static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                Intracommunicator world =;
                if (world.Rank == 0)
                    Polynomial polyA = new Polynomial(4);
                    Polynomial polyB = new Polynomial(8);

                    Console.WriteLine("A: " + polyA.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("B: " + polyB.ToString());

                    //world.Send("trimit la alt proces", 1, 0);
                    //string message = world.Receive<string>(Communicator.anySource, 0);
                    Console.WriteLine("Rank: " + world.Rank);
                    //Console.WriteLine("PolyMULCheck: " + Util.Multiplication(polyA,polyB).ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("PolyKaraCheck: " + Util.Karatsuba(polyA, polyB).ToString());
                    //MpiParent(polyA, polyB);
                    MpiKaratsubaParent(polyA, polyB);
                    //string message = world.Receive<string>(world.Rank - 1, 0);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Rank: " + world.Rank + " received message: \"" + message + "\" ");
                    //world.Send(message + "," + world.Rank, (world.Rank + 1) % world.Size, 0);
                    Console.WriteLine("Rank: " + world.Rank);
Exemple #2
        public override void synchronize()
            Intracommunicator localComm = mpi.localComm(this);
            int root = mpi.ranksOf(this, "distribute")[0];

            double[,] a_local = localComm.Scatter <double[, ]>(root);
            double[,] b_local = localComm.Scatter <double[, ]>(root);

            int number_of_jobs = a_local.GetLength(0);
            int dim_num        = a_local.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < number_of_jobs; i++)
                IIntegralCase <F> ic = (IIntegralCase <F>)data.createElement();
                ic.dim_num = dim_num;
                for (int j = 0; j < dim_num; j++)
                    ic.a[j] = a_local[i, j];
                    ic.b[j] = b_local[i, j];

//    data.a = limits[0];
//  data.b = limits[1];
        } // end activate method
Exemple #3
        override public void initialize()
            nx  = Blocks.nx;
            ny  = Blocks.ny;
            ipt = Blocks.ipt;
            jpt = Blocks.jpt;

            isiz3 = Instance.isiz3;

            isiz1 = Problem.isiz1;
            isiz2 = Problem.isiz2;
            u     = Problem.Field_u;

            ii1   = Constants.ii1;
            ii2   = Constants.ii2;
            ji1   = Constants.ji1;
            ji2   = Constants.ji2;
            ki1   = Constants.ki1;
            ki2   = Constants.ki2;
            c2    = Constants.c2;
            dxi   = Constants.dxi;
            deta  = Constants.deta;
            dzeta = Constants.dzeta;

            worldcomm = this.WorldComm;                     // Mpi.worldComm();
Exemple #4
        public static void matrixMultiply(int[,] a, int[,] b, int[,] c, Intracommunicator comm)
            int i;

            int[] d = new int[16];
            for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                d[i] = 0;
            size   = n / numberOfProcesses;
            start  = processID * size;
            finish = (processID + 1) * size;

            Console.WriteLine("Proc with rank: " + processID + " is getting from: " + start + " to: " + finish);

            for (i = start; i <= finish; ++i)
                for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                    for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
                        c[i, j] += a[i, k] * b[k, j];

            comm.Allgather <int>(c[i, j], ref d);
            for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
                Console.WriteLine("d[ " + k + "] = " + d[k]);
Exemple #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            k = 0;

            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                Intracommunicator comm =;
                procid  =;
                numproc =;
                FloydWarshall(graph, 4, procid, numproc, comm);

