Exemple #1
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            EventFullName evt = context.GetEventName();

            if (await Repository.GetEvent(evt) is Event)
                throw new CommandException("name", "This event already exists");
            var outcomes = context.GetOutcomes();
            var oracle   = await Repository.GetOracle(evt.OracleName);

            if (oracle is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "This oracle does not exists");
            if (oracle.RootedKeyPath is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "You do not own the keys of this oracle");

            var k = await Repository.CreatePrivateKey();

            var nonce = k.PrivateKey.ToECPrivKey().CreateSchnorrNonce();

            if (!await Repository.AddEvent(evt, nonce, outcomes, k.KeyPath))
                throw new CommandException("name", "This event already exists");
Exemple #2
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            var attestation = context.ParseResult.CommandResult.GetArgumentValueOrDefault <string>("attestation")?.Trim();

            if (attestation is null)
                throw new CommandOptionRequiredException("attestation");
            var bytes = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(attestation);

            if (bytes.Length != 32)
                throw new CommandException("attestation", "The attestation must be 32 bytes");
            var           attestationKey = new Key(bytes);
            EventFullName evt            = context.GetEventName();
            var           oracle         = await Repository.GetOracle(evt.OracleName);

            if (oracle is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "This oracle does not exists");
            var outcome = await Repository.AddAttestation(evt, attestationKey);

            if (outcome?.OutcomeString is null)
                throw new CommandException("attestation", "This attestation does not attest known outcomes");
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            EventFullName evt = context.GetEventName();

            if (await TryGetEvent(evt) is Event)
                throw new CommandException("eventfullname", "This event already exists");
            var outcomes = context.GetOutcomes();
            var oracle   = await this.GetOracle("eventfullname", evt.OracleName);

            if (oracle.RootedKeyPath is null)
                throw new CommandException("eventfullname", "You do not own the keys of this oracle");

            var k = await Repository.CreatePrivateKey();

            var nonce = k.PrivateKey.ToECPrivKey().CreateSchnorrNonce();
            var evtId = new OracleInfo(oracle.PubKey !, nonce);

            if (!await Repository.AddEvent(evtId, outcomes, k.KeyPath))
                throw new CommandException("eventfullname", "This event already exists");
            await NameRepository.AsEventRepository().SetMapping(evtId, evt.Name);

Exemple #4
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            EventFullName evt    = context.GetEventName();
            var           rNonce = context.ParseResult.CommandResult.GetArgumentValueOrDefault <string>("nonce")?.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();

            if (rNonce is null)
                throw new CommandOptionRequiredException("nonce");
            if (!SchnorrNonce.TryParse(rNonce, out var nonce) || nonce is null)
                throw new CommandException("nonce", "Invalid nonce");

            var oracle = await GetOracle("eventfullname", evt.OracleName);

            var outcomes = context.GetOutcomes();
            var evtId    = new OracleInfo(oracle.PubKey !, nonce);

            if (!await Repository.AddEvent(evtId, outcomes.ToArray()))
                throw new CommandException("eventfullname", "The specified event already exists");
            await NameRepository.AsEventRepository().SetMapping(evtId, evt.Name);
Exemple #5
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            var evtName = context.GetEventName();
            var evt     = await GetEvent("name", evtName);

            var oracle = await GetOracle("name", evtName.OracleName);

            context.Console.Out.WriteLine($"Full Name: {evtName}");
            context.Console.Out.WriteLine($"Name: {evtName.Name}");
            context.Console.Out.WriteLine($"Nonce: {evt.EventId!.RValue}");
            context.Console.Out.WriteLine($"Can reveal: {oracle.RootedKeyPath is RootedKeyPath}");
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var outcome in evt.Outcomes)
                context.Console.Out.WriteLine($"Outcome[{i}]: {outcome}");
            if (evt.Attestations is Dictionary <string, Key> )
                foreach (var kv in evt.Attestations)
                    context.Console.Out.WriteLine($"Attestation[\"{kv.Key}\"]: {kv.Value.ToHex()}");
Exemple #6
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            var outcome = context.ParseResult.CommandResult.GetArgumentValueOrDefault <string>("outcome")?.Trim();
            var force   = context.ParseResult.ValueForOption <bool>("force");

            if (outcome is null)
                throw new CommandOptionRequiredException("outcome");
            EventFullName evt    = context.GetEventName();
            var           oracle = await Repository.GetOracle(evt.OracleName);

            if (oracle is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "This oracle does not exists");

            var discreteOutcome = new DiscreteOutcome(outcome);
            var evtObj          = await Repository.GetEvent(evt);

            if (evtObj?.Nonce is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "This event does not exists");
            if (evtObj?.NonceKeyPath is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "You did not generated this event");
            outcome = evtObj.Outcomes.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Equals(outcome, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            if (outcome is null)
                throw new CommandException("outcome", "This outcome does not exists in this event");
            var key = oracle.RootedKeyPath is RootedKeyPath ? await Repository.GetKey(oracle.RootedKeyPath) : null;

            if (key is null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "You do not own the keys of this oracle");
            if (evtObj.Attestations?.ContainsKey(outcome) is true)
                throw new CommandException("outcome", "This outcome has already been attested");
            if (evtObj.Attestations != null && evtObj.Attestations.Count > 0 && !force)
                throw new CommandException("outcome", "An outcome has already been attested, attesting another one could leak the private key of your oracle. Use -f to force your action.");
            var kValue = await Repository.GetKey(evtObj.NonceKeyPath);

            key.ToECPrivKey().TrySignBIP140(discreteOutcome.Hash, new PrecomputedNonceFunctionHardened(kValue.ToECPrivKey().ToBytes()), out var sig);
            var oracleAttestation = new Key(sig !.s.ToBytes());

            if (await Repository.AddAttestation(evt, oracleAttestation) != outcome)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Error while validating reveal");
Exemple #7
        protected override async Task InvokeAsyncBase(InvocationContext context)
            var name = context.ParseResult.CommandResult.GetArgumentValueOrDefault <string>("name")?.Trim();

            if (name is null)
                throw new CommandOptionRequiredException("name");
            if (await this.TryGetDLC(name) != null)
                throw new CommandException("name", "This DLC already exists");
            EventFullName evtName = context.GetEventName();
            var           oracle  = await GetOracle("eventfullname", evtName.OracleName);

            if (oracle?.PubKey is null)
                throw new CommandException("eventfullname", "The specified oracle does not exists");
            var evt = await GetEvent("eventfullname", evtName);

            var payoffsStr = context.ParseResult.CommandResult.GetArgumentValueOrDefault <List <string> >("payoff");

            if (payoffsStr is null || payoffsStr.Count == 0)
                throw new CommandOptionRequiredException("payoff");
            var payoffs = CreatePayoffs(payoffsStr);

            FixCasing(evt, payoffs);
            var builder = new DLCTransactionBuilder(true, null, null, null, Network);

            var timeout = new Timeouts()
                ContractMaturity = 0,
                ContractTimeout  = Constants.NeverLockTime

            if (context.ParseResult.HasOption("cetlocktime"))
                timeout.ContractMaturity = new LockTime(context.ParseResult.ValueForOption <uint>("cetlocktime"));
            if (context.ParseResult.HasOption("refundlocktime"))
                timeout.ContractTimeout = new LockTime(context.ParseResult.ValueForOption <uint>("refundlocktime"));
            var collateral = payoffs.CalculateMinimumCollateral();

            builder.Offer(oracle.PubKey, evt.EventId !.RValue, payoffs, timeout);
            var dlc = await Repository.NewDLC(evt.EventId, builder);

            await NameRepository.AsDLCNameRepository().SetMapping(name, dlc.LocalId);

            context.Console.Out.Write($"Offer created, you now need to setup the DLC sending {collateral} BTC to yourself. For more information, run `dlc show \"{name}\"`.");