///<summary></summary> private static void UpdateCarrierInDb(OpenDentBusiness.Carrier odCarrier, Carrier jsonCarrier, List <CanadianNetwork> listCanadianNetworks , ItransImportFields fieldsToImport, string jsonCarrierPhone, bool isAutomatic) { OpenDentBusiness.Carrier odCarrierOld = odCarrier.Copy(); odCarrier.CanadianEncryptionMethod = 1; //Default. Deprecated for all Canadian carriers and will never be any other value. TrySetCanadianNetworkNum(jsonCarrier, odCarrier, listCanadianNetworks); odCarrier.CanadianSupportedTypes = GetSupportedTypes(jsonCarrier); odCarrier.CDAnetVersion = POut.Int(jsonCarrier.Versions.Max(x => PIn.Int(x))).PadLeft(2, '0');//Version must be in 2 digit format. ex. 02. List <ItransImportFields> listFields = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ItransImportFields)).Cast <ItransImportFields>().ToList(); foreach (ItransImportFields field in listFields) { if (fieldsToImport == ItransImportFields.None) { break; //No point in looping. } if (field == ItransImportFields.None || !fieldsToImport.HasFlag(field)) { continue; } switch (field) { case ItransImportFields.Phone: odCarrier.Phone = TelephoneNumbers.AutoFormat(jsonCarrierPhone); break; case ItransImportFields.Address: if (jsonCarrier.Address.Count() > 0) { Address add = jsonCarrier.Address.First(); odCarrier.Address = add.Street1; odCarrier.Address2 = add.Street2; odCarrier.City = add.City; odCarrier.State = add.Province; odCarrier.Zip = add.Postal_Code; } break; case ItransImportFields.Name: odCarrier.CarrierName = jsonCarrier.Name.En; break; } } try { long userNum = 0; if (!isAutomatic) { userNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; } Carriers.Update(odCarrier, odCarrierOld, userNum); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); } }
private void FormCarriers_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //if(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA")) {//Canadian. en-CA or fr-CA //No. Even Canadian users will want to see all their carriers and only use the checkbox for special situations. // checkCDAnet.Checked=true; //} //else{ // checkCDAnet.Visible=false; //} if (IsSelectMode) { butCancel.Text = Lan.g(this, "Cancel"); } else { butCancel.Text = Lan.g(this, "Close"); butOK.Visible = false; } if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.CarrierCreate, true)) { butAdd.Enabled = false; } Clearinghouse ch = Clearinghouses.GetDefaultDental(); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA") && ch.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.Canadian) { groupItrans.Visible = true; ItransImportFields fieldsToImport = (ItransImportFields)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.ItransImportFields); checkITransPhone.Checked = (fieldsToImport.HasFlag(ItransImportFields.Phone)); checkItransAddress.Checked = (fieldsToImport.HasFlag(ItransImportFields.Address)); checkItransName.Checked = (fieldsToImport.HasFlag(ItransImportFields.Name)); checkItransMissing.Checked = (fieldsToImport.HasFlag(ItransImportFields.AddMissing)); } Carriers.RefreshCache(); FillGrid(); }
///<summary>Returns a blank string if there were no errors while attempting to update internal carriers using iTrans n-cpl.json file.</summary> public static string TryCarrierUpdate(bool isAutomatic = true, ItransImportFields fieldsToImport = ItransImportFields.None) { string json; DateTime dateTimeTrans = DateTime.Now; Clearinghouse clearinghouse = Clearinghouses.GetDefaultDental(); if (clearinghouse == null) { return(Lans.g("Clearinghosue", "Unable to update. No default dental clearinghouse set.")); } //If ITRANS2 is fully setup, then use the local ITRANS2 install on server to import carrier data. if (clearinghouse.CommBridge == EclaimsCommBridge.ITRANS && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clearinghouse.ResponsePath)) { if (!File.Exists(ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(clearinghouse.ResponsePath, "ITRANS Claims Director.exe"))) { return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Unable to find 'ITRANS Claims Director.exe'. Make sure the file exists and the path is correct.")); } if (isAutomatic && PrefC.GetString(PrefName.WebServiceServerName).ToLower() != Dns.GetHostName().ToLower()) //Only server can run when isOnlyServer is true. { return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Update can only run on the web service server " + PrefC.GetString(PrefName.WebServiceServerName)) + ". " + Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Connect to the server and try again.")); } Process process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(clearinghouse.ResponsePath, "ITRANS Claims Director.exe"), Arguments = " --getncpl" } }; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); string ncplFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(clearinghouse.ResponsePath, "n-cpl.json"); json = File.ReadAllText(ncplFilePath); //Read n-cpl.json dateTimeTrans = File.GetCreationTime(ncplFilePath); } else //ITRANS2 not used or not setup correctly, go to HQ for file content. { try { string result = WebServiceMainHQProxy.GetWebServiceMainHQInstance().CanadaCarrierUpdate(PayloadHelper.CreatePayload("", eServiceCode.Undefined)); json = WebSerializer.DeserializePrimitiveOrThrow <string>(result); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Unable to update carrier list from HQ web services.") + "\r\n" + ex.Message.ToString()); } } EtransMessageText msgTextPrev = EtransMessageTexts.GetMostRecentForType(EtransType.ItransNcpl); if (msgTextPrev != null && msgTextPrev.MessageText == json) { if (isAutomatic || ODMessageBox.Show("Carrier list has not changed since last checked.\r\nContinue?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Carrier list has not changed since last checked.")); //json has not changed since we last checked, no need to update. } } //Save json as new etrans entry. Etrans etrans = Etranss.CreateEtrans(dateTimeTrans, clearinghouse.HqClearinghouseNum, json, 0); etrans.Etype = EtransType.ItransNcpl; Etranss.Insert(etrans); ItransNCpl iTransNCpl = null; try { iTransNCpl = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItransNCpl>(json); //Deserialize n-cpl.json } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Failed to import json.")); } List <CanadianNetwork> listCanadianNetworks = CanadianNetworks.GetDeepCopy(); //List of carriers from json file that were matched by electId to multiple internal carriers List <Carrier> listUnmatchedJsonCarriers = new List <Carrier>(); List <long> listMatchedDbCarrierNums = new List <long> (); foreach (ItransNCpl.Carrier jsonCarrier in iTransNCpl.ListCarriers) //Update carriers. { string jsonCarrierPhone = jsonCarrier.Telephone?.First().Value; //Will be empty string if not found. List <OpenDentBusiness.Carrier> listDbCarriers = Carriers.GetAllByElectId(jsonCarrier.Bin).FindAll(x => x.IsCDA); if (listDbCarriers.Count > 1) //Some Canadian carriers share ElectId, need to filter further. This happens with carrier resellers. { #region Additional matching based on phone numbers, 'continues' loop if a single match is not found. List <OpenDentBusiness.Carrier> listPhoneMatchedDbCarriers = listDbCarriers.FindAll(x => TelephoneNumbers.AreNumbersEqual(x.Phone, jsonCarrierPhone) ); if (listPhoneMatchedDbCarriers.Count != 1) //Either 0 or multiple matches, either way do not update any carriers. //When 0 matches found: jsonCarrier changed their phone number, can not determine which carrier to update. //E.G. - JsonCarrier A matched to OD carriers B and C by electId. //Phone number from JsonCarrier A did not match either carrier B or C due to jsonCarrier phone number change. //Future iterations for jsonCarrier D might match to carrier B or C if phone number