Exemple #1
 private void gridView1_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     ////Do not perform any default action
     //e.ExceptionMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
     ////Show the message with the error text specified
        private void textEditTenLop_InvalidValue(object sender,
                                                 InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
            string maKhoi = CboUtil.GetValueItem(comboBoxEditKhoi);

            e.ErrorText = "Tên lớp không hợp lệ. Tên lớp có dạng " + maKhoi + "[A-H][0-9][0-9]. VD: " + maKhoi + "B02";
 protected internal virtual void OnEdtEndTimeInvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     //if (!AppointmentFormControllerBase.ValidateInterval(edtStartDate.DateTime.Date, edtStartTime.Time.TimeOfDay, edtEndDate.DateTime.Date, edtEndTime.Time.TimeOfDay))
     //    e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidEndDate);
     //    e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_DateOutsideLimitInterval);
Exemple #4
 private void textPhone_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     //if (textPhoneCheck == 1)
     //{ e.ErrorText = "Chưa nhập số điện thoại"; }
     //else if (textPhoneCheck == 2)
     //    e.ErrorText = "Độ dài sđt không được vượt quá 15 kí tự";
Exemple #5
 private void textFullName_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     //if (textFullNameCheck == 1)
     //{ e.ErrorText = "Chưa nhập tên"; }
     //else if (textFullNameCheck == 2)
     //    e.ErrorText = "Độ dài tên không được vượt quá 50 kí tự";
Exemple #6
        private void gridView1_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
            e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
            e.WindowCaption = "Input Error";
            e.ErrorText     = "The value should be ....";

            ////// Destroying the editor and discarding the changes made within the edited cell
Exemple #7
        private void textEditTenLop_InvalidValue(object sender,
                                                 InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
            if (cmbKhoi.SelectedValue == null)
                MsgboxUtil.Error("Bạn chưa chọn khối lớp!");
            string maKhoi = cmbKhoi.SelectedValue.ToString();

            e.ErrorText = "Tên lớp không hợp lệ. Tên lớp có dạng " + maKhoi + "[A-Z][0-9][0-9]. VD: " + maKhoi + "B02";
Exemple #8
        private void gridViewCT_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
            GridView view = sender as GridView;

            if (view == null)
            e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
            e.WindowCaption = "Thông báo";
            e.ErrorText     = "Số lô không được rỗng";

            // Destroying the editor and discarding the changes made within the edited cell.
Exemple #9
 private void gridView_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     //Deleting the text in the combobox will
     //try to set the cell value to an empty
     //string, and fail with an invalid cast.
     //I handle this case and actually set it
     //to null.
     if (gridView.FocusedColumn == colCaller)
         var str = e.Value as string;                    //If the value is a non-null but empty string
         if (str != null && str.Trim().Length == 0)
             e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.NoAction;
             gridView.SetFocusedRowCellValue(colCaller, null);
Exemple #10
 private void memoNote_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
Exemple #11
 private void lookUpDoctor_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
Exemple #12
 private void dateDateSchedule_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
 private void gridView1_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ExceptionMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
 private void PersonalInfoTextEdit_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = String.Format("Необходимо от {0} до {1} символов.", (int)ValidLength.minPersonalInfo, (int)ValidLength.maxPersonalInfo);
Exemple #15
 private void DriveNameEdit_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = "Invalid drive name specified. It must be composed of 35 or less valid characters. A-Z, 0-9.";
 protected internal virtual void OnEdtStartDateInvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_DateOutsideLimitInterval);
 private void memoExamineReason_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
 protected internal virtual void cbReminder_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidReminderTimeBeforeStart);
 protected internal virtual void edtEndTime_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidEndDate);
 private void gridView_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     //Deleting the text in the combobox will
     //try to set the cell value to an empty
     //string, and fail with an invalid cast.
     //I handle this case and actually set it
     //to null.
     if (gridView.FocusedColumn == colCaller) {
         var str = e.Value as string;	//If the value is a non-null but empty string
         if (str != null && str.Trim().Length == 0) {
             e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.NoAction;
             gridView.SetFocusedRowCellValue(colCaller, null);
Exemple #21
 private void txtCandidateName_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
     e.ErrorText     = "Please provide a value for field candidate name";
Exemple #22
 private void GV_Main_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.NoAction;
 private void selectRoleComboBox_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = "Выберите роль";
Exemple #24
 private void gridView1_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     MessageBox.Show(this, e.ErrorText, "SDT", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.NoAction;
 private void UiGridVistaDetalle_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
 protected internal virtual void OnCbReminderInvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidReminderTimeBeforeStart);
Exemple #27
 protected override void RaiseInvalidValueException(InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
Exemple #28
 private void DrivePathEdit_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = "Invalid drive path specified. It is not a proper device path.";
Exemple #29
 private void XUIDEdit_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = "Invalid online/team XUID specified.";
 protected internal virtual void edtEndTime_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = SchedulerLocalizer.GetString(SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidEndDate);
 private void spinEditDiemDat_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ErrorText = "Điểm nhập không hợp lệ. Điểm có giá trị từ 0 -> 10";
Exemple #32
 public void InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
Exemple #33
 private static void GridView_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     // Suppress displaying the error message box
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.NoAction;
 private void lookupDoctor_InvalidValue(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     e.ExceptionMode = ExceptionMode.DisplayError;
Exemple #35
 private void View_InvalidValueException(object sender, InvalidValueExceptionEventArgs e)
     throw new NotImplementedException();