add("FECHAFINAL", Convert.ToString(pFechaF)); Modelo.Add("TIPOMONEDA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["TipoMoneda"])); Modelo.Add("ESTADOCUENTA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["EstadoCuenta"])); Modelo.Add("PROVEEDOR", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Proveedor"])); Modelo.Add("NOMBRE", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Nombre"])); } if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.NextResult()) { JArray JAMovimientosFacturasVencidas = new JArray(); while (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.Read()) { JObject JMovimientoFacturasVencidas = new JObject(); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("FECHAFACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["FechaFactura"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("FACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Factura"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("SUBTOTAL", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Subtotal"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("IVA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["IVA"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("MONTOFACTURADO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["MontoFacturado"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("SALDO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Saldo"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("VENCE", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Vence"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("DIASVENCHOY", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["DiasVencidosAHoy"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("DIASVENCIDOSFI", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["DiasVDesdeFI"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("MONEDA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["TipoMoneda"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidas.Add("REFERENCIA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Descripcion"])); JAMovimientosFacturasVencidas.Add(JMovimientoFacturasVencidas); } Modelo.Add("MovimientosFacturasVencidas", JAMovimientosFacturasVencidas); } if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.NextResult()) { JArray JAMovimientosFacturasCorriente = new JArray(); while (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.Read()) { JObject JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente = new JObject(); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("FECHAFACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["FechaFactura"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("FACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Factura"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("SUBTOTAL", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Subtotal"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("IVA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["IVA"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("MONTOFACTURADO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["MontoFacturado"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("SALDO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Saldo"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("VENCE", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Vence"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("DIASPORVENCER", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["DiasFaltanVencer"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("MONEDA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["TipoMoneda"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente.Add("REFERENCIA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Descripcion"])); JAMovimientosFacturasCorriente.Add(JMovimientoFacturasAlCorriente); } Modelo.Add("MovimientosFacturasAlCorriente", JAMovimientosFacturasCorriente); } if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.NextResult()) { JArray JAMovimientosFacturasVencidasDolares = new JArray(); while (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.Read()) { JObject JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares = new JObject(); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("FECHAFACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["FechaFactura"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("FACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Factura"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("SUBTOTAL", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Subtotal"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("IVA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["IVA"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("MONTOFACTURADO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["MontoFacturado"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("SALDO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Saldo"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("VENCE", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Vence"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("DIASVENCHOY", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["DiasVencidosAHoy"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("DIASVENCIDOSFI", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["DiasVDesdeFI"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("MONEDA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["TipoMoneda"])); JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares.Add("REFERENCIA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Descripcion"])); JAMovimientosFacturasVencidasDolares.Add(JMovimientoFacturasVencidasDolares); } Modelo.Add("MovimientosFacturasVencidasDolares", JAMovimientosFacturasVencidasDolares); } if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.NextResult()) { JArray JAMovimientosFacturasCorrienteDolares = new JArray(); while (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.Read()) { JObject JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares = new JObject(); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("FECHAFACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["FechaFactura"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("FACTURA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Factura"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("SUBTOTAL", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Subtotal"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("IVA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["IVA"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("MONTOFACTURADO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["MontoFacturado"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("SALDO", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Saldo"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("VENCE", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Vence"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("DIASPORVENCER", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["DiasFaltanVencer"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("MONEDA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["TipoMoneda"])); JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares.Add("REFERENCIA", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["Descripcion"])); JAMovimientosFacturasCorrienteDolares.Add(JMovimientoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares); } Modelo.Add("MovimientosFacturasAlCorrienteDolares", JAMovimientosFacturasCorrienteDolares); } if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.NextResult()) { if (ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros.Read()) { Modelo.Add("VENCIDASENPESOS", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["SaldoFacturasVencidasPesos"])); Modelo.Add("PORVENCERENPESOS", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["SaldoFacturasAlCorrientePesos"])); Modelo.Add("VENCIDASENDOLARES", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["SaldoFacturasVencidasDolares"])); Modelo.Add("PORVENCERENDOLARES", Convert.ToString(ConsultaReporteProveedorDeVencimientosPorFecha.Registros["SaldoFacturasAlCorrienteDolares"])); } } oRespuesta.Add(new JProperty("Error", 0)); oRespuesta.Add(new JProperty("Modelo", Modelo)); } else { oRespuesta.Add(new JProperty("Error", 1)); oRespuesta.Add(new JProperty("Descripcion", "No hay conexion a base de datos")); } ConexionBaseDatos.CerrarBaseDatosSqlServer(); return(oRespuesta.ToString()); }
private async Task <bool> InvokeCryptographyEndpointAsync() { // Metadata requests must be made via GET. // See if (!string.Equals(Request.Method, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Logger.LogError("The discovery request was rejected because an invalid " + "HTTP method was used: {Method}.", Request.Method); return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse { Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, ErrorDescription = "Invalid HTTP method: make sure to use GET." })); } var request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(Request.Query); // Note: set the message type before invoking the ExtractCryptographyRequest event. request.SetProperty(OpenIdConnectConstants.Properties.MessageType, OpenIdConnectConstants.MessageTypes.CryptographyRequest); // Store the discovery request in the OWIN context. Context.SetOpenIdConnectRequest(request); var @event = new ExtractCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request); await Options.Provider.ExtractCryptographyRequest(@event); if (@event.HandledResponse) { Logger.LogDebug("The discovery request was handled in user code."); return(true); } else if (@event.Skipped) { Logger.LogDebug("The default discovery request handling was skipped from user code."); return(false); } else if (@event.IsRejected) { Logger.LogError("The discovery request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}", /* Error: */ @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, /* Description: */ @event.ErrorDescription); return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse { Error = @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, ErrorDescription = @event.ErrorDescription, ErrorUri = @event.ErrorUri })); } Logger.LogInformation("The discovery request was successfully extracted " + "from the HTTP request: {Request}", request); var context = new ValidateCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request); await Options.Provider.ValidateCryptographyRequest(context); if (context.HandledResponse) { Logger.LogDebug("The discovery request was handled in user code."); return(true); } else if (context.Skipped) { Logger.LogDebug("The default discovery request handling was skipped from user code."); return(false); } else if (!context.IsValidated) { Logger.LogError("The discovery request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}", /* Error: */ context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, /* Description: */ context.ErrorDescription); return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse { Error = context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, ErrorDescription = context.ErrorDescription, ErrorUri = context.ErrorUri })); } var notification = new HandleCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request); foreach (var credentials in Options.SigningCredentials) { // If the signing key is not an asymmetric key, ignore it. if (!