                /*  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                 * {
                 *    Console.WriteLine("heeeeeeeeereeee\n hereeeeee    " + k);
                 * }
                 * for (j = procid; j <= procid+1; j++)
                 * {
                 *    Console.WriteLine("procid :" + procid);
                 * }*/
Exemple #6
        public static int[] SimpleParallel(Intracommunicator communicator, int[] p1, int[] p2)
            var perProcess = p1.Length / communicator.Size;
            var start      = communicator.Rank * perProcess;

            if (communicator.Rank == communicator.Size - 1)
                perProcess += p1.Length % communicator.Size;

            var result = new int[p1.Length + p2.Length - 1];

            for (var offset = 0; offset < perProcess; offset++)
                var i = start + offset;

                for (var j = 0; j < p2.Length; j++)
                    result[i + j] += p1[i] * p2[j];

            var results = communicator.Gather(result, 0);

            if (communicator.Rank == 0)
                return(results.Aggregate(new int[p1.Length + p2.Length - 1], Add).ToArray());

 public MPIGreedyCD(Intracommunicator comm, Rectangle totalSize, Rectangle imageSection, float[,] psf)
     this.comm         = comm;
     this.imageSection = imageSection;
     psf2 = PSF.CalcPSFSquared(psf);
     aMap = PSF.CalcAMap(psf, totalSize, imageSection);
 private static void MpiTest(string[] args)
     using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
         Console.WriteLine("Rank: " +
                  + "(running on " + MPI.Environment.ProcessorName + ")");
         Intracommunicator comm =;
         if (comm.Rank == 0)
             Request req = comm.ImmediateSend("Rosie", 1, 0);
             Console.WriteLine(req.Test() != null ? "COMPL" : "NOT COMPL");
             string msg = comm.Receive <string>(Communicator.anySource, Communicator.anyTag);
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("#{0} received message [{1}]", comm.Rank, msg));
             req = comm.ImmediateSend("Rosie", 1, 0);
             Console.WriteLine(req.Test() != null ? "COMPL" : "NOT COMPL");
             msg = comm.Receive <string>(Communicator.anySource, Communicator.anyTag);
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("#{0} received message [{1}]", comm.Rank, msg));
             string msg = comm.Receive <string>(comm.Rank - 1, 0);
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("#{0} received message [{1}]", comm.Rank, msg));
             Request req = comm.ImmediateSend(msg + "," + comm.Rank, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
             Console.WriteLine(req.Test() != null ? "COMPL" : "NOT COMPL");
             msg = comm.Receive <string>(comm.Rank - 1, 0);
             Console.WriteLine(string.Format("#{0} received message [{1}]", comm.Rank, msg));
             req = comm.ImmediateSend(msg + "," + comm.Rank, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
             Console.WriteLine(req.Test() != null ? "COMPL" : "NOT COMPL");
        public static LocalDataset SplitDataAmongNodes(Intracommunicator comm, LocalDataset data)
            var nrBaselines   = data.UVW.GetLength(0) / comm.Size;
            var nrFrequencies = data.Frequencies.Length;
            var uvwSplit      = new double[nrBaselines, data.UVW.GetLength(1), 3];
            var visSplit      = new Complex[nrBaselines, data.UVW.GetLength(1), nrFrequencies];
            var flagsSplit    = new bool[nrBaselines, data.UVW.GetLength(1), nrFrequencies];
            var blOffset      = data.UVW.GetLength(0) / comm.Size * comm.Rank;

            for (int i = 0; i < nrBaselines; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < data.UVW.GetLength(1); j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < nrFrequencies; k++)
                        visSplit[i, j, k]   = data.Visibilities[blOffset + i, j, k];
                        flagsSplit[i, j, k] = data.Flags[blOffset + i, j, k];
                    uvwSplit[i, j, 0] = data.UVW[blOffset + i, j, 0];
                    uvwSplit[i, j, 1] = data.UVW[blOffset + i, j, 1];
                    uvwSplit[i, j, 2] = data.UVW[blOffset + i, j, 2];

