Exemple #1
 public override bool intermediate(
     IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
     NumberIterations = iter_count;
Exemple #2
 public override IpoptBoolType intermediate(
     IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     NumberIterations = iter_count;
Exemple #3
 public bool intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
                          double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
     Console.WriteLine("Intermediate callback method at iteration {0} in {1} with d_norm {2}",
                       iter_count, alg_mod, d_norm);
     return(iter_count < 5);
Exemple #4
 public override IpoptBoolType intermediate(
     IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     Console.WriteLine("Intermediate callback method at iteration {0} in {1} with d_norm {2}",
                       iter_count, alg_mod, d_norm);
     return(iter_count < 5 ? IpoptBoolType.True : IpoptBoolType.False);
 public IpoptIntermediateEventArgs(IpoptAlgorithmMode algorithmMode, int currentIteration, double objectiveValue, double primalInfeasibility, double dualInfeasibility, double barrierParameter, double gradientNorm, double regularizationSize, double dualAlpha, double primalAlpha, int linesearchTrials)
     AlgorithmMode = algorithmMode;
     CurrentIteration = currentIteration;
     ObjectiveValue = objectiveValue;
     PrimalInfeasibility = primalInfeasibility;
     DualInfeasibility = dualInfeasibility;
     BarrierParameter = barrierParameter;
     GradientNorm = gradientNorm;
     RegularizationSize = regularizationSize;
     DualAlpha = dualAlpha;
     PrimalAlpha = primalAlpha;
     LinesearchTrials = linesearchTrials;
Exemple #6
        public bool intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
                                 double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
            iterations = iter_count;
            if (iter_count % LogIter == 0)
                Log(String.Format("{0:0000} {4,15} {1,15} {3,15} {2}", iter_count, d_norm.ToString("G4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), alg_mod, inf_pr.ToString("G4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), obj_value.ToString("G4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

                // foreach (var vari in ProblemData.Variables)
                //     Log(vari.WriteReport());
                //foreach (var eq in ProblemData.Constraints.Where(c => Math.Abs(c.ResidualProperty) > 1e-4).OrderByDescending(c => Math.Abs(c.ResidualProperty)).Take(Math.Min(3, ProblemData.Constraints.Count)))
                //    Log(String.Format("{2,-20} {3,-10} {4,-15} {0,12} ( {1} )", eq.ResidualProperty.ToString("0.0000"), eq, eq.MetaData.ClassName, eq.MetaData.InstanceName, eq.MetaData.Type));

 /// <summary>
 /// Intermediate callback for each iteration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="alg_mod">The algorithm mode.</param>
 /// <param name="iter_count">The current iteration count.</param>
 /// <param name="obj_value">The unscaled objective value at the current point.</param>
 /// <param name="inf_pr">The unscaled constraint violation at the current point.</param>
 /// <param name="inf_du">The scaled dual infeasibility at the current point.</param>
 /// <param name="mu">log_10 of the value of the barrier parameter mu</param>
 /// <param name="d_norm">The infinity norm (max) of the primal step.</param>
 /// <param name="regularization_size">log_10 of the value of the regularization term for the Hessian of the Lagrangian in the augmented system. A dash (-) indicates that no regularization was done.</param>
 /// <param name="alpha_du">The step size for the dual variables for the box constraints in the equality constrained formulation.</param>
 /// <param name="alpha_pr">The step size for the primal variables  x and  lambda in the equality constrained formulation.</param>
 /// <param name="ls_trials">The number of backtracking line search steps (does not include second-order correction steps).</param>
 /// <param name="p_user_data">User data.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override IpoptBoolType intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, Int32 iter_count, Double obj_value,
                                            Double inf_pr, Double inf_du,
                                            Double mu, Double d_norm, Double regularization_size, Double alpha_du, Double alpha_pr, Int32 ls_trials,
                                            IntPtr p_user_data)
     this._callback(new IterationResult
         ObjectiveFunction     = obj_value,
         IterationNumber       = iter_count,
         BacktrackingLines     = ls_trials,
         ConstraintViolation   = inf_pr,
         DualInfeasibility     = inf_du,
         DualVariablesStepSize = alpha_du,
         Mu                      = mu,
         PrimalStepNorm          = d_norm,
         PrimalVariablesStepSize = alpha_pr,
         RegularizationTerm      = regularization_size
     this._refreshJac = iter_count > 0 && iter_count % this._jacobianEvaluationFrequency == 0;
Exemple #8
 internal IpoptBoolType Report(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     return m_intermediate_cb(alg_mod, iter_count, obj_value, inf_pr, inf_du, mu, d_norm, 
         regularization_size, alpha_du, alpha_pr, ls_trials) ? IpoptBoolType.True : IpoptBoolType.False;
Exemple #9
 public IpoptBoolType intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     hasIntermediateBeenCalled = true;
     return IpoptBoolType.True;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Dummy implementation of the managed intermediate callback method delegate.
 /// Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use
 /// the <see cref="IpoptProblem(int,double[],double[],int,double[],double[],int,int,bool,bool,bool)">protected constructor</see>
 /// of this base class to initialize the subclassed object.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
                                  double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Intermediate callback method should be implemented in subclass.");
Exemple #11
 internal IpoptBoolType Report(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
                               double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     return(m_intermediate_cb(alg_mod, iter_count, obj_value, inf_pr, inf_du, mu, d_norm,
                              regularization_size, alpha_du, alpha_pr, ls_trials) ? IpoptBoolType.True : IpoptBoolType.False);
Exemple #12
 public IpoptBoolType intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
                                   double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     hasIntermediateBeenCalled = true;
Exemple #13
 public override bool intermediate(
     IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
     NumberIterations = iter_count;
     return true;
Exemple #14
 public override IpoptBoolType intermediate(
     IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     Console.WriteLine("Intermediate callback method at iteration {0} in {1} with d_norm {2}",
         iter_count, alg_mod, d_norm);
     return iter_count < 5 ? IpoptBoolType.True : IpoptBoolType.False;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Dummy implementation of the managed intermediate callback method delegate.
 /// Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use
 /// the <see cref="IpoptProblem(int,double[],double[],int,double[],double[],int,int,bool,bool,bool)">protected constructor</see>
 /// of this base class to initialize the subclassed object.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Intermediate callback method should be implemented in subclass.");
Exemple #16
 public bool intermediate(IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials)
     Console.WriteLine("Intermediate callback method at iteration {0} in {1} with d_norm {2}",
         iter_count, alg_mod, d_norm);
     return iter_count < 5;
Exemple #17
 public override IpoptBoolType intermediate(
     IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du,
     double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, IntPtr p_user_data)
     NumberIterations = iter_count;
     return IpoptBoolType.True;