(credentials.SigningKey is AsymmetricSecurityKey)) { continue; } if (!credentials.SigningKey.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256Signature)) { Logger.LogInformation("An unsupported signing key was ignored and excluded from the " + "key set: {Type}. Only RSA asymmetric security keys can be exposed " + "via the JWKS endpoint.", credentials.SigningKey.GetType().Name); continue; } // Try to extract a key identifier from the credentials. LocalIdKeyIdentifierClause identifier = null; credentials.SigningKeyIdentifier?.TryFind(out identifier); // Resolve the underlying algorithm from the security key. var algorithm = ((AsymmetricSecurityKey)credentials.SigningKey) .GetAsymmetricAlgorithm( algorithm: SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256Signature, privateKey: false) as RSA; // Skip the key if an algorithm instance cannot be extracted. if (algorithm == null) { Logger.LogWarning("A signing key was ignored because it was unable " + "to provide the requested algorithm instance."); continue; } // Export the RSA public key to create a new JSON Web Key // exposing the exponent and the modulus parameters. var parameters = algorithm.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters: false); Debug.Assert(parameters.Exponent != null && parameters.Modulus != null, "RSA.ExportParameters() shouldn't return null parameters."); var key = new JsonWebKey { Use = JsonWebKeyUseNames.Sig, Kty = JsonWebAlgorithmsKeyTypes.RSA, // Resolve the JWA identifier from the algorithm specified in the credentials. Alg = OpenIdConnectServerHelpers.GetJwtAlgorithm(credentials.SignatureAlgorithm), // Use the key identifier specified // in the signing credentials. Kid = identifier?.LocalId, // Note: both E and N must be base64url-encoded. // See E = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Exponent), N = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Modulus) }; X509Certificate2 certificate = null; // Determine whether the signing credentials are directly based on a X.509 certificate. var x509SigningCredentials = credentials as X509SigningCredentials; if (x509SigningCredentials != null) { certificate = x509SigningCredentials.Certificate; } // Skip looking for a X509SecurityKey in SigningCredentials.SigningKey // if a certificate has been found in the SigningCredentials instance. if (certificate == null) { // Determine whether the security key is an asymmetric key embedded in a X.509 certificate. var x509SecurityKey = credentials.SigningKey as X509SecurityKey; if (x509SecurityKey != null) { certificate = x509SecurityKey.Certificate; } } // Skip looking for a X509AsymmetricSecurityKey in SigningCredentials.SigningKey // if a certificate has been found in SigningCredentials or SigningCredentials.SigningKey. if (certificate == null) { // Determine whether the security key is an asymmetric key embedded in a X.509 certificate. var x509AsymmetricSecurityKey = credentials.SigningKey as X509AsymmetricSecurityKey; if (x509AsymmetricSecurityKey != null) { // The X.509 certificate is not directly accessible when using X509AsymmetricSecurityKey. // Reflection is the only way to get the certificate used to create the security key. var field = typeof(X509AsymmetricSecurityKey).GetField( name: "certificate", bindingAttr: BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); Debug.Assert(field != null); certificate = (X509Certificate2)field.GetValue(x509AsymmetricSecurityKey); } } // If the signing key is embedded in a X.509 certificate, set // the x5t and x5c parameters using the certificate details. if (certificate != null) { // x5t must be base64url-encoded. // See key.X5t = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(certificate.GetCertHash()); // Unlike E or N, the certificates contained in x5c // must be base64-encoded and not base64url-encoded. // See key.X5c.Add(Convert.ToBase64String(certificate.RawData)); } notification.Keys.Add(key); } await Options.Provider.HandleCryptographyRequest(notification); if (notification.HandledResponse) { Logger.LogDebug("The discovery request was handled in user code."); return(true); } else if (notification.Skipped) { Logger.LogDebug("The default discovery request handling was skipped from user code."); return(false); } else if (notification.IsRejected) { Logger.LogError("The discovery request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}", /* Error: */ notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, /* Description: */ notification.ErrorDescription); return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse { Error = notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest, ErrorDescription = notification.ErrorDescription, ErrorUri = notification.ErrorUri })); } var keys = new JArray(); foreach (var key in notification.Keys) { var item = new JObject(); // Ensure a key type has been provided. // See if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.Kty)) { Logger.LogError("A JSON Web Key was excluded from the key set because " + "it didn't contain the mandatory 'kid' parameter."); continue; } // Create a dictionary associating the // JsonWebKey components with their values. var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Kid] = key.Kid, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Use] = key.Use, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Kty] = key.Kty, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.KeyOps] = key.KeyOps, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Alg] = key.Alg, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.E] = key.E, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.N] = key.N, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5t] = key.X5t, [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5u] = key.X5u }; foreach (var parameter in parameters) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Value)) { item.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value); } } if (key.X5c.Count != 0) { item.Add(JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5c, new JArray(key.X5c)); } keys.Add(item); } return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse { [OpenIdConnectConstants.Parameters.Keys] = keys })); }
public JObject ParseProperties(string modelName, CompositeValueProvider valueProvider, JObject model) { IDictionary <string, string> properties = valueProvider.GetKeysFromPrefix(modelName); _logger.LogDebug("DynamicModelBinder property count is " + properties.Count() + " for " + modelName); List <string> subModelNames = new List <string>(); List <string> arrModelNames = new List <string>(); foreach (var property in properties) { var subProperties = valueProvider.GetKeysFromPrefix(property.Value); var key = property.Value; var propName = property.Key; if (subProperties.Count == 0) { if (!propName.Contains("RequestVerification")) { if (!model.ContainsKey(propName)) { model.Add(propName, GetValue(valueProvider, key)); } else { model[propName] = GetValue(valueProvider, key); } } } else if (subProperties.Any(sp => sp.Value.Contains("["))) { if (!arrModelNames.Contains(propName)) { arrModelNames.Add(propName); } } else { if (!subModelNames.Contains(propName)) { subModelNames.Add(propName); } } } foreach (var subModelName in subModelNames) { var key = properties[subModelName]; JObject val = ParseProperties(key, valueProvider, model.ContainsKey(subModelName) ? (JObject)model[subModelName] : new JObject()); if (!model.ContainsKey(subModelName)) { model.Add(subModelName, val); } else { model[subModelName] = val; } } foreach (var arrModelName in arrModelNames) { var key = properties[arrModelName]; var arrKeys = valueProvider.GetKeysFromPrefix(key); var isComplexArray = false; foreach (var arrKey in arrKeys) { var subProperties = valueProvider.GetKeysFromPrefix(arrKey.Value); if (subProperties.Count > 0) { isComplexArray = true; } } JToken arrResult = null; List <object> vals = new List <object>(); vals.Cast <Object>().ToList(); if (isComplexArray) { foreach (var arrKey in arrKeys) { var arrItemKey = arrKey.Value; var subProperties = valueProvider.GetKeysFromPrefix(arrItemKey); if (subProperties.Count > 0) { object val = ParseProperties(arrItemKey, valueProvider, new JObject()); vals.Add(val); } } arrResult = new JArray(vals); } else { foreach (var arrKey in arrKeys) { var arrItemKey = arrKey.Value; vals.Add(GetValue(valueProvider, arrItemKey)); } arrResult = new JArray(vals); bool castToType = true; Type itemType = vals[0].GetType(); foreach (var item in vals) { if (item.GetType() != itemType) { castToType = false; break; } } if (castToType) { var ienumerable = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast").MakeGenericMethod(itemType).Invoke(null, new object[] { vals }); arrResult = new JArray(typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList").MakeGenericMethod(itemType).Invoke(null, new object[] { ienumerable })); } } if (!model.ContainsKey(arrModelName)) { model.Add(arrModelName, arrResult); } else { model[arrModelName] = arrResult; } } return(model); }
