/// <summary>
        /// Fire even, status and error messages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="events">Isag events</param>
        /// <param name="status">Status</param>
        public void FireMessages(IsagEvents events, Status status)

            if (HasError)
                foreach (string errorMessage in _errorMessages)
                    events.FireError(new string[] { "DbCommand", errorMessage });

                if (_errorMessages.Count == 0)
                    events.FireError(new string[] { "DbCommand", "Fatal error: No Error Message available" });
 /// <summary>
 /// Fires event/statistic/error messages
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="events">Isag events</param>
 /// <param name="status">Status</param>
 public void FireMessages(IsagEvents events, Status status)
     if (Status == StatusType.Error)
         events.FireError(new string[] { "BulkCopy", "Thread " + _threadNr.ToString(), _errorMessage });
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the database command thread or a bulk copy thread has an error?
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Does the database command thread or a bulk copy thread has an error?</returns>
        private bool HasError()
            if (_dbCmdThread != null && _dbCmdThread.HasError)
                _events.FireError(new string[] { "Error in DB Thread." });
                throw new Exception("Error in DB Thread.");

            foreach (ThreadBulkCopy thread in _bulkCopyThreads)
                if (thread.Status == ThreadBulkCopy.StatusType.Error)
                    _events.FireError(new string[] { "Error in BulkCopy Thread." });
                    throw new Exception("Error in BulkCopy Thread.");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the database command
        /// (data is written from temporary table to destination table)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table</param>
        public void ExecuteDbCommand(string tempTableName, int reattempts)
                int rowsAffected = 0;

                IsagEvents.IsagEventType eventType = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.MergeBegin;
                string[] sqlTemplate = null;
                _dbCommand.GetDbCommandDefinition(out eventType, out sqlTemplate);

                if (sqlTemplate.Length > 0)
                    string sql;

                    SqlCommand comm = _conn.CreateCommand();
                    comm.CommandTimeout = _IsagCustomProperties.TimeOutDb;
                    if (_dbTransaction != null)
                        comm.Transaction = _dbTransaction;
                    for (int i = 0; i < sqlTemplate.Length; i++)
                        sql = sqlTemplate[i].Replace(Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS, tempTableName)
                              .Replace(Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER, tempTableName);

                        bool executeDbCommand = true;
                        int  attempt          = 1;
                        while (executeDbCommand)
                                comm.CommandText = sql;
                                rowsAffected     = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();

                                executeDbCommand = false;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (!ex.Message.Contains("Timeout") || (attempt > reattempts && reattempts != 0))
                                    _events.FireError(new string[] { string.Format("DbCommand failed. [{0}]: {1}",
                                                                                   DateTime.Now.ToString(), sql) + ex.ToString() });

                                    throw ex;
                                                 string.Format("DbCommand: Timeout...trying again... [{0}]", DateTime.Now.ToString()));

                _events.Fire(eventType, string.Format("[Exec DbCommand: {0}]: {1} rows were affected by the Sql Command. ({2})",
                                                      eventType.ToString(), rowsAffected.ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString()));

            catch (Exception ex)
                _events.FireError(new string[] { string.Format("DbCommand failed. [{0}]",
                                                               DateTime.Now.ToString()) + ex.ToString() });
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets sql command with placeholders for tables, columns, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventType">event type</param>
        /// <param name="sqlTemplate">sql command template</param>
        public void GetDbCommandDefinition(out IsagEvents.IsagEventType eventType, out string[] sqlTemplate)
            switch (_IsagCustomProperties.DbCommand)
            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.Merge:
                eventType   = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.MergeBegin;
                sqlTemplate = new string[] { GetExecuteStatementFromTemplate(SqlCreator.GetSqlMerge(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS)) };

            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.Merge2005:
                eventType   = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.Merge2005Begin;
                sqlTemplate = new string[] { GetExecuteStatementFromTemplate(SqlCreator.GetSqlMerge2005(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS)) };

            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.UpdateTblInsertRow:
                eventType = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.UpdateTblInsertRowBegin;

                string spInsertName    = "[#" + Constants.SP_INSERT_BY_CURSOR + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "]";
                string sqlSpInsert     = SqlCreator.GetSqlInsertSP(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS).Replace("<SPName>", spInsertName);
                string sqlUpdate       = SqlCreator.GetSqlUpdate(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS);
                string sqlExecSp       = "EXEC " + spInsertName;
                string sqlDropSpInsert = "DROP PROCEDURE " + spInsertName;

                sqlTemplate = new string[] { sqlSpInsert, sqlUpdate, sqlExecSp };

            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.UpdateRowInsertRow:
                eventType = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.UpdateRowInsertRowBegin;

                string spInsertName1    = "[#" + Constants.SP_INSERT_BY_CURSOR + "_" + _componentMetaData.Name + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "]";
                string spUpdateName1    = "[#" + Constants.SP_UPDATE_BY_CURSOR + "_" + _componentMetaData.Name + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "]";
                string sqlSpInsert1     = SqlCreator.GetSqlInsertSP(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS).Replace("<SPName>", spInsertName1);
                string sqlSpUpdate1     = SqlCreator.GetSqlUpdateSP(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS).Replace("<SPName>", spUpdateName1);
                string sqlExecInsertSp  = "EXEC " + spInsertName1;
                string sqlExecUpdateSp  = "EXEC " + spUpdateName1;
                string sqlDropSpInsert1 = "DROP PROCEDURE " + spInsertName1;
                string sqlDropSpUpdate  = "DROP PROCEDURE " + spUpdateName1;

                sqlTemplate = new string[] { sqlSpInsert1, sqlSpUpdate1, sqlExecUpdateSp, sqlExecInsertSp };


            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.Insert:
                eventType   = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.InsertBegin;
                sqlTemplate = new string[] { GetExecuteStatementFromTemplate(SqlCreator.GetSqlInsert(_IsagCustomProperties, Constants.TEMP_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER_BRACKETS)) };

            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.BulkInsert:
                eventType   = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.BulkInsert;
                sqlTemplate = null;

            case IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType.BulkInsertRowLock:
                eventType   = IsagEvents.IsagEventType.BulkInsert;
                sqlTemplate = null;

                _events.FireError(new string[] { "Choosen DBCommand is invalid." });
                throw new Exception("Choosen DBCommand is invalid.");