/// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            LoggerService.Debug(">>GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to create query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            Query pageQuery = new Query();

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: created query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage  = new ItemTypeCriteria(64); // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria  pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);

            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);
            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: added criteria to query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to execute query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                retVal = PageContentAssembler.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed PageContentAssembler", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            LoggerService.Debug("<<GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        private string GetStringContentFromBrokerByUrl(string Url)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            Query               pageQuery   = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria    isPage      = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);               // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria     pageUrl     = new PageURLCriteria(Url);
            PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId); //Todo: add logic to determine site on url

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);


            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                PageContentAssembler loadPage = new PageContentAssembler();
                retVal = loadPage.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            Query            pageQuery = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage    = new ItemTypeCriteria(64); // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria  pageUrl   = new PageURLCriteria(Url);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);

            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);
            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                PageContentAssembler loadPage = new PageContentAssembler();
                retVal = loadPage.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
        public IItem GetPageIdByIshLogicalReference(int publicationId, string ishLogicalRefValue)
                Criteria dateCriteria = new ItemLastPublishedDateCriteria(DefaultPublishData, Criteria.GreaterThanOrEqual);
                CustomMetaKeyCriteria metaKeyCriteria = new CustomMetaKeyCriteria(RefFieldName);
                Criteria refCriteria = new CustomMetaValueCriteria(metaKeyCriteria, ishLogicalRefValue);
                Criteria pubCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(publicationId);
                Criteria itemType    = new ItemTypeCriteria((int)ItemType.Page);
                Criteria composite   = new AndCriteria(new[] { dateCriteria, refCriteria, itemType, pubCriteria });

                Query   query = new Query(composite);
                IItem[] items = query.ExecuteEntityQuery();
                if (items == null || items.Length == 0)
                    return(new ItemImpl());

                if (items.Length > 1)
                    throw new TridionDocsApiException($"Too many page Ids found in publication with logical ref value {ishLogicalRefValue}");

            catch (Exception)
                throw new DxaItemNotFoundException($"Page reference by ishlogicalref.object.id = {ishLogicalRefValue} not found in publication {publicationId}.");
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// this method shall be used to return the component based on a category
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category"></param>
        /// <param name="contentRepositoryId"></param>
        /// <param name="nbrOfRecords"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <XmlDocument> GetComponentsByCategory(string category, int contentRepositoryId, int nbrOfRecords)
            List <XmlDocument> results;
            CategoryCriteria   categoryCriteria = new CategoryCriteria(category);
            ItemTypeCriteria   typeCriteria     = new ItemTypeCriteria(TRIDION_ITEMTYPE);

            results = BuildAndExecute(contentRepositoryId, new Criteria[] { categoryCriteria, typeCriteria }, nbrOfRecords);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaId"></param>
        /// <param name="contentRepositoryId"></param>
        /// <param name="noOfRecords"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <XmlDocument> GetContentByType(int schemaId, int contentRepositoryId, int noOfRecords)
            List <XmlDocument> results;
            ItemSchemaCriteria schemaCriteria = new ItemSchemaCriteria(schemaId);
            ItemTypeCriteria   typeCriteria   = new ItemTypeCriteria(TRIDION_ITEMTYPE);

            results = BuildAndExecute(contentRepositoryId, new Criteria[] { schemaCriteria, typeCriteria }, noOfRecords);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all urls of published pages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="includeExtensions"></param>
        /// <param name="pathStarts"></param>
        /// <param name="publicationID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string[] GetAllPublishedPageUrls(string[] includeExtensions, string[] pathStarts)
            Query               pageQuery          = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria    isPage             = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);               // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PublicationCriteria currentPublication = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId); //Todo: add logic to determine site on url

            Criteria pageInPublication = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, currentPublication);

            if (includeExtensions.Length > 0)
                PageURLCriteria[] extensionsCriteria = new PageURLCriteria[includeExtensions.Length];
                int criteriaCount = 0;
                foreach (string pageExtension in includeExtensions)
                    extensionsCriteria.SetValue(new PageURLCriteria("%" + pageExtension, Criteria.Like), criteriaCount);