public async Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { if (bindingContext == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bindingContext)); } var modelName = bindingContext.ModelName; var valueProvider = await CompositeValueProvider.CreateAsync(bindingContext.ActionContext, new CopyOnWriteList <IValueProviderFactory>(_valueProviderFactories)); JObject model = bindingContext.Model != null ? (JObject)bindingContext.Model : new JObject(); //Form/Route/Query if (bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource == null || bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource.CanAcceptDataFrom(BindingSource.Form) || bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource.CanAcceptDataFrom(BindingSource.Query) || bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource.CanAcceptDataFrom(BindingSource.Path)) { model = ParseProperties(modelName, valueProvider, model); } //Route if (bindingContext.IsTopLevelObject) { if (bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource == null || bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource.CanAcceptDataFrom(BindingSource.Path)) { foreach (var kvp in bindingContext.ActionContext.RouteData.Values) { if (kvp.Key != "area" && kvp.Key != "controller" && kvp.Key != "action" && !model.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { var stringValue = kvp.Value as string ?? Convert.ToString(kvp.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? string.Empty; if (!model.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { model.Add(kvp.Key, GetValue(stringValue)); } else if (bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) && !bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Form.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { model[kvp.Key] = GetValue(stringValue); } } } } } //Query if (bindingContext.IsTopLevelObject) { if (bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource == null || bindingContext.ModelMetadata.BindingSource.CanAcceptDataFrom(BindingSource.Query)) { foreach (var kvp in bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Query) { if (!model.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { model.Add(kvp.Key, GetValue(kvp.Value)); } else if (!bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Form.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) && !bindingContext.ActionContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { model[kvp.Key] = GetValue(kvp.Value); } } } } bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(model); }
public void DuplicatePropertyNameShouldThrow() { AssertException.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", null); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", null); }, "Can not add property PropertyNameValue to OpenGamingLibrary.Json.Linq.JObject. Property with the same name already exists on object."); }
public void EmptyObjectDeepEquals() { Assert.True(JToken.DeepEquals(new JObject(), new JObject())); JObject a = new JObject(); JObject b = new JObject(); b.Add("hi", "bye"); b.Remove("hi"); Assert.True(JToken.DeepEquals(a, b)); Assert.True(JToken.DeepEquals(b, a)); }
private static void AddHost(JObject swagger, string swaggerHost) { swagger.Add(SwaggerProperties.Host, swaggerHost); }
public void GenericCollectionCopyTo() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue2", new JValue(2)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue3", new JValue(3)); Assert.Equal(3, o.Children().Count()); KeyValuePair<string, JToken>[] a = new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>[5]; ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).CopyTo(a, 1); Assert.Equal(default(KeyValuePair<string, JToken>), a[0]); Assert.Equal("PropertyNameValue", a[1].Key); Assert.Equal(1, (int)a[1].Value); Assert.Equal("PropertyNameValue2", a[2].Key); Assert.Equal(2, (int)a[2].Value); Assert.Equal("PropertyNameValue3", a[3].Key); Assert.Equal(3, (int)a[3].Value); Assert.Equal(default(KeyValuePair<string, JToken>), a[4]); }
//数据库操作成功 private void OperatorSuccess(List <PVPGameRoom> pvpGameRooms, JObject responseData) { responseData.Add(MyCommon.CODE, (int)Consts.Code.Code_OK); responseData.Add("room_list", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pvpGameRooms)); }
private static void OnMessage(string message) { message = HasData(message); if (message == null) { _socket.Send("42[\"manual\",{}]"); return; } Message msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Message>(message); double brake_speed = 0; bool car_in_front = false; for (int i = 0; i < msg.sensor_fusion.Length; i++) { double[] car_data = msg.sensor_fusion[i]; double vx = car_data[3]; double vy = car_data[4]; double s = car_data[5]; double d = car_data[6]; if (d > lane * LANE_WIDTH && d < (lane + 1) * LANE_WIDTH) { double distance = s - msg.s; double distance_threshold = msg.speed / 1.2; if (s > msg.s && distance < distance_threshold) { double distance_violation = distance_threshold - distance; double car_vel_mph = Math.Sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy) * MS_TO_MPH; double speed_diff = desired_velocity_mph - car_vel_mph; brake_speed = speed_diff * BRAKE_SPEED_FACTOR + distance_violation * BRAKE_DIST_FACTOR; car_in_front = true; break; } } } if (car_in_front) { brake_speed = brake_speed > MAX_SPEED_DIFF ? MAX_SPEED_DIFF : brake_speed; desired_velocity_mph -= brake_speed; } // Don't use msg.speed, it lags behind and will cause desired velocity to get too high else if (desired_velocity_mph < TARGET_VELOCITY_MPH) { desired_velocity_mph += MAX_SPEED_DIFF; } if (current_action == null) { LaneChangeInfo info_left = CheckCarsOnAdjacentLane(-1, msg.s, msg.sensor_fusion); LaneChangeInfo info_right = CheckCarsOnAdjacentLane(1, msg.s, msg.sensor_fusion); List <PathPlannerAction> actions = new List <PathPlannerAction>(); double straight_cost = Math.Abs(TARGET_VELOCITY_MPH - desired_velocity_mph) * SPEED_COST + Math.Abs(lane - DESIRED_LANE) * LANE_COST; actions.Add(new PathPlannerAction(0, straight_cost)); // TODO: Use timer int time_since_last_last_change = Environment.TickCount - last_lane_change; if (time_since_last_last_change > TIME_UNTIL_NEXT_LANE_CHANGE_MS && (lane != DESIRED_LANE || car_in_front)) { if (info_left != null) { double lane_change_left_cost = Math.Abs((lane - 1) - DESIRED_LANE) * LANE_COST + info_left.AdjacentCarDeltaSpeed * SPEED_COST; actions.Add(new PathPlannerAction(-1, lane_change_left_cost)); } if (info_right != null) { double lane_change_right_cost = Math.Abs((lane + 1) - DESIRED_LANE) * LANE_COST + info_right.AdjacentCarDeltaSpeed * SPEED_COST; actions.Add(new PathPlannerAction(1, lane_change_right_cost)); } } // Round the costs to filter out jitters. If values are the same, straight will be preferred // as this action is the first one in the list PathPlannerAction desired_action = actions.OrderBy(a => Math.Round(a.Cost)).First(); lane += desired_action.LaneShift; if (desired_action.LaneShift != 0) { current_action = desired_action; } } else { if (msg.d > lane * LANE_WIDTH && msg.d < (lane + 1) * LANE_WIDTH) { current_action = null; last_lane_change = Environment.TickCount; } } double desired_velocity_ms = desired_velocity_mph * MPH_TO_MS; double smooth_step = desired_velocity_ms * TIME_TO_REACH_POINT; double[] rough_x = new double[NUMBER_OF_ROUGH_POINTS]; double[] rough_y = new double[NUMBER_OF_ROUGH_POINTS]; int prev_size = msg.previous_path_x.Length; double ref_x = msg.x; double ref_y = msg.y; double ref_yaw = deg2rad(msg.yaw); if (prev_size < 2) { double prev_car_x = msg.x - Math.Cos(msg.yaw); double prev_car_y = msg.y - Math.Sin(msg.yaw); rough_x[0] = prev_car_x; rough_x[1] = msg.x; rough_y[0] = prev_car_y; rough_y[1] = msg.y; } else { ref_x = msg.previous_path_x[prev_size - 1]; ref_y = msg.previous_path_y[prev_size - 1]; double ref_x_prev = msg.previous_path_x[prev_size - 2]; double ref_y_prev = msg.previous_path_y[prev_size - 2]; ref_yaw = Math.Atan2(ref_y - ref_y_prev, ref_x - ref_x_prev); rough_x[0] = ref_x_prev; rough_x[1] = ref_x; rough_y[0] = ref_y_prev; rough_y[1] = ref_y; } for (int i = 2; i < NUMBER_OF_ROUGH_POINTS; i++) { double next_s = msg.s + (i - 1) * ROUGH_STEP_SIZE * (current_action == null ? 1.0 : LANE_CHANGE_ROUGH_STEP_SIZE_FACTOR); double next_d = GetCenterOfLane(lane); double[] xy = getXY(next_s, next_d); rough_x[i] = xy[0]; rough_y[i] = xy[1]; } double yaw_sin = Math.Sin(-ref_yaw); double yaw_cos = Math.Cos(-ref_yaw); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ROUGH_POINTS; i++) { double shift_x = rough_x[i] - ref_x; double shift_y = rough_y[i] - ref_y; rough_x[i] = shift_x * yaw_cos - shift_y * yaw_sin; rough_y[i] = shift_x * yaw_sin + shift_y * yaw_cos; } CubicSpline spline = new CubicSpline(rough_x, rough_y); double[] next_x_vals = new double[NUMBER_OF_PATH_POINTS]; double[] next_y_vals = new double[NUMBER_OF_PATH_POINTS]; for (int i = 0; i < prev_size; i++) { next_x_vals[i] = msg.previous_path_x[i]; next_y_vals[i] = msg.previous_path_y[i]; } yaw_sin = Math.Sin(ref_yaw); yaw_cos = Math.Cos(ref_yaw); for (int i = 0; i < next_x_vals.Length - prev_size; i++) { double x_point = (i + 1) * smooth_step; double y_point = spline.Eval(new double[] { x_point })[0]; double x_ref = x_point; x_point = x_ref * yaw_cos - y_point * yaw_sin; y_point = x_ref * yaw_sin + y_point * yaw_cos; x_point += ref_x; y_point += ref_y; next_x_vals[prev_size + i] = x_point; next_y_vals[prev_size + i] = y_point; } JObject answer = new JObject(); answer.Add("next_x", JToken.FromObject(next_x_vals)); answer.Add("next_y", JToken.FromObject(next_y_vals)); string answer_str = "42[\"control\"," + answer.ToString() + "]"; _socket.Send(answer_str); }
//数据库操作失败 private void OperatorFail(JObject responseData) { responseData.Add(MyCommon.CODE, (int)Consts.Code.Code_CommonFail); }
public void IListAddPropertyWithExistingName() { AssertException.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList l = new JObject(p1, p2); JProperty p3 = new JProperty("Test2", "II"); l.Add(p3); }, "Can not add property Test2 to OpenGamingLibrary.Json.Linq.JObject. Property with the same name already exists on object."); }
