Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance from next header, checksum, revocation trigger, sequence number, proxy binding, IPv4 home address binding only, global
 /// and options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nextHeader">
 /// Identifies the type of header immediately following this extension header.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="checksum">
 /// Contains the checksum of the Mobility Header.
 /// The checksum is calculated from the octet string consisting of a "pseudo-header"
 /// followed by the entire Mobility Header starting with the Payload Proto field.
 /// The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of this string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="revocationTrigger">
 /// Indicating the event that triggered the initiator to send the BRI message.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="sequenceNumber">
 /// Used by the initiator to match a returned Binding Revocation Acknowledgement with this Binding Revocation Indication.
 /// This sequence number could be a random number.
 /// At any time, implementations must ensure there is no collision between the sequence numbers of all outstanding Binding Revocation Indication
 /// Messages.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="proxyBinding">
 /// Set by the initiator to indicate that the revoked binding(s) is a PMIPv6 binding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="ipV4HomeAddressBindingOnly">
 /// Set by the initiator, home agent, or local mobility anchor to indicate to the receiving mobility entity the termination
 /// of the IPv4 Home Address binding only as in Home Agent Operation and Local Mobility Anchor Operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="global">
 /// Set by the initiator, LMA or MAG, to indicate the termination of all Per-Peer mobility Bindings or Multiple Bindings that share
 /// a common identifier(s) and are served by the initiator and responder as in Local Mobility Anchor Operation and Mobile Access Gateway Operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Zero or more TLV-encoded mobility options.
 /// </param>
 public IpV6ExtensionHeaderMobilityBindingRevocationIndicationMessage(IpV4Protocol?nextHeader, ushort checksum,
                                                                      Ipv6MobilityBindingRevocationTrigger revocationTrigger, ushort sequenceNumber,
                                                                      bool proxyBinding, bool ipV4HomeAddressBindingOnly, bool global,
                                                                      IpV6MobilityOptions options)
     : base(nextHeader, checksum, sequenceNumber, proxyBinding, ipV4HomeAddressBindingOnly, global, options)
     RevocationTrigger = revocationTrigger;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance from next header, checksum, revocation trigger, sequence number, proxy binding, IPv4 home address binding only, global 
 /// and options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nextHeader">
 /// Identifies the type of header immediately following this extension header.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="checksum">
 /// Contains the checksum of the Mobility Header.
 /// The checksum is calculated from the octet string consisting of a "pseudo-header"
 /// followed by the entire Mobility Header starting with the Payload Proto field.
 /// The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of this string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="revocationTrigger">
 /// Indicating the event that triggered the initiator to send the BRI message.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="sequenceNumber">
 /// Used by the initiator to match a returned Binding Revocation Acknowledgement with this Binding Revocation Indication.
 /// This sequence number could be a random number.
 /// At any time, implementations must ensure there is no collision between the sequence numbers of all outstanding Binding Revocation Indication 
 /// Messages.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="proxyBinding">
 /// Set by the initiator to indicate that the revoked binding(s) is a PMIPv6 binding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="ipV4HomeAddressBindingOnly">
 /// Set by the initiator, home agent, or local mobility anchor to indicate to the receiving mobility entity the termination
 /// of the IPv4 Home Address binding only as in Home Agent Operation and Local Mobility Anchor Operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="global">
 /// Set by the initiator, LMA or MAG, to indicate the termination of all Per-Peer mobility Bindings or Multiple Bindings that share 
 /// a common identifier(s) and are served by the initiator and responder as in Local Mobility Anchor Operation and Mobile Access Gateway Operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Zero or more TLV-encoded mobility options.
 /// </param>
 public IpV6ExtensionHeaderMobilityBindingRevocationIndicationMessage(IpV4Protocol? nextHeader, ushort checksum,
                                                                      Ipv6MobilityBindingRevocationTrigger revocationTrigger, ushort sequenceNumber,
                                                                      bool proxyBinding, bool ipV4HomeAddressBindingOnly, bool global,
                                                                      IpV6MobilityOptions options)
     : base(nextHeader, checksum, sequenceNumber, proxyBinding, ipV4HomeAddressBindingOnly, global, options)
     RevocationTrigger = revocationTrigger;