protected void btnCustomerordersubmit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pnlBills.Visible = true; btnCustomerorRemoveAllitam.Visible = false; pnlBill.Visible = false; btnaddCustomeraItam.Visible = false; btnCustomerNewOrder.Visible = false; btnPrint.Visible = true; int result = 0; Invoice inovice = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); inovice.orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtCustamerorderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); inovice.AgencyID = 0; inovice.ShecemeApplied = true; //salesEmployee DataSet ds = new DataSet(); BillData billData = new BillData(); ds = billData.getEmployeeByUserId(GlobalInfo.Userid); inovice.SaleEmployeeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeID"]); inovice.totalCoast = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hfcutomerTotal.Value) ? 0 : Comman.Comman.IsValidInteger(hfcutomerTotal.Value) ? Convert.ToDouble(hfcutomerTotal.Value) : 0; inovice.CreatedBy = GlobalInfo.Userid; inovice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); inovice.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; inovice.orderType = 3;// employeeORder inovice.CurrentBoothID = GlobalInfo.CurrentbothID; DataSet chkds = new DataSet(); int chkflg = 1; chkds = invoiceData.CheckBoothTemp(inovice, chkflg); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(chkds)) { result = invoiceData.BoothLocalInserOrder(inovice); } if (result > 0) { btnCustomerordersubmit.Visible = false; btnPrint.Visible = true; updateStock(); //BindEmployeeOrderDetails(inovice); // BindAgntTempItam(inovice); divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = false; divSusccess.Visible = true; pnlError.Update(); upMain.Update(); pnlBill.Enabled = false; // } else { divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = true; divSusccess.Visible = false; lblwarning.Text = "Please Contact to Site Admin"; pnlError.Update(); btnPrint.Visible = false; btnCustomerordersubmit.Visible = false; btnCustomerNewOrder.Visible = true; } }
public InvoiceData MakeBooking(AllData allData) { Booking booking = new Booking(); booking.CustomerId = allData.CustomerId; booking.Checkin = allData.userinfo.CheckIn; booking.Checkout = allData.userinfo.CheckOut; booking.HotelId = allData.userinfo.HotelId; int days = (allData.userinfo.CheckOut - allData.userinfo.CheckIn).Days + 1; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allData.SelectedRooms.Count; i++) { sum += (int)allData.SelectedRooms[i].RoomPrice * days; } booking.TotalAmount = sum; context.Booking.Add(booking); context.SaveChanges(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int Roomcount = allData.SelectedRooms.Count; BookingDetails[] bookingDetails = new BookingDetails[Roomcount]; BookingDetails temp; for (int i = 0; i < Roomcount; i++) { temp = new BookingDetails(); temp.BookingId = booking.BookingId; temp.HotelId = booking.HotelId; temp.RoomId = allData.SelectedRooms[i].RoomId; temp.Days = days; temp.RoomPrice = allData.SelectedRooms[i].RoomPrice; bookingDetails[i] = temp; // context.BookingDetails.Add(bookingDetails[i]); } context.BookingDetails.AddRange(bookingDetails); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.BookingId = booking.BookingId; payment.CustomerId = booking.CustomerId.Value; payment.HotelId = booking.HotelId.Value; payment.PaymentType = allData.payMode; payment.TotalAmount = sum; payment.Date = DateTime.Now; context.Payment.Add(payment); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ context.SaveChanges(); Customer customer = context.Customer.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == allData.CustomerId); InvoiceData data = new InvoiceData(); data.customer = customer; data.customer.Booking = null; data.customer.Payment = null; data.InvoiceNo = payment.PaymentInvoiceNo; return(data); }
private void submitOrders() { DataSet DS = new DataSet(); Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); Invoice invocie = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); invocie.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; invocie.UserID = GlobalInfo.Userid; DS = invoiceData.GetOrdersForSubmit(invocie); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(DS)) { try { DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string)); string orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtGentOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); for (int i = 0; i <= DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { DS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["OrderDate"] = orderDate; } DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("CreatedDate", typeof(string)); string createdDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); for (int i = 0; i <= DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { DS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CreatedDate"] = createdDate; } DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("CreatedBy", typeof(int)); int createdby = GlobalInfo.Userid; for (int i = 0; i <= DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { DS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CreatedBy"] = createdby; } DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("OrderType", typeof(int)); int OrderType = 1; for (int i = 0; i <= DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { DS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["OrderType"] = OrderType; } string consString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["projectConnection"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(consString)) { using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(con)) { //Set the database table name sqlBulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "OrderMaster"; //[OPTIONAL]: Map the DataTable columns with that of the database table sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("AgentID", "AgentID"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("OrderDate", "OrderDate"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("RouteID", "RouteID"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TotalBill", "TotalBill"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CreatedBy", "CreatedBy"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CreatedDate", "CreatedDate"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("OrderType", "OrderType"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("ShcemheApplied", "ShcemheApplied"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("BillSeq", "BillSeq"); con.Open(); sqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DS.Tables[0]); con.Close(); } using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy1 = new SqlBulkCopy(con)) { //Set the database table name sqlBulkCopy1.DestinationTableName = "OrderDetails"; //[OPTIONAL]: Map the DataTable columns with that of the database table sqlBulkCopy1.ColumnMappings.Add("NewOrderID", "OrderId"); sqlBulkCopy1.ColumnMappings.Add("TypeId", "TypeID"); sqlBulkCopy1.ColumnMappings.Add("ProductID", "ProductID"); sqlBulkCopy1.ColumnMappings.Add("Qty", "Qty"); sqlBulkCopy1.ColumnMappings.Add("UnitCost", "UnitCost"); sqlBulkCopy1.ColumnMappings.Add("Total", "Total"); con.Open(); sqlBulkCopy1.WriteToServer(DS.Tables[1]); con.Close(); } } int routeids = Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RouteID"]); int ordertype = 1; invoiceData.updateBulkFlag(routeids, ordertype); } catch (Exception ex) { string e = ex.ToString(); } divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = false; divSusccess.Visible = true; lblSuccess.Text = "Order Placed Successfully"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); rpAgentOrderdetails.DataSource = dt; rpAgentOrderdetails.DataBind(); pnlError.Update(); upMain.Update(); //uprouteList.Update(); } }
protected void RemoveTempID(int tempID) { InvoiceData invicedata = new InvoiceData(); invicedata.BoothTempDelete(tempID); }
public UcGoodReturnSelect(InvoiceData invoiceData) { InitializeComponent(); cbGoods.Properties.DataSource = invoiceData; }