private void Connect() { try { connection.On <string, string>("returnPS", (s1, s2) => { TimeSpan timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0); //default timeout = 5min DateTime dStart = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan dDuration = DateTime.Now - dStart; using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create()) { Trace.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t run PS... " + s1); try { PowerShellInstance.AddScript(s1); PSDataCollection <PSObject> outputCollection = new PSDataCollection <PSObject>(); outputCollection.DataAdding += ConsoleOutput; PowerShellInstance.Streams.Error.DataAdding += ConsoleError; IAsyncResult async = PowerShellInstance.BeginInvoke <PSObject, PSObject>(null, outputCollection); while (async.IsCompleted == false || dDuration > timeout) { Thread.Sleep(200); dDuration = DateTime.Now - dStart; if (tReInit.Interval > 5000) { tReInit.Interval = 5000; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error: {0}", ex.Message); } } Program.MinimizeFootprint(); }); //New connection.On <string, string>("returnPSAsync", (s1, s2) => { Trace.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t run PS async... " + s1); var tSWScan = Task.Run(() => { using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create()) { try { PowerShellInstance.AddScript(s1); var PSResult = PowerShellInstance.Invoke(); if (PSResult.Count() > 0) { string sResult = PSResult.Last().BaseObject.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sResult)) //Do not return empty results { if (sResult != sScriptResult) { sScriptResult = sResult; Random rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(200, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max Xs to ReInit } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error: {0}", ex.Message); } } Program.MinimizeFootprint(); }); }); connection.On <string>("init", (s1) => { try { Trace.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t Agent init... "); connection.SendAsync("Init", Hostname).ContinueWith(task1 => { }); Trace.WriteLine(" done."); } catch { } try { foreach (string sGroup in Properties.Settings.Default.Groups.Split(';')) { connection.SendAsync("JoinGroup", sGroup).ContinueWith(task1 => { }); } Program.MinimizeFootprint(); } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("reinit", (s1) => { try { //Properties.Settings.Default.InventorySuccess = new DateTime(); //Properties.Settings.Default.HealthCheckSuccess = new DateTime(); //Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Random rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(200, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("status", (s1) => { try { Trace.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t send status..."); string sResult = "{}"; using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create()) { try { PowerShellInstance.AddScript(Properties.Settings.Default.PSStatus); var PSResult = PowerShellInstance.Invoke(); if (PSResult.Count() > 0) { sResult = PSResult.Last().BaseObject.ToString(); sResult = sResult.Replace(Environment.MachineName, Hostname); JObject jRes = JObject.Parse(sResult); jRes.Add("ScriptResult", sScriptResult); jRes.Add("Groups", Properties.Settings.Default.Groups); sResult = jRes.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" There was an error: {0}", ex.Message); } } //connection.InvokeAsync("Status", new object[] { Hostname, sResult }).ContinueWith(task1 => //{ //}); connection.InvokeAsync("Status", Hostname, sResult).Wait(1000); Trace.WriteLine(" done."); Program.MinimizeFootprint(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " ERROR: " + ex.Message); } }); connection.On <string>("version", (s1) => { try { Trace.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t Get Version... "); //Get File-Version sScriptResult = (FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)).FileVersion.ToString(); Trace.WriteLine(sScriptResult); Random rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(200, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " ERROR: " + ex.Message); } }); connection.On <string>("wol", (s1) => { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1)) { foreach (string sMAC in s1.Split(';')) { try { WOL.WakeUp(sMAC); //Send Broadcast //Send to local Gateway foreach (NetworkInterface f in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { if (f.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { foreach (GatewayIPAddressInformation d in f.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses) { //Only use IPv4 if (d.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { WOL.WakeUp(d.Address, 9, sMAC); } } } } } catch { } } } } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("setinstance", (s1) => { Trace.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t Set instance: " + s1); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1)) { string sConfig = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(sConfig); doc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/applicationSettings/DevCDRAgent.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='Instance']/value").InnerText = s1; doc.Save(sConfig); RestartService(); //Update Advanced Installer Persistent Properties RegistryKey myKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Zander Tools\\{54F5CC06-300A-4DD4-94D9-0E18B2BE8DF1}", true); if (myKey != null) { myKey.SetValue("INSTANCE", s1.Trim(), RegistryValueKind.String); myKey.Close(); } } } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("setendpoint", (s1) => { Trace.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t Set Endpoint: " + s1); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1)) { if (s1.StartsWith("https://")) { string sConfig = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(sConfig); doc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/applicationSettings/DevCDRAgent.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='Endpoint']/value").InnerText = s1; doc.Save(sConfig); RestartService(); //Update Advanced Installer Persistent Properties RegistryKey myKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Zander Tools\\{54F5CC06-300A-4DD4-94D9-0E18B2BE8DF1}", true); if (myKey != null) { myKey.SetValue("ENDPOINT", s1.Trim(), RegistryValueKind.String); myKey.Close(); } } } } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("setgroups", (s1) => { Trace.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t Set Groups: " + s1); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1)) { string sConfig = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(sConfig); doc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/applicationSettings/DevCDRAgent.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='Groups']/value").InnerText = s1; doc.Save(sConfig); RestartService(); //Update Advanced Installer Persistent Properties RegistryKey myKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Zander Tools\\{54F5CC06-300A-4DD4-94D9-0E18B2BE8DF1}", true); if (myKey != null) { myKey.SetValue("GROUPS", s1.Trim(), RegistryValueKind.String); myKey.Close(); } } } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("getgroups", (s1) => { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1)) { sScriptResult = Properties.Settings.Default.Groups; Random rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(200, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit } } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("restartservice", (s1) => { try { RestartService(); sScriptResult = "restart Agent..."; } catch { } }); connection.On <string>("rzinstall", (s1) => { RZInst(s1); }); connection.On <string>("rzupdate", (s1) => { var tSWScan = Task.Run(() => { try { sScriptResult = "Detecting RZ updates..."; Random rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(200, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit RZUpdater oUpdate = new RZUpdater(); RZScan oScan = new RZScan(false, false); oScan.GetSWRepository().Wait(30000); oScan.SWScan().Wait(30000); oScan.CheckUpdates(null).Wait(30000); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1)) { sScriptResult = oScan.NewSoftwareVersions.Count.ToString() + " RZ updates found"; rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(200, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit } List <string> lSW = new List <string>(); foreach (var oSW in oScan.NewSoftwareVersions) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1) || s1 == "HUB") { RZInst(oSW.Shortname); } else { var SWList = s1.Split(';'); if (SWList.Contains(oSW.Shortname)) { RZInst(oSW.Shortname); } } } } catch { } }); }); connection.On <string>("rzscan", (s1) => { var tSWScan = Task.Run(() => { try { sScriptResult = "Detecting updates..."; Random rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(2000, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit RZUpdater oUpdate = new RZUpdater(); RZScan oScan = new RZScan(false, false); oScan.GetSWRepository().Wait(30000); oScan.SWScan().Wait(30000); oScan.CheckUpdates(null).Wait(30000); List <string> lSW = new List <string>(); foreach (var SW in oScan.NewSoftwareVersions) { lSW.Add(SW.Shortname + " " + SW.ProductVersion + " (old:" + SW.MSIProductID + ")"); } sScriptResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lSW); rnd = new Random(); tReInit.Interval = rnd.Next(2000, Properties.Settings.Default.StatusDelay); //wait max 5s to ReInit } catch { } }); }); connection.On <string>("inject", (s1) => { var tSWScan = Task.Run(() => { try { sScriptResult = "Inject external code..."; try { ManagedInjection.Inject(s1); sScriptResult = "External code executed."; } catch (Exception ex) { sScriptResult = "Injection error:" + ex.Message; } } catch { } }); }); connection.On <string, string>("userprocess", (cmd, arg) => { var tSWScan = Task.Run(() => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd)) { cmd = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; arg = Environment.MachineName + ":" + "%USERNAME%"; } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) { ProcessExtensions.StartProcessAsCurrentUser(cmd, null, null, false); } else { ProcessExtensions.StartProcessAsCurrentUser(null, cmd + " " + arg, null, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }); }); //connection.InvokeCoreAsync("Init", new object[] { Hostname }).Wait(); connection.InvokeAsync("Init", Hostname).ContinueWith(task1 => { try { if (task1.IsFaulted) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error calling send: {0}", task1.Exception.GetBaseException()); } else { try { foreach (string sGroup in Properties.Settings.Default.Groups.Split(';')) { connection.InvokeAsync("JoinGroup", sGroup).ContinueWith(task2 => { }); } Program.MinimizeFootprint(); } catch { } } } catch { } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public void IListAddPropertyWithExistingName() { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList l = new JObject(p1, p2); JProperty p3 = new JProperty("Test2", "II"); l.Add(p3); }