for jsonCarrier D did not change. //If jsonCarrier D is matched to single OD carrier, then jsonCarrier A will attempt to match near end of method to a unmatched internal carrier. //If ther are no future matches to OD carrier B or C then all unmatched jsonCarriers will not be imported and no OD carries will not be updated. //----------------------------------------------------------------------// //When greater than 1: jsonCarrier number not changed and both internal carriers have matching electIds and phone numbers. //This should be rare, most likely a setup error. //There should not be multiple carriers that share electId and phone numbers. User should change or remove one of the matched carriers. { listUnmatchedJsonCarriers.Add(jsonCarrier); continue; } listDbCarriers = listPhoneMatchedDbCarriers; #endregion } //At this point listDbCarriers should either be empty or contain a single OD carrier. OpenDentBusiness.Carrier carrierInDb = listDbCarriers.FirstOrDefault(); //Null if list is empty. if (carrierInDb == null) //Carrier can not be matched to internal Carrier based on ElectID. { #region Insert new carrier if (!fieldsToImport.HasFlag(ItransImportFields.AddMissing)) { continue; } OpenDentBusiness.Carrier carrierNew = new OpenDentBusiness.Carrier(); carrierNew.CanadianEncryptionMethod = 1; //Default. Deprecated for all Canadian carriers and will never be any other value. TrySetCanadianNetworkNum(jsonCarrier, carrierNew, listCanadianNetworks); carrierNew.ElectID = jsonCarrier.Bin; carrierNew.IsCDA = true; carrierNew.CarrierName = jsonCarrier.Name.En; carrierNew.Phone = TelephoneNumbers.AutoFormat(jsonCarrierPhone); if (jsonCarrier.Address.Count() > 0) { Address add = jsonCarrier.Address.First(); carrierNew.Address = add.Street1; carrierNew.Address2 = add.Street2; carrierNew.City = add.City; carrierNew.State = add.Province; carrierNew.Zip = add.Postal_Code; } carrierNew.CanadianSupportedTypes = GetSupportedTypes(jsonCarrier); carrierNew.CDAnetVersion = POut.Int(jsonCarrier.Versions.Max(x => PIn.Int(x))).PadLeft(2, '0'); //Version must be in 2 digit format. ex. 02. carrierNew.CarrierName = jsonCarrier.Name.En; try { Carriers.Insert(carrierNew); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); } #endregion continue; } listMatchedDbCarrierNums.Add(carrierInDb.CarrierNum); UpdateCarrierInDb(carrierInDb, jsonCarrier, listCanadianNetworks, fieldsToImport, jsonCarrierPhone, isAutomatic); } foreach (Carrier jsonCarrier in listUnmatchedJsonCarriers) { List <OpenDentBusiness.Carrier> listDbCarriers = Carriers.GetWhere(x => x.IsCDA && x.ElectID == jsonCarrier.Bin && !listMatchedDbCarrierNums.Contains(x.CarrierNum) ); if (listDbCarriers.Count != 1) //Either 0 or multiple matches, either way do not update any carriers. { continue; } OpenDentBusiness.Carrier carrierInDb = listDbCarriers.FirstOrDefault(); string jsonCarrierPhone = jsonCarrier.Telephone?.First().Value; UpdateCarrierInDb(carrierInDb, jsonCarrier, listCanadianNetworks, fieldsToImport, jsonCarrierPhone, isAutomatic); } return(""); //Blank string represents a completed update. }
///<summary>Returns a blank string if there were no errors while attempting to update internal carriers using iTrans n-cpl.json file..</summary> public static string TryCarrierUpdate(bool isAutomatic = true, ItransImportFields fieldsToImport = ItransImportFields.None) { Clearinghouse clearinghouse = Clearinghouses.GetDefaultDental(); if (clearinghouse.CommBridge != EclaimsCommBridge.ITRANS || string.IsNullOrEmpty(clearinghouse.ResponsePath) || !File.Exists(ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(clearinghouse.ResponsePath, "ITRANS Claims Director.exe")) || (isAutomatic && PrefC.GetString(PrefName.WebServiceServerName).ToLower() != Dns.GetHostName().ToLower())) //Only server can run when isOnlyServer is true. { return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "ITRANS