private async Task HandleJoinAsync(SocketGuildUser s) { Console.WriteLine("New user joined: " + s.Guild); //await s.Guild.DefaultChannel.SendMessageAsync("Joined the Server!"); foreach (SocketGuild guild in _client.Guilds) { Console.WriteLine("Guild: " + guild.Name); foreach (RestInviteMetadata invite in await guild.GetInvitesAsync()) { Console.WriteLine(invite.Code + " -> " + invite.Uses + " Guild: " + guild.Name); CommandHandler.invitelog.Add(new InviteLog(invite, guild)); } } List <InviteLog> templog = new List <InviteLog>(); foreach (RestInviteMetadata invite in await s.Guild.GetInvitesAsync()) { Console.WriteLine(invite.Code + " -> " + invite.Uses); templog.Add(new InviteLog(invite, s.Guild)); } await Iterations.FindChannel(s.Guild, "bot-spam").SendMessageAsync(s.Mention + " joined using " + InviteLog.FindInvite(templog, invitelog).Code); templog = new List <InviteLog>(); foreach (SocketGuild guild in _client.Guilds) { Console.WriteLine("Guild: " + guild.Name); foreach (RestInviteMetadata invite in await guild.GetInvitesAsync()) { Console.WriteLine(invite.Code + " -> " + invite.Uses + " Guild: " + guild.Name); templog.Add(new InviteLog(invite, guild)); } } invitelog = templog; }
public async Task StartPoll() { if (Context.Message.Author.Id != 193255051807031296 && (!Iterations.HasRole((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, "Mod") && !Iterations.HasRole((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, "Admin") && !Iterations.HasRole((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, "Junior Dev") && !Iterations.HasRole((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, "Supervisor") && !Iterations.HasRole((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, "Owner"))) { await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Permission Denied."); return; } Console.WriteLine("Starting Poll"); Poll LastPoll = polls.Last(); Console.WriteLine(LastPoll.PollName); string MessageBuilder = ""; int index = 1; foreach (string options in LastPoll.PollOptions) { MessageBuilder += index + ": " + "[" + options + "]" + "\n"; index++; } Console.WriteLine(MessageBuilder); await Iterations.FindChannel(Context.Guild, "news").SendMessageAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole.Mention + "\nPoll " + LastPoll.PollName + " has been started by " + Context.User.Mention + ".\n" + "To vote now, type $vote with the number thats next to the option you're voting for like this `$vote 1`" + "\n\n" + MessageBuilder ); Console.WriteLine("Sent"); }