protected override IsValidResponse VerifyValueRequest(object value) { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (value != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString())) { //this needs to try parse and throw var intValue = int.Parse(value.ToString()); if (intValue > MaxValue) { response.AddInvalidReason( string.Format("The entered value is greater than the maximum of {0}", MaxValue)); } if (intValue < MinValue) { response.AddInvalidReason( string.Format("The entered value is less than the minimum of {0}", MinValue)); } } else if (IsNotNullable && (value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString()))) { response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("A Value Is Required")); } return(response); }
public virtual IsValidResponse IsValidForNewType(string typeName) { var response = new IsValidResponse(); response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("New type name validations have not been implemented for the type {0}", GetType().Name)); return(response); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { var service = new XrmService(this); var response = service.VerifyConnection(); var actualResponse = new IsValidResponse(); foreach (var item in response.InvalidReasons) actualResponse.AddInvalidReason(item); return actualResponse; }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (RecordsToExport == null || !RecordsToExport.Any(r => r.Selected)) { response.AddInvalidReason("At Least One Record Type Must Be Included For Export"); } return(response); }
public override IsValidResponse VerifyConnection() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (ObjectToEnter == null) { response.AddInvalidReason("The object to enter is null"); } return(response); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (!Directory.Exists(FolderPath)) { response.AddInvalidReason("The Directory Does Not Exist"); } return(response); }
protected override IsValidResponse ValidateExtention() { var record = RecordForm.GetRecord(); var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (!PropertyValidator.IsValid(record.GetField(ChangedField.ReferenceName))) { response.AddInvalidReason(PropertyValidator.GetErrorMessage(RecordForm.RecordService.GetFieldMetadata(ChangedField.ReferenceName, RecordForm.GetRecordType()).DisplayName)); } return(response); }
public override IsValidResponse IsValidForNewType(string typeName) { var response = new IsValidResponse(); var objects = ExecuteSelect("select name, type_desc from sys.objects where name =" + SqlProvider.ToSqlString(typeName)); if (objects.Any()) { response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("There is already a '{0}' object in the database named {1}", objects.First().GetFieldAsString("type_desc"), typeName)); } return(response); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { var service = new XrmService(this); var response = service.VerifyConnection(); var actualResponse = new IsValidResponse(); foreach (var item in response.InvalidReasons) { actualResponse.AddInvalidReason(item); } return(actualResponse); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (FolderPath != null && Directory.Exists(FolderPath.FolderPath)) { if (FileUtility.GetFiles(FolderPath.FolderPath).Any(f => f.EndsWith("zip"))) { response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("{0} Already Contains .ZIP files. Remove The .ZIP Files Or Select Another Folder", GetType().GetProperty(nameof(FolderPath)).GetDisplayName())); } } return(response); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { //lets just ensure at leats one valid oiton is selected var validProperties = new[] { nameof(Entities), nameof(Fields), nameof(FieldOptionSets), nameof(SharedOptionSets), nameof(Relationships), nameof(Solutions), nameof(Workflows), nameof(PluginAssemblies), nameof(SecurityRoles), nameof(FieldSecurityProfiles), nameof(Users), nameof(Teams), nameof(Reports), nameof(WebResources), nameof(PluginTriggers), nameof(FormsAndDashboards), nameof(RolesPrivileges) }; var isOneSelected = validProperties.Any(p => (bool)this.GetPropertyValue(p)); var isValidResponse = new IsValidResponse(); if (!isOneSelected) { var thisType = GetType(); isValidResponse.AddInvalidReason($"At Least One Of {validProperties.Select(p => thisType.GetProperty(p).GetDisplayName()).JoinGrammarAnd()} Is Required To Be Selected"); } return(isValidResponse); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { //lets just ensure at leats one valid oiton is selected var validProperties = new[] { nameof(Entities), nameof(Fields), nameof(Relationships), nameof(FieldOptionSets), nameof(SharedOptionSets), nameof(Views) }; var isOneSelected = validProperties.Any(p => (bool)this.GetPropertyValue(p)); var isValidResponse = new IsValidResponse(); if (!isOneSelected) { var thisType = GetType(); isValidResponse.AddInvalidReason($"At Least One Of {validProperties.Select(p => thisType.GetProperty(p).GetDisplayName()).JoinGrammarAnd()} Is Required To Be Selected"); } return(isValidResponse); }
