private IEnumerator init() { this._player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (NetworkClient.allClients[0] != null) { NetworkClient.allClients[0].RegisterHandler((short)NetworkMessageType.MSG_DATA_FILE_LOADING, this.recieveNetworkMessage); NetworkClient.allClients[0].RegisterHandler((short)NetworkMessageType.MSG_DATA_FILE_PROGRESS, this.recieveNetworkMessage); NetworkClient.allClients[0].RegisterHandler((short)NetworkMessageType.MSG_DATA_FILE_READY, this.recieveNetworkMessage); } while (this._islandData == null) { this._islandData = Object.FindObjectOfType <IslandData>(); yield return(0); } WorldData.init(_islandData); if (!WorldData.worldGrid.readFromFile()) { // Tell the server that we have to load (create) the data file. if (NetworkClient.allClients[0] != null) { NetworkClient.allClients[0].Send((short)NetworkMessageType.MSG_DATA_FILE_LOADING, new IntegerMessage()); } StartCoroutine(calcWorldData()); } else { WorldData.worldGrid.lateInit(); WorldData.ready = true; } }
public Island PlaceIsland(IslandData data) { var island = CreateIsland(data.Position); island.Initialize(data); return(island); }
public void GenMesh() { data = GetComponent <IslandData>(); verts.Clear(); tris.Clear(); uvs.Clear(); vertNumber = 0; AddTiles(); if (verts.Count != tris.Count || verts.Count != uvs.Count) { Debug.Log(verts.Count + " " + tris.Count + " " + uvs.Count); Debug.Break(); } //CollapseDoubles(); //if (addNoise) // AddNoise(); //ExpandDoubles(); //CollapseDoubles(); Mesh mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = verts.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = tris.ToArray(); mesh.uv = uvs.ToArray(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh; Debug.Log(verts.Count); GetComponent <Spawner>().SpawnTrees(); StartCoroutine(Unflatten()); }
static partial void FillBinaryIslandCustom(MutagenFrame frame, INavigationMapInfo item) { if (frame.ReadUInt8() > 0) { item.Island = IslandData.CreateFromBinary(frame); } }
public IslandData Generate(WorldGenerator.IslandSize size, int seed, Vector3 position, float[][] moistureNoise, float[][] tempNoise, int numHeightLevels, bool fromTool = false) { if (_terrainSplats == null) { _terrainSplats = LoadPrototypes(); } _id = IslandID++; int realSize = (int)size; PerlinGenerator islandNoiseGen = new PerlinGenerator(); int octaves = 5; float[][] noise = islandNoiseGen.Generate(seed, octaves, realSize); float[,] heights = CreateHeightMap(noise, realSize, numHeightLevels); Vector3 posWithOffset = new Vector3(position.x - (realSize / 2f), position.y, position.z - (realSize / 2f)); TerrainData tData = ApplyDataToTerrain(ref _currentTerrain, heights, realSize, numHeightLevels, fromTool); _currentTerrain.transform.position = posWithOffset; IslandData data = new IslandData(_id, realSize, posWithOffset, ref tData); //PopulateTiles(ref data, posWithOffset, moistureNoise, tempNoise, heights, realSize, ref tData); //DebugDrawGrid(posWithOffset, realSize, heights); PlaceDetails(heights, realSize, ref data, seed); return(data); }
public void Start() { Registry.Islands.Add(Uid, this.gameObject); InitLineRender(); Island = GetComponent <IslandData>(); cameraMovement = Camera.main.GetComponent <MoveCamera>(); }
public virtual void Start() { _startTime = 0; if (Game.IsSinglePlayer()) { Island = GetComponent <IslandData>(); } }
public void Initialize(IslandData source) { Name = source.Name; Alignment = source.Alignment; level = source.Level; resources = source.CurrentResources; Startup(); }
void ReloadIsland(IslandData islandData, int i) { pooledMinimapIsland[i].RegionName = islandData.RegionName; pooledMinimapIsland[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(islandData.IslandSize.x, 1, islandData.IslandSize.z); pooledMinimapIsland[i].transform.position = islandData.GCECoord; pooledMinimapIsland[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; pooledMinimapIsland[i] = islandData.RegionName; }
public IslandData GenerateDungeon() { rnd = new System.Random(randomSeed); currentIsland = new IslandData(mapWidth, mapHeight); GenerateTiles(); return(currentIsland); }
void Start() { _islands = new List <IslandData>(NumberOfIslands); // TODO // will need to load the save file and get the seed // if there is no save, create a new seed if (WorldSeed == -1) { WorldSeed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue); } GenerateWorld(WorldSeed); _currentIsland = _islands[0]; }
