protected override void PersistUpdatedItem(IDictionaryItem entity)

            foreach (var translation in entity.Translations)
                translation.Value = translation.Value.ToValidXmlString();

            var dto = DictionaryItemFactory.BuildDto(entity);


            foreach (var translation in entity.Translations)
                var textDto = DictionaryTranslationFactory.BuildDto(translation, entity.Key);
                if (translation.HasIdentity)
                    translation.Id  = Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(textDto));
                    translation.Key = entity.Key;


            //Clear the cache entries that exist by uniqueid/item key
            IsolatedCache.Clear(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IDictionaryItem, string>(entity.ItemKey));
            IsolatedCache.Clear(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IDictionaryItem, Guid>(entity.Key));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a specific PreValue by its Id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preValueId">Id of the PreValue to retrieve the value from</param>
        /// <returns>PreValue as a string</returns>
        public string GetPreValueAsString(int preValueId)
            var collections = IsolatedCache.GetCacheItemsByKeySearch <PreValueCollection>(CacheKeys.DataTypePreValuesCacheKey + "_");

            var preValue = collections.SelectMany(x => x.FormatAsDictionary().Values).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == preValueId);

            if (preValue != null)

            var dto = Database.FirstOrDefault <DataTypePreValueDto>("WHERE id = @preValueId", new { preValueId });

            if (dto == null)

            var collection = GetCachedPreValueCollection(dto.DataTypeNodeId);

            if (collection == null)

            preValue = collection.FormatAsDictionary().Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == preValueId);
            return(preValue == null ? string.Empty : preValue.Value);
Exemple #3
    public IUserGroup?Get(string alias)
            // need to do a simple query to get the id - put this cache
            var id = IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem(GetByAliasCacheKey(alias), () =>
                var groupId =
                    Database.ExecuteScalar <int?>("SELECT id FROM umbracoUserGroup WHERE userGroupAlias=@alias", new { alias });
                if (groupId.HasValue == false)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No group found with alias " + alias);


            // return from the normal method which will cache
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            // if this is caught it's because we threw this in the caching method
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the underlying method that processes most queries for this repository
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlFull">
        /// The full SQL to select all member data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pagingSqlQuery">
        /// The Id SQL to just return all member ids - used to process the properties for the member item
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="withCache"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <IMember> ProcessQuery(Sql sqlFull, PagingSqlQuery pagingSqlQuery, bool withCache = false)
            // fetch returns a list so it's ok to iterate it in this method
            var dtos = Database.Fetch <MemberDto, ContentVersionDto, ContentDto, NodeDto>(sqlFull);

            //This is a tuple list identifying if the content item came from the cache or not
            var content = new List <Tuple <IMember, bool> >();
            var defs    = new DocumentDefinitionCollection();

            foreach (var dto in dtos)
                // if the cache contains the item, use it
                if (withCache)
                    var cached = IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem <IMember>(GetCacheIdKey <IMember>(dto.NodeId));
                    //only use this cached version if the dto returned is the same version - this is just a safety check, members dont
                    //store different versions, but just in case someone corrupts some data we'll double check to be sure.
                    if (cached != null && cached.Version == dto.ContentVersionDto.VersionId)
                        content.Add(new Tuple <IMember, bool>(cached, true));

                // else, need to fetch from the database
                // content type repository is full-cache so OK to get each one independently
                var contentType = _memberTypeRepository.Get(dto.ContentVersionDto.ContentDto.ContentTypeId);

                // need properties
                if (defs.AddOrUpdate(new DocumentDefinition(dto.ContentVersionDto, contentType)))
                    content.Add(new Tuple <IMember, bool>(MemberFactory.BuildEntity(dto, contentType), false));

            // load all properties for all documents from database in 1 query
            var propertyData = GetPropertyCollection(pagingSqlQuery, defs);

            // assign property data
            foreach (var contentItem in content)
                var cc        = contentItem.Item1;
                var fromCache = contentItem.Item2;

                //if this has come from cache, we do not need to build up it's structure
                if (fromCache)

                cc.Properties = propertyData[cc.Version];

                //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked

            return(content.Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
        protected override void PersistDeletedItem(ILanguage entity)

            //Clear the cache entries that exist by key/iso
            IsolatedCache.ClearCacheItem(GetCacheIdKey <ILanguage>(entity.IsoCode));
            IsolatedCache.ClearCacheItem(GetCacheIdKey <ILanguage>(entity.CultureName));
        private IEnumerable <IMember> MapDtosToContent(List <MemberDto> dtos, bool withCache = false)
            var temps        = new List <TempContent <Member> >();
            var contentTypes = new Dictionary <int, IMemberType?>();
            var content      = new Member[dtos.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < dtos.Count; i++)
                MemberDto dto = dtos[i];

                if (withCache)
                    // if the cache contains the (proper version of the) item, use it
                    IMember?cached =
                        IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem <IMember>(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IMember, int>(dto.NodeId));
                    if (cached != null && cached.VersionId == dto.ContentVersionDto.Id)
                        content[i] = (Member)cached;

                // else, need to build it

                // get the content type - the repository is full cache *but* still deep-clones
                // whatever comes out of it, so use our own local index here to avoid this
                var contentTypeId = dto.ContentDto.ContentTypeId;
                if (contentTypes.TryGetValue(contentTypeId, out IMemberType? contentType) == false)
                    contentTypes[contentTypeId] = contentType = _memberTypeRepository.Get(contentTypeId);

                Member c = content[i] = ContentBaseFactory.BuildEntity(dto, contentType);

                // need properties
                var versionId = dto.ContentVersionDto.Id;
                temps.Add(new TempContent <Member>(dto.NodeId, versionId, 0, contentType, c));

            // load all properties for all documents from database in 1 query - indexed by version id
            IDictionary <int, PropertyCollection> properties = GetPropertyCollections(temps);

            // assign properties
            foreach (TempContent <Member> temp in temps)
                if (temp.Content is not null)
                    temp.Content.Properties = properties[temp.VersionId];

                    // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946)

Exemple #7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PersistUpdatedItem(IConsent entity)

            var dto = ConsentFactory.BuildDto(entity);


            IsolatedCache.ClearCacheItem(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IConsent>(entity.Id));
        private PreValueCollection GetCachedPreValueCollection(int datetypeId)
            var key = GetPrefixedCacheKey(datetypeId);

            return(IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem <PreValueCollection>(key, () =>
                var dtos = Database.Fetch <DataTypePreValueDto>("WHERE datatypeNodeId = @Id", new { Id = datetypeId });
                var list = dtos.Select(x => new Tuple <PreValue, string, int>(new PreValue(x.Id, x.Value, x.SortOrder), x.Alias, x.SortOrder)).ToList();
                var collection = PreValueConverter.ConvertToPreValuesCollection(list);
                return collection;
            }, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20), isSliding: true));
        protected override void PersistDeletedItem(IDictionaryItem entity)

            Database.Delete <LanguageTextDto>("WHERE UniqueId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Key });
            Database.Delete <DictionaryDto>("WHERE id = @Id", new { Id = entity.Key });

            //Clear the cache entries that exist by uniqueid/item key
            IsolatedCache.Clear(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IDictionaryItem, string>(entity.ItemKey));
            IsolatedCache.Clear(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IDictionaryItem, Guid>(entity.Key));

            entity.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now;
        protected override void PersistUpdatedItem(IDataTypeDefinition entity)
            entity.Name = EnsureUniqueNodeName(entity.Name, entity.Id);

            //Cannot change to a duplicate alias
            var exists = Database.ExecuteScalar <int>(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cmsDataType
INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON cmsDataType.nodeId =
WHERE umbracoNode." + SqlSyntax.GetQuotedColumnName("text") + @"= @name
AND <> @id",
                                                      new { id = entity.Id, name = entity.Name });

            if (exists > 0)
                throw new DuplicateNameException("A data type with the name " + entity.Name + " already exists");

            //Updates Modified date

            //Look up parent to get and set the correct Path if ParentId has changed
            if (entity.IsPropertyDirty("ParentId"))
                var parent = Database.First <NodeDto>("WHERE id = @ParentId", new { ParentId = entity.ParentId });
                entity.Path  = string.Concat(parent.Path, ",", entity.Id);
                entity.Level = parent.Level + 1;
                var maxSortOrder =
                    Database.ExecuteScalar <int>(
                        "SELECT coalesce(max(sortOrder),0) FROM umbracoNode WHERE parentid = @ParentId AND nodeObjectType = @NodeObjectType",
                        new { ParentId = entity.ParentId, NodeObjectType = NodeObjectTypeId });
                entity.SortOrder = maxSortOrder + 1;

            var factory = new DataTypeDefinitionFactory(NodeObjectTypeId);
            //Look up DataTypeDefinition entry to get Primary for updating the DTO
            var dataTypeDto = Database.SingleOrDefault <DataTypeDto>("WHERE nodeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });

            var dto = factory.BuildDto(entity);

            //Updates the (base) node data - umbracoNode
            var nodeDto = dto.NodeDto;


            //NOTE: This is a special case, we need to clear the custom cache for pre-values here so they are not stale if devs
            // are querying for them in the Saved event (before the distributed call cache is clearing it)

Exemple #11
 public IMemberGroup GetByName(string name)
     return(IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem <IMemberGroup>(
                typeof(IMemberGroup).FullName + "." + name,
                () =>
         var qry = Query <IMemberGroup>().Where(group => group.Name.Equals(name));
         var result = Get(qry);
         return result.FirstOrDefault();
                //cache for 5 mins since that is the default in the Runtime app cache
                //sliding is true
Exemple #12
 public IMemberGroup GetByName(string name)
     return(IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem <IMemberGroup>(
                string.Format("{0}.{1}", typeof(IMemberGroup).FullName, name),
                () =>
         var qry = new Query <IMemberGroup>().Where(group => group.Name.Equals(name));
         var result = GetByQuery(qry);
         return result.FirstOrDefault();
                //cache for 5 mins since that is the default in the RuntimeCacheProvider
                //sliding is true
        protected override void PersistUpdatedItem(ILanguage entity)

            var factory = new LanguageFactory();
            var dto     = factory.BuildDto(entity);



            //Clear the cache entries that exist by key/iso
            IsolatedCache.ClearCacheItem(GetCacheIdKey <ILanguage>(entity.IsoCode));
            IsolatedCache.ClearCacheItem(GetCacheIdKey <ILanguage>(entity.CultureName));
        private void RecursiveDelete(Guid parentId)
            var list = Database.Fetch <DictionaryDto>("WHERE parent = @ParentId", new { ParentId = parentId });

            foreach (var dto in list)

                Database.Delete <LanguageTextDto>("WHERE UniqueId = @Id", new { Id = dto.UniqueId });
                Database.Delete <DictionaryDto>("WHERE id = @Id", new { Id = dto.UniqueId });

                //Clear the cache entries that exist by uniqueid/item key
                IsolatedCache.Clear(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IDictionaryItem, string>(dto.Key));
                IsolatedCache.Clear(RepositoryCacheKeys.GetKey <IDictionaryItem, Guid>(dto.UniqueId));