/// <summary> /// 创建Buff,以天为单位 /// </summary> /// <param name="template"></param> /// <param name="ValidDate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AbstractBuffer CreateBuffer(ItemTemplateInfo template, int ValidDate) { BufferInfo buffer = new BufferInfo(); buffer.BeginDate = DateTime.Now; buffer.ValidDate = ValidDate * 24 * 60; buffer.Value = template.Property2; buffer.Type = template.Property1; buffer.IsExist = true; return(CreateBuffer(buffer)); }
public override bool CancelFinish(GamePlayer player) { ItemTemplateInfo itemTemplateInfo = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(this.m_info.Para1); if (itemTemplateInfo != null) { ItemInfo cloneItem = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(itemTemplateInfo, this.m_info.Para2, 117); return(player.AddTemplate(cloneItem, eBageType.TempBag, this.m_info.Para2)); } return(false); }
public static AbstractBuffer CreateBufferMinute(ItemTemplateInfo template, int ValidMinute) { return(BufferList.CreateBuffer(new BufferInfo { BeginDate = DateTime.Now, ValidDate = ValidMinute, Value = template.Property2, Type = template.Property1, IsExist = true })); }
public static void ExecuteSpell(BaseGame game, Player player, ItemTemplateInfo item) { try { ISpellHandler spellHandler = SpellMgr.LoadSpellHandler(item.Property1); spellHandler.Execute(game, player, item); } catch (Exception ex) { SpellMgr.log.Error("Execute Spell Error:", ex); } }
public bool UseItem(ItemTemplateInfo item) { if (this.CanUseItem(item)) { this.m_energy -= item.Property4; this.m_delay += item.Property5; this.m_game.SendPlayerUseProp(this, -2, -2, item.TemplateID); SpellMgr.ExecuteSpell(this.m_game, this.m_game.CurrentLiving as Player, item); return(true); } return(false); }
public void SetCurrentWeapon(ItemTemplateInfo item) { this.m_weapon = item; BallConfigInfo ballConfigInfo = BallConfigMgr.FindBall(this.m_weapon.TemplateID); this.m_mainBallId = ballConfigInfo.Common; this.m_spBallId = ballConfigInfo.Special; this.m_sp2BallId = ballConfigInfo.SpecialII; this.m_AddWoundBallId = ballConfigInfo.CommonAddWound; this.m_MultiBallId = ballConfigInfo.CommonMultiBall; this.SetBall(this.m_mainBallId); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the MVVM cross view. /// </summary> /// <param name="itemTemplateInfo">The item template information.</param> /// <param name="tokens">The tokens.</param> /// <param name="viewTemplateName">Name of the view template.</param> /// <param name="viewName">Name of the view.</param> /// <returns></returns> public TextTemplateInfo GetMvvmCrossView( ItemTemplateInfo itemTemplateInfo, Dictionary <string, string> tokens, string viewTemplateName, string viewName) { TraceService.WriteLine("MvvmCrossViewFactory::GetMvvmCrossView viewTemplateName=" + viewTemplateName); if (itemTemplateInfo.ProjectSuffix == this.SettingsService.iOSProjectSuffix) { return(this.GetiOSMvvmCrossView( itemTemplateInfo, tokens, viewTemplateName, viewName)); } TextTemplateInfo textTemplateInfo = new TextTemplateInfo { ProjectSuffix = itemTemplateInfo.ProjectSuffix, ProjectFolder = "Views", Tokens = tokens, ShortTemplateName = viewTemplateName, TemplateName = this.SettingsService.ItemTemplatesDirectory + "\\" + itemTemplateInfo.ProjectType + "\\" + viewTemplateName }; TextTransformationRequest textTransformationRequest = new TextTransformationRequest { SourceFile = textTemplateInfo.TemplateName, Parameters = textTemplateInfo.Tokens, RemoveFileHeaders = this.SettingsService.RemoveDefaultFileHeaders, RemoveXmlComments = this.SettingsService.RemoveDefaultComments, RemoveThisPointer = this.SettingsService.RemoveThisPointer }; TextTransformation textTransformation = this.GetTextTransformationService().Transform(textTransformationRequest); textTemplateInfo.TextOutput = textTransformation.Output; textTemplateInfo.FileName = viewName + "." + textTransformation.FileExtension; if (itemTemplateInfo.ProjectSuffix == this.SettingsService.DroidProjectSuffix) { textTemplateInfo.FileOperations.Add( this.GetCompileFileOperation(textTemplateInfo.ProjectSuffix, textTemplateInfo.FileName)); } else { textTemplateInfo.FileOperations.Add( this.GetPageFileOperation(textTemplateInfo.ProjectSuffix, textTemplateInfo.FileName)); } return(textTemplateInfo); }
