public static string Join <_T0>(Iterable <_T0> strings, string delimiter) where _T0 : CharSequence { int capacity = 0; int delimLength = delimiter.Length; Iterator <CharSequence> iter = strings.Iterator <CharSequence>(); if (iter.HasNext()) { capacity += iter.Next().Length + delimLength; } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(capacity); iter = strings.Iterator <CharSequence>(); if (iter.HasNext()) { buffer.Append(iter.Next()); while (iter.HasNext()) { buffer.Append(delimiter); buffer.Append(iter.Next()); } } return(buffer.ToString()); }
public static string Join <_T0>(Iterable <_T0> strings, [NotNull] string delimiter) where _T0 : CharSequence { int capacity = 0; int delimLength = delimiter.Length; Iterator <_T0> iter = strings.Iterator(); if (iter.HasNext()) { capacity += iter.Next().Length + delimLength; } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(capacity); iter = strings.Iterator(); if (iter.HasNext()) { buffer.Append(iter.Next()); while (iter.HasNext()) { buffer.Append(delimiter); buffer.Append(iter.Next()); } } return(Sharpen.Extensions.ConvertToString(buffer)); }
/// <summary>Asynchronous object size lookup.</summary> /// <remarks>Asynchronous object size lookup.</remarks> /// <?></?> /// <param name="objectIds"> /// objects to get the size of from the object store. The supplied /// collection must not be modified until the queue has finished. /// </param> /// <param name="reportMissing"> /// if true missing objects are reported by calling failure with a /// MissingObjectException. This may be more expensive for the /// implementation to guarantee. If false the implementation may /// choose to report MissingObjectException, or silently skip over /// the object with no warning. /// </param> /// <returns>queue to read object sizes from.</returns> public virtual AsyncObjectSizeQueue <T> GetObjectSize <T>(Iterable <T> objectIds, bool reportMissing) where T : ObjectId { Iterator <T> idItr = objectIds.Iterator(); return(new _AsyncObjectSizeQueue_354 <T>(this, idItr)); }
/// <summary>Asynchronous object opening.</summary> /// <remarks>Asynchronous object opening.</remarks> /// <?></?> /// <param name="objectIds"> /// objects to open from the object store. The supplied collection /// must not be modified until the queue has finished. /// </param> /// <param name="reportMissing"> /// if true missing objects are reported by calling failure with a /// MissingObjectException. This may be more expensive for the /// implementation to guarantee. If false the implementation may /// choose to report MissingObjectException, or silently skip over /// the object with no warning. /// </param> /// <returns>queue to read the objects from.</returns> public virtual AsyncObjectLoaderQueue <T> Open <T>(Iterable <T> objectIds, bool reportMissing ) where T : ObjectId { Iterator <T> idItr = objectIds.Iterator(); return(new _AsyncObjectLoaderQueue_272 <T>(this, idItr)); }
public static void ForEach(Iterable <V> @this, java.util.function.Consumer consumer) { java.util.Iterator <V> i = @this.Iterator(); while (i.HasNext()) { consumer.Accept(i.Next()); } }
private static void BuildStopWordIndex(Iterable <RevCommit> log, Repository repository, Git git) { Console.WriteLine("Index build start -" + System.DateTime.Now); DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; for (Iterator <RevCommit> iterator = log.Iterator(); iterator.HasNext();) { RevCommit rev = iterator.Next(); var dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(rev.CommitTime).ToLocalTime(); DiffFormatter df = new DiffFormatter(DisabledOutputStream.INSTANCE); df.SetRepository(repository); df.SetDiffComparator(RawTextComparator.DEFAULT); df.SetDetectRenames(true); List <String> files = new List <string>(); if (rev.ParentCount > 0) { List <DiffEntry> diffs = df.Scan(rev.GetParent(0).Tree, rev.Tree).ToList(); foreach (DiffEntry diff in diffs) { string filename = diff.GetNewPath(); if (Utils.AllowedFileExtentions(filename)) { string data = GitHelper.GetCommitDiff(repository, git, rev, filename); StopWords.StopWordIndexBuilder.BuildWordIndex(filename, data); } } } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMinutes > 60) { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Index build end -" + System.DateTime.Now); StopWords.StopWordIndexBuilder.BuildStopWordsIndex(); StopWords.StopWordIndexBuilder.WriteToFile(); Console.WriteLine("Stop word keyword index build completed.."); }
