Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the session number, quiz date, and maximum points
        /// from a raw data file data column header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdr">A column header from a raw quiz data file.</param>
        /// <param name="sessionNo">An out parameter to capture the session number.</param>
        /// <param name="qzDate">An out parameter to capture the date of the quiz.</param>
        /// <param name="maxPts">An out parameter to capture the maximum points for the quiz.</param>
        /// <exception cref="iClickerQuizPts.AppExceptions.InvalidQuizDataHeaderException">The header
        /// text from the raw data file is not in the expected format.</exception>
        private void ExtractSessionDataFromColumnHeader(string hdr,
                                                        out string sessionNo, out DateTime qzDate, out byte maxPts)
                hdr = hdr.Replace("Session ", string.Empty);
                hdr = hdr.Replace("Total ", string.Empty);
                // (char)91 = opening bracket (i.e., "[")...
                hdr = hdr.Replace(((char)91).ToString(), string.Empty);
                // (char)93 = closing bracket (i.e., "]")...
                hdr = hdr.Replace(((char)93).ToString(), string.Empty);
                hdr = hdr.Trim();
                // Hdr will now be something like:  "40 5/2/16 2.00"...
                int perSpace = hdr.IndexOf((char)46);     // ...(char)46 = period (i.e., ".")
                hdr = hdr.Substring(0, perSpace);         // ...remove trailing decimals

                int posSpace1 = hdr.IndexOf((char)32, 1); // ...(char)32 = space (i.e., " ")
                int posSpace2 = hdr.IndexOf((char)32, posSpace1 + 1);

                // Now extract our values...
                sessionNo = hdr.Substring(0, posSpace1);
                if (sessionNo.Length == 1)
                    sessionNo = string.Format($"0{sessionNo}"); // ...add leading zero, if necessary
                qzDate = DateTime.Parse(hdr.Substring(posSpace1 + 1, posSpace2 - posSpace1 - 1));
                maxPts = Byte.Parse(hdr.Substring(posSpace2 + 1));
            catch (Exception e)
                InvalidQuizDataHeaderException ex =
                    new InvalidQuizDataHeaderException(
                        "Failure in ExtractSessionDataFromColumnHeader method.", e);
                ex.HeaderText = hdr;
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Utilizes EPPlus to create two <see cref="System.Data.DataTable"/>s.  One
        /// comprises all the data from the quiz data worksheet, the other comprises
        /// Session number information.
        /// <exception cref="iClickerQuizPts.AppExceptions.ReadingExternalWbkException">
        /// There are any number of problems with the format and/or
        /// structure of the workbook and/or the worksheet containing the quiz
        /// results data.  The exact nature of the problem is specified in
        /// the exception's message property.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="iClickerQuizPts.AppExceptions.InvalidQuizDataHeaderException">
        /// A data column header in a raw iClicker data file is not in the expected
        /// format.  As such, there are problems extracting any of:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>session number</item>
        /// <item>quiz/session date</item>
        /// <item>maximum points for the quiz</item>
        /// </list>
        /// </exception>
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void CreateRawQuizDataTable()
            _dtAllScores = new DataTable("RawQuizData");

            using (ExcelPackage p = new ExcelPackage())
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(_wbkFullNm, FileMode.Open))
                    // Read the workbook and it's 1st (& presumably only) worksheet...
                    ExcelWorksheet ws = p.Workbook.Worksheets[1];

                     * TRAP FOR PROBLEMS IN THE WORKSHEET...
                    if (ws == null)
                        ReadingExternalWbkException ex =
                            new ReadingExternalWbkException("No worksheets in the workbook.");
                        ex.ImportResult = ImportResult.WrongFormat;
                        throw ex;

                    if (!ws.Cells["A1"].Value.ToString().Trim().Equals("Student ID") ||
                        !ws.Cells["B1"].Value.ToString().Trim().Equals("Student Name") ||
                        string msg = "Incorrect column headings for columns A, B, and/or C";
                        ReadingExternalWbkException ex =
                            new ReadingExternalWbkException(msg);
                        ex.ImportResult = ImportResult.WrongFormat;
                        throw ex;