must be the default dental clearinghouse and your Report Path must be set first.")); } Process process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(clearinghouse.ResponsePath, "ITRANS Claims Director.exe"), Arguments = " --getncpl" } }; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); string ncplFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(clearinghouse.ResponsePath, "n-cpl.json"); string json = File.ReadAllText(ncplFilePath);//Read n-cpl.json EtransMessageText msgTextPrev = EtransMessageTexts.GetMostRecentForType(EtransType.ItransNcpl); if (msgTextPrev != null && msgTextPrev.MessageText == json) { return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Carrier list has not changed since last checked.")); //json has not changed since we last checked, no need to update. } //Save json as new etrans entry. Etrans etrans = Etranss.CreateEtrans(File.GetCreationTime(ncplFilePath), clearinghouse.HqClearinghouseNum, json, 0); etrans.Etype = EtransType.ItransNcpl; Etranss.Insert(etrans); ItransNCpl iTransNCpl = null; try { iTransNCpl = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItransNCpl>(json); //Deserialize n-cpl.json } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); return(Lans.g("Clearinghouse", "Failed to import json.")); } foreach (ItransNCpl.Carrier jsonCarrier in iTransNCpl.ListCarriers) //Update providers. { OpenDentBusiness.Carrier odCarrier = Carriers.GetByElectId(jsonCarrier.Bin); //Cached if (odCarrier == null) //Carrier can not be matched to internal Carrier based on ElectID. { if (!fieldsToImport.HasFlag(ItransImportFields.AddMissing)) { continue; } OpenDentBusiness.Carrier carrierNew = new OpenDentBusiness.Carrier(); carrierNew.ElectID = jsonCarrier.Bin; carrierNew.IsCDA = true; carrierNew.CarrierName = jsonCarrier.Name.En; carrierNew.Phone = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(jsonCarrier.Telephone?.First().Value); if (jsonCarrier.Address.Count() > 0) { Address add = jsonCarrier.Address.First(); carrierNew.Address = add.Street1; carrierNew.Address2 = add.Street2; carrierNew.City = add.City; carrierNew.State = add.Province; carrierNew.Zip = add.PostalCode; } carrierNew.CanadianSupportedTypes = GetSupportedTypes(jsonCarrier); carrierNew.CarrierName = jsonCarrier.Name.En; try { Carriers.Insert(carrierNew); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); } continue; } else if (!odCarrier.IsCDA) { continue; } OpenDentBusiness.Carrier odCarrierOld = odCarrier.Copy(); odCarrier.CanadianSupportedTypes = GetSupportedTypes(jsonCarrier); odCarrier.CDAnetVersion = POut.Int(jsonCarrier.Versions.Max(x => PIn.Int(x))); List <ItransImportFields> listFields = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ItransImportFields)).Cast <ItransImportFields>().ToList(); foreach (ItransImportFields field in listFields) { if (fieldsToImport == ItransImportFields.None) { break; //No point in looping. } if (field == ItransImportFields.None || !fieldsToImport.HasFlag(field)) { continue; } switch (field) { case ItransImportFields.Phone: if (jsonCarrier.Telephone.Count > 0) { odCarrier.Phone = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(jsonCarrier.Telephone.First().Value); } break; case ItransImportFields.Address: if (jsonCarrier.Address.Count() > 0) { Address add = jsonCarrier.Address.First(); odCarrier.Address = add.Street1; odCarrier.Address2 = add.Street2; odCarrier.City = add.City; odCarrier.State = add.Province; odCarrier.Zip = add.PostalCode; } break; case ItransImportFields.Name: odCarrier.CarrierName = jsonCarrier.Name.En; break; } } try { long userNum = 0; if (!isAutomatic) { userNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; } Carriers.Update(odCarrier, odCarrierOld, userNum); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); } } return(""); //Blank string represents a completed update. }