public static void init(IslandData data) { _ready = false; _cellCount = data.cellCount; _worldSize = data.worldSize; _cellSize = worldSize / cellCount; _yOffsets = data.yOffsets; _name =; _xzOffset = new Vector2( -(cellCount * cellSize / 2.0f + cellSize / 2.0f), -(cellCount * cellSize / 2.0f + cellSize / 2.0f) ); _worldGrid = new WorldGrid(name, yOffsets, xzOffset, cellCount, worldSize); }
public void SetIslandList() { stage = CSVReader.Read("stage_demo"); Debug.Log("stage count : " + stage); for (int i = 0; i < stage.Count; i++) { int title = int.Parse(stage[i]["title"].ToString()); Map newMap = Instantiate(mapPrefab, default); newMap.map_title = stage[i]["title_text"].ToString(); newMap.total_snow = int.Parse(stage[i]["snow_total"].ToString()); int width = int.Parse(stage[i]["width"].ToString()); int height = int.Parse(stage[i]["height"].ToString()); List <List <int> > datas = MapString(stage[i]["data"].ToString().Split(','), height, width); List <List <int> > styles = new List <List <int> >(); for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { int blockNumber = datas[h][w]; styles.Add(GetStyleList(blockNumber, title)); } } // Debug.Log(stage[i]["posA"].ToString()); Vector3 posA = GetVector3(stage[i]["posA"].ToString().Split('/')); Vector3 posB = GetVector3(stage[i]["posB"].ToString().Split('/')); bool isParfait = int.Parse(stage[i]["parfait"].ToString()) == 0 ? false : true; List <int> star_limit = GetList(stage[i]["star_limit"].ToString().Split('/')); newMap.Initialize(new Vector2(height, width), isParfait, posA, posB, datas, styles, star_limit); newMap.transform.SetParent(transform); islands[title].maps.Add(newMap); } islandData = new IslandData(islands[0].maps.Count, islands[1].maps.Count, islands[2].maps.Count, islands[3].maps.Count, islands[4].maps.Count); }
private void MakeNewIsland(IslandGenerator gen, int islandSeed, float[][] moistNoise, float[][] tempNoise) { System.Random islandPRNG = new System.Random(islandSeed); IslandSize size = DetermineIslandSize(islandPRNG.Next()); int islandSize = (int)size; int x = islandPRNG.Next(islandSize, MaxWorldSize - islandSize); int z = islandPRNG.Next(islandSize, MaxWorldSize - islandSize); Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, 0f, z); int numOfHeightLevels = islandPRNG.Next(MinNumberOfHeightLevels) + MinNumberOfHeightLevels; // dont want island with < min height levels // should check to make sure islands can't overlap each other // copy out the relevant climate noise float[][] islandSpecificMoistureData = new float[islandSize][]; float[][] islandSpecificTempData = new float[islandSize][]; //Debug.LogFormat("specific: {0}x{1}", islandSpecificBiomeData.Length, islandSpecificBiomeData[0].Length); //Debug.LogFormat("base: {0}x{1}", biomeNoise.Length, biomeNoise[0].Length); for (int i = 0; i < islandSize; ++i) { islandSpecificMoistureData[i] = new float[islandSize]; islandSpecificTempData[i] = new float[islandSize]; for (int j = 0; j < islandSize; ++j) { //Debug.LogFormat("specific -> i: {0}, j:{1}, base -> i:{2} j:{3}",i, j, i + x, j + z); islandSpecificMoistureData[i][j] = moistNoise[i + x][j + z]; islandSpecificTempData[i][j] = tempNoise[i + x][j + z]; } } Debug.LogFormat("new island at {0} of size {1} with {2} levels ({3})", position, size.ToString(), numOfHeightLevels, islandSeed); // TODO // create an island data class that will be returned from this function // should hold things like: // tile array, native species of plants/vegetables/etc, general climate, size, soil classification, ... IslandData data = gen.Generate(size, islandSeed, position, islandSpecificMoistureData, islandSpecificTempData, numOfHeightLevels); _islands.Add(data); }