protected override IsValidResponse VerifyValueRequest(object value) { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (value != null && !(value is Guid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString())) { Guid dummy = Guid.Empty; if (!Guid.TryParse(value.ToString(), out dummy)) { response.AddInvalidReason("Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)"); } } return(response); }
public IsValidResponse Validate() { try { var service = new CsvRecordService(this); return(service.VerifyConnection()); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new IsValidResponse(); response.AddInvalidReason("Error creating service: " + ex.DisplayString()); return(response); } }
public override IsValidResponse VerifyConnection() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); try { var dbExists = SqlProvider.DatabaseExists(Connection.SqlServer, Connection.Database); if (!dbExists) { response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("The database {0} could not be found on the server", Connection.Database)); } } catch (Exception ex) { response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("A connection to verify the database could not be made: {0}", ex.DisplayString())); } return(response); }
public override IsValidResponse VerifyConnection() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); try { var recordType = GetRecordType(); var fields = this.GetFields(recordType); var invalidFieldStarts = string.Format("{0}#csv#", CsvNamePartNoExtention); var invalidFields = fields.Where(s => s.StartsWith(invalidFieldStarts)); if (invalidFields.Any()) { response.AddInvalidReason(string.Format("Invalid field names were found. Check the file for duplicate columns or rename these fields. The invalid columns names were {0}", string.Join(",", invalidFields))); } } catch (Exception ex) { response.AddInvalidReason("Error connecting to CSV file: " + ex.DisplayString()); } return(response); }
protected override IsValidResponse ValidateExtention() { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (!(ChangedField is FieldViewModelBase)) { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("This Form Of Validation Only Supported For {0} Objects", typeof(FieldViewModelBase).Name)); } var fieldViewModel = (FieldViewModelBase)ChangedField; var value = fieldViewModel.ValueObject; if (value != null) { if (!(value is IValidatableObject)) { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Error Object Does Not Implement {0}", typeof(IValidatableObject).Name)); } response = ((IValidatableObject)value).Validate(); } return(response); }
public static IsValidResponse Validate(this IEnumerable <IMapSpreadsheetImport> imports, bool matchByName, bool updateOnly) { var response = new IsValidResponse(); if (imports != null) { foreach (var item in imports.GroupBy(i => i.TargetType)) { if (item.Count() > 1 && item.Any(i => i.AltMatchKeys != null && i.AltMatchKeys.Any())) { response.AddInvalidReason($"There Are Multiple Maps To {item.First().TargetTypeLabel}. Multiple Imports To The Same Type Are Not Supported Where {typeof(IMapSpreadsheetImport).GetProperty(nameof(IMapSpreadsheetImport.AltMatchKeys)).GetDisplayName()} Are Used For That Type"); } } foreach (var map in imports) { if (map.AltMatchKeys != null) { foreach (var key in map.AltMatchKeys) { if (map.FieldMappings == null || !map.FieldMappings.Any(fm => fm.TargetField == key.TargetField)) { response.AddInvalidReason($"{key.TargetFieldLabel} Is Not Included In The {typeof(IMapSpreadsheetImport).GetProperty(nameof(IMapSpreadsheetImport.FieldMappings)).GetDisplayName()}. All {typeof(IMapSpreadsheetImport).GetProperty(nameof(IMapSpreadsheetImport.AltMatchKeys)).GetDisplayName()} Need To Be Included In The {typeof(IMapSpreadsheetImport).GetProperty(nameof(IMapSpreadsheetImport.FieldMappings)).GetDisplayName()}"); } } } } } if (updateOnly) { if (!matchByName && !imports.All(i => i.AltMatchKeys != null && i.AltMatchKeys.Any())) { response.AddInvalidReason($"When Updates Only Either Match By Name Must Be Set Or All Mappings Must Have {typeof(IMapSpreadsheetImport).GetProperty(nameof(IMapSpreadsheetImport.AltMatchKeys)).GetDisplayName()} Defined"); } } return(response); }