Exemple #1
        public List <IntranetLibraryItem> GetIntranetLibraryItemsSummary()
            List <IntranetLibraryItem> results = new List <IntranetLibraryItem>();

            using (var connection = GetConnection())

                string command_string = "SELECT filename, md5 FROM LibraryItem WHERE 1=1 ";

                using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection))
                    SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        IntranetLibraryItem result = new IntranetLibraryItem();

                        result.filename = reader.GetString(0);
                        result.md5      = reader.GetString(1);

        public List <IntranetLibraryItem> GetIntranetLibraryItemsSummary()
            List <IntranetLibraryItem> results = new List <IntranetLibraryItem>();

            lock (DBAccessLock.db_access_lock)
                using (var connection = GetConnection())

                    string command_string = "SELECT filename, md5 FROM LibraryItem WHERE 1=1 ";

                    using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection))
                        using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                IntranetLibraryItem result = new IntranetLibraryItem();

                                result.filename = reader.GetString(0);
                                result.md5      = reader.GetString(1);



                // see SO link above at the `DBAccessLock.db_access_lock` declaration.
                // We keep this *inside* the critical section so that we know we'll be the only active SQLite
                // action which just transpired.
                // *This* is also the reason why I went with a *global* lock (singeton) for *all* databases,
                // even while *theoretically* this is *wrong* or rather: *unneccessary* as the databases
                // i.e. Qiqqa Libraries shouldn't bite one another. I, however, need to ensure that the
                // added `System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.ClearAllPools();` statements don't foul up
                // matters in another library while lib A I/O is getting cleaned up.
                // In short: Yuck. + Cave canem.

Exemple #3
        public List <IntranetLibraryItem> GetIntranetLibraryItems(string filename)
            List <IntranetLibraryItem> results = new List <IntranetLibraryItem>();

            using (var connection = GetConnection())

                string command_string = "SELECT filename, last_updated_by, md5, data FROM LibraryItem WHERE 1=1 ";
                if (null != filename)
                    command_string = command_string + " AND filename=@filename";

                using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection))
                    if (null != filename)
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filename", filename);

                    SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        IntranetLibraryItem result = new IntranetLibraryItem();

                        result.filename        = reader.GetString(0);
                        result.last_updated_by = reader.GetString(1);
                        result.md5             = reader.GetString(2);

                        long total_bytes = reader.GetBytes(3, 0, null, 0, 0);
                        result.data = new byte[total_bytes];
                        long total_bytes2 = reader.GetBytes(3, 0, result.data, 0, (int)total_bytes);
                        if (total_bytes != total_bytes2)
                            throw new Exception("Error reading blob - blob size different on each occasion.");

        public List <IntranetLibraryItem> GetIntranetLibraryItemsSummary()
            List <IntranetLibraryItem> results             = new List <IntranetLibraryItem>();
            List <Exception>           database_corruption = new List <Exception>();

                lock (DBAccessLock.db_access_lock)
                    using (var connection = GetConnection())

                        string command_string = "SELECT filename, md5 FROM LibraryItem WHERE 1=1 ";

                        using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection))
                            using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    IntranetLibraryItem result = new IntranetLibraryItem();

                                        result.filename = reader.GetString(0);
                                        result.md5      = reader.GetString(1);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        string msg = String.Format("IntranetLibraryDB::GetIntranetLibraryItemsSummary: Database record #{3} decode failure for DB '{0}': filename_id={1}, md5={2}.",
                                                                   String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.filename) ? "???" : result.filename,
                                                                   String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.md5) ? "???" : result.md5,
                                                                   reader.StepCount // ~= results.Count + database_corruption.Count
                                        Logging.Error(ex, "{0}", msg);

                                        Exception ex2 = new Exception(msg, ex);




                    // see SO link above at the `DBAccessLock.db_access_lock` declaration.
                    // We keep this *inside* the critical section so that we know we'll be the only active SQLite
                    // action which just transpired.
                    // *This* is also the reason why I went with a *global* lock (singleton) for *all* databases,
                    // even while *theoretically* this is *wrong* or rather: *unnecessary* as the databases
                    // i.e. Qiqqa Libraries shouldn't bite one another. I, however, need to ensure that the
                    // added `System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.ClearAllPools();` statements don't foul up
                    // matters in library B while lib A I/O is getting cleaned up.
                    // In short: Yuck. + Cave canem.
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error(ex, "IntranetLibraryDB::GetLibraryItemsSummary: Database I/O failure for DB '{0}'.", library_path);
                LibraryDB.FurtherDiagnoseDBProblem(ex, database_corruption, library_path);

            if (database_corruption.Count > 0)
                // report database corruption: the user may want to recover from this ASAP!
                if (MessageBoxes.AskErrorQuestion(true, "INTRANET Library (Sync Point) '{0}' has some data corruption. Do you want to abort the application to attempt recovery using external tools, e.g. a data restore from backup?\n\nWhen you answer NO, we will continue with what we could recover so far instead.\n\n\nConsult the Qiqqa logfiles to see the individual corruptions reported.",
                    Logging.Warn("User chose to abort the application on database corruption report");

        public List <IntranetLibraryItem> GetIntranetLibraryItems(string filename, int MaxRecordCount = 0)
            List <IntranetLibraryItem> results = new List <IntranetLibraryItem>();

            lock (DBAccessLock.db_access_lock)
                using (var connection = GetConnection())

                    string command_string = "SELECT filename, last_updated_by, md5, data FROM LibraryItem WHERE 1=1 ";
                    command_string += turnArgumentIntoQueryPart("filename", filename);
                    if (MaxRecordCount > 0)
                        // http://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-limit/
                        command_string += " LIMIT @maxnum";

                    using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection))
                        turnArgumentIntoQueryParameter(command, "filename", filename);
                        if (MaxRecordCount > 0)
                            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxnum", MaxRecordCount);

                        using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                IntranetLibraryItem result = new IntranetLibraryItem();

                                result.filename        = reader.GetString(0);
                                result.last_updated_by = reader.GetString(1);
                                result.md5             = reader.GetString(2);

                                long total_bytes = reader.GetBytes(3, 0, null, 0, 0);
                                result.data = new byte[total_bytes];
                                long total_bytes2 = reader.GetBytes(3, 0, result.data, 0, (int)total_bytes);
                                if (total_bytes != total_bytes2)
                                    throw new Exception("Error reading blob - blob size different on each occasion.");



                // see SO link above at the `DBAccessLock.db_access_lock` declaration.
                // We keep this *inside* the critical section so that we know we'll be the only active SQLite
                // action which just transpired.
                // *This* is also the reason why I went with a *global* lock (singeton) for *all* databases,
                // even while *theoretically* this is *wrong* or rather: *unneccessary* as the databases
                // i.e. Qiqqa Libraries shouldn't bite one another. I, however, need to ensure that the
                // added `System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.ClearAllPools();` statements don't foul up
                // matters in another library while lib A I/O is getting cleaned up.
                // In short: Yuck. + Cave canem.