public void GenericListJTokenAdd() { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList<JToken> l = new JObject(p1, p2); JProperty p3 = new JProperty("Test3", "III"); l.Add(p3); Assert.AreEqual(3, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual(p3, l[2]); }
public ActionResult Export(string feedBillNum, string assemblyPartCode, string subAssemblyPartCode, string printStaus, string confirmStatus, DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate) { string query = " 1=1 "; if (printStaus == "已打印") { query += " && PrintDate>=(\"" + beginDate + "\")&& PrintDate<=(\"" + endDate + "\")"; } //query += " && FeedBillNum.Contains(\"" + feedBillNum + "\")&&WMS_Part.PartCode.Contains(\"" + assemblyPartCode + "\")"; query += " && FeedBillNum.Contains(\"" + feedBillNum + "\")"; query += " && WMS_Part.PartCode.Contains(\"" + subAssemblyPartCode + "\")&& PrintStaus.Contains(\"" + printStaus + "\")&& ConfirmStatus.Contains(\"" + confirmStatus + "\")"; List <WMS_Feed_ListModel> list = m_BLL.GetListByWhere(ref setNoPagerAscById, query); JArray jObjects = new JArray(); foreach (var item in list) { var jo = new JObject(); //jo.Add("Id", item.Id); jo.Add("投料单号(业务)", item.FeedBillNum); //jo.Add("投料单号(系统)", item.ReleaseBillNum); jo.Add("投料物料", item.SubAssemblyPartCode); jo.Add("投料物料名称", item.SubAssemblyPartName); jo.Add("投料数量", item.FeedQty); jo.Add("箱数", item.BoxQty); jo.Add("体积", item.Capacity); jo.Add("批次号", item.Lot); jo.Add("备注", item.Remark); jo.Add("打印状态", item.PrintStaus); jo.Add("打印时间", item.PrintDate); //jo.Add("打印人", item.PrintMan); jo.Add("确认状态", item.ConfirmStatus); //jo.Add("确认人", item.ConfirmMan); jo.Add("确认时间", item.ConfirmDate); jo.Add("确认信息", item.ConfirmMessage); //jo.Add("投料部门", item.Department); //jo.Add("总成物料", item.AssemblyPartId); //jo.Add("库房", item.InvId); //jo.Add("Attr1", item.Attr1); //jo.Add("Attr2", item.Attr2); //jo.Add("Attr3", item.Attr3); //jo.Add("Attr4", item.Attr4); //jo.Add("Attr5", item.Attr5); //jo.Add("创建人", item.CreatePerson); //jo.Add("创建时间", item.CreateTime); //jo.Add("修改人", item.ModifyPerson); //jo.Add("修改时间", item.ModifyTime); jObjects.Add(jo); } var dt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataTable>(jObjects.ToString()); var exportFileName = string.Concat( RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() + "_", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), ".xlsx"); return(new ExportExcelResult { SheetName = "Sheet1", FileName = exportFileName, ExportData = dt }); }
public static async Task SendGcm(string[] lines, Action <int, ErrorResult> onProgress, string authKey) { var jGcmData = new JObject(); var jData = new JObject(); int i = 0; jData.Add("label", "nakup: " + DateTime.Now); foreach (string line in lines) { jData.Add("line" + i++, line); } jGcmData.Add("to", "/topics/shopList_" + StoreFactory.HalProxy.UserName); //jGcmData.Add("to", "/topics/global"); jGcmData.Add("data", jData); var url = new Uri(""); ErrorResult res = new ErrorResult(); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation( "Authorization", "key=" + authKey); await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { onProgress(0, new ErrorResult()); var task = client.PostAsync(url, new StringContent(jGcmData.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")) .ContinueWith(response => { if (response.IsCompleted && response.Result.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { onProgress(100, new ErrorResult((int)ErrorCodes.CommError, response.Result.ToString())); } else { onProgress(100, new ErrorResult((int)ErrorCodes.OK, "OK")); } }); int k = 0; for (k = 0; k < 100 && !task.Wait(100); k++) { onProgress(k, new ErrorResult((int)ErrorCodes.OK, "Continue")); } if (k >= 100) { onProgress(100, new ErrorResult((int)ErrorCodes.CommError, "Timeout")); } } catch (Exception ex) { onProgress(100, new ErrorResult(ex.HResult, "Unable to send GCM message: " + ex.Message)); } }); } }
public void IListAddBadValue() { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList l = new JObject(p1, p2); l.Add("Bad!"); }
public ActionResult ExportTemplate() { JArray jObjects = new JArray(); var jo = new JObject(); //jo.Add("Id", ""); jo.Add("投料单号(业务)(必输)", ""); //jo.Add("投料单号(系统)", ""); jo.Add("投料部门", ""); jo.Add("总成物料", ""); jo.Add("投料物料(必输)", ""); jo.Add("投料数量(必输)", ""); jo.Add("箱数", ""); jo.Add("体积", ""); jo.Add("库房", ""); jo.Add("批次号(格式:YYYY-MM-DD)", ""); //jo.Add("子库存", ""); jo.Add("备注", ""); //jo.Add("打印状态", ""); //jo.Add("打印时间", ""); //jo.Add("打印人", ""); //jo.Add("确认状态", ""); //jo.Add("确认人", ""); //jo.Add("确认时间", ""); //jo.Add("Attr1", ""); //jo.Add("Attr2", ""); //jo.Add("Attr3", ""); //jo.Add("Attr4", ""); //jo.Add("Attr5", ""); //jo.Add("创建人", ""); //jo.Add("创建时间", ""); //jo.Add("修改人", ""); //jo.Add("修改时间", ""); jo.Add("导入的错误信息", ""); jObjects.Add(jo); var dt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataTable>(jObjects.ToString()); var exportFileName = string.Concat("投料单导入模板", ".xlsx"); return(new ExportExcelResult { SheetName = "Sheet1", FileName = exportFileName, ExportData = dt }); }
public void DuplicatePropertyNameShouldThrow() { JObject o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", null); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", null); }
private static ZumoTest CreatePushTest(string wnsMethod, string nhNotificationType, JToken payload, XElement expectedResult, bool templatePush = false) { string testName = "Test for " + wnsMethod + ": "; string payloadString = payload.ToString(Formatting.None); testName += payloadString.Length < 15 ? payloadString : (payloadString.Substring(0, 15) + "..."); return(new ZumoTest(testName, async delegate(ZumoTest test) { test.AddLog("Test for method {0}, with payload {1}", wnsMethod, payload); var client = ZumoTestGlobals.Instance.Client; var table = client.GetTable(ZumoTestGlobals.PushTestTableName); // Workaround for multiple registration bug ZumoPushTests.pushesReceived.Clear(); PushWatcher watcher = new PushWatcher(); var item = new JObject(); item.Add("method", wnsMethod); item.Add("channelUri", pushChannelUri); item.Add("payload", payload); item.Add("xmlPayload", expectedResult.ToString()); item.Add("templateNotification", ZumoPushTestGlobals.TemplateNotification); if (ZumoTestGlobals.Instance.IsNHPushEnabled) { item.Add("usingNH", true); item.Add("nhNotificationType", nhNotificationType); } var pushResult = await table.InsertAsync(item); test.AddLog("Push result: {0}", pushResult); var notificationResult = await watcher.WaitForPush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if (notificationResult == null) { test.AddLog("Error, push not received on the timeout allowed"); return false; } else { test.AddLog("Push notification received:"); XElement receivedPushInfo = null; switch (notificationResult.NotificationType) { case PushNotificationType.Raw: if (nhNotificationType == "template") { receivedPushInfo = XElement.Parse(notificationResult.RawNotification.Content); } else { receivedPushInfo = new XElement("raw", new XText(notificationResult.RawNotification.Content)); } break; case PushNotificationType.Toast: receivedPushInfo = XElement.Parse(notificationResult.ToastNotification.Content.GetXml()); break; case PushNotificationType.Badge: receivedPushInfo = XElement.Parse(notificationResult.BadgeNotification.Content.GetXml()); break; case PushNotificationType.Tile: receivedPushInfo = XElement.Parse(notificationResult.TileNotification.Content.GetXml()); break; } test.AddLog(" {0}: {1}", notificationResult.NotificationType, receivedPushInfo); bool passed; if (expectedResult.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting) == receivedPushInfo.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)) { test.AddLog("Received notification is the expected one."); passed = true; } else { test.AddLog("Received notification is not the expected one. Expected:"); test.AddLog(expectedResult.ToString()); test.AddLog("Actual:"); test.AddLog(receivedPushInfo.ToString()); passed = false; } await Task.Delay(5000); // leave some time between pushes return passed; } }, templatePush ? ZumoTestGlobals.RuntimeFeatureNames.NH_PUSH_ENABLED : ZumoTestGlobals.RuntimeFeatureNames.STRING_ID_TABLES)); }
public void GenericListJTokenAddBadToken() { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList<JToken> l = new JObject(p1, p2); l.Add(new JValue("Bad!")); }