public ItemInfo GetItemInfo() { ItemInfo item = null; if (this.SecondWeapon != 0) { ItemTemplateInfo secondWeaponTemp = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(this.SecondWeapon); item = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(secondWeaponTemp, 1, 1); item.StrengthenLevel = this.StrengthLevel; } return(item); }
public static AbstractBuffer CreateBufferHour(ItemTemplateInfo template, int ValidHour) { return(BufferList.CreateBuffer(new BufferInfo { BeginDate = DateTime.Now, ValidDate = ValidHour * 60, Value = template.Property2, Type = template.Property1, ValidCount = 1, IsExist = true })); }
public void SetCurrentWeapon(ItemTemplateInfo item) { m_weapon = item; //m_mainBallId = m_weapon.Property1; //m_spBallId = m_weapon.Property2; var ballConfig = BallConfigMgr.FindBall(m_weapon.TemplateID); m_mainBallId = ballConfig.Common; m_spBallId = ballConfig.Special; SetBall(m_mainBallId); }
public void SetCurrentWeapon(ItemTemplateInfo item) { m_weapon = item; var ballConfig = BallConfigMgr.FindBall(m_weapon.TemplateID); m_mainBallId = ballConfig.Common; m_spBallId = ballConfig.Special; m_sp2BallId = ballConfig.SpecialII; m_AddWoundBallId = ballConfig.CommonAddWound; m_MultiBallId = ballConfig.CommonMultiBall; SetBall(m_mainBallId); }
public int HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet) { GSPacketIn gSPacketIn = new GSPacketIn(61, client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ID); new StringBuilder(); int num = 40000; bool tranHole = packet.ReadBoolean(); bool tranHoleFivSix = packet.ReadBoolean(); ItemInfo itemInfo = client.Player.StoreBag.GetItemAt(0); ItemInfo itemInfo2 = client.Player.StoreBag.GetItemAt(1); if (itemInfo != null && itemInfo2 != null && itemInfo.Template.CategoryID == itemInfo2.Template.CategoryID && itemInfo2.Count == 1 && itemInfo.Count == 1 && itemInfo.IsValidItem() && itemInfo2.IsValidItem()) { if (client.Player.PlayerCharacter.Gold < num) { client.Out.SendMessage(eMessageType.Normal, LanguageMgr.GetTranslation("itemtransferhandler.nogold", new object[0])); return(1); } client.Player.RemoveGold(num); if (itemInfo.Template.CategoryID == 7 || itemInfo2.Template.CategoryID == 7) { ItemInfo itemInfo3 = null; ItemInfo itemInfo4 = null; int templateID = itemInfo.TemplateID; int templateID2 = itemInfo2.TemplateID; this.GetWeaponID(ref templateID, ref templateID2); ItemTemplateInfo itemTemplateInfo = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(templateID); ItemTemplateInfo itemTemplateInfo2 = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(templateID2); if (itemTemplateInfo != null) { itemInfo3 = ItemInfo.CreateWeapon(itemTemplateInfo, itemInfo, 116); } itemInfo = itemInfo3; if (itemTemplateInfo2 != null) { itemInfo4 = ItemInfo.CreateWeapon(itemTemplateInfo2, itemInfo2, 116); } itemInfo2 = itemInfo4; } StrengthenMgr.InheritTransferProperty(ref itemInfo, ref itemInfo2, tranHole, tranHoleFivSix); client.Player.StoreBag.ClearBag(); client.Player.StoreBag.AddItemTo(itemInfo, 0); client.Player.StoreBag.AddItemTo(itemInfo2, 1); gSPacketIn.WriteByte(0); client.Out.SendTCP(gSPacketIn); } else { client.Out.SendMessage(eMessageType.Normal, LanguageMgr.GetTranslation("itemtransferhandler.nocondition", new object[0])); } return(0); }
public override void Reset() { m_maxBlood = (int)((950 + m_player.PlayerCharacter.Grade * 50 + LevelPlusBlood + m_player.PlayerCharacter.Defence / 10) * m_player.GetBaseBlood()); if (m_game.RoomType == eRoomType.Treasure || m_game.RoomType == eRoomType.Boss) { m_game.Cards = new int[21]; } else { m_game.Cards = new int[8]; } Dander = 0; m_energy = (m_player.PlayerCharacter.Agility / 30 + 240); IsLiving = true; FinishTakeCard = false; m_weapon = m_player.MainWeapon; //m_mainBallId = m_weapon.Property1; //m_spBallId = m_weapon.Property2; var ballConfig = BallConfigMgr.FindBall(m_weapon.TemplateID); m_mainBallId = ballConfig.Common; m_spBallId = ballConfig.Special; BaseDamage = m_player.GetBaseAttack(); BaseGuard = m_player.GetBaseDefence(); Attack = m_player.PlayerCharacter.Attack; Defence = m_player.PlayerCharacter.Defence; Agility = m_player.PlayerCharacter.Agility; Lucky = m_player.PlayerCharacter.Luck; m_currentBall = BallMgr.FindBall(m_mainBallId); m_shootCount = 1; m_ballCount = 1; CurrentIsHitTarget = false; TotalCure = 0; TotalHitTargetCount = 0; TotalHurt = 0; TotalKill = 0; TotalShootCount = 0; LockDirection = false; GainGP = 0; GainOffer = 0; Ready = false; PlayerDetail.ClearTempBag(); LoadingProcess = 0; base.Reset(); }