                Criteria allExtensions = CriteriaFactory.Or(extensionsCriteria);
                pageInPublication = CriteriaFactory.And(pageInPublication, allExtensions);

            if (pathStarts.Length > 0)
                PageURLCriteria[] pathCriteria = new PageURLCriteria[pathStarts.Length];
                int criteriaCount = 0;
                foreach (string requiredPath in pathStarts)
                    pathCriteria.SetValue(new PageURLCriteria(requiredPath + "%", Criteria.Like), criteriaCount);

                Criteria allPaths = CriteriaFactory.Or(pathCriteria);
                pageInPublication = CriteriaFactory.And(pageInPublication, allPaths);

            Query findPages = new Query(pageInPublication);

            string[] pageUris = findPages.ExecuteQuery();

            // Need to get PageMeta data to find all the urls
            List <string> pageUrls = new List <string>();

            foreach (string uri in pageUris)
                TcmUri          tcmUri      = new TcmUri(uri);
                PageMetaFactory metaFactory = GetPageMetaFactory(tcmUri.PublicationId);
                IPageMeta       currentMeta = metaFactory.GetMeta(uri);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all urls of published pages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="includeExtensions"></param>
        /// <param name="pathStarts"></param>
        /// <param name="publicationID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string[] GetAllPublishedPageUrls(string[] includeExtensions, string[] pathStarts)
            Query pageQuery = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);  // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PublicationCriteria currentPublication = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId); //Todo: add logic to determine site on url

            Criteria pageInPublication = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, currentPublication);

            if (includeExtensions.Length > 0)
                PageURLCriteria[] extensionsCriteria = new PageURLCriteria[includeExtensions.Length];
                int criteriaCount = 0;
                foreach (string pageExtension in includeExtensions)
                    extensionsCriteria.SetValue(new PageURLCriteria("%" + pageExtension, Criteria.Like), criteriaCount);

                Criteria allExtensions = CriteriaFactory.Or(extensionsCriteria);
                pageInPublication = CriteriaFactory.And(pageInPublication, allExtensions);

            if (pathStarts.Length > 0)
                PageURLCriteria[] pathCriteria = new PageURLCriteria[pathStarts.Length];
                int criteriaCount = 0;
                foreach (string requiredPath in pathStarts)
                    pathCriteria.SetValue(new PageURLCriteria(requiredPath + "%", Criteria.Like), criteriaCount);

                Criteria allPaths = CriteriaFactory.Or(pathCriteria);
                pageInPublication = CriteriaFactory.And(pageInPublication, allPaths);

            Query findPages = new Query(pageInPublication);
            string[] pageUris = findPages.ExecuteQuery();

            // Need to get PageMeta data to find all the urls
            List<string> pageUrls = new List<string>();
            foreach (string uri in pageUris)
                TcmUri tcmUri = new TcmUri(uri);
                PageMetaFactory metaFactory = GetPageMetaFactory(tcmUri.PublicationId);
                IPageMeta currentMeta = metaFactory.GetMeta(uri);
            return pageUrls.ToArray();
Exemple #9
        public bool TryFindBinary(string url, out IBinary binary)
            string encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(url);

            binary = null;
            //using (var sqlBinMetaHome = new Com.Tridion.Broker.Binaries.Meta.SQLBinaryMetaHome())

            //    Com.Tridion.Meta.BinaryMeta binaryMeta = sqlBinMetaHome.FindByURL(PublicationId, encodedUrl); // "/Images/anubis_pecunia160_tcm70-520973.jpg"
            //    if (binaryMeta != null)
            //    {
            //        using (var sqlBinaryHome = new Com.Tridion.Broker.Binaries.SQLBinaryHome())
            //        {
            //            Com.Tridion.Data.BinaryData binData = sqlBinaryHome.FindByPrimaryKey(PublicationId, (int)binaryMeta.GetId());
            //            if (binData != null)
            //            {
            //                binary = new Binary(this)
            //                {
            //                    Id = String.Format("tcm:{0}-{1}", binData.GetPublicationId(), binData.GetId()),
            //                    Url = url,
            //                    LastPublishedDate = DateTime.Now,
            //                    Multimedia = null,
            //                    VariantId = binData.GetVariantId()
            //                };
            //                return true;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return false;

            Query            binaryQuery  = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isMultiMedia = new ItemTypeCriteria(32);