protected void btnGetPreviousOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double consume = 0; DataSet DS = new DataSet(); Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); Invoice invocie = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); invoice.ROuteID = Convert.ToInt32(dpagentRoute.SelectedItem.Value); invoice.orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtGentOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); DS = invoiceData.GetPreviousDayOrderRouteWiseEmp(invoice); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(DS)) { rpAgentOrderdetails.Visible = true; foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { DataSet DS2 = new DataSet(); Product product = new Product(); ProductData productData = new ProductData(); product.AgencyID = 1; product.EmployeeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["EmployeeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["EmployeeID"]); product.orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy").ToString(); DS2 = productData.GetTotalCount(product); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(DS2)) { consume = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DS2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["count"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(DS2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["count"]); } else { consume = 0; } invocie.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; invocie.UserID = GlobalInfo.Userid; invocie.AgentName = Convert.ToString(row["EmployeeName"]); invocie.ProductID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["ProductID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["ProductID"]); invocie.qty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Qty"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["Qty"]); invocie.TypeID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["TypeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["TypeID"]); invocie.AgencyID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["EmployeeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["EmployeeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["EmployeeID"]); invocie.orderid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["OrderID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["OrderID"]); invocie.ROuteID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RouteID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["RouteID"]); invocie.ShecemeApplied = Convert.ToBoolean(row["ShcemheApplied"]); invocie.AgentCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["EmployeeCode"].ToString()) ? string.Empty : Convert.ToString(row["EmployeeCode"]); invocie.BillSeq = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["BillSeq"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["BillSeq"]); if (consume > 30) { double price = 0; double qty = 0; Invoice inv = new Invoice(); DataSet ds4 = new DataSet(); inv.ProductID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["ProductID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row["ProductID"]); ds4 = invoiceData.getBulkEmpSlabPrice(inv); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(ds4)) { price = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds4.Tables[0].Rows[0]["price"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ds4.Tables[0].Rows[0]["price"]); } qty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Qty"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["Qty"]); invocie.UnitCost = price; invocie.totalCoast = price * qty; } else { invocie.UnitCost = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UnitCost"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["UnitCost"]); invocie.totalCoast = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Total"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["Total"]); } invoiceData.InsertTempBulkItam(invocie); BindAgntTempItam(invocie); } } }
public void btnAgentORderSubmit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { totsum = 0; int result = 0; Invoice inovice = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); inovice.orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtGentOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); inovice.AgencyID = Convert.ToInt32(dpAgent.SelectedItem.Value); inovice.ROuteID = Convert.ToInt32(dpagentRoute.SelectedItem.Value); inovice.SaleEmployeeId = 0;//Convert.ToInt32(dpAgentSelasEMployee.SelectedItem.Value); inovice.totalCoast = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hftotalAmout.Value) ? 0 : Comman.Comman.IsValidInteger(hftotalAmout.Value) ? Convert.ToDouble(hftotalAmout.Value) : 0; inovice.CreatedBy = GlobalInfo.Userid; inovice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); inovice.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; inovice.TotalSchemeAmount = Convert.ToDouble(Session["schemeTemp"]); inovice.ShecemeApplied = schemeApplied; inovice.orderid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PrvOrderID"]); //inovice.orderid = PrvOrderID; //previous order id inovice.orderType = 1;// Agent order DataSet chkds = new DataSet(); int chkflg = 2; chkds = invoiceData.CheckBoothTemp(inovice, chkflg); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(chkds)) { result = invoiceData.InsertOrder(inovice); if (result > 0) { btnAddAgentProductItem.Visible = false; btnagentItamsremove.Visible = false; btnAgentORderSubmit.Visible = false; clearAgentValues(); //txtagentOrderqty.Text = "0"; BindAgntTempItam(inovice); divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = false; divSusccess.Visible = true; schemeApplied = false; pnlError.Update(); Session["PrvOrderID"] = 0; // PrvOrderID = 0; Session["schemeTemp"] = 0; upMain.Update(); } else { divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = true; divSusccess.Visible = false; lblwarning.Text = "Please Contact to Site Admin"; pnlError.Update(); } } else { divDanger.Visible = true; divwarning.Visible = false; divSusccess.Visible = false; lbldanger.Text = "Blank order cannot be submitted. To Delete Order then Please go to Edit/Cancel Menu"; pnlError.Update(); } }
/// <summary> /// This operation can be used to list the items of the order indicated by the /// given order id (only a single Amazon order id is allowed). /// /// </summary> /// <param name="service">Instance of MarketplaceWebServiceOrders service</param> /// <param name="request">ListOrderItemsRequest request</param> public static void InvokeListOrderItems(MarketplaceWebServiceOrders service, ListOrderItemsRequest request) { try { ListOrderItemsResponse response = service.ListOrderItems(request); Console.WriteLine("Service Response"); Console.WriteLine("============================================================================="); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" ListOrderItemsResponse"); if (response.IsSetListOrderItemsResult()) { Console.WriteLine(" ListOrderItemsResult"); ListOrderItemsResult listOrderItemsResult = response.ListOrderItemsResult; if (listOrderItemsResult.IsSetNextToken()) { Console.WriteLine(" NextToken"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", listOrderItemsResult.NextToken); } if (listOrderItemsResult.IsSetAmazonOrderId()) { Console.WriteLine(" AmazonOrderId"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", listOrderItemsResult.AmazonOrderId); } if (listOrderItemsResult.IsSetOrderItems()) { Console.WriteLine(" OrderItems"); OrderItemList orderItems = listOrderItemsResult.OrderItems; List <OrderItem> orderItemList = orderItems.OrderItem; foreach (OrderItem orderItem in orderItemList) { Console.WriteLine(" OrderItem"); if (orderItem.IsSetASIN()) { Console.WriteLine(" ASIN"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.ASIN); } if (orderItem.IsSetSellerSKU()) { Console.WriteLine(" SellerSKU"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.SellerSKU); } if (orderItem.IsSetOrderItemId()) { Console.WriteLine(" OrderItemId"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.OrderItemId); } if (orderItem.IsSetTitle()) { Console.WriteLine(" Title"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.Title); } if (orderItem.IsSetQuantityOrdered()) { Console.WriteLine(" QuantityOrdered"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.QuantityOrdered); } if (orderItem.IsSetQuantityShipped()) { Console.WriteLine(" QuantityShipped"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.QuantityShipped); } if (orderItem.IsSetItemPrice()) { Console.WriteLine(" ItemPrice"); Money itemPrice = orderItem.ItemPrice; if (itemPrice.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", itemPrice.CurrencyCode); } if (itemPrice.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", itemPrice.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetShippingPrice()) { Console.WriteLine(" ShippingPrice"); Money shippingPrice = orderItem.ShippingPrice; if (shippingPrice.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", shippingPrice.CurrencyCode); } if (shippingPrice.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", shippingPrice.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetGiftWrapPrice()) { Console.WriteLine(" GiftWrapPrice"); Money giftWrapPrice = orderItem.GiftWrapPrice; if (giftWrapPrice.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", giftWrapPrice.CurrencyCode); } if (giftWrapPrice.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", giftWrapPrice.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetItemTax()) { Console.WriteLine(" ItemTax"); Money itemTax = orderItem.ItemTax; if (itemTax.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", itemTax.CurrencyCode); } if (itemTax.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", itemTax.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetShippingTax()) { Console.WriteLine(" ShippingTax"); Money shippingTax = orderItem.ShippingTax; if (shippingTax.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", shippingTax.CurrencyCode); } if (shippingTax.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", shippingTax.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetGiftWrapTax()) { Console.WriteLine(" GiftWrapTax"); Money giftWrapTax = orderItem.GiftWrapTax; if (giftWrapTax.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", giftWrapTax.CurrencyCode); } if (giftWrapTax.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", giftWrapTax.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetShippingDiscount()) { Console.WriteLine(" ShippingDiscount"); Money shippingDiscount = orderItem.ShippingDiscount; if (shippingDiscount.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", shippingDiscount.CurrencyCode); } if (shippingDiscount.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", shippingDiscount.