public void FixedUpdate() { if (!Game.IsRunning()) { return; } _startTime += Time.deltaTime; if (_startTime < AssaultShipData.AttackSpeed) { return; } _startTime -= AssaultShipData.AttackSpeed; // current island var islandData = transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <IslandData>(); // current enemy ships var enemyShips = IslandData.GetEnemyShips(islandData, AssaultShipData.PlayerData.uid); // 1) if is enemy island and has no there are no enemy ships => convert if (IsOnEnemyIsland() && enemyShips.Count == 0) { // Debug.Log(ShipData.uid + " invades " + transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent<IslandData>().uid); islandData.Convert(AssaultShipData.PlayerData); } // 2) attack every enemy ship if (enemyShips.Count <= 0) { return; } var enemyShip = (GameObject)enemyShips[Random.Range(0, enemyShips.Count)]; // Important! actual range 0 to list size - 1 // Debug.Log(ShipData.playerUid +"[" + ShipData.uid + "] attacks " + enemyShip.GetComponent<ShipData>().playerUid + "[" + enemyShip.GetComponent<ShipData>().uid + "]"); var rocket = Prefabs.Instance.GetNewRocket(); var behaviour = rocket.AddComponent <RocketMove>(); behaviour.Attacker = gameObject.transform.position; behaviour.AttackDamage = AssaultShipData.AttackDamage; behaviour.Defender = enemyShip; behaviour.Velocity = 0.6f; }
private void LateUpdate() { if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { if (Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <OverworldEditor_Island>() != null) { disableUpdate = false; } else { disableUpdate = true; } } else { disableUpdate = true; } if (disableUpdate) { return; } foreach (OverworldEditor_Island editor_Island in pooledMinimapIsland) { if (editor_Island == null) { continue; } else if (mapData.GlobalIslands.Find(x => x.RegionName == editor_Island.RegionName) == null) { continue; } Vector3 GCE_Coord = editor_Island.transform.position; GCE_Coord.x = Mathf.Floor(GCE_Coord.x); GCE_Coord.y = Mathf.Floor(GCE_Coord.y); GCE_Coord.z = Mathf.Floor(GCE_Coord.z); IslandData islandData = mapData.GlobalIslands.Find(x => x.RegionName == editor_Island.RegionName); islandData.GCECoord = GCE_Coord; } }
public void SpawnTrees() { data = GetComponent <IslandData>(); for (int i = 0; i < treeCount; i++) { Tile t = new List <Tile>(data.tiles.Values)[Random.Range(0, data.tiles.Count)]; GameObject tree = gameObject; if (t.landType == 0) { tree = Instantiate(palm, t.verts[6], Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0)) as GameObject; } if (t.landType == 1) { tree = Instantiate(blob, t.verts[6], Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0)) as GameObject; } else if (t.landType == 2) { tree = Instantiate(pine, t.verts[6], Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0)) as GameObject; } tree.transform.parent = transform; } }
private void PopulateTiles(ref IslandData data, Vector3 terrainPos, float[][] moisture, float[][] temps, float[,] heights, int size, ref TerrainData tData) { GameObject container = new GameObject(); = "Tile Colliders"; container.transform.SetParent(_currentTerrain.transform); container.transform.position =; GameObject tileObject = null; Tile t = null; int tilesPerMeter = 3; //int[] offsets = new int[] { 0, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 }; //float[,,] splatData = new float[size, size, _terrainSplats.Length]; float subTileOffset = 1 / (float)tilesPerMeter; Vector3 offsetPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { float height = heights[j, i]; // don't put tiles on the bottom most layer if (height > 0f) { int terrainX, terrainY; GetWorldTerrainPosition(terrainPos, i, j, out terrainX, out terrainY); GameObject tileContainer = new GameObject(); = string.Format("Tile[{0},{1}]", i, j); tileContainer.transform.SetParent(container.transform); tileContainer.transform.position =; // for multiple tiles per meter for (int k = 0; k < tilesPerMeter; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < tilesPerMeter; ++l) { // create physical tile offsetPosition.x = (subTileOffset / 2f) + subTileOffset * k; offsetPosition.z = (subTileOffset / 2f) + subTileOffset * l; tileObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(_tilePrefab); = string.Format("Sub Tile[{0},{1}]", k, l); t = tileObject.AddComponent <Tile>(); t.Init(i, j, height, terrainX + offsetPosition.z, terrainY + offsetPosition.x); tileObject.transform.position = t.WorldPosition; // add to parent container for a neat hierarchy tileObject.transform.SetParent(tileContainer.transform); } } // determine biome eMoisture moist = GetMoistureEnumFromValue(moisture[i][j]); eTemperature temp = GetTempEnumFromValue(temps[i][j]); eBiome biome = _biomeTable[(int)moist, (int)temp]; t.SetBiomeFields(moist, temp, biome); // set terrain texture //int textureIndex = offsets[(int)biome] + (int)eTileType.Grass; //splatData[j, i, textureIndex] = 1; } else { // just dirt if height is zero //int textureIndex = offsets[(int)eBiome.Jungle] + (int)eTileType.Dirt; //splatData[j, i, textureIndex] = 1; } // need to fill the island data with values, even if no tile is actually created data.AddTile(t, i, j); } } //tData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, splatData); }