public virtual void TestTrackingUpdate() { Repository db2 = CreateBareRepository(); string remote = "origin"; string branch = "refs/heads/master"; string trackingBranch = "refs/remotes/" + remote + "/master"; Git git = new Git(db); RevCommit commit1 = git.Commit().SetMessage("Initial commit").Call(); RefUpdate branchRefUpdate = db.UpdateRef(branch); branchRefUpdate.SetNewObjectId(commit1.Id); branchRefUpdate.Update(); RefUpdate trackingBranchRefUpdate = db.UpdateRef(trackingBranch); trackingBranchRefUpdate.SetNewObjectId(commit1.Id); trackingBranchRefUpdate.Update(); StoredConfig config = ((FileBasedConfig)db.GetConfig()); RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(config, remote); URIish uri = new URIish(db2.Directory.ToURI().ToURL()); remoteConfig.AddURI(uri); remoteConfig.AddFetchRefSpec(new RefSpec("+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/" + remote + "/*")); remoteConfig.Update(config); config.Save(); RevCommit commit2 = git.Commit().SetMessage("Commit to push").Call(); RefSpec spec = new RefSpec(branch + ":" + branch); Iterable <PushResult> resultIterable = git.Push().SetRemote(remote).SetRefSpecs(spec ).Call(); PushResult result = resultIterable.Iterator().Next(); TrackingRefUpdate trackingRefUpdate = result.GetTrackingRefUpdate(trackingBranch); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull(trackingRefUpdate); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(trackingBranch, trackingRefUpdate.GetLocalName()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(branch, trackingRefUpdate.GetRemoteName()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(commit2.Id, trackingRefUpdate.GetNewObjectId()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(commit2.Id, db.Resolve(trackingBranch)); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(commit2.Id, db2.Resolve(branch)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Iterable <RevCommit> gitLogs = GetRevCommitList(); int count = 0; DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.Now; Dictionary <string, string> gitLogDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > groupedChangeSets = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(); HashSet <string> commitIDs = new HashSet <string>(); for (Iterator <RevCommit> iterator = gitLogs.Iterator(); iterator.HasNext();) { RevCommit rev = iterator.Next(); //System.Console.WriteLine(rev.Id.FirstByte); //System.Console.WriteLine(rev.GetFullMessage()); // TermFrequency.Add(rev.Id.Name, rev.GetFullMessage()); gitLogDictionary.Add(rev.Id.Name, TermFrequency.CleanInput(rev.GetFullMessage())); //System.Console.ReadLine(); count++; } int loopCount = 0; Iterable <RevCommit> gitLogs1 = GetRevCommitList(); //for (Iterator<RevCommit> iterator2 = gitLogs1.Iterator(); iterator2.HasNext(); ) foreach (var itemParent in gitLogDictionary) { //RevCommit rev = iterator2.Next(); bool first = true; if (!itemParent.Value.ToLower().Contains("merge branch") && !commitIDs.Contains(itemParent.Key)) { foreach (var item in gitLogDictionary) { if (!item.Value.ToLower().Contains("merge branch")) { if (item.Key != itemParent.Key && TermFrequency.GetSimilarityValue(itemParent.Value, item.Value) > 0.8) { if (first) { groupedChangeSets.Add(itemParent.Key, new Dictionary <string, string>() { { itemParent.Key, itemParent.Value } }); commitIDs.Add(itemParent.Key); first = false; } groupedChangeSets[itemParent.Key].Add(item.Key, item.Value); commitIDs.Add(item.Key); string Test1 = "1"; } } } } loopCount++; System.Console.Clear(); System.Console.WriteLine(loopCount); } TimeSpan TotalTime = (System.DateTime.Now - startTime); foreach (var item in groupedChangeSets) { foreach (var item1 in item.Value) { //System.Console.WriteLine(item.Key + ";" + item1.Key + ";" + item1.Value); WriteData(item.Key, item1.Key, item1.Value); } } System.Console.WriteLine(TotalTime); // System.Console.ReadLine(); //TermFrequency.Print(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder(); Repository repository = builder.SetGitDir(new FilePath(@"D:\Personal\E Books\Higher Education\Research\SampleProjects\NopCommerce\.git")) //Repository repository = builder.SetGitDir(new FilePath(@"C:\Users\neemathu\Documents\GitHub\angular.js\.git")) // Repository repository = builder.SetGitDir(new FilePath(@"D:\Personal\E Books\Higher Education\RefactoringActivity\ganttproject\.git")) .ReadEnvironment() // scan environment GIT_* variables .FindGitDir() // scan up the file system tree .Build(); HashSet <String> uniqueFile = new HashSet <string>(); Dictionary <String, int> logicalCoupling = new Dictionary <string, int>(); RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repository); Git git = new Git(repository); Iterable <RevCommit> log = git.Log().Call(); for (Iterator <RevCommit> iterator = log.Iterator(); iterator.HasNext();) { RevCommit rev = iterator.Next(); //RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(git.GetRepository()); //RevTree revTree = revWalk.ParseTree(rev.Tree.Id); //TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(git.GetRepository()); //treeWalk.AddTree(revTree); //while (treeWalk.Next()) //{ // //compare treeWalk.NameString yourself // byte[] bytes = treeWalk.ObjectReader.Open(treeWalk.GetObjectId(0)).GetBytes(); // string result1 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); //} // Sharpen.OutputStream os = new Sharpen.OutputStream(); //rev.CopyRawTo(os); //System.Console.WriteLine("Author: "+rev.GetAuthorIdent().GetName()); //System.Console.WriteLine("ID:" + rev.Id); var dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(rev.CommitTime).ToLocalTime(); //var ts = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - rev.CommitTime); //System.Console.WriteLine("Date:" + dt.ToString()); //System.Console.WriteLine("Description:" + rev.GetFullMessage()); DiffFormatter df = new DiffFormatter(DisabledOutputStream.INSTANCE); df.SetRepository(repository); df.SetDiffComparator(RawTextComparator.DEFAULT); df.SetDetectRenames(true); List <String> files = new List <string>(); if (rev.ParentCount > 0) { List <DiffEntry> diffs = df.Scan(rev.GetParent(0).Tree, rev.Tree).ToList(); foreach (DiffEntry diff in diffs) { // Fetch data from the commited new file //ObjectLoader loader = repository.Open(diff.GetNewId().ToObjectId()); //OutputStream @out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ////loader.CopyTo(@out); ////Fetch diffrence of commit //DiffCommand diff1 = git.Diff().SetPathFilter(PathFilter.Create(diff.GetNewPath())).SetOldTree(GetTreeIterator(rev.GetParent(0).Tree.Name, repository)).SetNewTree(GetTreeIterator(rev.Tree.Name, repository)).SetOutputStream(@out); //IList<DiffEntry> entries = diff1.Call(); //string data = @out.ToString(); files.Add(diff.GetNewPath()); uniqueFile.Add(diff.GetNewPath()); //System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("FilePath: {0} {1}", diff.GetNewMode().GetBits(), diff.GetNewPath())); } } if (isContainFile(rev, files)) { //System.Console.WriteLine(rev.Id); //System.Console.WriteLine(dt); //System.Console.WriteLine(rev.GetAuthorIdent().GetName()); //System.Console.WriteLine(rev.GetFullMessage()); tfIdfBeforeData.Add(rev.Id.Name, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> >()); foreach (String file in files) { String fileName = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("/") + 1, file.Length - file.LastIndexOf("/") - 1); if (IsFileExtentionAllowed(fileName)) { string data = GetCommitDiff(repository, git, rev, file); Dictionary <string, double> tokensTF = GetTokensWithTF(data); tfIdfBeforeData[rev.Id.Name].Add(file, tokensTF); //System.Console.WriteLine("File path: " + file); //System.Console.WriteLine(data); //System.Console.WriteLine("------------------"); if (!logicalCoupling.ContainsKey(fileName)) { logicalCoupling.Add(fileName, 1); } else { logicalCoupling[fileName] += 1; } } } //System.Console.WriteLine("###################################"); } //foreach (var item in uniqueFile) //{ // System.Console.WriteLine(item); //} //System.Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); // ////ObjectId head = repository.Resolve("master"); //RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository); //foreach (var commit in walk) //{ // String email = commit.GetAuthorIdent().GetEmailAddress(); //} } CalculateTfIdfScore("defaultResources.nopres.xml"); CalculateLogicalDependency(logicalCoupling); System.Console.WriteLine("----------Done----------"); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //string input = "group, and test but not testing. But yes to test"; //string val="Group"; //string pattern = @"\b" + val + @"\b"; //string replace = " "; //string result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, pattern, replace, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //Console.WriteLine(result); FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder(); Repository repository = builder.SetGitDir(new FilePath(@"D:\Personal\E Books\Higher Education\Research\SampleProjects\NopCommerce\.git")) //Repository repository = builder.SetGitDir(new FilePath(@"C:\Users\neemathu\Documents\GitHub\angular.js\.git")) // Repository repository = builder.SetGitDir(new FilePath(@"D:\Personal\E Books\Higher Education\RefactoringActivity\ganttproject\.git")) .ReadEnvironment() // scan environment GIT_* variables .FindGitDir() // scan up the file system tree .Build(); RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repository); Git git = new Git(repository); Iterable <RevCommit> log = git.Log().Call(); if (args.Length > 0) { switch (args[0]) { case "buildstopwordindex": BuildStopWordIndex(log, repository, git); return; break; default: break; } } // Iterat over revisions for (Iterator <RevCommit> iterator = log.Iterator(); iterator.HasNext();) { RevCommit rev = iterator.Next(); var dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(rev.CommitTime).ToLocalTime(); DiffFormatter df = new DiffFormatter(DisabledOutputStream.INSTANCE); df.SetRepository(repository); df.SetDiffComparator(RawTextComparator.DEFAULT); df.SetDetectRenames(true); List <String> files = new List <string>(); if (rev.ParentCount > 0) { List <DiffEntry> diffs = df.Scan(rev.GetParent(0).Tree, rev.Tree).ToList(); foreach (DiffEntry diff in diffs) { // Fetch data from the commited new file //ObjectLoader loader = repository.Open(diff.GetNewId().ToObjectId()); //OutputStream @out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ////loader.CopyTo(@out); ////Fetch diffrence of commit //DiffCommand diff1 = git.Diff().SetPathFilter(PathFilter.Create(diff.GetNewPath())).SetOldTree(GetTreeIterator(rev.GetParent(0).Tree.Name, repository)).SetNewTree(GetTreeIterator(rev.Tree.Name, repository)).SetOutputStream(@out); //IList<DiffEntry> entries = diff1.Call(); //string data = @out.ToString(); string filePath = diff.GetNewPath(); //if (fileCount.ContainsKey(filePath)) //{ // fileCount[filePath] = fileCount[filePath] + 1; //} //else //{ // fileCount.Add(filePath, 1); //} files.Add(filePath); //System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("FilePath: {0} {1}", diff.GetNewMode().GetBits(), diff.GetNewPath())); } //continue; } if (GitHelper.HasFile(files)) { foreach (String file in files) { String FileName = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("/") + 1, file.Length - file.LastIndexOf("/") - 1); if (Utils.AllowedFileExtentions(FileName)) { string DiffContent = GitHelper.GetCommitDiff(repository, git, rev, file); //data = Common.Utils.RemoveStopWords(data); LogicalDependency.LogicalDependency.AddArtifact(rev.Id.Name, file, DiffContent); //StopWords.StopWordIndexBuilder.BuildWordIndex(file, data); } } } } //var sortedElements = fileCount.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Value); //foreach (var item in sortedElements) //{ // Console.WriteLine(item.Key + ": " + item.Value); //} LogicalDependency.LogicalDependency.CalculateSimilarityIndex(); }