            return(new LocalDataset(data.Frequencies, uvwSplit, flagsSplit, visSplit));
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a <see cref="CartesianCommunicator"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldComm">
        ///   An existing Intracommunicator from which to create the new communicator (e.g. <see cref=""/>).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ndims">
        ///   The number of dimensions for the Cartesian grid.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dims">
        ///   An array of length <paramref name="ndims"/> indicating the size of the grid in each dimension.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="periods">
        ///   A logical array of length <paramref name="ndims"/> indicating whether the grid is periodic in any given dimension.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reorder">
        ///   Logical indicating whether ranks may be reordered or not.
        /// </param>
        public CartesianCommunicator(Intracommunicator oldComm, int ndims, int[] dims, bool[] periods, bool reorder)
            int reorder_int = Convert.ToInt32(reorder);

            int[] periods_int = BoolToInt(periods);
                fixed(int *dimsPtr = dims, periodsPtr = periods_int)
                fixed(MPI_Comm * commPtr = &(this.comm))
                    int errorCode = Unsafe.MPI_Cart_create(oldComm.comm, ndims, dimsPtr, periodsPtr, reorder_int, commPtr);

                    if (errorCode != Unsafe.MPI_SUCCESS)
                        throw Environment.TranslateErrorIntoException(errorCode);

            NDims   = ndims;
            Dims    = dims;
            Periods = periods;
            Coords  = GetCartesianCoordinates(Rank);

Exemple #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                Intracommunicator comm =;
                int      root          = 0;
                string[] nums          = new string[5];

                if (comm.Rank == root)
                    nums[1] = "Chapter 1: MPI";
                    nums[2] = "Chapter 2: BitCoins";
                    nums[3] = "Chapter 3: MongoDB";
                    nums[4] = "Chapter 4: How to Make a Sandwich";

                    comm.Scatter(nums, root);

                    string value = comm.Scatter(nums, root);
                    Console.WriteLine(comm.Rank + " was assigned " + value);
Exemple #12
        public MapManager(Intracommunicator comm, string mapFilePath, ActorsDivider divider)
            moveCount = 0;
            this.comm = comm;

            if (!File.Exists(mapFilePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The map file was not found.");

            map = LoadMapFromFile(mapFilePath);

            if (map.Rats.Count != divider.NumberOfRats || map.Cats.Count != divider.NumberOfCats)
                throw new Exception("Rat or cat counts does not match with map loaded.");


            // Logger
            logger = new Logger(divider.GetProcesTypeByRank);

            // Initialize the message listener task
            messageListenerTask = new Task(ReceiveMessages);
        public static void DoTest(string[] args)
            Intracommunicator comm =;

            if (comm.Rank == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Rank 0 is alive and running on " + MPI.Environment.ProcessorName);
                for (int dest = 1; dest < comm.Size; ++dest)
                    Console.Write("Pinging process with rank " + dest + "...");
                    comm.Send("Ping!", dest, 0);
                    string destHostname = comm.Receive <string>(dest, 1);
                    Console.WriteLine(" Pong!");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Rank " + dest + " is alive and running on " + destHostname);
                var brk = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BreakUnitTestOutcomeTest");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brk))
                    int rankToBreak = int.Parse(brk);
                    if (rankToBreak == comm.Rank)
                        MPIDebug.Assert(false, "Force failure of an assertion in BreakUnitTestOutcomeTest");
                comm.Receive <string>(0, 0);
                comm.Send(MPI.Environment.ProcessorName, 0, 1);
Exemple #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                string path;
                path = "..\\..\\SpawnChild\\bin\\";
                path += "Debug\\";
                path += "Release\\";
                path += "SpawnChild.exe";

                Intracommunicator comm =;
                Intercommunicator inter_comm;

                string[] argv = new string[0];

                int   maxprocs    = 4;
                int[] error_codes = new int[maxprocs];

                //inter_comm = comm.Spawn(path, argv, maxprocs, 0, out error_codes);
                inter_comm = comm.Spawn(path, argv, maxprocs, 0);

                //for (int i = 0; i < error_codes.Length; i++)
                //    System.Console.WriteLine("error[" + i + "] = " + error_codes[i]);

Exemple #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                Intracommunicator comm =;
                if ( == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Root sent a message to Rank 1");

                    comm.Send("blah", 1, 0);