public void Execute(BaseGame game, Player player, ItemTemplateInfo item) { NoHoleEffect effect = (NoHoleEffect)player.EffectList.GetOfType(typeof(NoHoleEffect)); if (effect != null) { effect.Count = item.Property3; } else { new NoHoleEffect(item.Property3).Start(player); } }
/// <summary> /// 通过模板添加物品 /// </summary> /// <param name="temp"></param> /// <param name="count"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int AddItemTemplate(ItemTemplateInfo temp, int count) { //ItemInfo info = new ItemInfo(temp); ItemInfo info = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(temp, count); if (info == null) { return(-1); } ItemInfo.BuyItemDate(info, 0); info.UserID = _player.PlayerCharacter.ID; return(AddItem(info)); }
public void Execute(BaseGame game, Player player, ItemTemplateInfo item) { player.ShootCount += item.Property2; if (item.Property2 == 2) { player.CurrentShootMinus *= 0.6f; } else { player.CurrentShootMinus *= 0.9f; } }
public int HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet) { int num = (int)packet.ReadByte(); int num2 = packet.ReadInt(); int place = packet.ReadInt(); ItemInfo itemAt = client.Player.GetItemAt((eBageType)num2, place); PlayerInventory inventory = client.Player.GetInventory((eBageType)num2); string msg = "Kích hoạt tiềm năng thành công!"; GSPacketIn gSPacketIn = new GSPacketIn(133, client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ID); if (num == 1) { int num3 = packet.ReadInt(); int place2 = packet.ReadInt(); ItemInfo itemAt2 = client.Player.GetItemAt((eBageType)num3, place2); PlayerInventory inventory2 = client.Player.GetInventory((eBageType)num3); inventory2.RemoveCountFromStack(itemAt2, 1); ItemTemplateInfo itemTemplateInfo = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(itemAt2.TemplateID); int property = itemTemplateInfo.Property3; string text = property.ToString(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { text = text + "," + property.ToString(); } if (itemAt.latentEnergyCurStr.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0] == "0") { itemAt.latentEnergyCurStr = text; } itemAt.latentEnergyNewStr = text; itemAt.latentEnergyEndTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays((double)itemTemplateInfo.Property4); } else { client.Player.MainBag.UpdatePlayerProperties(); itemAt.latentEnergyCurStr = itemAt.latentEnergyNewStr; msg = "Cập nhật tiềm năng thành công!"; } itemAt.IsBinds = true; inventory.UpdateItem(itemAt); inventory.SaveToDatabase(); gSPacketIn.WriteInt(itemAt.Place); gSPacketIn.WriteString(itemAt.latentEnergyCurStr); gSPacketIn.WriteString(itemAt.latentEnergyNewStr); gSPacketIn.WriteDateTime(itemAt.latentEnergyEndTime); client.Out.SendTCP(gSPacketIn); client.Player.SendMessage(msg); return(0); }
public static ItemInfo CreateItem(ShopItemInfo shopItem, int addtype, int valuetype, string color, string skin, bool isBinding) { if (shopItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shopItem"); } ItemTemplateInfo template = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(shopItem.TemplateID); ItemInfo item = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(template, 1, addtype); if (0 == shopItem.BuyType) { if (1 == valuetype) { item.ValidDate = shopItem.AUnit; } if (2 == valuetype) { item.ValidDate = shopItem.BUnit; } if (3 == valuetype) { item.ValidDate = shopItem.CUnit; } } else { if (1 == valuetype) { item.Count = shopItem.AUnit; } if (2 == valuetype) { item.Count = shopItem.BUnit; } if (3 == valuetype) { item.Count = shopItem.CUnit; } } item.Color = ((color == null) ? "" : color); item.Skin = ((skin == null) ? "" : skin); if (isBinding) { item.IsBinds = true; } else { item.IsBinds = Convert.ToBoolean(shopItem.IsBind); } return(item); }