public MissionData(IslandData island) => MissionIsland = island;
private void PlaceDetails(float[,] heights, int size, ref IslandData data, int seed) { System.Random prng = new System.Random(seed); int noiseSeed = prng.Next(); GameObject detailContainer = new GameObject(); = "Details Container"; detailContainer.transform.SetParent(_currentTerrain.transform); eBiome currentBiome = eBiome.Forest; PerlinGenerator detailNoiseGen = new PerlinGenerator(); float[][] noise = detailNoiseGen.Generate(noiseSeed, 3, size); int detailID = -1; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { detailID = -1; bool changeScale = false; float height = heights[j, i]; if (height > 0f) { float value = noise[i][j]; //currentBiome = data.GetTile(i, j).Biome; // slope // need to map x/z to terrain space float y_01 = (float)i / (float)size; float x_01 = (float)j / (float)size; // Calculate the steepness of the terrain float steepness = data.Data.GetSteepness(y_01, x_01); if (steepness < _maxVegetationSlope) { if (value > 0.85f) { detailID = (int)eDetailType.Tree; changeScale = true; if (value > 0.95f) { // TODO set scale modifier here or something //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Tree_Pine_0]; } else if (value > 0.9f) { //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Tree_Pine_1]; } else { //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Tree_Pine_2]; } } else if (value > 0.75f) { detailID = (int)eDetailType.Flower; //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Flower_Bud]; } else if (value > 0.68f) { detailID = (int)eDetailType.Grass; //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Grass]; } else if (value > 0.65f) { detailID = (int)eDetailType.Fern; //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Fern]; } else if (value < 0.025f) { detailID = (int)eDetailType.Rock; //detail = _detailObjects[(int)DetailType.Rock_Medium]; } //if (detail != null) if (detailID > -1) { //GameObject detail = null; GameObject detail = GetDetailsForBiome(currentBiome)[detailID]; GameObject detailObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(detail,, Quaternion.identity); float angle = prng.Next(359) + 1; detailObj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, angle); if (changeScale) { float scaleFactor = (float)prng.NextDouble() + 0.25f; detailObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); } detailObj.transform.SetParent(detailContainer.transform); // need to place a tile here PlaceTile(i, j, ref data, _currentTerrain.transform.position); data.AddObjectToTile(detailObj, i, j); } } } } } }
public MinPointIslandData(uint minPoint, IslandData islandData) { MinPoint = minPoint; IslandData = islandData; }
public override void UpdateAfterSimulation() { base.UpdateAfterSimulation(); m_rootIslands.Clear(); m_rootEntityIslandIndex.Clear(); var clusterList = MyPhysics.GetClusterList(); if (clusterList != null) { foreach (Havok.HkWorld havokWorld in MyPhysics.GetClusterList()) { var islandCount = havokWorld.GetActiveSimulationIslandsCount(); for (int i = 0; i < islandCount; i++) { havokWorld.GetActiveSimulationIslandRigidBodies(i, m_rigidBodies); HashSet <IMyEntity> island = null; foreach (var rigidBody in m_rigidBodies) { var ents = rigidBody.GetAllEntities(); foreach (var entity in ents) { var topParent = entity.GetTopMostParent(); foreach (var rootIsland in m_rootIslands) { if (rootIsland.RootEntities.Contains(topParent)) { island = rootIsland.RootEntities; break; } } } ents.Clear(); } if (island == null) { IslandData islandData = new IslandData() { AABB = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid(), RootEntities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(), ClientPriority = new Dictionary <ulong, float>() }; island = islandData.RootEntities; m_rootIslands.Add(islandData); } foreach (var rigidBody in m_rigidBodies) { var ents = rigidBody.GetAllEntities(); foreach (var entity in ents) { var topParent = entity.GetTopMostParent(); island.Add(topParent); } ents.Clear(); } m_rigidBodies.Clear(); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_rootIslands.Count; i++) { var islandData = m_rootIslands[i]; islandData.AABB = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid(); foreach (var entity in islandData.RootEntities) { islandData.AABB.Include(entity.PositionComp.WorldAABB); m_rootEntityIslandIndex[entity] = i; } m_rootIslands[i] = islandData; } } }
private bool HasReachedMaxSpawn() { return(Game.Shared.World.MaxPopulationLimitReached() || IslandData.AmountFriendlyUnits(Island) >= Island.MaxSpawn); }
void AddIsland(int islandSize) { if (islandSize < 2) { islandSize = 2; } List <Vector2Int> tiles = new List <Vector2Int>(); List <Vector2Int> possTiles = new List <Vector2Int>(); IslandData currentIsland = new IslandData(); Vector2Int loc = new Vector2Int(Random.Range(-worldSize, worldSize), Random.Range(-worldSize, worldSize)); int x = 0; while (usedTiles.Contains(loc)) { if (x >= 10) { worldSize++; x = 0; Debug.Log("X"); } Vector3 spot = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), 0, Random.Range(-1f, 1f)) * worldSize; loc = HexGrid.RoundToGrid(spot); x++; } tiles.Add(loc); foreach (Vector2Int v in HexGrid.FindAdjacentGridLocs(loc)) { if (!tiles.Contains(v) && !possTiles.Contains(v) && !usedTiles.Contains(v)) { possTiles.Add(v); } } while (tiles.Count < islandSize && possTiles.Count > 0) { Vector2Int tile = possTiles[Random.Range(0, possTiles.Count)]; foreach (Vector2Int v in HexGrid.FindAdjacentGridLocs(tile)) { if (!tiles.Contains(v) && !possTiles.Contains(v) && !usedTiles.Contains(v)) { possTiles.Add(v); } } possTiles.Remove(tile); tiles.Add(tile); } if (tiles.Count == islandSize) { foreach (Vector2Int v in HexGrid.FindOutline(tiles)) { tiles.Add(v); } List <Vector2Int> remove = new List <Vector2Int>(); remove.AddRange(tiles); remove.AddRange(HexGrid.FindOutline(remove)); remove.AddRange(HexGrid.FindOutline(remove)); remove.AddRange(HexGrid.FindOutline(remove)); foreach (Vector2Int v in remove) { usedTiles.Add(v); } foreach (Vector2Int v in tiles) { currentIsland.tiles.Add(new WorldTile(v)); currentIsland.gridLocs.Add(v); } foreach (Vector2Int v in tiles) { foreach (Vector2Int adj in HexGrid.FindAdjacentGridLocs(v)) { if (tiles.Contains(adj)) { currentIsland.tiles[currentIsland.gridLocs.IndexOf(v)].connections.Add(adj); } } } currentIsland.CalcHeights(); islands.Add(currentIsland); } else { AddIsland(islandSize); } }
public void SetCurrentIsland(int id) { _currentIsland = _islands[id]; Debug.Log("Current island is now " + id); }
public void PlaceTile(float x, float z, ref IslandData data, Vector3 terrainPos) { TerrainData tData = data.Data; float[,] heights = tData.GetHeights(0, 0, data.Size, data.Size); int tilesPerMeter = 3; float subTileOffset = 1 / (float)tilesPerMeter; Vector3 offsetPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f); int i = Mathf.RoundToInt(x); int j = Mathf.RoundToInt(z); if (_tileContainer == null) { _tileContainer = new GameObject("Tile Container"); _tileContainer.transform.SetParent(_currentTerrain.transform); _tileContainer.transform.localPosition =; } float height = heights[j, i]; GameObject tileObject = null; Tile t = null; // don't put tiles on the bottom most layer if (height > 0f) { int terrainX, terrainY; GetWorldTerrainPosition(terrainPos, i, j, out terrainX, out terrainY); // TODO this will need to be removed and only 1 tile be placed; not all 9 //for multiple tiles per meter for (int k = 0; k < tilesPerMeter; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < tilesPerMeter; ++l) { // create physical tile offsetPosition.x = (subTileOffset / 2f) + subTileOffset * k; offsetPosition.z = (subTileOffset / 2f) + subTileOffset * l; tileObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(_tilePrefab); = string.Format("Sub Tile[{0},{1}]", k, l); t = tileObject.AddComponent <Tile>(); t.Init(i, j, height, terrainX + offsetPosition.z, terrainY + offsetPosition.x); tileObject.transform.position = t.WorldPosition; // add