                    // Find last col in wsh (header row should always have values)...
                    while (_lastCol > 1)
                        ExcelRange c = ws.Cells[1, _lastCol];
                        if (c.Value != null)

                    // Trap for no data columns...
                    if (_lastCol <= _firstDataCol)
                        string msg = "There are no columns of quiz data.";
                        ReadingExternalWbkException ex = new ReadingExternalWbkException(msg);
                        ex.ImportResult = ImportResult.WrongFormat;
                        throw ex;

                    // Find last row of data in wsh.  Student ID column should always have an entry...
                    while (_lastRow > 1)
                        ExcelRange c = ws.Cells[_lastRow, _studentEmailCol];
                        if (c.Value != null)

                    // Trap for no data rows...
                    if (_lastRow == 1)
                        string msg = "There are no rows of data.";
                        ReadingExternalWbkException ex = new ReadingExternalWbkException(msg);
                        ex.ImportResult = ImportResult.WrongFormat;
                        throw ex;

                     * CREATE COLUMNS & ADD TO DATATABLES...

                    // ALL SCORES DATA TABLE:
                    // Create a primary key column...
                    DataColumn colDataID = new DataColumn(_colNmID, typeof(int));
                    colDataID.AllowDBNull   = false;
                    colDataID.AutoIncrement = true;
                    colDataID.ReadOnly      = true;
                    colDataID.Unique        = true;

                    // Create Student ID (email) column...
                    DataColumn colStEml = new DataColumn(_colNmEmail, typeof(string));
                    colStEml.AllowDBNull = false;
                    colStEml.ReadOnly    = true;
                    colStEml.Unique      = true;

                    // Create student Last Name column...
                    DataColumn colLn = new DataColumn(_colNmLastNm, typeof(string));
                    colLn.AllowDBNull = false;

                    // Create & add student First Name column...
                    DataColumn colFn = new DataColumn(_colNmFirstNm, typeof(string));

                    // Create & add columns for quiz data...
                    for (int i = _firstDataCol; i <= _lastCol; i++)
                        string     rawColHdr = ws.Cells[1, i].Value.ToString().Trim();
                        DataColumn col       = new DataColumn(rawColHdr, typeof(byte));
                            Session s = new Session(rawColHdr);
                            if (!_blistSssnsAll.Contains(s))
                            else // ...dupe entries
                                string msg =
                                    string.Format($"Multiple instances of Session {s.SessionNo} are in {_wbkFullNm}.");
                                ReadingExternalWbkException ex =
                                    new ReadingExternalWbkException(msg);
                                ex.ImportResult = ImportResult.WrongFormat;
                                throw ex;

                            // Set extended properties of column, then add column...
                            col.ExtendedProperties["Session Nmbr"] = s.SessionNo;
                            col.ExtendedProperties["QuizDate"]     = s.QuizDate.ToShortDateString();
                            col.ExtendedProperties["MaxQuizPts"]   = s.MaxPts.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
                            col.ExtendedProperties["ComboBoxLbl"]  =
                                string.Format($"Session {s.SessionNo} - {s.QuizDate}");
                            InvalidQuizDataHeaderException ex = new InvalidQuizDataHeaderException();
                            ex.HeaderText = rawColHdr;
                            throw ex;

                    string studentFullNm;

                    // Loop through each data row...
                    for (int rowNo = 2; rowNo <= _lastRow; rowNo++)
                        DataRow r = _dtAllScores.NewRow();
                        // Populate student name & email fields...
                        r[_colNmEmail]   = ws.Cells[rowNo, _studentEmailCol].Value.ToString().Trim();
                        studentFullNm    = ws.Cells[rowNo, _studentNameCol].Value.ToString();
                        r[_colNmLastNm]  = _hdrParser.ExtractLastNameFromFullName(studentFullNm);
                        r[_colNmFirstNm] = _hdrParser.ExtractFirstNameFromFullName(studentFullNm);

                        // Loop through each quiz data column...
                        for (int colNo = _firstDataCol; colNo <= _lastCol; colNo++)
                            // Populate quiz data fields...
                            string colNm = ws.Cells[1, colNo].Value.ToString().Trim();
                            r[colNm] = ws.Cells[rowNo, colNo].Value;
                        _dtAllScores.Rows.Add(r); // ...add row to dataTable