                    //nonblocking receive
                    Request receive = comm.ImmediateReceive <string>(1, 0);

                    Console.WriteLine("We are performing a nonblocking receive, so we can print instantly.");
                //not the root
                    comm.Receive <string>(0, 0);

                    //Rank 1 will wait half a second before sending response

                    Console.WriteLine("We waited half a second before sending something to the root.");
                    comm.Send("blah", 0, 0);
                    Console.WriteLine("If root was blocking, he wouldn't have been able to print until now!");
        private static DirtyImage ForwardCalculateB(Intracommunicator comm, GriddingConstants c, List <List <Subgrid> > metadata, Complex[,,] visibilities, double[,,] uvw, double[] frequencies, Complex[,] PsfCorrelation, float[,] psfCut, float maxSidelobe, Stopwatch watchIdg)
            Stopwatch another = new Stopwatch();

            if (comm.Rank == 0)

            var localGrid = IDG.Grid(c, metadata, visibilities, uvw, frequencies);

            float[,] image = null;
            float maxSideLobeLevel = 0.0f;
            var   grid_total       = comm.Reduce <Complex[, ]>(localGrid, SequentialSum, 0);

            if (comm.Rank == 0)
                var dirtyImage = FFT.BackwardFloat(grid_total, c.VisibilitiesCount);
                if (comm.Rank == 0)
                    FitsIO.Write(dirtyImage, "dirtyImage.fits");
                maxSideLobeLevel = maxSidelobe * Residuals.GetMax(dirtyImage);
                //remove spheroidal

                image = Residuals.CalcGradientMap(dirtyImage, PsfCorrelation, new Rectangle(0, 0, psfCut.GetLength(0), psfCut.GetLength(1)));
            comm.Broadcast(ref maxSideLobeLevel, 0);
            comm.Broadcast(ref image, 0);
            return(new DirtyImage(image, maxSideLobeLevel));
        public override void synchronize()
            Intracommunicator localComm = mpi.localComm(this);

            int[] ranks_of_collector = mpi.ranksOf(this, "collect");
            int   root_collect       = ranks_of_collector[0];

            int[] ranks_of_sender   = mpi.ranksOf(this, "send");
            int   number_of_senders = ranks_of_sender.Length;

            // RECEIVE THE SIZE FROM ONE OF THE SENDERS. No overhead ...
            int size = localComm.Receive <int>(Intracommunicator.anySource, 0);

            double[] dummy_result = new double[size];
            double[] local_result = localComm.Reduce <double>(dummy_result, Operation <double> .Add, root_collect);

            double result = 0.0D;

            foreach (double r in local_result)
                result += r;

            data.Value = result;
        } // end activate method
Exemple #18
 public void enviroment(string[] args)
     mpi       = new MPI.Environment(ref args);
     worldcomm =;
     Size      = worldcomm.Size;
     Rank      = worldcomm.Rank;
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                procid  =;
                numproc =;
                Intracommunicator comm =;

                /* if (procid == 0)
                 * {
                 *   Console.WriteLine("How many vertices?\n");
                 *   n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                 * }
                 *<int>(ref n, procid);*/
                /*if (procid == 0) Console.WriteLine("Enter the local_matrix\n");
                 * Read_matrix(local_mat, n, procid, numproc, comm);
                Console.WriteLine("Matrix :\n");
                Print_matrix(local_mat, n, procid, numproc, comm);