public void insertCustomer() { if (Login.jsonResult != null) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string token = ""; foreach (var x in Login.jsonResult) { if (x.Key.Equals("token")) { token = x.Value.ToString(); } } if (!token.Equals("")) { var client = new RestClient(utilityc.URL); client.Timeout = -1; //string branch = (cmbBranch.Text.Equals("") || cmbBranch.Text == "All" ? "" : cmbBranch.Text); var request = new RestRequest("/api/customer/new"); request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); request.Method = Method.POST; JObject jObject = new JObject(); JObject joHeader = new JObject(); joHeader.Add("code", (txtCode.Text == String.Empty ? null : txtCode.Text)); joHeader.Add("name", (txtName.Text == String.Empty ? null : txtName.Text)); int cust_id = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtCustomerTypes.Rows) { if (cmbCustomerType.Text == row["name"].ToString()) { cust_id = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"].ToString()); } } joHeader.Add("cust_type", cust_id); JArray jarrayDetails = new JArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Rows.Count; i++) { JObject joDetails = new JObject(); string firstName = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["first_name"].Value.ToString(), middleName = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["middle_initial"].Value.ToString(), lastName = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["last_name"].Value.ToString(), birthDate = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["birthdate"].Value.ToString(), landLineNumber = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["landline_number"].Value.ToString(), mobileNumber = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["mobile_number"].Value.ToString(), aDdress = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["address"].Value.ToString(), emailAddress = dgv.Rows[i].Cells["email_address"].Value.ToString(); joDetails.Add("first_name", firstName); joDetails.Add("middle_initial", middleName); joDetails.Add("last_name", lastName); joDetails.Add("birthdate", birthDate); joDetails.Add("landline_number", landLineNumber); joDetails.Add("mobile_number", mobileNumber); joDetails.Add("address", aDdress); joDetails.Add("email", emailAddress); jarrayDetails.Add(joDetails); } jObject.Add("header", joHeader); jObject.Add("details", jarrayDetails); Console.WriteLine(jObject); request.AddParameter("application/json", jObject, ParameterType.RequestBody); var response = client.Execute(request); if (response.ErrorMessage == null) { if (response.Content.Substring(0, 1).Equals("{")) { jObject = JObject.Parse(response.Content.ToString()); bool isSuccess = false; string msg = "No message response found"; foreach (var x in jObject) { if (x.Key.Equals("message")) { msg = x.Value.ToString(); } } foreach (var x in jObject) { if (x.Key.Equals("success")) { isSuccess = Convert.ToBoolean(x.Value.ToString()); txtCode.Clear(); txtName.Clear(); isSubmit = true; MessageBox.Show(msg, "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); txtCode.Clear(); txtName.Clear(); cmbCustomerType.SelectedIndex = -1; this.Dispose(); } } if (!isSuccess) { if (msg.Equals("Token is invalid")) { MessageBox.Show("Your login session is expired. Please login again", "Validation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg, "Validation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } else { MessageBox.Show(response.Content.ToString(), "Validation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { MessageBox.Show(response.ErrorMessage, "Validation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } }
public void ListChanged() { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); var o = new JObject(p1, p2); ListChangedType? changedType = null; int? index = null; o.ListChanged += (s, a) => { changedType = a.ListChangedType; index = a.NewIndex; }; JProperty p3 = new JProperty("Test3", "III"); o.Add(p3); Assert.Equal(changedType, ListChangedType.ItemAdded); Assert.Equal(index, 2); Assert.Equal(p3, ((IList<JToken>)o)[index.Value]); JProperty p4 = new JProperty("Test4", "IV"); ((IList<JToken>)o)[index.Value] = p4; Assert.Equal(changedType, ListChangedType.ItemChanged); Assert.Equal(index, 2); Assert.Equal(p4, ((IList<JToken>)o)[index.Value]); Assert.False(((IList<JToken>)o).Contains(p3)); Assert.True(((IList<JToken>)o).Contains(p4)); o["Test1"] = 2; Assert.Equal(changedType, ListChangedType.ItemChanged); Assert.Equal(index, 0); Assert.Equal(2, (int)o["Test1"]); }
//Perform a job at startup and at every caching event private void DoMyWork() { //read data from databases and store them in global Data. IEnumerable <Student> student = Helpers.GetAllStudent(); IEnumerable <FacStaff> facstaff = Helpers.GetAllFacultyStaff(); IEnumerable <Alumni> alumni = Helpers.GetAllAlumni(); IEnumerable <BasicInfoViewModel> basic = Helpers.GetAllBasicInfoExcludeAlumni(); JObject publicStudent = Helpers.GetAllPublicStudents(); IEnumerable <PublicFacultyStaffProfileViewModel> publicFacStaff = Helpers.GetAllPublicFacultyStaff(); IEnumerable <PublicAlumniProfileViewModel> publicAlumni = Helpers.GetAllPublicAlumni(); IList <JObject> allPublicAccounts = new List <JObject>(); IList <JObject> allPublicAccountsWithoutAlumni = new List <JObject>(); IList <JObject> allPublicAccountsWithoutCurrentStudents = new List <JObject>(); // storing in global variab Data.StudentData = student; Data.PublicStudentData = publicStudent; Data.FacultyStaffData = facstaff; Data.PublicFacultyStaffData = publicFacStaff; Data.AlumniData = alumni; Data.PublicAlumniData = publicAlumni; Data.AllBasicInfoWithoutAlumni = basic; foreach (JToken aStudent in Data.PublicStudentData.SelectToken("Students")) { if (aStudent == null) { break; } JObject theStu = JObject.FromObject(aStudent); theStu.Add("Type", "Student"); theStu.Add("BuildingDescription", null); theStu.Add("OnCampusDepartment", null); allPublicAccounts.Add(theStu); allPublicAccountsWithoutAlumni.Add(theStu); } foreach (PublicFacultyStaffProfileViewModel aFacStaff in Data.PublicFacultyStaffData) { JObject theFacStaff = JObject.FromObject(aFacStaff); theFacStaff.Add("Hall", null); theFacStaff.Add("Mail_Location", null); theFacStaff.Add("Class", null); theFacStaff.Add("Major1Description", null); theFacStaff.Add("Major2Description", null); theFacStaff.Add("Major3Description", null); theFacStaff.Add("Minor1Description", null); theFacStaff.Add("Minor2Description", null); theFacStaff.Add("Minor3Description", null); allPublicAccounts.Add(JObject.FromObject(theFacStaff)); allPublicAccountsWithoutAlumni.Add(JObject.FromObject(theFacStaff)); allPublicAccountsWithoutCurrentStudents.Add(JObject.FromObject(theFacStaff)); } foreach (PublicAlumniProfileViewModel anAlum in Data.PublicAlumniData) { JObject theAlum = JObject.FromObject(anAlum); theAlum.Add("Type", "Alum"); theAlum.Add("BuildingDescription", null); theAlum.Add("Hall", null); theAlum.Add("Mail_Location", null); theAlum.Add("OnCampusDepartment", null); theAlum.Add("Class", null); theAlum.Add("Major3Description", null); theAlum.Add("Minor1Description", null); theAlum.Add("Minor2Description", null); theAlum.Add("Minor3Description", null); allPublicAccounts.Add(theAlum); allPublicAccountsWithoutCurrentStudents.Add(theAlum); } Data.AllPublicAccountsWithoutCurrentStudents = allPublicAccountsWithoutCurrentStudents; Data.AllPublicAccounts = allPublicAccounts; Data.AllPublicAccountsWithoutAlumni = allPublicAccountsWithoutAlumni; }
public void GenericDictionaryAdd() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); Assert.Equal(1, (int)o["PropertyNameValue"]); o.Add("PropertyNameValue1", null); Assert.Equal(null, ((JValue)o["PropertyNameValue1"]).Value); Assert.Equal(2, o.Children().Count()); }
public JObject ObjectToJson(Habitacion entidad) { JObject objJson = new JObject(); objJson.Add("m_id", entidad.Id); if (entidad.Ref != null) { objJson.Add("m_ref", entidad.Ref); } objJson.Add("m_version", entidad.Version); objJson.Add("vigente", GetStringFromBool(entidad.IsDeleted == false)); objJson.Add("proveedor_id", entidad.ProveedorId); objJson.Add("numero_habitacion", entidad.NumeroHabitacion); objJson.Add("tipo_habitacion_id", entidad.TipoHabitacionId); objJson.Add("capacidad", entidad.Capacidad); objJson.Add("estado", entidad.Estado ? true : false); objJson.Add("aprobado", entidad.Aprobado ? true : false); objJson.Add("fecha_aprobacion", GetStringFromDate(entidad.FechaAprobacion)); objJson.Add("creation_time", GetStringFromDateTime(entidad.CreationTime)); objJson.Add("creator_user_id", entidad.CreatorUserId); return(objJson); }
public void GenericCollectionClear() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); Assert.Equal(1, o.Children().Count()); JProperty p = (JProperty)o.Children().ElementAt(0); ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).Clear(); Assert.Equal(0, o.Children().Count()); Assert.Equal(null, p.Parent); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a child node to the root structure with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public void AddChild(string name) { data.Add(name, new JObject()); }
public void GenericDictionaryContains() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); Assert.Equal(1, o.Children().Count()); bool contains = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)o).ContainsKey("PropertyNameValue"); Assert.Equal(true, contains); }
public static int InstallCommand(Config config) { var asmDiffPath = Path.Combine(config.JitDasmRoot, "asmdiff.json"); string configJson = File.ReadAllText(asmDiffPath); string tag = String.Format("{0}-{1}", config.JobName, config.Number); string toolPath = Path.Combine(config.JitDasmRoot, "tools", tag); var jObj = JObject.Parse(configJson); var tools = (JArray)jObj["tools"]; int ret = 0; // Early out if the tool is already installed. if (tools.Where(x => (string)x["tag"] == tag).Any()) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is already installed in the asmdiff.json. Remove before re-install.", tag); return -1; } // Issue cijobs command to download bits List<string> cijobsArgs = new List<string>(); cijobsArgs.Add("copy"); // Set up job name cijobsArgs.Add("--job"); cijobsArgs.Add(config.JobName); if (config.BranchName != null) { cijobsArgs.Add("--branch"); cijobsArgs.Add(config.BranchName); } if (config.DoLastSucessful) { cijobsArgs.Add("--last_successful"); } else { // Set up job number cijobsArgs.Add("--number"); cijobsArgs.Add(config.Number); } cijobsArgs.Add("--unzip"); cijobsArgs.Add("--output"); cijobsArgs.Add(toolPath); if (config.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("ci command: {0} {1}", "cijobs", String.Join(" ", cijobsArgs)); } Command cijobsCmd = Command.Create("cijobs", cijobsArgs); // Wireup stdout/stderr so we can see outout. cijobsCmd.ForwardStdOut(); cijobsCmd.ForwardStdErr(); CommandResult result = cijobsCmd.Execute(); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { Console.WriteLine("cijobs command returned with {0} failures", result.ExitCode); return result.ExitCode; } JObject newTool = new JObject(); newTool.Add("tag", tag); // Derive underlying tool directory based on current RID. string[] platStrings = config.RID.Split('.'); string platformPath = Path.Combine(toolPath, "Product"); foreach (var dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(platformPath)) { if (Path.GetFileName(dir).ToUpper().Contains(platStrings[0].ToUpper())) { newTool.Add("path", Path.GetFullPath(dir)); tools.Last.AddAfterSelf(newTool); break; } } // Overwrite current asmdiff.json with new data. using (var file = File.CreateText(asmDiffPath)) { using (JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(file)) { writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; jObj.WriteTo(writer); } } return ret; }
