Exemple #1
        public List <ItemCategoryDto> GetAndEditItemCategory(int CategoryId, int IsActive)
            List <ItemCategoryDto> lstItemCategoryDto = new List <ItemCategoryDto>();
            SqlCommand             cmd = new SqlCommand("GetAndEditItemCategory", connectionRepository.con);

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryId", CategoryId);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", IsActive);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (dr.Read())
                ItemCategoryDto itemCategoryDto = new ItemCategoryDto();
                itemCategoryDto.GroupId       = Convert.ToInt32(dr["GroupId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.GroupName     = Convert.ToString(dr["GroupName"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryId    = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryName  = Convert.ToString(dr["CategoryName"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryDesc  = Convert.ToString(dr["CategoryDesc"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryImage = Convert.ToString(dr["CategoryImage"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CreatedBy     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CreatedBy"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CreatedDate   = Convert.ToString(dr["CreatedDate"]);
                itemCategoryDto.ModifiedBy    = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ModifiedBy"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["ModifiedBy"] : 0);
                itemCategoryDto.ModifiedDate  = Convert.ToString(dr["ModifiedDate"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["ModifiedDate"] : "");
                itemCategoryDto.IsActive      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["IsActive"]);
Exemple #2
        public async Task <int> AddItemCategoryAsync(ItemCategoryDto itemCategory)
            if (itemCategory == null)
            using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create())
                var item = await itemService.GetAsync(itemCategory.ItemID);

                if (item == null)

                var category = await categoryService.GetAsync(itemCategory.CategoryID);

                if (category == null)

                var res = itemCategoryService.Create(itemCategory);
                await uow.Commit();

        public async Task <string> PostItemCategory([FromBody] ItemCategoryDto itemCategory)
            if (itemCategory == null || !ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            var itemCatId = await ModifyAuctionsFacade.AddItemCategoryAsync(itemCategory);

            if (itemCatId == 0)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            return($"Added category {itemCategory.CategoryID} to item {itemCategory.ItemID }.");
        public async Task <string> PutItemCategory(int id, [FromBody] ItemCategoryDto itemCategory)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            var success = await ModifyAuctionsFacade.UpdateItemCategoryAsync(itemCategory);

            if (!success)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
            return($"Updated itemCategory with id: {id}");
Exemple #5
        public ActionResult SaveItemCategory()
                ItemCategoryDal itemCategoryDal = new ItemCategoryDal();
                ItemCategoryDto itemCategoryDto = new ItemCategoryDto();
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["CategoryId"] == "" ? "0" : System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["CategoryId"]);
                string Message, fileName, actualFileName;
                Message = fileName = actualFileName = string.Empty;
                if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
                    var fileContent = Request.Files[0];
                    if (fileContent != null && fileContent.ContentLength > 0)
                        actualFileName = fileContent.FileName;
                        fileName       = Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(fileContent.FileName);
                        itemCategoryDto.CategoryImage = fileName;
                    fileContent.SaveAs(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/UploadImages/"), fileName));
                    fileName = "";
                    if (itemCategoryDto.CategoryId > 0)
                        dynamic imgFile = itemCategoryDal.GetAndEditItemCategory(itemCategoryDto.CategoryId, 1);
                        itemCategoryDto.CategoryImage = Convert.ToString(imgFile[0].CategoryImage);
                        itemCategoryDto.CategoryImage = fileName;
                itemCategoryDto.GroupId      = Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["GroupId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryName = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["CategoryName"];
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryDesc = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["CategoryDesc"];
                itemCategoryDto.CreatedBy    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AdminId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.ModifiedBy   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AdminId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.IsActive     = 1;

                int i = itemCategoryDal.SaveItemCategory(itemCategoryDto);
                return(Json(i, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #6
        public async Task <List <ItemDto> > GetItems(ItemCategoryDto categoryDto)
            var response = await Client.GetAsync(
                $"api/beta/companies({CompanyId})/items?$filter=itemCategoryCode eq '{categoryDto.Code}'");

