Exemple #1
    // Check through pressed tile input and create missing platforms
    private void createPlatformUpdate()
        if (platformTypes.Count > 0)
            bool[,] tiles = InputGridManager.This.getActiveTiles();

            for (int i = 0; i < InputGridManager.gridSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < InputGridManager.gridSize; j++)
                    // If platform does not exist at this point create it
                    if (tiles[i, j] && !platforms.ContainsKey(new Vector2Int(i, j)))
                    {                 /// ACCOUNT FOR MULTIPLE TILES IN ON AREA PRESSED
                        int        type    = (int)(Random.value * platformTypes.Count);
                        GameObject newPlat = Instantiate(platformTypes[type]);

                        // Set the position data
                        if (newPlat != null)
                            IsPlatform platScript = newPlat.GetComponent <IsPlatform>();
                            Vector3    worldPos   = new Vector3();

                            worldPos.x = i + 0.5f;
                            worldPos.y = j + 0.5f;

                            newPlat.transform.position = worldPos;

                            if (platScript == null)
                                platScript = newPlat.AddComponent <IsPlatform>();

                            platScript.tilePosition = new Vector2Int(i, j);

                            platforms.Add(platScript.tilePosition, newPlat);

                        if (popInOutEffects != null)
                            GameObject pop = Instantiate(popInOutEffects[type]);
                            pop.transform.position = newPlat.transform.position;
Exemple #2
    // Check through tile input and grow or shrink platforms appropriately
    private void growPlatformUpdate()
        bool[,] tiles = InputGridManager.This.getActiveTiles();
        IsPlatform platform = null;
        List <KeyValuePair <Vector2Int, GameObject> > toDelete = new List <KeyValuePair <Vector2Int, GameObject> >();

        foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2Int, GameObject> p in platforms)
            platform = p.Value.GetComponent <IsPlatform>();

            if (platform != null)
                // Grow the platform if still pushed, shrink otherwise
                if (tiles[p.Key.x, p.Key.y])
                // If shrink fails, platform is too small thus delete
                else if (!platform.shrink())

        // Now remove from dictionary (avoids errors when deleting while iterating)
        foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2Int, GameObject> p in toDelete)
            //if (popInOutEffect != null)

            //    GameObject pop = Instantiate(popInOutEffect);
            //    pop.transform.position = p.Value.transform.position;