to parent container for a neat hierarchy tileObject.transform.SetParent(_tileContainer.transform); } } // determine biome eMoisture moist = eMoisture.Wet; //GetMoistureEnumFromValue(moisture[i][j]); eTemperature temp = eTemperature.Normal; //GetTempEnumFromValue(temps[i][j]); eBiome biome = _biomeTable[(int)moist, (int)temp]; t.SetBiomeFields(moist, temp, biome); // set terrain texture //int textureIndex = offsets[(int)biome] + (int)eTileType.Grass; //splatData[j, i, textureIndex] = 1; } else { // just dirt if height is zero //int textureIndex = offsets[(int)eBiome.Jungle] + (int)eTileType.Dirt; //splatData[j, i, textureIndex] = 1; } // need to fill the island data with values, even if no tile is actually created data.AddTile(t, i, j); }
public void AddIsland(IslandData _island) { islands.Add(_island); }
private void MakeIslandConnections(Vector2 _ourIslandLocalCoordinates, int _pathWidth, MapData _mapData, int _mapChunkSize) { int activeConnectionsAmount = 0; //a dictionary with the distance between us and the other island, and chunkcoordinates of the other island Dictionary <float, IslandData> shortestDistanceIslandsData = new Dictionary <float, IslandData>(); float longestDistanceInDict = 0; for (int n = 0; n < _mapData.allNeighboursCoords.Count; n++) { if (islandsChunkContainer.ContainsKey(_mapData.allNeighboursCoords[n])) { Vector2 chunkOffset = _mapData.coordinate - _mapData.allNeighboursCoords[n]; for (int i = 0; i < islandsChunkContainer[_mapData.allNeighboursCoords[n]].Count; i++) { IslandData otherIsland = islandsChunkContainer[_mapData.allNeighboursCoords[n]][i]; Vector2 vertorDifference = _ourIslandLocalCoordinates - otherIsland.localCoordinates + new Vector2(chunkOffset.x * _mapChunkSize, chunkOffset.y * _mapChunkSize); if (Mathf.Abs(vertorDifference.x) < maxAxisDifference || Mathf.Abs(vertorDifference.y) < maxAxisDifference) { float dist = Vector2.Distance( new Vector2(_ourIslandLocalCoordinates.x + (_mapData.coordinate.x * _mapChunkSize), _ourIslandLocalCoordinates.y + (_mapData.coordinate.y * _mapChunkSize)), new Vector2(otherIsland.localCoordinates.x + (otherIsland.chunkCoordinates.x * _mapChunkSize), otherIsland.localCoordinates.y + (otherIsland.chunkCoordinates.y * _mapChunkSize)) ); if (!shortestDistanceIslandsData.ContainsKey(dist)) { //add the first few results we get to the list if (shortestDistanceIslandsData.Count < maxSearchableIslands) { shortestDistanceIslandsData.Add(dist, otherIsland); //increment our connections amount, and the other islands connections amount activeConnectionsAmount++; otherIsland.IncrementConnections(); }//then if we get more results, check if they are lower that our highest distance result, and if so replace them else { longestDistanceInDict = FindLongestDistance(shortestDistanceIslandsData); if (dist < longestDistanceInDict) { shortestDistanceIslandsData.Remove(longestDistanceInDict); shortestDistanceIslandsData.Add(dist, otherIsland); } } } break; } } } } //randomconnectionamout is random between chosen min and max, and cannot be greater than maxSearchableIslands int randomConnectionsAmount = Random.Range(minRandomConnections, maxRandomConnections); if (shortestDistanceIslandsData.Count > 0) { if (randomConnectionsAmount > maxSearchableIslands) { randomConnectionsAmount = maxSearchableIslands; } //out of all the closest islands (limited maxSearchableIsland), a random amount of of random connections are picked. List <float> closestIslandsKeysleftOvers = new List <float>(shortestDistanceIslandsData.Keys); for (int i = 0; i < randomConnectionsAmount; i++) { int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, closestIslandsKeysleftOvers.Count); Paths.CreatePathChunksOverflow(_mapData.coordinate, shortestDistanceIslandsData[closestIslandsKeysleftOvers[randomIndex]].chunkCoordinates, _ourIslandLocalCoordinates, shortestDistanceIslandsData[closestIslandsKeysleftOvers[randomIndex]].localCoordinates, 0, _pathWidth, pathSmoothness, false, _mapChunkSize); closestIslandsKeysleftOvers.Remove(randomIndex); } } if (activeConnectionsAmount < randomConnectionsAmount) { islandsChunkContainer[_mapData.coordinate].Add(new IslandData(activeConnectionsAmount, randomConnectionsAmount, _ourIslandLocalCoordinates, _mapData.coordinate)); } }