Exemple #1
        public void FunctionalTest()
            var invoice = new Invoice();

            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Energy", UnitPrice = 1, Volume = 2
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Distribution", UnitPrice = 2, Volume = 3
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Metering", UnitPrice = 1, Volume = 3

            var draftException = Assert.Throws <InvoiceStateException>(() => invoice.CalculateTotalAmount());

            Assert.IsTrue(draftException.Message.Contains("draft", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            invoice.ChangeState(new GeneratedState());

            Assert.AreEqual(11, invoice.CalculateTotalAmount());

            invoice.ChangeState(new CreditNoteState());

            Assert.AreEqual(-11, invoice.CalculateTotalAmount());

            invoice.ChangeState(new ErrorState());

            var errorException = Assert.Throws <InvoiceStateException>(() => invoice.CalculateTotalAmount());

            Assert.IsTrue(errorException.Message.Contains("error", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Create invoice");

            var invoice = new Invoice();

            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Energy", UnitPrice = 33, Volume = 350
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Distribution", UnitPrice = 7, Volume = 380
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Metering", UnitPrice = 3, Volume = 350

            decimal total;

                total = invoice.CalculateTotalAmount();
            catch (Exception exc)
                var s = exc.Message;

            invoice.ChangeState(new GeneratedState());

            total = invoice.CalculateTotalAmount();

            invoice.ChangeState(new CreditNoteState());

            total = invoice.CalculateTotalAmount();

            invoice.ChangeState(new ErrorState());

                total = invoice.CalculateTotalAmount();
            catch (Exception exc)
                var s = exc.Message;
        public void ShouldSetPathToTotalAmount()
            InvoiceService invoiceService = new InvoiceService(new CalculationService(), new ExcelFileService());

            var invoice = new Invoice();

            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Energy", UnitPrice = 1, Volume = 2
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Distribution", UnitPrice = 2, Volume = 3
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Metering", UnitPrice = 1, Volume = 4


            Assert.AreEqual("12.xlsx", invoice.FilePath);
Exemple #4
        public void FunctionalTest()
            var invoice = new Invoice();

            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Energy", UnitPrice = 1, Volume = 2
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Distribution", UnitPrice = 2, Volume = 3
            invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine {
                Formula = "Metering", UnitPrice = 1, Volume = 4

            Assert.AreEqual(12, invoice.CalculateTotalAmount());

            Assert.AreEqual(-12, new CreditNoteInvoiceDecorator(invoice).CalculateTotalAmount());

            Assert.AreEqual(18, new VatInvoiceDecorator(invoice, 50).CalculateTotalAmount());

            Assert.AreEqual(-18, new CreditNoteInvoiceDecorator(new VatInvoiceDecorator(invoice, 50)).CalculateTotalAmount());
        private int CreateNewInvoice()
            int id;

            using (ISession session = sessions.OpenSession())
                using (ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction())
                    var invoice = new Invoice();
                    invoice.AddLine(new InvoiceLine());
                    id = (int)session.Save(invoice);
        //Prefer to have factory here. Followed by DDD rules about domain service definition.
        //Should be used when one aggregate is being transformed to another one.
        public Invoice CreateInvoice(Order order, ITaxPolicy taxPolicy)
            Invoice invoice = new Invoice(order.Customer);

            foreach (var orderLine in order.OrderLines)
                Tax         tax  = taxPolicy.CalculateTax(orderLine.Product, orderLine.TotalEffectivePrice);
                InvoiceLine line = new InvoiceLine(orderLine.Product, orderLine.Quantity, orderLine.TotalEffectivePrice, tax);


        public void CalculateTaxes()
            Stock   stock    = new Stock();
            Product product  = stock.GetProductWithCode("x1abc3t3c");
            Line    line     = new Line();
            int     quantity = 10;

            line.AddProducts(product, quantity);
            Invoice invoice = new Invoice(new TaxManager());

            float total = invoice.GetTotal();

            Assert.IsTrue(quantity * product.Price < total);
Exemple #8
        private static Invoice GetInvoice(dynamic json)
            if (json is JArray)

            var address = new InvoiceAddress((string)json.address_1, (string)json.address_2,
                                             (string)json.address_3, (string)json.address_4, (string)json.address_5, (string)json.address_6);

            var invoice = new Invoice((DateTime)json.date, (string)json.number, (decimal)json.total,
                                      (decimal)json.tax, (string)json.pdf_url, address);

            foreach (var iL in json.invoice_lines)
                var invoiceLine = new InvoiceLine((int)iL.quantity, (string)iL.details, (decimal)iL.unit_price, (decimal)iL.subtotal);

        static async Task Connect()
            Console.WriteLine("FactuurSturen.nl API Test Client");

            var credentials = GetCredentials();


            var client = new FactuurSturenClient();
            await client.LoginAsync(credentials.UserName, credentials.Password);


            //var invoices = await client.GetInvoices();
            var taxes = await client.GetTaxes();

            var mybytes = await client.GetInvoicePdf("20150003");

            var tax = await client.GetTaxType(TaxRates.H);

            var taxRate = tax.Percentage;
            var to      = await client.GetClient("My client name"); // can also be via Id

            var invoice = new Invoice(to, InvoiceActions.Send, SendMethods.Email);
            var line1   = new InvoiceLine(1, "Test line", taxRate, price: 125);

            await client.CreateInvoice(invoice, true);

            //var products = await client.GetProducts();

            //var product = await client.GetProduct(1);
            //var retval = await client.CreateProduct(product);
            //await client.DeleteProduct(product);

            //var invoice = await client.GetInvoice("20160086");