                /*if (procid == 0) Console.WriteLine("\n");
                 * Floyd(local_mat, n, procid, numproc, comm);
                 * if (procid == 0) Console.WriteLine("The solution is:\n");
                 * Print_matrix(local_mat, n, procid, numproc, comm);*/
Exemple #20
        public static void Floyd(int[] local_mat, int n, int procid, int numproc, Intracommunicator comm)
            int global_k, local_i, global_j, temp;
            int root;

            int[] row_k = new int[40];

            for (global_k = 0; global_k < n; global_k++)
                root = global_k / (n / numproc);
                //root = Owner(global_k, numproc, n);
                if (procid == root)
                    Copy_row(local_mat, n, numproc, row_k, global_k);
                comm.Broadcast <int>(ref row_k, root);
                for (local_i = 0; local_i < n / numproc; local_i++)
                    for (global_j = 0; global_j < n; global_j++)
                        temp = local_mat[local_i * n + global_k] + row_k[global_j];
                        if (temp < local_mat[local_i * n + global_j])
                            local_mat[local_i * n + global_j] = temp;
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
         int matrixSize         = 50;
         Intracommunicator comm =;
         if (comm.Rank == 0)
             DateTime       startTime = DateTime.Now;
             MatrixMultiply mp        = new MatrixMultiply(comm.Size, matrixSize);
             comm.Send <MatrixMultiply>(mp, 1, 0);
             Console.WriteLine("Sending MatrixMyltiply");
             Matrix res = mp.MultiplyForRank(comm.Rank);
             comm.Receive <MatrixMultiply>(Communicator.anySource, 0);
             Console.WriteLine("Recieve MatrixMultiply");
             comm.Send <Matrix>(res, 1, 1);
             Console.WriteLine("Sending Matrix result");
             //res = comm.Receive<Matrix>(Communicator.anySource, 1);
             Console.WriteLine("Recieve Matrix result");
             DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
             Console.WriteLine("Test multiply" + (startTime - endTime).ToString());
             MatrixMultiply mp = comm.Receive <MatrixMultiply>(comm.Rank - 1, 0);
             comm.Send <MatrixMultiply>(mp, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
             Matrix res = mp.MultiplyForRank(comm.Rank);
             Matrix m   = comm.Receive <Matrix>(comm.Rank - 1, 1);
             comm.Send <Matrix>(m.Append(res), (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 1);
Exemple #22
        public Intracommunicator localComm(IUnit caller)
            Intracommunicator _localComm = null;

            //_localComm = (Intracommunicator);
//       _localComm = (Intracommunicator)this.WorldComm.Create(this.WorldComm.Group.IncludeOnly(caller.Ranks));
 private void SendMatrixToWorkers(Intracommunicator communicator)
     using (var perfCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Master. Broadcasting Jacoby: "))
         var jacoby = this;
         communicator.Broadcast <Jacoby>(ref jacoby, 0);
Exemple #24
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
         Intracommunicator comm =;
Exemple #25
        public MPIWorkOrchestrator(Options options, IMessageHub messageHub, IMessageSink messageSink,
                                   IWorkerNodesLifecycleManager nodesManager)
            : base(options, messageHub, messageSink, nodesManager)
            communicator =;

            this.nodesManager = nodesManager;
Exemple #26
        // just use this when u don't care about convergence and loop
        public static Matrix solve(Matrix A, Matrix b, Intracommunicator comm)
            Matrix x;
            int    loops;

            solve(A, b, out x, out loops, comm);
 private static void BasicMonitorTest(string[] args)
     using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
         Intracommunicator comm    =;
         TestMonitor       monitor = new TestMonitor(new MpiHandler(comm));
Exemple #28
        //protected Thread master = null;

        private void setup_mpi()
            int nc, color;

            string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            mpi = new MPI.Environment(ref args);

            worldcomm =;

            total_nodes = worldcomm.Size;
            node        = worldcomm.Rank;

            //     compute square root; add small number to allow for roundoff
            nc       = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(total_nodes) + 0.00001d);
            maxcells = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(total_nodes));

            // We handle a non-square number of nodes by making the excess nodes
            // inactive. However, we can never handle more cells than were compiled
            // in.

            if (nc > maxcells)
                nc = maxcells;

            if (node >= nc * nc)
                active = false;
                color  = 1;
                active = true;
                color  = 0;

            comm_setup = (Intracommunicator)worldcomm.Split(color, node);

            if (!active)

            no_nodes   = comm_setup.Size;
            comm_solve = (Intracommunicator)comm_setup.Clone();
            comm_rhs   = (Intracommunicator)comm_setup.Clone();