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetPromotionDiscount()) { Console.WriteLine(" PromotionDiscount"); Money promotionDiscount = orderItem.PromotionDiscount; if (promotionDiscount.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", promotionDiscount.CurrencyCode); } if (promotionDiscount.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", promotionDiscount.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetPromotionIds()) { Console.WriteLine(" PromotionIds"); PromotionIdList promotionIds = orderItem.PromotionIds; List <String> promotionIdList = promotionIds.PromotionId; foreach (String promotionId in promotionIdList) { Console.WriteLine(" PromotionId"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", promotionId); } } if (orderItem.IsSetCODFee()) { Console.WriteLine(" CODFee"); Money CODFee = orderItem.CODFee; if (CODFee.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", CODFee.CurrencyCode); } if (CODFee.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", CODFee.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetCODFeeDiscount()) { Console.WriteLine(" CODFeeDiscount"); Money CODFeeDiscount = orderItem.CODFeeDiscount; if (CODFeeDiscount.IsSetCurrencyCode()) { Console.WriteLine(" CurrencyCode"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", CODFeeDiscount.CurrencyCode); } if (CODFeeDiscount.IsSetAmount()) { Console.WriteLine(" Amount"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", CODFeeDiscount.Amount); } } if (orderItem.IsSetGiftMessageText()) { Console.WriteLine(" GiftMessageText"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.GiftMessageText); } if (orderItem.IsSetGiftWrapLevel()) { Console.WriteLine(" GiftWrapLevel"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", orderItem.GiftWrapLevel); } if (orderItem.IsSetInvoiceData()) { Console.WriteLine(" InvoiceData"); InvoiceData invoiceData = orderItem.InvoiceData; if (invoiceData.IsSetInvoiceRequirement()) { Console.WriteLine(" InvoiceRequirement"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", invoiceData.InvoiceRequirement); } if (invoiceData.IsSetBuyerSelectedInvoiceCategory()) { Console.WriteLine(" BuyerSelectedInvoiceCategory"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", invoiceData.BuyerSelectedInvoiceCategory); } if (invoiceData.IsSetInvoiceTitle()) { Console.WriteLine(" InvoiceTitle"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", invoiceData.InvoiceTitle); } if (invoiceData.IsSetInvoiceInformation()) { Console.WriteLine(" InvoiceInformation"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", invoiceData.InvoiceInformation); } } } } } if (response.IsSetResponseMetadata()) { Console.WriteLine(" ResponseMetadata"); ResponseMetadata responseMetadata = response.ResponseMetadata; if (responseMetadata.IsSetRequestId()) { Console.WriteLine(" RequestId"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", responseMetadata.RequestId); } } Console.WriteLine(" ResponseHeaderMetadata"); Console.WriteLine(" RequestId"); Console.WriteLine(" " + response.ResponseHeaderMetadata.RequestId); Console.WriteLine(" ResponseContext"); Console.WriteLine(" " + response.ResponseHeaderMetadata.ResponseContext); Console.WriteLine(" Timestamp"); Console.WriteLine(" " + response.ResponseHeaderMetadata.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Response Status Code: " + ex.StatusCode); Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + ex.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error Type: " + ex.ErrorType); Console.WriteLine("Request ID: " + ex.RequestId); Console.WriteLine("XML: " + ex.XML); Console.WriteLine("ResponseHeaderMetadata: " + ex.ResponseHeaderMetadata); } }
public List <SqlParameter> MapParamsForDelete(InvoiceData entity) { return(MapParamsForDelete(entity.InvoiceKey)); }
public int ExportInvoiceToTxt(List <InvoiceData> InvoiceDataList, bool ExportAll) { int count = 0; try { int num3; XXFPPaper paper; StreamWriter writer; MessageHelper.MsgWait("正在导出发票,请稍候..."); string invExportTxtPath = PropValue.InvExportTxtPath; if (invExportTxtPath.Length <= 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException("没有设置传出文件路径"); } int startIndex = invExportTxtPath.LastIndexOf(@"\"); if (startIndex == -1) { throw new FileNotFoundException("路径格式错误"); } string path = invExportTxtPath.Remove(startIndex); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } bool checkBoxKqd = PropValue.CheckBoxKqd; List <XXFPPaper> list = new List <XXFPPaper>(); if (ExportAll) { InvoiceDataList.Clear(); DataTable faPiao = this.GetFaPiao(); for (num3 = 0; num3 < faPiao.Rows.Count; num3++) { InvoiceData item = new InvoiceData { m_strInvType = faPiao.Rows[num3]["FPZL"].ToString(), m_strInvCode = faPiao.Rows[num3]["FPDM"].ToString(), m_strInvNum = faPiao.Rows[num3]["FPHM"].ToString() }; InvoiceDataList.Add(item); } } if (InvoiceDataList.Count > 0) { FPCXbll xbll = new FPCXbll(); for (num3 = 0; num3 < InvoiceDataList.Count; num3++) { paper = xbll.GetInvPaper(InvoiceDataList[num3].m_strInvType, InvoiceDataList[num3].m_strInvCode, InvoiceDataList[num3].m_strInvNum, checkBoxKqd); list.Add(paper); } } else { return(0); } string str3 = "~~"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(list.Count.ToString()); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(this._StartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(this._EndDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); using (writer = new StreamWriter(invExportTxtPath, false, ToolUtil.GetEncoding())) { writer.WriteLine("SJJK0201" + str3 + "已开发票传出"); writer.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); } count = list.Count; for (num3 = 0; num3 < list.Count; num3++) { int num5; int invType; string str6; XXFP_MXModel model; int num10; StreamWriter writer2; paper = list[num3]; string str4 = paper.FPHM.ToString(); string str5 = string.Format("发票号码: {0} ", str4); if ((paper.FPZL == "c") || (paper.FPZL == "s")) { int num4 = 0; if (paper.ListInvWare.Count > 0) { num5 = 0; while (num5 < paper.ListInvWare.Count) { if (!checkBoxKqd || ((paper.ListInvWare[num5].FPHXZ != 1) && (paper.ListInvWare[num5].FPHXZ != 5))) { num4++; } num5++; } } builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); builder.Append(Convert.ToInt32(paper.ZFBZ)); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(Convert.ToInt32(paper.QDBZ)); builder.Append(str3); invType = (int)CommonTool.GetInvType(paper.FPZL); builder.Append(invType); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FPDM); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FPHM.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0')); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(num4); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KPRQ.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(Convert.ToDateTime(paper.KPRQ).Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XSDJBH); builder.Append(str3); str6 = paper.HJJE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); if (paper.MULSLV) { builder.Append(""); } else if (paper.SLV == 0.0) { builder.Append(paper.SLV); } else { builder.Append(paper.SLV); } builder.Append(str3); str6 = paper.HJSE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFMC); builder.Append(str3); if (paper.FPZL == "c") { if (((paper.GFSH.Equals("000000000000000") || paper.GFSH.Equals("00000000000000000")) || paper.GFSH.Equals("000000000000000000")) || paper.GFSH.Equals("00000000000000000000")) { if ((paper.ZFBZ && (paper.HJJE == 0.0)) && (paper.HJSE == 0.0)) { builder.Append(paper.GFSH); } else { builder.Append(""); } } else { builder.Append(paper.GFSH); } } else { builder.Append(paper.GFSH); } builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFDZDH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFYHZH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFDZDH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFYHZH); builder.Append(str3); if (paper.BZ.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1) { builder.Append(paper.BZ); } else { str6 = paper.BZ.Replace("\r\n", @"\n"); builder.Append(str6); } builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KPR); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FHR); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SKR); writer = new StreamWriter(invExportTxtPath, true, ToolUtil.GetEncoding()); using (writer2 = writer) { num10 = num3 + 1; writer.WriteLine("//发票" + num10.ToString()); writer.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); if (paper.ListInvWare.Count > 0) { num5 = 0; while (num5 < paper.ListInvWare.Count) { model = paper.ListInvWare[num5]; if (!checkBoxKqd || ((model.FPHXZ != 1) && (model.FPHXZ != 5))) { builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); if (model.FPHXZ == 4) { builder.Append("1"); } else { builder.Append("0"); } builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(model.SPMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(model.GGXH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(model.JLDW); builder.Append(str3); if (Convert.ToDouble(model.SL) == 0.0) { builder.Append(""); } else { builder.Append(Convert.ToDouble(model.SL)); } builder.Append(str3); str6 = model.JE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); if (((model.FPHXZ == 1) || (model.FPHXZ == 5)) && paper.MULSLV) { builder.Append(""); } else { double sLV = model.SLV; builder.Append(model.SLV); } builder.Append(str3); str6 = model.SE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); if (Convert.ToDouble(model.DJ) == 0.0) { builder.Append(""); } else { builder.Append(Convert.ToDouble(model.DJ)); } builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(Convert.ToInt32(model.HSJBZ)); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(model.SPSM); writer.