            PublicationCriteria inPub       = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId);
            Criteria            allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isMultiMedia, inPub);

            string[] results = binaryQuery.ExecuteQuery();
            binary = null;

            foreach (var item in results)
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            LoggerService.Debug(">>GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to create query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            using (var pageQuery = new Query())
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: created query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
                using (var isPage = new ItemTypeCriteria(64))
                    using (var pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url))
                        using (var allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl))
                            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                                using (var correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId))

                            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: added criteria to query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to execute query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
                string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

                if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                    retVal = PageContentAssembler.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
                    LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed PageContentAssembler", LoggingCategory.Performance);
                LoggerService.Debug("<<GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
Exemple #11
        public static IPageMeta GetPageMetaFromSEO(HttpRequestBase request, string url)
            PageMetaFactory pageMetaFactory = new PageMetaFactory(SiteGlobal.PublicationId);
            IPageMeta       pageMeta        = pageMetaFactory.GetMetaByUrl(SiteGlobal.PublicationId, url);

            if (pageMeta == null)
                // Check if it is a Vanity URL
                var publicationCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(SiteGlobal.PublicationId);
                var pageCriteria        = new ItemTypeCriteria((int)TridionItemType.Page);
                var vanityUrlCriteria   = new CustomMetaValueCriteria(new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("SEOUrl", Criteria.Equal), url);

                // --

                Query query = new Query();
                query.Criteria = CriteriaFactory.And(new Criteria[] { publicationCriteria, pageCriteria, vanityUrlCriteria });
                IEnumerable <string> pages = query.ExecuteQuery();

                //If no result, we try taking the ApplicationPath ['/en'] fro the url
                if (!pages.Any() && url.ToLower().StartsWith(request.ApplicationPath.ToLower()))
                    var urlWithoutAppPath  = url.Substring(request.ApplicationPath.Length);
                    var vanityUrlCriteria2 = new CustomMetaValueCriteria(new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("SEOUrl", Criteria.Equal), urlWithoutAppPath);
                    query.Criteria = CriteriaFactory.And(new Criteria[] { publicationCriteria, pageCriteria, vanityUrlCriteria2 });
                    pages          = query.ExecuteQuery();

                    //If no result, we try taking the '/' from the begining of the url.
                    if (!pages.Any())
                        urlWithoutAppPath  = urlWithoutAppPath.TrimStart('/');
                        vanityUrlCriteria2 = new CustomMetaValueCriteria(new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("SEOUrl", Criteria.Equal), urlWithoutAppPath);
                        query.Criteria     = CriteriaFactory.And(new Criteria[] { publicationCriteria, pageCriteria, vanityUrlCriteria2 });
                        pages = query.ExecuteQuery();

                if (pages.Any())
                    pageMeta = pageMetaFactory.GetMeta(pages.First());
Exemple #12
        public void TryRedirect(Object s, EventArgs e)
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;

            int    publicationId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GlobalPubId"]);
            string redirectField = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedirectUrlField"];

            string url = context.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
            int    pos = url.IndexOf("?");

            if (pos > 0)
                url = url.Substring(0, pos);

            PublicationCriteria     publicationCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(publicationId);
            ItemTypeCriteria        itemCriteria        = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);
            CustomMetaValueCriteria cmvCriteria         = new CustomMetaValueCriteria(new CustomMetaKeyCriteria(redirectField), url);
            AndCriteria             andCriteria         = new AndCriteria(new Criteria[] { publicationCriteria, itemCriteria, cmvCriteria });

            Query query = new Query(andCriteria);

            string[] results = query.ExecuteQuery();

            if (results.Length > 0)
                PageLink pageLink = new PageLink(publicationId);
                Link     link     = pageLink.GetLink(results[0]);

                if (link.IsResolved)
                    // Redirect
                    HttpResponse response = context.Response;
                    response.RedirectLocation  = link.Url;
                    response.StatusCode        = 301;
                    response.StatusDescription = "301 Moved Permanently";
                    response.Write("Page has moved to " + link.Url);
Exemple #13
        public void TryRedirect(Object s, EventArgs e)
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;

            int publicationId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GlobalPubId"]);
            string redirectField = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedirectUrlField"];

            string url = context.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
            int pos = url.IndexOf("?");
            if (pos > 0) url = url.Substring(0, pos);