            //     let node 0 be the root for the group (there is only one)
            root = 0;
Exemple #29
 public GeneticWorldMPI(int individuosCount, int geneCount, int maxGenerations) :
     base(individuosCount, geneCount, maxGenerations)
     migratedIn  = new Individuo[individuosCount / 2];
     migratedOut = new Individuo[individuosCount / 2];
     comm        =;
     processTo   = (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size;
     processFrom = (comm.Rank + comm.Size - 1) % comm.Size;
Exemple #30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (MPI.Environment environment = new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                if (args[4].Equals("*"))
                    args[4] = "0";

                SectorInfo sectorinfo = new SectorInfo()
                    RealMinimum   = Convert.ToDouble(args[0]),
                    ImgMinimum    = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]),
                    Delta         = Convert.ToDouble(args[2]),
                    FromX         = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]),
                    FromY         = Convert.ToInt32(args[4]),
                    Width         = Convert.ToInt32(args[5]),
                    Height        = Convert.ToInt32(args[6]),
                    MaxIterations = Convert.ToInt32(args[7]),
                    MaxValue      = Convert.ToInt32(args[8])

                Intracommunicator comm =;

                if (comm.Rank == 0)
                    SectorInfo[] sectors = new SectorInfo[comm.Size];

                    for (int k = 0; k < sectors.Length; k++)
                        SectorInfo newsector = new SectorInfo()
                            RealMinimum   = sectorinfo.RealMinimum,
                            ImgMinimum    = sectorinfo.ImgMinimum,
                            Delta         = sectorinfo.Delta,
                            FromX         = sectorinfo.FromX,
                            FromY         = sectorinfo.FromY + k * (sectorinfo.Height / comm.Size),
                            Width         = sectorinfo.Width,
                            Height        = sectorinfo.Height / comm.Size,
                            MaxIterations = sectorinfo.MaxIterations,
                            MaxValue      = sectorinfo.MaxValue

                        sectors[k] = newsector;

                    SectorInfo si = comm.Scatter(sectors);

                    CalculateSector(args, si);
                    SectorInfo si = comm.Scatter <SectorInfo>(0);
                    CalculateSector(args, si);
Exemple #31
        internal static void Run(Intracommunicator comm)
            var info = new JobInfo
                               //hack, let every node init their own job data
                               Settings = new Settings(),
                               //should be shared and sent to all workers later
                               SourceImage = GetSourceImage() //should also be sent to all workers later

            info.Settings.PolygonsMax = 50/comm.Size;
            var instance = new WorkerInstance(comm.Rank*10, info);
Exemple #32
        public static bool[] genetskiAlgoritamParalelno(Intracommunicator comm, int MyRank,int brojEmigranata, int velicinaPopulacije, int brojGeneracija, double vjrojatnostKrizanja, double vjerojatnostMutacije, bool rouletteWheel, bool uniformno, List<int> varijable, List<Zagrada> Formula, Dictionary<int, List<Zagrada>> veze_var_zagrada)
            Random rand = new Random();
            double postotak = 0.1;
            int count = 0;
            int PaziOdKudaIdeNova;
            Populacija trenutna = new Populacija(velicinaPopulacije, varijable.Count, varijable, veze_var_zagrada, rand);
            List<Zagrada> mojDioFormule = mojeZagrade(varijable, veze_var_zagrada);
            trenutna.EvaluirajPopulacijuSTezinama(mojDioFormule, varijable, veze_var_zagrada);
            if (trenutna.populacija[0].dobrota == 1) return trenutna.populacija[0].bitovi;
            double[] vjerojatnosti = new double[varijable.Count];
            for (int i = 1; i <= brojGeneracija; i++)
                PaziOdKudaIdeNova = brojEmigranata;
                azurirajVjerojatnosti(vjerojatnosti, varijable, veze_var_zagrada);
                Populacija novaGeneracija = new Populacija(velicinaPopulacije);
                trenutna.KopirajElitu(novaGeneracija, brojEmigranata, vjerojatnosti, varijable, veze_var_zagrada, rand);
                if (count > (int)brojGeneracija * postotak)
                    count = 0;
                    postotak += 0.1;
                    PaziOdKudaIdeNova = 2 * brojEmigranata;
                    for (int k = brojEmigranata, l = 0; k < 2 * brojEmigranata ; k++, l++)
                        if (MyRank == 0)
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].bitovi, 1, 0);
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].brojVarijabli, 1, 0);
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].brojZadovoljenihZagrada, 1, 0);
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].dobrota, 1, 0);