public override void Reset() { this.m_maxBlood = this.m_player.PlayerCharacter.hp; if (this.m_game.RoomType == eRoomType.Dungeon) { this.m_game.Cards = new int[21]; } else { this.m_game.Cards = new int[9]; } base.Dander = 0; base.PetMP = 10; base.psychic = 40; this.m_energy = this.m_player.PlayerCharacter.Agility / 30 + 240; base.IsLiving = true; this.FinishTakeCard = false; this.m_DeputyWeapon = this.m_player.SecondWeapon; this.m_weapon = this.m_player.MainWeapon; BallConfigInfo ballConfigInfo = BallConfigMgr.FindBall(this.m_weapon.TemplateID); this.m_mainBallId = ballConfigInfo.Common; this.m_spBallId = ballConfigInfo.Special; this.m_sp2BallId = ballConfigInfo.SpecialII; this.m_AddWoundBallId = ballConfigInfo.CommonAddWound; this.m_MultiBallId = ballConfigInfo.CommonMultiBall; this.BaseDamage = this.m_player.GetBaseAttack(); this.BaseGuard = this.m_player.GetBaseDefence(); this.Attack = (double)this.m_player.PlayerCharacter.Attack; this.Defence = (double)this.m_player.PlayerCharacter.Defence; this.Agility = (double)this.m_player.PlayerCharacter.Agility; this.Lucky = (double)this.m_player.PlayerCharacter.Luck; this.m_currentBall = BallMgr.FindBall(this.m_mainBallId); this.m_shootCount = 1; this.m_ballCount = 1; this.m_prop = 0; this.CurrentIsHitTarget = false; this.TotalCure = 0; this.TotalHitTargetCount = 0; this.TotalHurt = 0; this.TotalKill = 0; this.TotalShootCount = 0; this.LockDirection = false; this.GainGP = 0; this.GainOffer = 0; this.Ready = false; this.PlayerDetail.ClearTempBag(); this.LoadingProcess = 0; this.skillcu = 0; base.Reset(); }
public void Execute(BaseGame game, Player player, ItemTemplateInfo item) { if (player.IsSpecialSkill) { return; } if ((player.CurrentBall.ID == 3 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 5 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 1) && item.TemplateID == 10003) { player.BallCount = 1; return; } player.CurrentDamagePlus *= 0.5f; player.BallCount = item.Property2; }
public void ShowInfo(ItemTemplateInfo iti, ItemInfo ii, RectTransform targ) { if (rt == null) { Start(); } rt.anchoredPosition = targ.anchoredPosition; itemName.text = iti.Name; attackProp.text = foreAtt + iti.Attack.ToString() + " (+" + ii.AttackCompose.ToString() + ")"; agilityProp.text = foreAgi + iti.Agility.ToString() + " (+" + ii.AgilityCompose.ToString() + ")"; defenceProp.text = foreDef + iti.Defence.ToString() + " (+" + ii.DefendCompose.ToString() + ")"; luckProp.text = foreLuc + iti.Luck.ToString() + " (+" + ii.LuckCompose.ToString() + ")"; this.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
private static bool LoadProps(Dictionary <int, ItemTemplateInfo> allProp) { using (ProduceBussiness db = new ProduceBussiness()) { ItemTemplateInfo[] list = db.GetSingleCategory(10); ItemTemplateInfo[] array = list; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ItemTemplateInfo p = array[i]; allProp.Add(p.TemplateID, p); } } return(true); }
public void RevertPetHandle(GameClient client, int place, string msg) { int num = Convert.ToInt32(PetMgr.FindConfig("RecycleCost").Value); if (client.Player.PlayerCharacter.Money >= num) { UsersPetinfo petAt = client.Player.PetBag.GetPetAt(place); UsersPetinfo usersPetinfo = new UsersPetinfo(); ItemTemplateInfo goods = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(334100); ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(goods, 1, 0); itemInfo.IsBinds = true; itemInfo.DefendCompose = petAt.GP; itemInfo.AgilityCompose = petAt.MaxGP; if (!client.Player.PropBag.AddTemplate(itemInfo, 1)) { client.Player.SendItemToMail(itemInfo, LanguageMgr.GetTranslation("UserChangeItemPlaceHandler.full", new object[0]), LanguageMgr.GetTranslation("UserChangeItemPlaceHandler.full", new object[0]), eMailType.ItemOverdue); client.Player.Out.SendMailResponse(client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ID, eMailRespose.Receiver); } int iD = petAt.ID; using (PlayerBussiness playerBussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { usersPetinfo = playerBussiness.GetAdoptPetSingle(iD); } petAt.Blood = usersPetinfo.Blood; petAt.Attack = usersPetinfo.Attack; petAt.Defence = usersPetinfo.Defence; petAt.Agility = usersPetinfo.Agility; petAt.Luck = usersPetinfo.Luck; int arg_158_0 = client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ID; int templateID = usersPetinfo.TemplateID; petAt.TemplateID = templateID; petAt.Skill = usersPetinfo.Skill; petAt.SkillEquip = usersPetinfo.SkillEquip; petAt.GP = 0; petAt.Level = 1; petAt.MaxGP = 55; bool flag = client.Player.PetBag.UpGracePet(petAt, place, false, 0, 0, ref msg); client.Player.SendMessage("Phục hồi thành công!"); client.Player.RemoveMoney(num); if (flag) { client.Player.Out.SendUpdatePetInfo(client.Player.PlayerCharacter, client.Player.PetBag.GetPets()); return; } } else { client.Player.SendMessage(msg); } }
public override bool CancelFinish(GamePlayer player) { ItemTemplateInfo template = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(m_info.Para1); if (template != null) { ItemInfo item = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(template, m_info.Para2, (int)ItemAddType.TurnProperty); return(player.AddTemplate(item, eBageType.TempBag, m_info.Para2)); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 通过模板添加物品,成功返回ItemInfo实例,失败返回null。 /// </summary> /// <param name="temp"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ItemInfo AddItemTemplate(ItemTemplateInfo temp) { ItemInfo info = ItemInfo.CreateFromTemplate(temp, 1); //info.Count = 1; if (AddItem(info) != -1) { return(info); } else { return(null); } }
private static bool LoadProps(Dictionary <int, ItemTemplateInfo> allProp) { using (ProduceBussiness produceBussiness = new ProduceBussiness()) { ItemTemplateInfo[] singleCategory = produceBussiness.GetSingleCategory(10); ItemTemplateInfo[] array = singleCategory; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ItemTemplateInfo itemTemplateInfo = array[i]; allProp.Add(itemTemplateInfo.TemplateID, itemTemplateInfo); } } return(true); }
public bool TakeCard(Player player, int index) { if (player.CanTakeOut == false) { return(false); } if (player.IsActive == false || index < 0 || index > 7 || player.HasTakeCard || Cards[index] > 0) { return(false); } MapGoodsInfo info = MapMgr.GetRandomAward(m_map.Info.ID, m_map.Info.Type); bool isItem = false; int value = 100; if (info != null) { if (info.GoodsID > 0) { ItemTemplateInfo temp = ItemMgr.GetSingleGoods(info.GoodsID); if (temp != null) { isItem = true; value = info.GoodsID; player.PlayerDetail.TempInventory.AddItemTemplate(temp, info); } } else if (info.GoodsID == -1) { value = info.Value; } } if (isItem == false) { value = player.PlayerDetail.AddGold(value); } player.HasTakeCard = true; Cards[index] = 1; GSPacketIn pkg = player.PlayerDetail.Out.SendGamePlayerTakeCard(player, index, isItem, value); SendToAll(pkg, player.PlayerDetail); return(true); }
public void Execute(BaseGame game, Player player, ItemTemplateInfo item) { if (!player.IsSpecialSkill) { if ((player.CurrentBall.ID == 3 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 5 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 1 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 64) && item.TemplateID == 10003) { player.BallCount = 1; } else { player.CurrentShootMinus *= 0.5f; player.BallCount = item.Property2; } } }
public void AddBaseProperty(int templateid, ref int attack, ref int defence, ref int agility, ref int lucky) { ItemTemplateInfo temp = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(templateid); if (temp != null) { if (temp.CategoryID == 11 && temp.Property1 == 31 && temp.Property2 == 3) { attack += temp.Property3; defence += temp.Property4; agility += temp.Property5; lucky += temp.Property6; } } }
public void Execute(BaseGame game, Player player, ItemTemplateInfo item) { if ((player.CurrentBall.ID == 3 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 5 || player.CurrentBall.ID == 1) && (item.TemplateID == 10001 || item.TemplateID == 10002)) { player.ShootCount = 1; return; } player.ShootCount += item.Property2; if (item.Property2 == 2) { player.CurrentShootMinus *= 0.6f; return; } player.CurrentShootMinus *= 0.9f; }