public void GenericCollectionCopyToInsufficientArrayCapacity() { AssertException.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue2", new JValue(2)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue3", new JValue(3)); ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).CopyTo(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>[3], 1); }, @"The number of elements in the source JObject is greater than the available space from arrayIndex to the end of the destination array."); }
public void Index(Boolean store = true, Boolean phonemes = true, string name = "", int start = 1880, int end = 2017, double cutoff = 0, double min = 0) { JObject result = new JObject(); List <string> dataId = new List <string>(); if (store) // 使用roster文件读取json { JArray totals; List <dynamic> data = new List <dynamic>(); // 储存json文件里的数据 string totalsJsonFile = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/babynames/flat/roster/roster.json"; System.IO.StreamReader totalsJsonReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(totalsJsonFile); using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(totalsJsonReader)) { totals = (JArray)JToken.ReadFrom(reader); // 将totals文件转换成JObject类型 } foreach (string i in totals) { dataId.Add(i); // i 为文件的name 根据i去读取文件 JObject dataSingleJson; // 保存每个小文件的json string cmud = CmuDictAsync(i); // 获取每个名称的音素 string jsonFile = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/babynames/flat/" + i + ".json"; System.IO.StreamReader jsonFileReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(jsonFile); using (JsonTextReader singleReader = new JsonTextReader(jsonFileReader)) { dataSingleJson = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(singleReader); // 将totals文件转换成JObject类型 result.Add(i, dataSingleJson); } } } else { List <dynamic> filesTxt = new List <dynamic>(); filesTxt = loadData(start, end); // 使用txt读取转成json if (name != "") { filesTxt = filesTxt.Where(p => p["names"]["name"] == name).ToList(); // 只截取name的数据 } JObject data = new JObject(); string id, KValues; int VValues; decimal PValues; JObject nullData = new JObject(); JObject nodePercents, nodeValues; int filesCount = filesTxt.Count; // 单独写出来提升循环速度 for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++) // 倒叙提升速度 { var filesList = filesTxt[i]["names"]; id = filesList["name"] + "-" + filesList["gender"]; if (!dataId.Contains(id)) // 不存在id的时候新增一条数据 { KValues = Convert.ToString(filesTxt[i]["year"]); VValues = filesTxt[i]["names"]["value"]; PValues = filesTxt[i]["percent"]; dataId.Add(id); data.Add("_id", id); data.Add("name", filesList["name"]); data.Add("gender", filesList["gender"]); data.Add("values", new JObject(new JProperty(KValues, new JValue(VValues)))); data.Add("percents", new JObject(new JProperty(KValues, new JValue(PValues)))); data.Add("normalized", nullData); result.Add(id, data); data = new JObject(); continue; } // 在把新的数据加进去 nodePercents = result[id].SelectToken("percents") as JObject; nodePercents.Add(new JProperty(Convert.ToString(filesTxt[i]["year"]), filesTxt[i]["percent"])); // 在percents下面新增数据 nodeValues = result[id].SelectToken("values") as JObject; nodeValues.Add(new JProperty(Convert.ToString(filesTxt[i]["year"]), filesTxt[i]["names"]["value"])); // 同理 } } string path; if (!store) { path = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/babynames/flatTemp"; // 读取txt转json保存的文件夹 } else { path = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/babynames/data"; //读取json 保存的文件夹 } // 生成音律文件 if (phonemes) { JObject phonemesResult = new JObject(); JObject tempPhonemesResult = (JObject)result.DeepClone(); // 将result 复制一份,因为接下来的Peaks和Pronunciation会改变result,DeepClone()为深拷贝,简单的赋值依旧会改变result Pronunciation(Peaks(tempPhonemesResult)); // 去计算获取pronunciation属性的值和peaks属性的值 foreach (var i in tempPhonemesResult) // 遍历最后的结果,写入json文件中 { dynamic isHavePronunciation = i.Value["pronunciation"]; var phoneme = i.Value["pronunciation"].ToString().Split(new char[2] { ' ', ' ' }); if (isHavePronunciation == null) // 如果这个名字没有音素直接跳过 { continue; } else { if (phonemesResult[phoneme[0]] == null) //如果不存在初始化文件格式 { JObject tempData = new JObject(); tempData.Add("percents", new JObject()); tempData.Add("names", new JArray()); phonemesResult.Add(phoneme[0], tempData); } } JObject tempNames = new JObject(); tempNames.Add("name", i.Value["name"]); tempNames.Add("peak", MapValue(i.Value["peaks"]["percents"]["percents"])); JArray phonemesNames = phonemesResult[phoneme[0]].SelectToken("names") as JArray; phonemesNames.Add(tempNames); // 往names下面填写name,peak属性值 for (var y = start; y <= end; y += 1) // 找出这个音素下所有名称对应的percents值,如果这个音素有这一年的值直接累加,若没有则新增 { JObject JPercents = phonemesResult[phoneme[0]].SelectToken("percents") as JObject; decimal tempDecimal = 0; if (!JPercents.ContainsKey(y.ToString())) // 不存在就 新增 { tempDecimal = 0; tempDecimal += Convert.ToDecimal(i.Value["percents"].SelectToken(y.ToString())); JPercents.Add(y.ToString(), tempDecimal); } else // 存在就累加 { tempDecimal = Convert.ToDecimal(JPercents.GetValue(y.ToString())); tempDecimal += Convert.ToDecimal(i.Value["percents"].SelectToken(y.ToString())); // 取出相同年份的值进行叠加 JPercents.SelectToken(y.ToString()).Replace(tempDecimal); // 替换指定年份的值 } } } // 将操作完成后的数据生成json文件 JArray data = new JArray(); foreach (var d in phonemesResult) { JObject temp = new JObject(); temp.Add("phoneme", d.Key); JArray array = JArray.Parse(d.Value["names"].ToString()); JArray sorted = new JArray(array.OrderByDescending(obj => obj["peak"])); // 按照peak降序,将peak最大的名字放在第一位 JArray namesList = new JArray(); foreach (var p in sorted) { namesList.Add(p["name"].ToString()); // 依次添加进去 } temp.Add("names", namesList); JObject arrayPercents = JObject.Parse(d.Value["percents"].ToString()); JObject sortedPercents = new JObject(arrayPercents.Properties().Where(p => (decimal)p.Value != 0)); // 按照peak降序,将peak最大的名字放在第一位 JArray jArray = new JArray(); JObject tempPercents = new JObject(); foreach (var pe in sortedPercents) { tempPercents.Add("key", pe.Key); tempPercents.Add("value", pe.Value); jArray.Add(tempPercents); tempPercents = new JObject(); } temp.Add("percents", jArray); data.Add(temp); temp = new JObject(); } string pathPhonemes = path + "/roster"; string fileNamePhonemes = "/phonemes.json";// 生成phonemes文件 FileStr(pathPhonemes, fileNamePhonemes, data, true); } // 获取至少出来了多少年的名字 if (cutoff != 0) { int allYearCount = 0; JObject tempResult = new JObject(result); // 因为下面要修改result 所有这里将要遍历的数据放在一个临时文件中 foreach (var i in tempResult) { JToken json = i.Value; foreach (JProperty JP in json) { if (JP.Name == "values") // 只查找key值为values { allYearCount = JP.Value.Count(); // 长度即为该名称出现的年份次数 if (allYearCount < cutoff) // 小于给定的cutoff移除 { result.Remove(i.Key); // 移除不符合条件的数据 } } } } } // 获取在一年内至少出现多少次的名字 if (min != 0) { JObject minResult = new JObject(); foreach (var i in result) { JToken json = i.Value; foreach (JProperty JP in json) { if (JP.Name == "values") // 只查找key值为values { foreach (int m in JP.Value) { if (m >= min) { minResult.Add(i.Key, i.Value); break; // 将符合条件的数据新增等minResult中 } } } } } result = minResult; // 替换原来的result文件 } foreach (var i in result) // 遍历最后的结果,写入json文件中 { string singleFileName = "/" + i.Key + ".json"; JToken json = i.Value; FileStr(path, singleFileName, json); // 生成json文件 } // 生成phonemes文件代码 // 生成roster的代码 path = path + "/roster"; string fileName = "/roster.json";// 生成roster文件 FileStr(path, fileName, dataId); string fileName_short = "/roster_short.json"; // 生成roster_short文件,此文件包含姓名即有男又有女 List <string> roster_short = new List <string>(); foreach (string i in dataId) { string SingleName = i.Split('-')[0].ToString(); string SingleGender = i.Split('-')[1].ToString(); if (SingleGender == "F") { if (dataId.IndexOf(SingleName + "-M") != -1) { roster_short.Add(SingleName + " (F)"); } else { roster_short.Add(SingleName); } } else { if (dataId.IndexOf(SingleName + "-F") != -1) { roster_short.Add(SingleName + " (M)"); } else { roster_short.Add(SingleName); } } } FileStr(path, fileName_short, roster_short); }
public void KeyValuePairIterate() { var o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue1", new JValue(1)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue2", new JValue(2)); int i = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken> pair in o) { Assert.Equal("PropertyNameValue" + i, pair.Key); Assert.Equal(i, (int)pair.Value); i++; } }
private JArray GetExportData() { List <Spl_PersonModel> list = m_BLL.GetList(ref setNoPagerAscById, ""); JArray jObjects = new JArray(); foreach (var item in list) { var jo = new JObject(); jo.Add("Id", item.Id); jo.Add("Name", item.Name); jo.Add("Sex", item.Sex); jo.Add("Age", item.Age); jo.Add("IDCard", item.IDCard); jo.Add("Phone", item.Phone); jo.Add("Email", item.Email); jo.Add("Address", item.Address); jo.Add("CreateTime", item.CreateTime); jo.Add("Region", item.Region); jo.Add("Category", item.Category); jObjects.Add(jo); } return(jObjects); }
public void IListAdd() { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList l = new JObject(p1, p2); JProperty p3 = new JProperty("Test3", "III"); l.Add(p3); Assert.Equal(3, l.Count); Assert.Equal(p3, l[2]); }