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); } num5++; } } } } else if (paper.FPZL == "f") { builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); builder.Append(Convert.ToInt32(paper.ZFBZ)); builder.Append(str3); invType = (int)CommonTool.GetInvType(paper.FPZL); builder.Append(invType); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FPDM); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FPHM.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0')); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.ListInvWare.Count); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KPRQ.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(Convert.ToDateTime(paper.KPRQ).Month); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XSDJBH); builder.Append(str3); str6 = paper.HJJE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); if (paper.SLV == 0.0) { builder.Append(paper.SLV); } else { builder.Append(paper.SLV); } builder.Append(str3); str6 = paper.HJSE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SHRMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SHRSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FHRMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FHRSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.QYJYMD); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.CZCH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.CCDW); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.YSHWXX); builder.Append(str3); if (paper.BZ.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1) { builder.Append(paper.BZ); } else { str6 = paper.BZ.Replace("\r\n", @"\n"); builder.Append(str6); } builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KPR); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FHR); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SKR); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.ZGSWMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.ZGSWDM); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.JQBH); writer = new StreamWriter(invExportTxtPath, true, ToolUtil.GetEncoding()); using (writer2 = writer) { num10 = num3 + 1; writer.WriteLine("//发票" + num10.ToString()); writer.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); if (paper.ListInvWare.Count > 0) { for (num5 = 0; num5 < paper.ListInvWare.Count; num5++) { model = paper.ListInvWare[num5]; builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); builder.Append(model.SPMC); builder.Append(str3); str6 = model.JE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); writer.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); } } } } else if (paper.FPZL == "j") { builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); builder.Append(Convert.ToInt32(paper.ZFBZ)); builder.Append(str3); invType = (int)CommonTool.GetInvType(paper.FPZL); builder.Append(invType); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FPDM); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FPHM.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0')); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KPRQ.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(Convert.ToDateTime(paper.KPRQ).Month); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XSDJBH); builder.Append(str3); str6 = SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)(paper.HJJE + paper.HJSE), 2).ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); str6 = paper.HJJE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); if (paper.SLV == 0.0) { builder.Append(paper.SLV); } else { builder.Append(paper.SLV); } builder.Append(str3); str6 = paper.HJSE.ToString("0.00"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.GFSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SFZHM); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.CLLX); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.CPXH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.CD); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SCCJMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.HGZH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.JKZMSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.SJDH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.FDJH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.CLSBDH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XFSH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.DH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.ZH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.DZ); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KHYH); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.DW); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.XCRS); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.KPR); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.ZGSWMC); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.ZGSWDM); builder.Append(str3); builder.Append(paper.JQBH); builder.Append(str3); string zYSPMC = paper.ZYSPMC; string str8 = ""; string str9 = ""; string[] strArray = paper.SPSM.Split(new char[] { '#', '%' }); if (strArray.Length == 3) { str8 = strArray[0].Trim(); str9 = strArray[2].Trim(); } string str11 = "0"; string str12 = ""; string[] strArray2 = paper.SKR.Split(new char[] { '#', '%' }); if (strArray2.Length == 3) { str11 = strArray2[0].Trim(); str12 = strArray2[3].Trim(); } if (paper.BZ.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1) { builder.Append(paper.BZ); } else { str6 = paper.BZ.Replace("\r\n", @"\n"); builder.Append(str6); } writer = new StreamWriter(invExportTxtPath, true, ToolUtil.GetEncoding()); using (writer2 = writer) { writer.WriteLine("//发票" + ((num3 + 1)).ToString()); writer.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); } } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { Thread.Sleep(100); MessageHelper.MsgWait(); } return(count); }
public GoodsReturnAddModel(IUnityContainer unityContainer) { _unityContainer = unityContainer; invoiceData = _unityContainer.Resolve<InvoiceData>(); invoiceData.Load(Guid.Parse(_unityContainer.Resolve<IOrderUserInfo>().Property["USER_SHOP"])); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> loadInvoiceData([FromBody] int id) { try { } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } var organId = Convert.ToInt32(SecurityManager.CurrentUserContext.OrganizationId); var resualt = new InvoiceData(); List <ContactVM> contacts = new List <ContactVM>(); ContactRule contactRule = new ContactRule(); var contactsSource = await contactRule.GetAllByOrganIdAsync(Convert.ToInt32(organId)); contactsSource = contactsSource.ToList(); contacts = TranslateHelper.TranslateEntityToEntityVMListContact(contactsSource); foreach (var contact in contacts) { contact.DetailAccount = new DetailAccount() { Code = contact.Code, Id = (int)contact.ID, Node = new Node() { FamilyTree = "اشخاص", Id = (int)contact.ID, Name = "اشخاص" } }; //var account1104 = await CalcAccountByCodeTafziliAsync(organId, "1104" + contact.Code); //var account1105 = await CalcAccountByCodeTafziliAsync(organId, "1105" + contact.Code); //var account2101 = await CalcAccountByCodeTafziliAsync(organId, "2101" + contact.Code); //contact.Balance = account1104.sumTotal + account1105.sumTotal + account2101.sumTotal; //contact.Credits = account1104.sumCredit + account1105.sumCredit + account2101.sumCredit; //contact.Liability = account1104.sumDebit + account1105.sumDebit + account2101.sumDebit; } resualt.contacts = contacts; resualt.invoiceSettings = new InvoiceSettings() { allowApproveWithoutStock = false, autoAddTax = true, bottomMargin = "20", businessLogo = "", font = "Iransans", fontSize = "Medium", footerNote = "", footerNoteDraft = "", hideZeroItems = false, onlineInvoiceEnabled = false, pageSize = "A4portrait", payReceiptTitle = "رسید پرداخت وجه / چک", purchaseInvoiceTitle = "فاکتور خرید", receiveReceiptTitle = "رسید دریافت وجه / چک", rowPerPage = "18", saleDraftInvoiceTitle = "پیش فاکتور", saleInvoiceTitle = "صورتحساب فروش کالا و خدمات", showAmountInWords = false, showCustomerBalance = false, showItemUnit = false, showSignaturePlace = true, showTransactions = true, showVendorInfo = true, topMargin = "10", updateBuyPrice = false, updateSellPrice = false }; ItemGroupRule itemGroupRule = new ItemGroupRule(); var itemGroups = await itemGroupRule.GetAllByOrganIdAsync(Convert.ToInt32(organId)); var items = new List <ItemVM>(); var item = new ItemVM(); foreach (var itemGroup in itemGroups) { foreach (var KalaKhadmat in itemGroup.Items) { item = new ItemVM() { Barcode = "", BuyPrice = KalaKhadmat.BuyPrice, DetailAccount = new DetailAccount() { Code = KalaKhadmat.Code, Id = KalaKhadmat.ID, Node = new Node() { FamilyTree = itemGroup.Name, Name = itemGroup.Name, Id = itemGroup.ID } }, ID = KalaKhadmat.ID, Name = KalaKhadmat.Name, UnitID = KalaKhadmat.UnitID, SalesTitle = KalaKhadmat.SalesTitle, PurchasesTitle = KalaKhadmat.PurchasesTitle, SellPrice = KalaKhadmat.SellPrice, ItemType = KalaKhadmat.ItemType, Stock = KalaKhadmat.Stock, Code = KalaKhadmat.Code, IsGoods = KalaKhadmat.IsGoods, IsService = KalaKhadmat.IsService, MoneyStock = KalaKhadmat.MoneyStock, OrganId = KalaKhadmat.OrganId, ItemGroupId = KalaKhadmat.ItemGroupId }; items.Add(item); } } resualt.items = items; var InvoiceItems = new List <InvoiceItemVM>(); if (id == 0) { InvoiceItems.Add(new InvoiceItemVM() { Description = "", Discount = 0, ID = 0, Inv = null, Item = null, ItemInput = "", Quantity = 0, RowNumber = 0, Sum = 0, Tax = 0, TotalAmount = 0, Unit = 0, UnitPrice = 0 }); InvoiceItems.Add(new InvoiceItemVM() { Description = "", Discount = 0, ID = 0, Inv = null, Item = null, ItemInput = "", Quantity = 0, RowNumber = 1, Sum = 0, Tax = 0, TotalAmount = 0, Unit = 0, UnitPrice = 0 }); InvoiceItems.Add(new InvoiceItemVM() { Description = "", Discount = 0, ID = 0, Inv = null, Item = null, ItemInput = "", Quantity = 0, RowNumber = 2, Sum = 0, Tax = 0, TotalAmount = 0, Unit = 0, UnitPrice = 0 }); InvoiceItems.Add(new InvoiceItemVM() { Description = "", Discount = 0, ID = 0, Inv = null, Item = null, ItemInput = "", Quantity = 0, RowNumber = 3, Sum = 0, Tax = 0, TotalAmount = 0, Unit = 0, UnitPrice = 0 }); resualt.invoice = new InvoiceVM() { Contact = null, ContactTitle = "", DateTime = DateTime.Now, DisplayDate = PersianDateUtils.ToPersianDate(DateTime.Now), DisplayDueDate = PersianDateUtils.ToPersianDate(DateTime.Now), invoiceDueDate = PersianDateUtils.ToPersianDate(DateTime.Now), DueDate = DateTime.Now, ID = 0, InvoiceItems = InvoiceItems, InvoiceStatusString = "موقت", InvoiceType = 0, InvoiceTypeString = "فروش", IsDraft = true, IsPurchase = false, IsPurchaseReturn = false, IsSale = true, IsSaleReturn = false, IsWaste = false, Note = "", Number = await createNumberInvoice(organId), Paid = 0, Payable = 0, Profit = 0, Reference = "", Rest = 0, Returned = false, Sent = false, Status = 0, Sum = 0, Tag = "" }; } else { var invoice = await Rule.FindAsync(id); foreach (var invoiceItem in invoice.InvoiceItems ?? new List <InvoiceItem>()) { InvoiceItems.Add(new InvoiceItemVM() { Description = invoiceItem.Description, Discount = invoiceItem.Discount, ID = invoiceItem.ID, Inv = invoiceItem.Inv, Item = Mapper.Map <Item, ItemVM>(this.BusinessRule.UnitOfWork.Repository <Item>().Find(invoiceItem.ItemId)), ItemId = invoiceItem.ItemId, ItemInput = invoiceItem.ItemInput, Quantity = invoiceItem.Quantity, RowNumber = invoiceItem.RowNumber, Sum = invoiceItem.SumInvoiceItem, Tax = invoiceItem.Tax, TotalAmount = invoiceItem.TotalAmount, Unit = invoiceItem.UnitInvoiceItem, UnitPrice = invoiceItem.UnitPrice }); } resualt.invoice = new InvoiceVM() { Contact = Mapper.Map <Contact, ContactVM>(this.BusinessRule.UnitOfWork.Repository <Contact>().Find(invoice.ContactId)), ContactTitle = invoice.ContactTitle, DateTime = invoice.DateTime, DisplayDate = invoice.DisplayDate, DisplayDueDate = invoice.DisplayDueDate, invoiceDueDate = invoice.DisplayDueDate, DueDate = invoice.DueDate, ID = invoice.ID, InvoiceItems = InvoiceItems, InvoiceStatusString = invoice.InvoiceStatusString, InvoiceType = invoice.InvoiceType, InvoiceTypeString = invoice.InvoiceTypeString, IsDraft = invoice.IsDraft, IsPurchase = invoice.IsPurchase, IsPurchaseReturn = invoice.IsPurchaseReturn, IsSale = invoice.IsSale, IsSaleReturn = invoice.IsSaleReturn, IsWaste = false, Note = invoice.Note, Number = invoice.Number, Paid = invoice.Paid, Payable = invoice.Payable, Profit = invoice.Profit, Reference = invoice.Refrence, Rest = invoice.Rest, Returned = invoice.Returned, Sent = invoice.Sent, Status = invoice.Status, Sum = invoice.Sum, Tag = invoice.Tag }; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { resualtCode = (int)ZhivarEnums.ResultCode.Successful, data = resualt })); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { resualtCode = (int)ZhivarEnums.ResultCode.Successful, data = resualt })); }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if ((this.dataSet == null) || (this.m_nTotalCount <= 0)) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-275101"); } else { int count = this.aisinoDataGrid1.get_SelectedRows().Count; int nTotalCount = this.m_nTotalCount; List <InvoiceData> invoiceDataList = new List <InvoiceData>(); List <InvoiceData> list2 = new List <InvoiceData>(); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { InvoiceData item = new InvoiceData { m_strInvType = this.aisinoDataGrid1.get_SelectedRows()[i].Cells["FPZL"].Value.ToString(), m_strInvCode = this.aisinoDataGrid1.get_SelectedRows()[i].Cells["FPDM"].Value.ToString(), m_strInvNum = this.aisinoDataGrid1.get_SelectedRows()[i].Cells["FPHM"].Value.ToString() }; list2.Add(item); invoiceDataList.Add(item); } for (int j = 0; j < invoiceDataList.Count; j++) { int result = 0; int.TryParse(invoiceDataList[j].m_strInvNum, out result); for (int k = j; k < invoiceDataList.Count; k++) { int num7 = 0; int.TryParse(invoiceDataList[k].m_strInvNum, out num7); if (result > num7) { InvoiceData data2 = invoiceDataList[k]; invoiceDataList[k] = invoiceDataList[j]; invoiceDataList[j] = data2; } } } bool exportAll = this.checkBox2.Checked; if (!(exportAll || (count > 0))) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-275104", new string[] { "没有选中任何记录" }); } else { PropValue.InvExportTxtPath = this.fileControl1.get_TextBoxFile().Text.Trim(); PropValue.CheckBoxKqd = this.checkBox1.Checked; int num8 = this.fpccBLL.ExportInvoiceToTxt(invoiceDataList, exportAll); MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-275102", "", new string[] { num8.ToString() }); } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (((((exception.ToString().Contains("路径格式错误") || exception.ToString().Contains("没有设置传出文件路径")) || (exception.ToString().Contains("未能找到路径中的某个部分") || exception.ToString().Contains("未能找到路径"))) || ((exception.ToString().Contains("不支持给定路径") || exception.ToString().Contains("ArgumentNullException")) || (exception.ToString().Contains("SecurityException") || exception.ToString().Contains("ArgumentException")))) || (exception.ToString().Contains("UnauthorizedAccessException") || exception.ToString().Contains("PathTooLongException"))) || exception.ToString().Contains("NotSupportedException")) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("A320"); } else if (exception.ToString().Contains("超时")) { this.log.Error(exception.ToString()); } else { HandleException.HandleError(exception); } } }
//Aplica as regras de validação dos campos do (seguir o exemplo do PDF "Semana 8 - Invoice File) public void Validate(InvoiceData recordContent, int line) { List <RecordError> list = new List <RecordError>(); RecordError model = new RecordError(); //Cliente if (recordContent.Cliente.Trim().Length != 10) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Cliente"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Cliente, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permite tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Cliente"; list.Add(model); } if (recordContent.Cliente.Contains("#")) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Cliente"; list.Add(model); } //Cep if (recordContent.Cep.Trim().Length != 8) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "CEP"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Cep, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "CEP"; list.Add(model); } //Número if (recordContent.Numero.Trim().Length != 5) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Número"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Numero, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Número"; list.Add(model); } //Complemento if (recordContent.Complemento.Length != 20) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Complemento"; list.Add(model); } //Região if (recordContent.Regiao.Trim().Length != 5) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Região"; list.Add(model); } //Dia if (recordContent.Dia.Trim().Length != 2) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Dia"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Dia, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Dia"; list.Add(model); } //Mês if (recordContent.Mes.Length != 10) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Mês"; list.Add(model); } //Ano if (recordContent.Ano.Trim().Length != 4) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Ano"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Ano, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Ano"; list.Add(model); } //Hora if (recordContent.Hora.Trim().Length != 2) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Hora"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Hora, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Hora"; list.Add(model); } //Minuto if (recordContent.Minuto.Trim().Length != 2) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Minuto"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Minuto, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Minuto"; list.Add(model); } //Segundo if (recordContent.Segundo.Trim().Length != 2) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Segundo"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Segundo, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Segundo"; list.Add(model); } //Medidor if (recordContent.Medidor.Trim().Length != 10) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Medidor"; list.Add(model); } //Aparelho if (recordContent.Aparelho.Trim().Length != 2) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Aparelho"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Aparelho, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não é permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Aparelho"; list.Add(model); } //Kilo Watts if (recordContent.KiloWatts.Trim().Length != 6) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "KiloWatts"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.KiloWatts, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "KiloWatts"; list.Add(model); } //Custo if (recordContent.Custo.Trim().Length != 7) { model.Error = "Não atingiu os caracteres necessários"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Custo"; list.Add(model); } if (Regex.Matches(recordContent.Custo, @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { model.Error = "Não permitido tipos não-numéricos"; model.Line = line; model.Field = "Custo"; list.Add(model); } //Finalizado as validações if (list.Count != 0) { throw new Exception.RecordValidatorException(list); } }
protected void dpagentRoute_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DS = new DataSet(); DS = BindCommanData.BindCommanDropDwon("OrderID", "OrderID as Name ", "OrderMaster", "OrderDate = '" + (Convert.ToDateTime(txtGentOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "' and RouteID = " + dpagentRoute.SelectedItem.Value + "and IsPrinted = 1"); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(DS)) { btnAddAgentProductItem.Visible = false; btnagentItamsremove.Visible = false; btnAgentORderSubmit.Visible = false; dpagentRoute.ClearSelection(); upMain.Update(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage1", "alert('On This Route Orders are placed and Printed')", true); } else { if (dpAgent.SelectedItem.Value != "0") { Invoice invocie = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invicedata = new InvoiceData(); invocie.AgencyID = Convert.ToInt32(dpAgent.SelectedItem.Value); invocie.ROuteID = Convert.ToInt32(dpagentRoute.SelectedItem.Value); invocie.orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtGentOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); DS = invicedata.GetPreviousDayOrder(invocie); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(DS)) { //RemoveAllItam(); deleteAllItem(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "11", "<script type='text/javascript'> $('#MainContent_dpAgent').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); </script>", false); //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "12", "<script type='text/javascript'> $('#MainContent_txtGentOrderDate').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); </script>", false); //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "13", "<script type='text/javascript'> $('#MainContent_dpagentRoute').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); </script>", false); PrvAgentID = Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AgentID"]); Session["PrvOrderID"] = Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderID"]); // PrvOrderID = Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderID"]); //dpAgent.Enabled = false; foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { invocie.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; invocie.UserID = GlobalInfo.Userid; invocie.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ProductID"]); invocie.qty = Convert.ToDouble(row["Qty"]); invocie.UnitCost = Convert.ToDouble(row["UnitCost"]); invocie.totalCoast = Convert.ToDouble(row["Total"]); invocie.TypeID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TypeID"]); totsum = totsum + Convert.ToDouble(row["Total"]); invicedata.InsertTempInvoiceItam(invocie); BindAgntTempItam(invocie); //txtagentOrderqty.Text = "0"; } } else { Session["PrvOrderID"] = 0; // PrvOrderID = 0; //RemoveAllItam(); deleteAllItem(); } } } dpagentRoute.Focus(); }
public byte[] GenerateInvoiceUbl(InvoiceData data) { var invoice = new InvoiceType { UUID = new UUIDType() { Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }, UBLVersionID = new UBLVersionIDType() { Value = "2.1" }, CustomizationID = new CustomizationIDType() { Value = "TR1.2" }, ProfileID = new ProfileIDType() { Value = "TEMELFATURA" }, ID = new IDType() { Value = "FAT20200000000001" }, CopyIndicator = new CopyIndicatorType() { Value = false }, InvoicePeriod = new PeriodType { StartDate = new StartDateType { Value = data.FATURA_BASLANGIC }, EndDate = new EndDateType { Value = data.FATURA_BITIS } }, Signature = new SignatureType[] { new SignatureType { ID = new IDType { schemeID = "VKN_TCKN", Value = data.SATICI_VKN }, SignatoryParty = new PartyType { PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[] { new PartyIdentificationType { ID = new IDType { schemeID = "VKN", Value = data.SATICI_VKN } } }, PostalAddress = new AddressType { CityName = new CityNameType { Value = data.SATICI_IL }, CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType { Value = data.SATICI_ILCE }, Country = new CountryType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "Türkiye" } } } }, DigitalSignatureAttachment = new AttachmentType { ExternalReference = new ExternalReferenceType { URI = new URIType { Value = "#Signature" } } } } }, AccountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType { Party = new PartyType { WebsiteURI = new WebsiteURIType { Value = data.SATICI_WEBSITE }, PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[] { new PartyIdentificationType { ID = new IDType { schemeID = "VKN", Value = data.SATICI_VKN } } }, PartyName = new PartyNameType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = data.SATICI_UNVAN } }, PostalAddress = new AddressType { CityName = new CityNameType { Value = data.SATICI_IL }, CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType { Value = data.SATICI_ILCE }, Country = new CountryType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "Türkiye" } } }, PartyTaxScheme = new PartyTaxSchemeType { TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = data.SATICI_VERGIDAIRESI } } }, Contact = new ContactType { Telephone = new TelephoneType { Value = data.SATICI_TELEFON }, Telefax = new TelefaxType { Value = data.SATICI_FAX }, ElectronicMail = new ElectronicMailType { Value = data.SATICI_EPOSTA } } } }, AccountingCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType { Party = new PartyType { WebsiteURI = new WebsiteURIType { Value = "" }, PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[] { new PartyIdentificationType { ID = new IDType { schemeID = "TCKN", Value = data.MUSTERI_TCKN } } }, PostalAddress = new AddressType { CityName = new CityNameType { Value = data.MUSTERI_IL }, CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType { Value = data.MUSTERI_ILCE }, Country = new CountryType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "Türkiye" } } }, Contact = new ContactType { Telephone = new TelephoneType { Value = data.MUSTERI_TELEFON }, ElectronicMail = new ElectronicMailType { Value = data.MUSTERI_EPOSTA } }, Person = new PersonType { FirstName = new FirstNameType { Value = data.MUSTERI_AD }, FamilyName = new FamilyNameType { Value = data.MUSTERI_SOYAD } } } }, PaymentTerms = new PaymentTermsType { Note = new NoteType { Value = data.FATURA_NOT }, Amount = new AmountType2 { Value = data.FATURA_TUTARI }, PaymentDueDate = new PaymentDueDateType { Value = data.FATURA_BITIS } }, TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType[] { new TaxTotalType { TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = data.VERGI_TUTARI }, TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[] { new TaxSubtotalType { TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = data.FATURA_TUTARI }, TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = data.VERGI_TUTARI }, TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType { TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType { TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType { Value = data.VERGI_TIPI } } } } } } }, InvoiceLine = data.Details.Select(d => new InvoiceLineType { InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType { Value = d.ADET }, LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = d.TUTAR }, TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType { TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = d.VERGI_TUTARI }, TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[] { new TaxSubtotalType { TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = d.TUTAR }, TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = d.VERGI_TUTARI }, TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType { TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType { TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType { Value = d.VERGI_TIPI } } } } } }, Item = new ItemType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = d.ACIKLAMA } }, Price = new PriceType { PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType { currencyID = "TRY", Value = d.TUTAR } } }).ToArray() }; XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(InvoiceType)); using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream()) { xmlSerializer.Serialize(output, invoice, new Common.UblGenerator()); return(output.ToArray()); } }
public GoodsReturnAddModel(IUnityContainer unityContainer) { _unityContainer = unityContainer; invoiceData = _unityContainer.Resolve <InvoiceData>(); invoiceData.Load(Guid.Parse(_unityContainer.Resolve <IOrderUserInfo>().Property["USER_SHOP"])); }