            PublicationCriteria publicationCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(publicationId);
            ItemTypeCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);
            CustomMetaValueCriteria cmvCriteria = new CustomMetaValueCriteria(new CustomMetaKeyCriteria(redirectField), url);
            AndCriteria andCriteria = new AndCriteria(new Criteria[] { publicationCriteria, itemCriteria, cmvCriteria });

            Query query = new Query(andCriteria);

            string[] results = query.ExecuteQuery();

            if (results.Length > 0)
                PageLink pageLink = new PageLink(publicationId);
                Link link = pageLink.GetLink(results[0]);

                if (link.IsResolved)
                    // Redirect
                    HttpResponse response = context.Response;
                    response.RedirectLocation = link.Url;
                    response.StatusCode = 301;
                    response.StatusDescription = "301 Moved Permanently";
                    response.Write("Page has moved to " + link.Url);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// this method shall be used to return the component based on a categories and keywords
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category"></param>
        /// <param name="keywords"></param>
        /// <param name="contentRepositoryId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <XmlDocument> GetComponentsByKeywords(string[] category, string[] keywords, int contentRepositoryId, int nbrOfRecords)
            List <XmlDocument> results;
            Criteria           criteria = null;
            KeywordCriteria    keywordCriteria;
            ItemTypeCriteria   typeCriteria = new ItemTypeCriteria(TRIDION_ITEMTYPE);

            for (int i = 0; i < keywords.Length; i++)
                keywordCriteria = new KeywordCriteria(category[i], keywords[i]);
                if (i == 0)
                    criteria = CriteriaFactory.And(keywordCriteria, typeCriteria);
                    criteria = CriteriaFactory.And(keywordCriteria, criteria);

            results = BuildAndExecute(contentRepositoryId, new Criteria[] { criteria }, nbrOfRecords);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)

            LoggerService.Debug(">>GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to create query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            using (var pageQuery = new Query())
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: created query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
                using (var isPage = new ItemTypeCriteria(64))
                    using (var pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url))
                        using (var allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl))
                            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                                using (var correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId))

                            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: added criteria to query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to execute query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
                string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

                if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                    retVal = PageContentAssembler.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
                    LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed PageContentAssembler", LoggingCategory.Performance);
                LoggerService.Debug("<<GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
                return retVal;
        public bool TryFindBinary(string url, out IBinary binary)
            string encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(url);
            binary = null;
            //using (var sqlBinMetaHome = new Com.Tridion.Broker.Binaries.Meta.SQLBinaryMetaHome())

            //    Com.Tridion.Meta.BinaryMeta binaryMeta = sqlBinMetaHome.FindByURL(PublicationId, encodedUrl); // "/Images/anubis_pecunia160_tcm70-520973.jpg"
            //    if (binaryMeta != null)
            //    {
            //        using (var sqlBinaryHome = new Com.Tridion.Broker.Binaries.SQLBinaryHome())
            //        {
            //            Com.Tridion.Data.BinaryData binData = sqlBinaryHome.FindByPrimaryKey(PublicationId, (int)binaryMeta.GetId());
            //            if (binData != null)
            //            {
            //                binary = new Binary(this)
            //                {
            //                    Id = String.Format("tcm:{0}-{1}", binData.GetPublicationId(), binData.GetId()),
            //                    Url = url,
            //                    LastPublishedDate = DateTime.Now,
            //                    Multimedia = null,
            //                    VariantId = binData.GetVariantId()
            //                };
            //                return true;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return false;

            Query binaryQuery = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isMultiMedia = new ItemTypeCriteria(32);

            PublicationCriteria inPub = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId);
            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isMultiMedia, inPub);

            string[] results =  binaryQuery.ExecuteQuery();
            binary = null;
            return true;

            foreach (var item in results) {

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)

            LoggerService.Debug(">>GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to create query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            Query pageQuery = new Query();
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: created query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);  // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);
            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);
            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: added criteria to query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to execute query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                retVal = PageContentAssembler.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed PageContentAssembler", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            LoggerService.Debug("<<GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        private string GetStringContentFromBrokerByUrl(string Url)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            Query pageQuery = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);  // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url);
            PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId); //Todo: add logic to determine site on url

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);

            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                PageContentAssembler loadPage = new PageContentAssembler();
                retVal = loadPage.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            Query pageQuery = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);  // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);
            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);
            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                PageContentAssembler loadPage = new PageContentAssembler();
                retVal = loadPage.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
            return retVal;