private static void CompareBestMove(string filePath, int timeBudgetMs)
            var         file       = File.OpenText(filePath);
            double      freq       = Stopwatch.Frequency;
            long        totalTime  = 0;
            long        totalNodes = 0;
            int         count      = 0;
            int         foundBest  = 0;
            List <Move> bestMoves  = new List <Move>();

            while (!file.EndOfStream)
                ParseEpd(file.ReadLine(), out Board board, bestMoves);
                IterativeSearch search = new IterativeSearch(board);
                Move            pvMove = default;
                long            t0     = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                long            tStop  = t0 + (timeBudgetMs * Stopwatch.Frequency) / 1000;
                //search until running out of time
                while (true)
                    search.SearchDeeper(() => Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() > tStop);
                    if (search.Aborted)
                    pvMove = search.PrincipalVariation[0];
                long t1 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                long dt = t1 - t0;
                totalTime  += dt;
                totalNodes += search.NodesVisited;
                string pvString      = string.Join(' ', search.PrincipalVariation);
                bool   foundBestMove = bestMoves.Contains(pvMove);
                if (foundBestMove)
                Console.WriteLine($"{count,4}. {(foundBestMove ? "[X]" : "[ ]")} {pvString} = {search.Score:+0.00;-0.00}, {search.NodesVisited / 1000}K nodes, { 1000 * dt / freq}ms");
                Console.WriteLine($"{totalNodes,14} nodes, { (int)(totalTime / freq)} seconds, {foundBest} solved.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Searched {count} positions for {timeBudgetMs}ms each. {totalNodes/1000}K nodes visited. Took {totalTime/freq:0.###} seconds!");
            Console.WriteLine($"Best move found in {foundBest} / {count} positions!");
        private void Search()
            while (CanSearchDeeper())

                if (_search.Aborted)

                //collect PV
            //Done searching!
            _search = null;
        //*** INTERNALS ***

        private void StartSearch(int maxDepth, long maxNodes)
            //do the first iteration. it's cheap, no time check, no thread
            Uci.Log($"Search scheduled to take {_time.TimePerMoveWithMargin}ms!");

            //add all history positions with a score of 0 (Draw through 3-fold repetition) and freeze them by setting a depth that is never going to be overwritten
            foreach (var position in _history)
                Transpositions.Store(position.ZobristHash, Transpositions.HISTORY, 0, SearchWindow.Infinite, 0, default);

            _search = new IterativeSearch(_board, maxNodes);

            //start the search thread
            _maxSearchDepth = maxDepth;
            _searching      = new Thread(Search)
                Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest