/// <summary>
    /// Gets the visitor list for a specific day. Explorers can't be visitors, so remove them.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="random">Random to use to select.</param>
    /// <param name="capacity">Maximum number of people to allow on the island.</param>
    /// <returns>Visitor List.</returns>
    /// <remarks>For a deterministic island list, use a Random seeded with the uniqueID + number of days played.</remarks>
    private static List <NPC> GenerateVistorList(Random random, int capacity, HashSet <NPC> explorers)
        CurrentGroup          = null;
        CurrentVisitingGroup  = null;
        CurrentAdventureGroup = null;
        CurrentAdventurers    = null;

        List <NPC>    visitors       = new();
        HashSet <NPC> valid_visitors = new();

        foreach (NPC npc in Utility.getAllCharacters())
            if (IslandSouth.CanVisitIslandToday(npc) && !explorers.Contains(npc))

        if (Globals.SaveDataModel is not null)
            foreach (string npcname in Globals.SaveDataModel.NPCsForTomorrow)
                NPC npc = Game1.getCharacterFromName(npcname);
                if (!valid_visitors.Contains(npc))
                    Globals.ModMonitor.Log($"{npcname} queued for Island DESPITE exclusion!", LogLevel.Warn);

        if (random.NextDouble() < Globals.Config.GroupChance)
            List <string> groupkeys = new();
            foreach (string key in IslandGroups.Keys)
                // Filter out groups where one member can't make it or are too big
                if (IslandGroups[key].Count <= capacity - visitors.Count && IslandGroups[key].All((NPC npc) => valid_visitors.Contains(npc)))
            if (groupkeys.Count > 0)
                CurrentGroup = Utility.GetRandom(groupkeys, random);
                Globals.ModMonitor.Log($"Group {CurrentGroup} headed to Island.", LogLevel.Debug);
                HashSet <NPC> possiblegroup = IslandGroups[CurrentGroup];
                visitors.AddRange(possiblegroup.Where((npc) => !visitors.Contains(npc))); // limit group size if there's too many people...
                CurrentVisitingGroup = possiblegroup;
        if (Game1.getCharacterFromName("Gus") is NPC gus && !visitors.Contains(gus) && valid_visitors.Contains(gus) &&
            Globals.Config.GusDayAsShortString().Equals(Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
            Globals.Config.GusChance > random.NextDouble())
            Globals.ModMonitor.DebugOnlyLog($"Forcibly adding Gus.");

        // Prevent children and anyone with the neveralone exclusion from going alone.
        int kidsremoved = valid_visitors.RemoveWhere((NPC npc) => npc.Age == NPC.child &&
                                                     (!IslandSouthPatches.Exclusions.TryGetValue(npc, out string[]? exclusions) || !exclusions.Contains("freerange")));
        int neveralone = valid_visitors.RemoveWhere((NPC npc) => IslandSouthPatches.Exclusions.TryGetValue(npc, out string[]? exclusions) && exclusions.Contains("neveralone"));

        if (Globals.Config.DebugMode)
            Globals.ModMonitor.Log($"Excluded {kidsremoved} kids and {neveralone} never alone villagers from the valid villagers list");

        if (visitors.Count < capacity)
            Globals.ModMonitor.Log($"{capacity} not yet reached, attempting to add more.", LogLevel.Debug);
            visitors.AddRange(valid_visitors.OrderBy(a => random.Next()).Take(capacity - visitors.Count));

        // If George in visitors, add Evelyn.
        if (visitors.Any((NPC npc) => npc.Name.Equals("George", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
            visitors.All((NPC npc) => !npc.Name.Equals("Evelyn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
            Game1.getCharacterFromName("Evelyn") is NPC evelyn)
            // counting backwards to avoid kicking out a group member.
            for (int i = visitors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!visitors[i].Name.Equals("Gus", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !visitors[i].Name.Equals("George", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Globals.ModMonitor.DebugOnlyLog($"Replacing one visitor {visitors[i].Name} with Evelyn");
                    visitors[i] = evelyn;

        for (int i = 0; i < visitors.Count; i++)
            visitors[i].scheduleDelaySeconds = Math.Min(i * 0.4f, 7f);

        // set schedule Delay for George and Evelyn so they arrive together (in theory)?
        if (visitors.FirstOrDefault((NPC npc) => npc.Name.Equals("George", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) is NPC george &&
            visitors.FirstOrDefault((NPC npc) => npc.Name.Equals("Evelyn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) is NPC evelyn2)
            george.scheduleDelaySeconds  = 7f;
            evelyn2.scheduleDelaySeconds = 6.8f;

        Globals.ModMonitor.DebugOnlyLog($"{visitors.Count} vistors: {string.Join(", ", visitors.Select((NPC npc) => npc.Name))}");

 /// <summary>
 /// Yields a group of valid explorers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="random">Seeded random.</param>
 /// <returns>An explorer group (of up to three explorers), or an empty hashset if there's no group today.</returns>
 private static HashSet <NPC> GenerateExplorerGroup(Random random)
     if (random.NextDouble() <= Globals.Config.ExplorerChance)
         List <string> explorerGroups = ExplorerGroups.Keys.ToList();
         if (explorerGroups.Count > 0)
             CurrentAdventureGroup = explorerGroups[random.Next(explorerGroups.Count)];
             CurrentAdventurers    = ExplorerGroups[CurrentAdventureGroup].Where((NPC npc) => IslandSouth.CanVisitIslandToday(npc)).Take(3).ToHashSet();
     return(new HashSet <NPC>()); // just return an empty hashset.