Exemple #1
        //called when the timeout has expired which was waiting for pending changes.
        private static void PostChangesToSlack(IssueDtoEventArgs args, GlobalConfigurationWidgetData <SlackConfigData> data, string channel, DateTime createDate)
            var issueManager = GeminiApp.GetManager <IssueManager>(args.User);
            var userManager  = GeminiApp.GetManager <UserManager>(args.User);
            var userDto      = userManager.Convert(args.User);
            var issue        = issueManager.Get(args.Issue.Id);
            //get the changelog of all changes since the create date (minus a second to avoid missing the initial change)
            var changelog = issueManager.GetChangeLog(issue, userDto, userDto, createDate.AddSeconds(-1));

            changelog.RemoveAll(c => c.Entity.AttributeChanged == ItemAttributeVisibility.AssociatedComments); // No need to show comments in updates as we already do that in the AfterComment event.
            if (changelog.Count == 0)
                return;                   // No changes made!
            var fields = changelog
                         .Select(a => new
                title  = a.Field,
                value  = StripHTML(a.FullChange),
                _short = a.Entity.AttributeChanged != ItemAttributeVisibility.Description && a.Entity.AttributeChanged != ItemAttributeVisibility.AssociatedComments

            QuickSlack.Send(data.Value.SlackAPIEndpoint, channel, string.Format("{0} updated issue <{1}|{2} - {3}>"
                                                                                , args.User.Fullname, args.BuildIssueUrl(args.Issue), args.Issue.IssueKey, args.Issue.Title),
                            "details attached",
                            "good",             //todo colors here based on something
        public IssueDto updateCustomField(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
            var CustomFieldName = "Original Estimate";

            var customFieldData = args.Issue.CustomFields[CustomFieldName];

            if (customFieldData != null && customFieldData.Entity.Data == string.Empty && (args.Issue.EstimatedHours > 0 || args.Issue.EstimatedMinutes > 0))
                customFieldData.Entity.Data = string.Format("{0}h {1}m", args.Issue.EstimatedHours, args.Issue.EstimatedMinutes);

 public override IssueDto BeforeUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
         IssueDto issue = AddDomain(args, true);
         AddSuperuser(args.Context, issue, args.User, true);
     catch (Exception exception)
         GeminiApp.LogException(exception, false, exception.Message);
        private bool Send(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
            var token = args.Context.GlobalConfigurationWidgetStore.Get <string>(AppConstants.AppId);

            if (token == null || token.Value.IsEmpty())

            var client = new RestClient("https://api.flowdock.com/v1/messages");

            var request = new RestRequest("team_inbox/{token}", Method.POST);

            request.AddUrlSegment("token", token.Value);

            request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");

            request.JsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();

            request.Method = Method.POST;

            request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

            request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

            var data = new
                source       = "Gemini",
                project      = args.Issue.ProjectCode,
                from_name    = args.User.Fullname,
                from_address = args.User.Email,
                subject      = args.Issue.Title,
                content      = args.Issue.Description,
                tags         = args.Issue.Type,
                link         = args.BuildIssueUrl(args.Issue)


            var response = client.Execute(request);

            var content = response.Content;

Exemple #5
         * the functionality here hinges on the "changelog" that is provided from the gemini api
         * We don't have to keep track of changes.
         * This method looks for a recent change for this user/issue and extends the timeout if there is
         * a match, otherwise it creates an executor to post to slack after 60 seconds
         * */
        public override void AfterUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
            var data = GetConfig(args.Context);

            if (data == null || data.Value == null)

            string channel = GetProjectChannel(args.Issue.Entity.ProjectId, data.Value.ProjectChannels);

            if (channel == null || channel.Trim().Length == 0)

            lock (_executorDictionary)
                var key = Tuple.Create(args.User.Username, args.Issue.Id);
                //look for an existing username/issue# combination indicating that a change was recently
                //made in which case we just extend the timeout
                IdleTimeoutExecutor ex = null;
                if (!_executorDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out ex))
                    DateTime createDate = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1);

                    _executorDictionary[key] = new IdleTimeoutExecutor(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(data.Value.SecondsToQueueChanges),
                                                                       //this executes x  seconds after the last update, initially set above  ^^  then adjusted on subsequent
                                                                       //updates further below (in the else) based on the key being found
                                                                       () => { PostChangesToSlack(args, data, channel, createDate); },
                                                                       () => {
                        new SessionManager().CloseSession();     // Need to close the DB connection as we span a new thread.
                    //we found a pending executor, just update the timeout to be later
                    ex.Timeout = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(data.Value.SecondsToQueueChanges);

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the "Fremd-ID"-field is ""
        /// Then it checks if the ID is in the description
        /// if there is no ID, then it checks in the comment section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Properties of the task</param>
        /// <returns>args.Issue</returns>
        public IssueDto BeforeUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
                List <IssueCommentDto> comments = args.Issue.Comments;
                string             description  = args.Issue.Description;
                string             fieldName    = GetAppConfigValue("customFieldName");
                CustomFieldDataDto fremdIDField = args.Issue.CustomFields.Find(field => field.Name.Equals(fieldName));

                if (fremdIDField.Entity.Data == "")
                    if (FindID(description) != "")
                        string beforeValue        = fremdIDField.Entity.Data;
                        string valueIdDescription = FindID(description);
                        string fieldValue         = fremdIDField.Entity.Data = valueIdDescription;
                        CreateAuditlog(args.Context, args.Issue.Entity.Id, args.Issue.Entity.ProjectId, fremdIDField, beforeValue, fieldValue);
                        foreach (IssueCommentDto comment in comments)
                            string valueIdComment = FindID(comment.Entity.Comment);
                            if (valueIdComment != "")
                                string       fieldValue   = fremdIDField.Entity.Data = valueIdComment;
                                IssueManager issueManager = new IssueManager(GeminiApp.Cache(), GeminiApp.UserContext(), args.Context);
                                CreateAuditlog(args.Context, args.Issue.Entity.Id, args.Issue.Entity.ProjectId, fremdIDField, "", fieldValue);

            catch (Exception e)
                int    issueID = args.Issue.Id;
                string message = string.Format("IssueID: {0}", issueID);
                GeminiApp.LogException(e, false, message);
Exemple #7
 public IssueDto BeforeUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
 public override void AfterUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
     // Do something with args.Issue
 public override void AfterUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
     // Do something with args.Issue
Exemple #10
 public override void AfterUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
     CallWebhook(GetData(args.Context, false, true), args.Issue, args.Previous);
Exemple #11
 public override void AfterCreateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
     CallWebhook(GetData(args.Context, true, false), args.Issue, null);
 public override void AfterUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
 public override IssueDto BeforeUpdateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the domain to the custom field, and create an auditlog if it hasn't just been created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <param name="createAudit"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IssueDto AddDomain(IssueDtoEventArgs args, bool createAudit)
                IssueDto issue  = args.Issue;
                Helper   helper = new Helper();
                if ((issue.CustomFields.Count > 0) && (!issue.CustomFields.Find(field => field.Name.Equals(helper.GetAppConfigValue("customFieldNameDomain"))).ToString().Equals(null)))
                    CustomFieldDataDto erstellerOEField = issue.CustomFields.Find(field => field.Name.Equals(helper.GetAppConfigValue("customFieldNameDomain")));

                    // If there is no domain in the OE-Field yet
                    // Depending on whether you want users to manually change the OE-Field or not, .FormattedData or .Entity.Data could be chosen.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(erstellerOEField.Entity.Data))
                        string maildomain = helper.FindDomain(issue.OriginatorData);

                        // If no email address in OriginatorData present, take email address from creator user
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maildomain))
                            UserManager userManager = new UserManager(GeminiApp.Cache(), GeminiApp.UserContext(), args.Context);
                            int         userId;

                            // If created via another user
                            if (issue.Entity.ReportedBy > 0)
                                userId = issue.Entity.ReportedBy;
                            // If not
                                userId = args.User.Id;
                            UserDto creatorUser = userManager.Get(userId);
                            maildomain = helper.FindDomain(creatorUser.Entity.Email);
                        // OriginatorData has email address, no more actions required

                        string beforeValue = erstellerOEField.FormattedData;
                        erstellerOEField.Entity.Data   = maildomain;
                        erstellerOEField.FormattedData = maildomain;
                        // Keep in mind that args.Issue / issue / erstellerOEField are reference types, not value types

                        // Create auditlog if being called from BeforeUpdateFull with the auditlog flag
                        if (createAudit)
                            // beforeValue -> previous value (args.Issue FormattedData -> previous value)
                            // issue FormattedData -> new value (alternatively erstellerOEField.FormattedData)
                            if (!beforeValue.Equals(helper.GetFormattedDataErstellerOE(issue)))
                                IssueManager issueManager = new IssueManager(GeminiApp.Cache(), GeminiApp.UserContext(), args.Context);
                                helper.CreateAuditlog(args.Context, args.Issue.Entity.Id, args.Issue.Entity.ProjectId, erstellerOEField, beforeValue, erstellerOEField.FormattedData, args.User.Id, args.User.Fullname);
            catch (Exception exception)
                GeminiApp.LogException(exception, false, exception.Message);
Exemple #15
 public IssueDto BeforeIssueCopy(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
Exemple #16
 public IssueDto CopyIssueComplete(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
Exemple #17
        public override void AfterCreateFull(IssueDtoEventArgs args)
            if (!GeminiApp.Config.EmailAlertsEnabled)

            var data = args.Context.GlobalConfigurationWidgetStore.Get <List <CreateItemNotifierData> >(AppConstants.AppId);

            if (data == null || data.Value == null || data.Value.Count == 0)

            var projectData = data.Value.Find(d => d.ProjectId.GetValueOrDefault() == args.Issue.Entity.ProjectId);

            if (projectData == null)
                projectData = data.Value.Find(d => d.ProjectId.GetValueOrDefault() == 0);

            if (projectData == null)

            var alertService = GeminiApp.Container.Resolve <IAlertTemplates>();

            var alerts = alertService.GetAll();

            var template = alerts.Find(t => t.Id == projectData.TemplateId);

            if (template == null)

            AlertsTemplateHelper helper = new AlertsTemplateHelper(alerts, args.GeminiUrls[0].Key);

            using (var cache = GeminiApp.Container.Resolve <ICacheContainer>())
                var userManager = GeminiApp.GetManager <UserManager>(cache.Users.Find(u => u.Active && u.ProjectGroups.Where(p => p.ProjectGroupId == Constants.GlobalGroupAdministrators && p.UserId == u.Id).Any()));

                var metaManager = new MetaManager(userManager);

                var types = metaManager.TypeGetAll();

                var OrganizationManager = new OrganizationManager(userManager);

                var organizations = OrganizationManager.GetAll();

                var permissions = new PermissionSetManager(userManager);

                var permissionSets = permissions.GetAll();

                PermissionsManager permissionManager = null;

                foreach (var user in projectData.UserIds)
                    var userDto = userManager.Get(user);

                    if (userDto != null && userDto.Entity.Active)
                        if (permissionManager == null)
                            permissionManager = new PermissionsManager(userDto, types, permissionSets, organizations, userManager.UserContext.Config.HelpDeskModeGroup, false);
                            permissionManager = permissionManager.Copy(userDto);

                        if (!permissionManager.CanSeeItem(args.Issue.Project, args.Issue) || !userDto.Entity.EmailMe)

                        var body = helper.Build(template, args.Issue, userDto);

                        string emailLog;

                        EmailHelper.Send(GeminiApp.Config, body.Key.HasValue() ? body.Key : string.Format("[{0}] {1}", args.Issue.IssueKey, args.Issue.Title), body.Value, userDto.Entity.Email, userDto.Entity.Fullname, true, out emailLog);