public async Task <Confirmation> Record(InvolvedPartyCommand command) { // Load the existing occurrence for which the involved party should be recorded. var occurrence = await _occurenceRepo.ReadOccurrenceAsync(command.OccurrenceId); if (occurrence == null) { return(new Confirmation { ResultMessage = "Invalid Occurrence" }); } InvolvedParty involvedParty = CreateParty(command); ValidationResultSet valResultSet = _validation.Validate(involvedParty); if (valResultSet.IsInvalid) { return(new Confirmation { Validations = valResultSet.ObjectValidations }); } occurrence.AddInvolvedParty(involvedParty); // Update the occurrence within the repository. await _occurenceRepo.UpdateOccurrenceAsync(occurrence); return(new Confirmation { OccurrenceId = occurrence.OccurrenceId }); }
// Create contact for party and associate with the involved automobile. private static InvolvedParty CreateParty(InvolvedPartyCommand command) { var contact = Contact.IdentifiedAs(command.FirstName, command.LastName, command.DateOfBirth) .InsuredBy(command.InsuranceCompany, command.PolicyNumber, command.InsuredState) .PrimaryContactInfo(command.PhoneNumber); return(InvolvedParty.IdentifiedBy(contact, command.Vin)); }
public MaintenanceCompany GetMaintenanceCompanyById(long Id) { using (var context = new EWUSDbContext()) { MaintenanceCompany maintenanceCompany = new MaintenanceCompany(); InvolvedParty ip = context.InvolvedPartys.Where(x => x.Id == Id) .FirstOrDefault(); maintenanceCompany = (MaintenanceCompany)ip; if (maintenanceCompany != null) { return(maintenanceCompany); } return(null); } }
public Result DeleteCustomerById(long Id) { Result output = new Result(); output.Status = ResultStatus.BadRequest; try { using (var ctx = new EWUSDbContext()) { Customer customer = new Customer(); InvolvedParty ip = ctx.InvolvedPartys.Where(x => x.Id == Id) .Include(x => x.DocumentItems) .FirstOrDefault(); customer = (Customer)ip; try { ctx.InvolvedPartys.Remove(customer); ctx.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.HResult == -2146233087) { output.ExceptionMessage = Constants.ErrorMessageReferentialIntegrity; output.Status = ResultStatus.Forbidden; } else { output.ExceptionMessage = "Exception could not be performed !!!"; output.Status = ResultStatus.InternalServerError; } } } output.Status = ResultStatus.OK; } catch (Exception e) { output.Status = ResultStatus.InternalServerError; } return(output); }
public Result DeleteMaintenanceCompanyById(long Id) { Result output = new Result(); output.Status = ResultStatus.BadRequest; try { using (var ctx = new EWUSDbContext()) { MaintenanceCompany maintenanceCompany = new MaintenanceCompany(); InvolvedParty ip = ctx.InvolvedPartys.Where(x => x.Id == Id) .FirstOrDefault(); maintenanceCompany = (MaintenanceCompany)ip; try { ctx.InvolvedPartys.Remove(maintenanceCompany); ctx.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.HResult == -2146233087) { output.ExceptionMessage = Constants.ErrorMessageReferentialIntegrity; output.Status = ResultStatus.Forbidden; } else { output.ExceptionMessage = "Exception could not be performed !!!"; output.Status = ResultStatus.InternalServerError; } } } output.Status = ResultStatus.OK; } catch { output.Status = ResultStatus.InternalServerError; } return(output); }
public Customer GetCustomerById(long Id) { using (var context = new EWUSDbContext()) { Customer customer = new Customer(); InvolvedParty ip = context.InvolvedPartys.Where(x => x.Id == Id) .Include(x => x.DocumentItems) .FirstOrDefault(); customer = (Customer)ip; if (customer != null) { return(customer); } return(null); } }