            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new NavClientException(response.ReasonPhrase);

            var stringResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var context = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItemContextDto>(stringResponse);

Exemple #7
        public async Task <bool> UpdateItemCategoryAsync(ItemCategoryDto itemCategory)
            if (itemCategory == null)
            using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create())
                if (await itemCategoryService.GetAsync(itemCategory.Id) == null)

                await itemCategoryService.Update(itemCategory);

                await uow.Commit();

 public async Task Create()
         if (!Validate())
         var item = new ItemCategoryDto {
             AddedOn = DateTime.Now, Name = GetItemName(), Priority = (int)GetPriority(), CategoryId = _catDVM.Category.Id, CategoryName = _catDVM.Category.Name
         Success = true;
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong: {e}");
         this.TxtBottomError.Text = e.Message;
Exemple #9
        public List <ItemCategoryDto> GetItemCategoryByGroupId(int GroupId)
            List <ItemCategoryDto> lstItemCategoryDto = new List <ItemCategoryDto>();
            SqlCommand             cmd = new SqlCommand("GetItemCategoryByGroupId", connectionRepository.con);

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GroupId", GroupId);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (dr.Read())
                ItemCategoryDto itemCategoryDto = new ItemCategoryDto();
                itemCategoryDto.GroupId      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["GroupId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryId   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryId"]);
                itemCategoryDto.CategoryName = Convert.ToString(dr["CategoryName"]);
Exemple #10
 public int SaveItemCategory(ItemCategoryDto itemCategoryDto)
         SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SaveAndUpdateItemCategory", connectionRepository.con);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryId", itemCategoryDto.CategoryId);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GroupId", itemCategoryDto.GroupId);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryName", itemCategoryDto.CategoryName);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryDesc", itemCategoryDto.CategoryDesc);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryImage", itemCategoryDto.CategoryImage);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreatedBy", itemCategoryDto.CreatedBy);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ModifiedBy", itemCategoryDto.ModifiedBy);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", itemCategoryDto.IsActive);
         cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
         int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Exemple #11
 public async Task <ItemCategoryDto> CreateItemCategory([FromBody] ItemCategoryDto dto)
     return(await ItemCategoryAppService.CreateAsync(dto));
        public HomeContent GetHomeContent(string authorization)
            var itemFood = new ItemFoodDto()
                FoodId         = 1,
                RestaurantId   = 1,
                FoodCost       = 34000,
                FoodName       = "Homestyle Crispy Chicken",
                RestaurantName = "McDonald's",
                FoodImage      = "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0269/5967/5490/products/6.2.jpg"

            var itemRestaurant = new ItemRestaurantHoriDto()
                RestaurantId    = 1,
                RestaurantName  = "McDonald's® (Adams & Wells)",
                RestaurantImage = ""

            var itemRestaurant1 = new ItemRestaurantHoriDto()
                RestaurantId    = 1,
                RestaurantName  = "McDonald's® (Adams & Wells)",
                RestaurantImage = "https://mcdonalds.vn/uploads/2018/gacay_squared-rev.jpg"

            var itemCollection1 = new ItemCollectionDto()
                CollectionId       = 1,
                CollectionTitle    = "Let's Eat Pizza With Emily",
                CollectionSubtitle = "Delicious and nutritious",
                CollectionImage    = "https://scontent.fdad3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/s2048x2048/149581589_748881315744891_4814137521680383224_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=K_qXkTXFt2MAX8ua8Or&_nc_ht=scontent.fdad3-2.fna&tp=7&oh=e99582684eb28ce343bd3268883d2a2e&oe=605267CC"

            var itemHomeCollection1 = new ItemListHomeDto()
                Id             = 1,
                Title          = "Delicious food at Chicago",
                Subtitle       = "Order now to get your meal served in minutes",
                Type           = "collection",
                ListCollection = new List <ItemCollectionDto>()
                    itemCollection1, itemCollection1, itemCollection1, itemCollection1, itemCollection1, itemCollection1

            var itemHomeRestaurant = new ItemListHomeDto()
                Id             = 2,
                Title          = "Tasty snack near you",
                Subtitle       = "Too good to be missed get the deals now!",
                Type           = "restaurant",
                ListRestaurant = new List <ItemRestaurantHoriDto>()
                    itemRestaurant, itemRestaurant1, itemRestaurant, itemRestaurant1, itemRestaurant, itemRestaurant1

            var itemHomeFood = new ItemListHomeDto()
                Id       = 3,
                Title    = "Hot Item Today",
                Subtitle = "Order now to get your meal served in minutes",
                Type     = "food",
                ListFood = new List <ItemFoodDto>()
                    itemFood, itemFood, itemFood, itemFood, itemFood, itemFood, itemFood, itemFood

            var itemBanner = new ItemBannerDto()
                Id    = 1,
                Image = "http://channel.mediacdn.vn/2019/1/20/image005-15479948829561514367436.jpg"

            var itemCategory = new ItemCategoryDto()
                CategoryId = 1,
                Title      = "Bread",
                Image      = ""

            var itemCategory2 = new ItemCategoryDto()
                CategoryId = 1,
                Title      = "Hamburger",
                Image      = ""

            var itemCategory3 = new ItemCategoryDto()
                CategoryId = 1,
                Title      = "Cake",
                Image      = ""

            var itemRestaurantVerti = new ItemRestaurantVertiDto()
                RestaurantId    = 2,
                RestaurantName  = "KFC Camberwell - Church Street",
                RestaurantType  = "Fried Chicken - American - Fast Food",
                RestaurantImage = "https://d1ralsognjng37.cloudfront.net/a7002177-10a0-4cee-98e3-007e5805fc7e.jpeg",
                RestaurantRate  = 4.5,
                DeliveryTime    = 23,
                Distance        = 5.0

            var contentHome = new HomeContent()
                ListBanner = new List <ItemBannerDto>()
                    itemBanner, itemBanner, itemBanner, itemBanner
                ListCategory = new List <ItemCategoryDto>()
                    itemCategory2, itemCategory2, itemCategory2, itemCategory2, itemCategory2, itemCategory2
                ListHome = new List <ItemListHomeDto>()
                    itemHomeCollection1, itemHomeRestaurant, itemHomeRestaurant
                MoreRestaurant = new List <ItemRestaurantVertiDto>()
                    itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti,
                    itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti,
                    itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti, itemRestaurantVerti

        public bool AddItemCategory(ItemCategoryDto itemDto)
            if (itemDto != null)
                using (EAharaDB context = new EAharaDB())
                    if (itemDto.Id > 0)
                        var data = context.ItemCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == itemDto.Id);
                        if (data != null)
                            data.Name     = itemDto.Name;
                            data.Priority = itemDto.Priority;
                            // data.Image = itemDto.Image;
                            context.Entry(data).Property(x => x.Name).IsModified = true;
                            //context.Entry(data).Property(x => x.Image).IsModified = true;

                            if (itemDto.Image != null && itemDto.Image != "" && data.Image != itemDto.Image && !itemDto.Image.Contains("http"))
                                Guid   id      = Guid.NewGuid();
                                var    imgData = itemDto.Image.Substring(itemDto.Image.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                                byte[] bytes   = Convert.FromBase64String(imgData);
                                Image  image;
                                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                                    image = Image.FromStream(ms);
                                Bitmap b        = new Bitmap(image);
                                string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "UploadedFiles\\" + id + ".jpg";
                                b.Save(filePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                                data.Image = string.Concat("UploadedFiles\\" + id + ".jpg");
                                context.Entry(data).Property(x => x.Image).IsModified = true;

                        ItemCategory item = new ItemCategory();

                        item.Name     = itemDto.Name;
                        item.Priority = itemDto.Priority;
                        item.IsActive = true;

                        if (itemDto.Image != null && itemDto.Image != "")
                            Guid   id      = Guid.NewGuid();
                            var    imgData = itemDto.Image.Substring(itemDto.Image.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                            byte[] bytes   = Convert.FromBase64String(imgData);
                            Image  image;
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                                image = Image.FromStream(ms);
                            Bitmap b        = new Bitmap(image);
                            string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "UploadedFiles\\" + id + ".jpg";
                            b.Save(filePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                            item.Image = string.Concat("UploadedFiles\\" + id + ".jpg");

        public List <ItemCategoryDto> getShopItemsForFirstLoad(long id)
            List <ItemCategoryDto> DtoList;

            using (EAharaDB context = new EAharaDB())
                var shop = context.Shops.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
                var data = context.ItemCategories.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && context.Items.Where(y => y.ItemCategoryId == x.Id && y.IsActive && y.Shop.ShopCategoryId == shop.ShopCategoryId && y.ShopId == id).Count() > 0)
                           .Select(x => new ItemCategoryDto
                    Id       = x.Id,
                    IsActive = x.IsActive,
                    Priority = x.Priority,
                    Name     = x.Name,
                    Image    = x.Image,
                    Items    = context.Items.Where(y => y.IsActive && y.ShopId == id && y.ItemCategoryId == x.Id).Select(
                        y => new ItemDto {
                        Id         = y.Id,
                        IsActive   = y.IsActive,
                        Name       = y.Name,
                        OfferId    = y.OfferId,
                        OfferPrice = y.OfferPrice,
                        Price      = y.Price,
                        Image      = y.Image,
                        InActive   = y.InActive,
                        Preference = y.Preference,
                        Quantity   = 1,
                        Offer      = new OfferDto
                            Id         = y.Offer != null ? y.Offer.Id : 0,
                            Image      = y.Offer != null ? y.Offer.Image : "",
                            Tittle     = y.Offer != null ? y.Offer.Tittle : "",
                            Percentage = y.Offer != null ? y.Offer.Percentage : 0,
                    }).OrderBy(y => y.OfferPrice).ToList(),

                DtoList = data;

                var dataoffer = context.Items.Where(x => x.IsActive && x.ShopId == id && x.OfferId != null)
                                .Select(x => new ItemDto
                    Id             = x.Id,
                    Name           = x.Name,
                    IsActive       = x.IsActive,
                    Image          = x.Image,
                    TagLine        = x.TagLine,
                    Description    = x.Description,
                    Price          = x.Price,
                    ShopId         = x.ShopId,
                    ItemCategoryId = x.ItemCategoryId,
                    OfferId        = x.OfferId,
                    OfferPrice     = x.OfferPrice,
                    InActive       = x.InActive,
                    Preference     = x.Preference,
                    Quantity       = 1,
                    Offer          = new OfferDto
                        Image      = x.Offer != null ? x.Offer.Image : "",
                        Percentage = x.Offer != null ? x.Offer.Percentage : 0,
                        Tittle     = x.Offer != null ? x.Offer.Tittle : "",
                        Id         = x.Offer != null ? x.Offer.Id : 0,
                    Shop = new ShopDto
                        Name           = x.Shop.Name,
                        Id             = x.Shop.Id,
                        DeliveryCharge = x.Shop.DeliveryCharge,
                    ItemsCategory = new ItemCategoryDto
                        Name = x.ItemsCategory.Name,
                        Id   = x.ItemsCategory.Id,
                }).OrderBy(x => x.OfferPrice).ToList();

                if (dataoffer.Count() > 0)
                    ItemCategoryDto temp = new ItemCategoryDto();
                    temp.Name     = "Today's Offers";
                    temp.Priority = 0;
                    temp.Items    = new List <ItemDto>();
                    foreach (var offer in dataoffer)