public static async Task ChunksToVideo(string tempFolder, string chunksFolder, string baseOutPath, bool isBackup = false) { if (IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(chunksFolder, true, "*" + FfmpegUtils.GetExt(I.current.outMode)) < 1) { I.Cancel("No video chunks found - An error must have occured during chunk encoding!", AiProcess.hasShownError); return; } NmkdStopwatch sw = new NmkdStopwatch(); if (!isBackup) { Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Merging video chunks..."); } try { DirectoryInfo chunksDir = new DirectoryInfo(chunksFolder); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in chunksDir.GetDirectories()) { string suffix = dir.Name.Replace("chunks", ""); string tempConcatFile = Path.Combine(tempFolder, $"chunks-concat{suffix}.ini"); string concatFileContent = ""; foreach (string vid in IoUtils.GetFilesSorted(dir.FullName)) { concatFileContent += $"file '{Paths.chunksDir}/{dir.Name}/{Path.GetFileName(vid)}'\n"; } File.WriteAllText(tempConcatFile, concatFileContent); Logger.Log($"CreateVideo: Running MergeChunks() for frames file '{Path.GetFileName(tempConcatFile)}'", true); bool fpsLimit = dir.Name.Contains(Paths.fpsLimitSuffix); string outPath = Path.Combine(baseOutPath, await IoUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(fpsLimit, true)); await MergeChunks(tempConcatFile, outPath, isBackup); if (!isBackup) { Task.Run(async() => { await IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExistsAsync(IoUtils.FilenameSuffix(outPath, Paths.backupSuffix)); }); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("ChunksToVideo Error: " + e.Message, isBackup); if (!isBackup) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to merge the video chunks.\nCheck the log for details."); } } Logger.Log($"Merged video chunks in {sw}", true); }
static async Task MergeChunks(string framesFile, string outPath, bool isBackup = false) { if (isBackup) { outPath = IoUtils.FilenameSuffix(outPath, Paths.backupSuffix); await IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExistsAsync(outPath); } await FfmpegCommands.ConcatVideos(framesFile, outPath, -1, !isBackup); if (!isBackup || (isBackup && Config.GetInt(Config.Key.autoEncBackupMode) == 2)) // Mux if no backup, or if backup AND muxing is enabled for backups { await MuxOutputVideo(I.current.inPath, outPath, isBackup, !isBackup); } if (!isBackup) { await Loop(outPath, await GetLoopTimes()); } }