protected void btnemployeeOrdersubmit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dpEmployee.SelectedItem.Value != "0") { int result = 0; Invoice inovice = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); inovice.orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtEmployeeOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); inovice.AgencyID = 0; inovice.ShecemeApplied = true; //salesEmployee DataSet ds = new DataSet(); BillData billData = new BillData(); ds = billData.getEmployeeByUserId(GlobalInfo.Userid); inovice.SaleEmployeeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeID"]); inovice.EmployeeID = Convert.ToInt32(dpEmployee.SelectedItem.Value); inovice.totalCoast = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hfemployeeTotalBill.Value) ? 0 : Comman.Comman.IsValidInteger(hfemployeeTotalBill.Value) ? Convert.ToDouble(hfemployeeTotalBill.Value) : 0; inovice.CreatedBy = GlobalInfo.Userid; inovice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); inovice.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; inovice.orderType = 2;// employeeORder inovice.CurrentBoothID = GlobalInfo.CurrentbothID; inovice.PaymentMode = "Employee"; DataSet chkds = new DataSet(); chkds = invoiceData.CheckBoothTemp(inovice, 1); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(chkds)) { result = invoiceData.BoothInserOrder(inovice); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Please Add Items')", true); } if (result > 0) { //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(pnlBill2, pnlBill2.GetType(), "PrintPanel2", "PrintPanel2()", true)) updateStock(); btnPrintEmp.Visible = true; Button1.Visible = false; btnAddEmployeeOrderItem.Visible = false; btnEmployeeNewOrder.Visible = false; btnRemoveOrder.Visible = false; pnlBill2.Visible = false; pnlBills.Visible = true; divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = false; divSusccess.Visible = true; pnlError.Update(); upMain.Update(); pnlBill2.Enabled = false; } else { divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = true; divSusccess.Visible = false; lblwarning.Text = "Please Contact to Site Admin"; pnlError.Update(); } } else { // ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Please Select Employee')", true); } }
public InvoiceReceivedEvent(string invoiceNumber, DateTime invoiceDate, string companyCode, string referenceId, InvoiceData invoiceData) { InvoiceNumber = invoiceNumber; InvoiceDate = invoiceDate; CompanyCode = companyCode; ReferenceId = referenceId; InvoiceData = invoiceData; }
// Generates PDF. private void generateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer customer = null; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(companyNameTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(departmentTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postalcodeTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(locationTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phonenumberTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kvkNumberTextbox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ibanTextbox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Vul alstublieft alle velden in.", "Foutmelding", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { if (selected != null) { customer = new Customer( companyNameTextbox.Text, nameTextbox.Text, departmentTextbox.Text, postalcodeTextbox.Text, locationTextbox.Text, adresTextbox.Text, phonenumberTextbox.Text, emailTextbox.Text, kvkNumberTextbox.Text, ibanTextbox.Text, selected.subThemeId ); } else { customer = new Customer( companyNameTextbox.Text, nameTextbox.Text, departmentTextbox.Text, postalcodeTextbox.Text, locationTextbox.Text, adresTextbox.Text, phonenumberTextbox.Text, emailTextbox.Text, kvkNumberTextbox.Text, ibanTextbox.Text ); } AddCustomer(customer); FillExistingCustomerList(); } // Adds Invoice to database. //if (ic.productPanelList.Count > 0) //{ } // bool exists = false; // foreach(Customer c in DatabaseController.customerList) // { // if ((c.companyName + c.department + + customer.department + // { // Console.WriteLine("Exist == true"); // exists = true; // } // } // if(!exists) // { // Console.WriteLine("Exist == false"); // DatabaseController.AddCustomer(customer); // } InvoiceData invoice = new InvoiceData(customer, representative, DateTime.Parse(dateInvoiceDateLabel.Text), room); DatabaseController.AddRoom(room); DatabaseController.AddInvoice(invoice); invoice = DatabaseController.invoiceList.Last(); foreach (InvoiceProductPanel ipp in ic.productPanelList) { DatabaseController.AddOrderedProduct(invoice.InvoiceDataId, ipp.product, ipp.amountOfCopies); } ic.SetInfo(customer, representative, intInvoiceNumberLabel.Text.ToString(), room); ic.MakePdf(); Close(); }
public Invoice Map(InvoiceData ent) => new Invoice(ent);
public AddInvoiceCommand(string invoiceNumber, DateTime invoiceDate, string companyCode, string referenceId, InvoiceData invoiceData) { InvoiceNumber = invoiceNumber; InvoiceDate = invoiceDate; CompanyCode = companyCode; ReferenceId = referenceId; InvoiceData = invoiceData; }
public void btnAgentORderSubmit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int result = 0; Invoice inovice = new Invoice(); InvoiceData invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); inovice.orderDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtGentOrderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); inovice.AgencyID = Convert.ToInt32(dpAgent.SelectedItem.Value); inovice.ShecemeApplied = true; //salesEmployee DataSet ds = new DataSet(); BillData billData = new BillData(); ds = billData.getEmployeeByUserId(GlobalInfo.Userid); inovice.SaleEmployeeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeID"].ToString()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeID"]); inovice.totalCoast = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hftotalAmout.Value) ? 0 : Comman.Comman.IsValidInteger(hftotalAmout.Value) ? Convert.ToDouble(hftotalAmout.Value) : 0; inovice.CreatedBy = GlobalInfo.Userid; inovice.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); inovice.TokanId = hftokanno.Value; inovice.TotalSchemeAmount = schemeTemp; inovice.ShecemeApplied = schemeApplied; inovice.orderType = 1;// AgentORder inovice.CurrentBoothID = GlobalInfo.CurrentbothID; inovice.PaymentMode = dpPaymentMode.SelectedItem.Text; DataSet chkds = new DataSet(); chkds = invoiceData.CheckBoothTemp(inovice, 1); if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(chkds)) { result = invoiceData.BoothInserOrder(inovice); } if (result > 0) { updateStock(); btnAgentORderSubmit.Visible = false; btnPrintAgent.Visible = true; pnlBills.Visible = true; btnagentItamsremove.Visible = false; btnAddAgentProductItem.Visible = false; btnAgentNewOrder.Visible = false; btnAgentORderSubmit.Visible = false; pnlBill1.Visible = false; lblSuccess.Visible = true; divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = false; divSusccess.Visible = true; pnlError.Update(); upMain.Update(); pnlBill1.Enabled = false; } else { divDanger.Visible = false; divwarning.Visible = true; divSusccess.Visible = false; lblwarning.Text = "Please Contact to Site Admin"; pnlError.Update(); } }
private async Task <WebApiResponseRecord> ProcessInvoiceRecord(WebApiRequestRecord webApiRequestRecord, WebApiResponseRecord webApiResponseRecord) { var formUrl = webApiRequestRecord.Data["formUrl"] as string; _log.LogInformation($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Got form URL: {formUrl}"); var analysisResult = await ProcessInvoiceDocumentContent(formUrl); webApiResponseRecord.Data = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); if (analysisResult.documentResults != null) { var documents = analysisResult.documentResults; foreach (var documentResult in documents) { var documentFields = documentResult.fields; if (documentFields != null) { if (documentFields.Charges != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.Charges.fieldName, documentFields.Charges.text); invoiceData.Charges = documentFields.Charges.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'Charges' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } if (documentFields.ForCompany != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.ForCompany.fieldName, documentFields.ForCompany.text); invoiceData.ForCompany = documentFields.ForCompany.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'ForCompany' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } if (documentFields.FromCompany != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.FromCompany.fieldName, documentFields.FromCompany.text); invoiceData.FromCompany = documentFields.FromCompany.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'FromCompany' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } if (documentFields.InvoiceDate != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.InvoiceDate.fieldName, documentFields.InvoiceDate.text); invoiceData.InvoiceDate = documentFields.InvoiceDate.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'InvoiceDate' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } if (documentFields.InvoiceDueDate != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.InvoiceDueDate.fieldName, documentFields.InvoiceDueDate.text); invoiceData.InvoiceDueDate = documentFields.InvoiceDueDate.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'InvoiceDueDate' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } if (documentFields.InvoiceNumber != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.InvoiceNumber.fieldName, documentFields.InvoiceNumber.text); invoiceData.InvoiceNumber = documentFields.InvoiceNumber.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'InvoiceNumber' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } if (documentFields.VatID != null) { webApiResponseRecord.Data.Add(documentFields.VatID.fieldName, documentFields.VatID.text); invoiceData.VatID = documentFields.VatID.text; } else { _log.LogWarning($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get field: 'VatID' for the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } } else { _log.LogError($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get any fields from the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } } } else { _log.LogError($"{ServiceConstants.FormAnalyzerServiceName} - Cannot get any document results from the form with URL: {formUrl}"); } await _dataService.AddAsync(invoiceData); return(webApiResponseRecord); }
///customer /// public void BindCustomerTempItam(Invoice invocie) { string result = string.Empty; InvoiceData invicedata = new InvoiceData(); rpCutamoer.DataSource = invicedata.GetBoothTempItam(invocie); rpCutamoer.DataBind(); DS = invicedata.GetBoothTempItam(invocie); string dates = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustamerorderDate.Text)? string.Empty: (Convert.ToDateTime(txtCustamerorderDate.Text)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int boothIds = GlobalInfo.CurrentbothID; ds = invicedata.getBillCount(dates, boothIds); string boothcode = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["AgentCode"]); int no = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Count"]) + 1; if (!Comman.Comman.IsDataSetEmpty(DS)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<style type='text / css'>"); sb.Append(".tg { border - collapse:collapse; border - spacing:0; border: none; }"); sb.Append(".tg .tg-yw4l{vertical-align:top}"); sb.Append(".tg .tg-baqh{text-align:center;vertical-align:top}"); sb.Append("</style>"); sb.Append("<table class='tg style1' style='page-break-inside:avoid; align:center;'>"); sb.Append("<colgroup>"); sb.Append("<col style = 'width:150px'>"); sb.Append("<col style = 'width:150px'>"); sb.Append("<col style = 'width:120px'>"); sb.Append("<col style = 'width:120px'>"); sb.Append("<col style = 'width:100px'>"); sb.Append("</colgroup>"); sb.Append("<tr>"); sb.Append("<th class='tg-yw4l' rowspan='2'>"); sb.Append("<img src='/Theme/img/logo1.png' class='img-circle' alt='Logo' width='50px' hight='50px'>"); sb.Append("</th>"); sb.Append("<th class='tg-baqh' colspan='2' style='text-align:center; font-size: 80%;'>"); sb.Append("<u> Cash/Credit Bill </u> <br/>"); sb.Append("</th>"); sb.Append("<th class='tg-yw4l' colspan='2' style='text-align:right; font-size: 80%;'>"); sb.Append("TIN:330761667331<br>"); sb.Append("</th>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'>"); sb.Append("<td class='tg-yw4l' colspan='4' style='text-align:Left'>"); sb.Append("<b>Nanjil Integrated Dairy Development, Mulagumoodu, K.K.Dt. Ph:248370, 248605</b>"); sb.Append("</td>"); //sb.Append("<td class='tg-yw4l' colspan='2' style='text-align:right; font-size: 80%;'>"); //sb.Append("PH:248370,248605"); //sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'>"); sb.Append("<td colspan ='2' style='text-align:left; font-size: 80%;'>"); sb.Append("Local Sale"); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td>"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td colspan='2' style='text-align:right; font-size: 80%;'>"); sb.Append("Bill No " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "/" + no.ToString() + "L"); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'>"); sb.Append("<td colspan ='2' style='text-align:left; font-size: 80%;'>"); sb.Append(DateTime.Now.ToString()); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td>"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td colspan='2' style='text-align:right; font-size: 80%;'>"); sb.Append(boothcode); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); //sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'> <td colspan = '5'> </td> </tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:0.5px solid'>"); sb.Append("<td colspan='2'>"); sb.Append("Product Name"); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td>"); sb.Append("Qty."); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td>"); sb.Append("Price"); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td style='text-align:center'>"); sb.Append("Amount"); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { sb.Append("<tr>"); sb.Append("<td class='tg-yw4l' style='text-align:left' colspan='2'>"); sb.Append(row["ProductName"].ToString()); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td class='tg-yw4l' style='text-align:left'>"); sb.Append(row["Qty"].ToString() + " " + row["UnitName"].ToString()); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td class='tg-yw4l' style='text-align:left'>"); sb.Append((Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnitCost"]).ToString("#.00"))); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td class='tg-yw4l' style='text-align:right'>"); sb.Append((Convert.ToDecimal(row["Total"]).ToString("#.00"))); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); } // sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'> <td colspan = '5'> </td> </tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'> <td colspan = '5'> </td> </tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid'> "); sb.Append("<td>"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td>"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td colspan='2'>"); sb.Append("Total Amount: "); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td style='text-align:right'> <b>"); sb.Append(total.ToString("#0.00")); sb.Append("</b> </td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); sb.Append("<tr > <td colspan = '5'style='text-align:center > Thanks, Visit Again...!! </td> </tr>"); //sb.Append("<tr> <td colspan='5' style='text-align:left> Thanks, Visit Again...!! </td> </tr>" ); result = sb.ToString(); genratedBIll.Text = result; //Session["ctrl"] = sb.ToString(); Session["ctrl"] = pnlBills; //Response.Redirect("/print.aspx", true); } else { //result = "No Records Found"; //genratedBIll.Text = result; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Detail(int id) { InvoiceData result = await _billing.GetById(id); return(View(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Enregistre une facture complète dans le MCF et retour une châine pour générer le QR code /// </summary> /// <param name="invoiceData">informations de la facture</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception> /// <exception cref="DecoderFallbackException"></exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception> /// <exception cref="System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException"></exception> /// <exception cref="ConfigurationErrorsException"></exception> /// <returns></returns> public string AddNewInvoice(InvoiceData invoiceData) { OpenPort(); //InvoiceDataDetail string _stringVATApplied = string.Empty, _stringPrice = string.Empty, _stringQuantity = string.Empty, _stringSpecificTax = string.Empty, _stringVAT = string.Empty, _responseMCF = string.Empty; int _newNum = 0; string _stringAIB = invoiceData.BuyerAIB == 0 ? "" : invoiceData.BuyerAIB.ToString(); if (invoiceData != null) { _stringVAT = string.Format("{0:N}", invoiceData.VAT); _stringVAT = _stringVAT.Replace(',', '.'); try { //Création de la facture _newNum++;//= GetNewNumCommande(); SerialData _responseOpenInvoice = cmdOuvrirFacture( _newNum, "1", invoiceData.OperatorName, invoiceData.IFU, "0.00", _stringVAT, invoiceData.FactureContent, invoiceData.FactureRembContent, "", invoiceData.BuyerIFU, invoiceData.BuyerName, _stringAIB); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_responseOpenInvoice.Value) == false) //{ //Ajout d'articles //_newNum++;//= GetNewNumCommande(); SerialData _responseAddArticle = null; foreach (InvoiceDataDetail _detail in invoiceData.Articles) { _stringVAT = _detail.VatApplied == false ? "A" : "B"; _stringPrice = _detail.PriceATI.ToString(); _stringQuantity = _detail.Quantity.ToString(); _stringSpecificTax = _detail.SpecificTAX.ToString(); _newNum++; _responseAddArticle = cmdAddArticle( _newNum, _detail.ArticleName, _detail.Description, _stringVAT, _stringPrice, _stringQuantity, _stringSpecificTax ); _responseAddArticle = null; } _newNum++; ///= GetNewNumCommande(); SerialData _responseValideInvoice = cmdVerifTotal(_newNum); _newNum++; //= GetNewNumCommande(); SerialData _responseCloseInvoice = cmdFactStateSet(_newNum); _responseMCF = _responseCloseInvoice.Value; //} } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (DecoderFallbackException ex) { throw ex; } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw ex; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException ex) { throw ex; } catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ex) { throw ex; } } else { throw new ArgumentNullException(ExceptionString.ARGUMENT_INVOICE_DATA_EXCEPTION); } ClosePort(); return(_responseMCF); }
void Awake() { StartCoroutine(getTokenProp()); StartCoroutine(getTokenAndGetPais()); invoiceData = new InvoiceData(); }