static void Main(string[] args) { MqttFactory factory = new MqttFactory(); mqttClient = factory.CreateMqttClient(); if ((args.Length != 3)) { Console.WriteLine("[MQTT Server] [UserName] [ClientID]"); Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } server = args[0]; username = args[1]; deviceID = args[2]; Console.WriteLine($"MQTT Server:{server} DeviceID:{deviceID}"); // AllThingsTalk formatted device state update topic string topicD2C = $"device/{deviceID}/state"; mqttOptions = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder() .WithTcpServer(server) .WithCredentials(username, "HighlySecurePassword") .WithClientId(deviceID) .WithTls() .Build(); mqttClient.UseDisconnectedHandler(new MqttClientDisconnectedHandlerDelegate(e => MqttClient_Disconnected(e))); mqttClient.UseApplicationMessageReceivedHandler(new MqttApplicationMessageReceivedHandlerDelegate(e => MqttClient_ApplicationMessageReceived(e))); mqttClient.ConnectAsync(mqttOptions).Wait(); // AllThingsTalk formatted device command with wildcard topic string topicC2D = $"device/{deviceID}/asset/+/command"; mqttClient.SubscribeAsync(topicC2D, MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttQualityOfServiceLevel.AtLeastOnce).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); while (true) { JObject payloadJObject = new JObject(); double temperature = 22.0 + (DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond / 1000.0); temperature = Math.Round(temperature, 1); double humidity = 50 + (DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond / 100.0); humidity = Math.Round(humidity, 1); JObject temperatureJObject = new JObject { { "value", temperature } }; payloadJObject.Add("Temperature", temperatureJObject); JObject humidityJObject = new JObject { { "value", humidity } }; payloadJObject.Add("Humidity", humidityJObject); string payload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payloadJObject); Console.WriteLine($"Topic:{topicD2C} Payload:{payload}"); var message = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder() .WithTopic(topicD2C) .WithPayload(payload) .WithAtMostOnceQoS() // .WithAtLeastOnceQoS() .Build(); Console.WriteLine("PublishAsync start"); mqttClient.PublishAsync(message).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("PublishAsync finish"); Thread.Sleep(15100); } }
public void IListAddBadValue() { AssertException.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { JProperty p1 = new JProperty("Test1", 1); JProperty p2 = new JProperty("Test2", "Two"); IList l = new JObject(p1, p2); l.Add("Bad!"); }, "Argument is not a JToken."); }
private string ParseSchemaDefinitions(RedoxJsonSchema rs) { string tokenName; string typeName; string error; try { JObject tokenItems; JToken token; JProperty tokenParent; var sroot = new JObject(); var objs = sroot.Descendants(); var comparer = new JTokenEqualityComparer(); var objectToken = JToken.FromObject("object"); sroot = rs.Schema; objs = sroot.Descendants() .OfType <JObject>() .Where(t => comparer.Equals(t["type"], objectToken)) .ToList(); foreach (JObject o in objs) { AllObjects.Add(o); tokenParent = (JProperty)o.Parent; tokenName = tokenParent.Name; if (tokenName == "items") { continue; } token = o; if (!IsSimpleObject(o, out error)) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return(error); } if (!ObjectTypeDict.ContainsKey(tokenName)) { ObjectTypeDict.Add(tokenName, token.Parent.ToString()); token["title"] = tokenName; defs.Add(new JProperty(tokenName, token)); } else if (!ObjectTypeDict.ContainsValue(token.Parent.ToString())) { tokenName = GetNewName(tokenName, ObjectTypeDict); ObjectTypeDict.Add(tokenName, token.Parent.ToString()); token["title"] = tokenName; defs.Add(new JProperty(tokenName, token)); } else { token["title"] = tokenName; } } var arrayToken = JToken.FromObject("array"); var arrObjs = sroot.Descendants() .OfType <JObject>() .Where(t => comparer.Equals(t["type"], arrayToken)) .ToList(); foreach (JToken a in arrObjs) { tokenName = ((JProperty)a.Parent).Name; tokenItems = (JObject)a["items"]; typeName = tokenName + "Item"; if (!ObjectTypeDict.ContainsKey(typeName)) { if (IsSimpleObject(tokenItems, out error)) { defs.Add(new JProperty(typeName, tokenItems)); ObjectTypeDict.Add(typeName, tokenItems.Parent.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return(error); } tokenItems["title"] = typeName; } else if (!ObjectTypeDict.ContainsValue(tokenItems.Parent.ToString())) { typeName = GetNewName(typeName, ObjectTypeDict); if (IsSimpleObject(tokenItems, out error)) { defs.Add(new JProperty(typeName, tokenItems)); ObjectTypeDict.Add(typeName, tokenItems.Parent.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return(error); } tokenItems["title"] = typeName; } else { tokenItems["title"] = typeName; } } foreach (JObject o in objs) { tokenParent = (JProperty)o.Parent; tokenName = tokenParent.Name; if (tokenName == "items") { continue; } if (!IsSimpleObject(o, out error)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return(error); } if (!ComplexObjectDict.ContainsKey(tokenName) && !ObjectTypeDict.ContainsKey(tokenName)) { if (ComplexObjectDict.ContainsValue(o.Parent.ToString())) { tokenName = GetNewName(tokenName, ComplexObjectDict); } ComplexObjectDict.Add(tokenName, o.Parent.ToString()); ComplexObjectLists.Add(tokenName, new List <JObject>()); ComplexObjectLists[tokenName].Add(o); } else { if (ComplexObjectDict.ContainsValue(o.Parent.ToString())) { if (ComplexObjectLists[tokenName] == null) { ComplexObjectLists[tokenName] = new List <JObject>(); } ComplexObjectLists[tokenName].Add(o); } else { tokenName = GetNewName(tokenName, ComplexObjectDict); ComplexObjectDict.Add(tokenName, o.Parent.ToString()); ComplexObjectLists.Add(tokenName, new List <JObject>()); ComplexObjectLists[tokenName].Add(o); } } o["title"] = tokenName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return(error); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } return(""); }
public void AddValueToObject() { JObject o = new JObject(); o.Add(5); }
public virtual void Serialize(JObject json) { json?.Add("BackupPath", BackupPath); json?.Add("FirstRun", FirstRun); json?.Add("Incremental", Incremental); }
public static JContainer ToJContainer(this XElement target) { if (target != null) { var jobj = new JObject(); foreach (var attr in target.Attributes()) { jobj.Add(new JProperty(string.Concat('@', attr.Name.LocalName), attr.Value)); } var textNodes = target.Nodes().OfType<XText>(); foreach (var node in textNodes) { string name; switch (node.NodeType) { case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.CDATA: name = "#cdata-section"; break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Text: name = "#text"; break; default: name = "#other"; break; } jobj.Add(new JProperty(name, node.Value)); } var multiresults = target.Elements() .GroupBy(e => e.Name.LocalName) .Where(e => e.Count() > 1) .SelectMany(e => e); string prevName = string.Empty; JArray jarr = null; foreach (var xe in multiresults) { if (!xe.Name.LocalName.Equals(prevName)) { if (jarr != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevName)) { jobj.Add(new JProperty(prevName, jarr)); } jarr = new JArray(); } if (jarr != null) { jarr.Add(xe.ToJContainer()); } prevName = xe.Name.LocalName; } if (jarr != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevName)) { jobj.Add(new JProperty(prevName, jarr)); } var distinctresults = target.Elements() .GroupBy(e => e.Name.LocalName) .Where(e => e.Count() == 1) .SelectMany(e => e); foreach (var xe in distinctresults) { jobj.Add(new JProperty(xe.Name.LocalName, xe.ToJContainer())); } return jobj; } return null; }
public void GenericCollectionCopyToInsufficientArrayCapacity() { JObject o = new JObject(); o.Add("PropertyNameValue", new JValue(1)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue2", new JValue(2)); o.Add("PropertyNameValue3", new JValue(3)); ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>)o).CopyTo(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>[3], 1); }
public void CreateChangedDocument(JObject oldObject, JObject newObject, ref JObject changedObject, bool handleInnerObjects = false) { foreach (var n in newObject) { if (!handleInnerObjects && (n.Key == "_id" || n.Key == "_key" || n.Key == "_rev" || n.Key == "_from" || n.Key == "_to")) continue; JToken newValue = n.Value; JToken oldValue = oldObject[n.Key]; if (newValue.Type == JTokenType.Object) { JObject subChangeObject = new JObject(); if (oldValue.Type == JTokenType.Null) oldValue = new JObject(); CreateChangedDocument(oldValue as JObject, newValue as JObject, ref subChangeObject, handleInnerObjects: true); if (subChangeObject.Count != 0) changedObject.Add(n.Key, subChangeObject); } else if (newValue == null || !JObject.DeepEquals(oldValue, newValue)) { changedObject.Add(n.Key, newValue); } } }
/// <summary> /// On GUI draw call. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnGUI() { // Label style labelFormat = new GUIStyle(); labelFormat.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; labelFormat.fontSize = 12; // Label error style errorFormat = new GUIStyle(labelFormat); errorFormat.normal.textColor =; // Input style inputFormat = new GUIStyle(; inputFormat.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; inputFormat.fontSize = 12; inputFormat.fixedHeight = 20; // Button style buttonFormat = new GUIStyle(; buttonFormat.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; buttonFormat.fixedWidth = 100; // Name GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Enter a name for this controller:", labelFormat); GUILayout.Space(10f); // Input tempName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(tempName, inputFormat); GUILayout.Space(14f); // Error EditorGUILayout.LabelField(errorString, errorFormat); GUILayout.Space(20f); // Buttons EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Cancel button if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", buttonFormat)) { NewControllerWindow.window.Close(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Create new controller if (GUILayout.Button("OK", buttonFormat)) { // Check length if (tempName.Length >= 3) { // Check for special chars if (!namingConventions.Match(tempName).Success) { JObject controller = new JObject(); controller.Add("name", tempName); controller.Add("views", new JObject()); FileManager.WriteJSON(controller, String.Format("{0:G}{1:G}/data/controller/{2:G}.json", Application.dataPath, Config.WebServerPath, tempName)); // Fire controller created event if (ControllerCreated != null) { ControllerCreated(tempName); } NewControllerWindow.window.Close(); } else { errorString = "The controller name must not have any special characters\nwith the exception of '-' and '_'."; } } else { errorString = "The controller name must be at least three characters long."; } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }