Exemple #1
        public async Task <IEnumerable <GitHubIssue> > GetGitHubIssuesAsync()
            //TODO: retrict to a reasonable amount of Issues
            var issues = await IssuesCollection.OfType <GitHubIssueInternal>().ToListAsync();

            return(_mapper.Map <IEnumerable <GitHubIssueInternal>, IEnumerable <GitHubIssue> >(issues));
Exemple #2
        public IssuesViewModel(IApplicationService applicationService)
            GoToNewIssueCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            GoToNewIssueCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueAddViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.CreatedIssue.Where(x => x != null).Subscribe(x => IssuesCollection.Add(x));

            LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(t =>
                var direction = Filter.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc";
                var state     = Filter.Open ? "open" : "closed";
                var sort      = Filter.SortType == BaseIssuesFilterModel.Sort.None ? null : Filter.SortType.ToString().ToLower();
                var labels    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Labels) ? null : Filter.Labels;
                var assignee  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Assignee) ? null : Filter.Assignee;
                var creator   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Creator) ? null : Filter.Creator;
                var mentioned = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Mentioned) ? null : Filter.Mentioned;
                var milestone = Filter.Milestone == null ? null : Filter.Milestone.Value;

                var request = applicationService.Client.Users[RepositoryOwner].Repositories[RepositoryName].Issues.GetAll(
                    sort: sort, labels: labels, state: state, direction: direction,
                    assignee: assignee, creator: creator, mentioned: mentioned, milestone: milestone);
                return(IssuesCollection.SimpleCollectionLoad(request, t as bool?));
Exemple #3
        public IssuesViewModel(IApplicationService applicationService)
            _mineFilter = IssuesFilterModel.CreateMineFilter(applicationService.Account.Username);

            _filterSelection = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filter)
                               .Select(x =>
                if (x == null || _openFilter.Equals(x))
                if (_closedFilter.Equals(x))
                if (_mineFilter.Equals(x))
                               .ToProperty(this, Xamarin => Xamarin.FilterSelection);

            GoToNewIssueCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            GoToNewIssueCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueAddViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;

            GoToCustomFilterCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();

            LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(t =>
                var direction = Filter.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc";
                var state     = Filter.Open ? "open" : "closed";
                var sort      = Filter.SortType == BaseIssuesFilterModel.Sort.None ? null : Filter.SortType.ToString().ToLower();
                var labels    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Labels) ? null : Filter.Labels;
                var assignee  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Assignee) ? null : Filter.Assignee;
                var creator   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Creator) ? null : Filter.Creator;
                var mentioned = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Mentioned) ? null : Filter.Mentioned;
                var milestone = Filter.Milestone == null ? null : Filter.Milestone.Value;

                var request = applicationService.Client.Users[RepositoryOwner].Repositories[RepositoryName].Issues.GetAll(
                    sort: sort, labels: labels, state: state, direction: direction,
                    assignee: assignee, creator: creator, mentioned: mentioned, milestone: milestone);
                return(IssuesCollection.SimpleCollectionLoad(request, t as bool?));
Exemple #4
        public MyIssuesViewModel(IApplicationService applicationService)
            Title  = "My Issues";
            Filter = MyIssuesFilterModel.CreateOpenFilter();

            _selectedFilter = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filter)
                              .Select(x =>
                if (x == null || _openFilter.Equals(x))
                return(_closedFilter.Equals(x) ? 1 : -1);
                              .ToProperty(this, x => x.SelectedFilter);

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filter).Skip(1).Subscribe(LoadCommand.ExecuteIfCan);

            //Filter = applicationService.Account.Filters.GetFilter<MyIssuesFilterModel>("MyIssues");
//            Issues.GroupFunc = x =>
//            {
//                var @group = base.Group(model);
//                if (@group != null) return @group;
//                try
//                {
//                    var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("repos/(.+)/issues/");
//                    return model.GroupBy(x => regex.Match(x.Url).Groups[1].Value).ToList();
//                }
//                catch (Exception e)
//                {
//                    return null;
//                }
//            };

            LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(t =>
                var filter    = Filter.FilterType.ToString().ToLower();
                var direction = Filter.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc";
                var state     = Filter.Open ? "open" : "closed";
                var sort      = Filter.SortType == BaseIssuesFilterModel.Sort.None
                    ? null : Filter.SortType.ToString().ToLower();
                var labels = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Labels) ? null : Filter.Labels;

                var request = applicationService.Client.AuthenticatedUser.Issues.GetAll(sort: sort, labels: labels,
                                                                                        state: state, direction: direction, filter: filter);
                return(IssuesCollection.SimpleCollectionLoad(request, t as bool?));
Exemple #5
        public async Task <GitHubIssue> GetGitHubIssueAsync(long id)
            if (id <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("id", "id cannot be less than or equal to zero");

            var issueInternal = await IssuesCollection.OfType <GitHubIssueInternal>().SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);

            if (issueInternal == null)
                return(_mapper.Map <GitHubIssueInternal, GitHubIssue>(issueInternal));
Exemple #6
        public RedmineServiceContext(Uri serviceUri, string apiKey)
            _serviceUri		= serviceUri;
            _apiKey			= apiKey;

            _news			= new NewsCollection(this);
            _projects		= new ProjectsCollection(this);
            _issues			= new IssuesCollection(this);
            _users			= new UsersCollection(this);
            _userRoles		= new UserRolesCollection(this);
            _relations		= new IssueRelationsCollection(this);
            _trackers		= new IssueTrackersCollection(this);
            _statuses		= new IssueStatusesCollection(this);
            _priorities		= new IssuePrioritiesCollection(this);
            _categories		= new IssueCategoriesCollection(this);
            _versions		= new ProjectVersionsCollection(this);
            _attachments	= new AttachmentsCollection(this);
            _customFields	= new CustomFieldsCollection(this);
            _queries		= new QueriesCollection(this);

            _syncRoot		= new object();