                            bool[] b = new bool[varijable.Count];
                            double fit;
                            int brZagovoljenih, brVar;
                            comm.Receive(comm.Size - 1, 0, ref b);
                            brVar = comm.Receive<int>(comm.Size - 1, 0);
                            brZagovoljenih = comm.Receive<int>(comm.Size - 1, 0);
                            fit = comm.Receive<double>(comm.Size - 1, 0);
                            novaGeneracija.populacija[k] = new Jedinka(b, fit, brZagovoljenih, brVar);
                            bool[] b = new bool[varijable.Count];
                            double fit;
                            int brZagovoljenih, brVar;
                            comm.Receive(MyRank - 1, 0, ref b);
                            brVar = comm.Receive<int>(MyRank - 1, 0);
                            brZagovoljenih = comm.Receive<int>(MyRank - 1, 0);
                            fit = comm.Receive<double>(MyRank - 1, 0);
                            novaGeneracija.populacija[k] = new Jedinka(b, fit, brZagovoljenih, brVar);

                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].bitovi, (MyRank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].brojVarijabli, (MyRank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].brojZadovoljenihZagrada, (MyRank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
                            comm.Send(novaGeneracija.populacija[l].dobrota, (MyRank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
                    if (MyRank == 1) Console.WriteLine("Sad sam razmijenio podatke");
                for (int j = PaziOdKudaIdeNova ; j < velicinaPopulacije; j += 2)
                    Jedinka prviRoditelj = trenutna.OdaberiRoditelja(true, rand);
                    Jedinka drugiRoditelj = trenutna.OdaberiRoditelja(true, rand);
                    Jedinka prvoDijete = new Jedinka(varijable.Count);
                    Jedinka drugoDijete = new Jedinka(varijable.Count);
                    trenutna.Krizanje(vjrojatnostKrizanja, prviRoditelj, drugiRoditelj, prvoDijete, drugoDijete, false, veze_var_zagrada, varijable, rand);
                    prvoDijete.Mutacija(vjerojatnostMutacije, varijable, veze_var_zagrada, rand);
                    drugoDijete.Mutacija(vjerojatnostMutacije, varijable, veze_var_zagrada, rand);
                    novaGeneracija.populacija[j] = prvoDijete;
                    novaGeneracija.populacija[j + 1] = drugoDijete;
                novaGeneracija.EvaluirajPopulacijuSTezinama(mojDioFormule, varijable, veze_var_zagrada);
                trenutna = novaGeneracija;
                if (MyRank == 1) Console.WriteLine(trenutna.VratiNajboljuDobrotu());
                if (trenutna.populacija[0].dobrota == 1) return trenutna.populacija[0].bitovi;
            bool[] ret = null;
            return ret;
Exemple #33
    static void TestRequests(Intracommunicator comm, RequestList requestList)
        int datum = comm.Rank;
        int expectedDatum = (comm.Rank + comm.Size - 1) % comm.Size;

        int[] intArraySendBuffer = new int[comm.Rank + 1];
        string[] strArraySendBuffer = new string[comm.Rank + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= comm.Rank; ++i)
            intArraySendBuffer[i] = i;
            strArraySendBuffer[i] = i.ToString();

        int[] intArrayRecvBuffer = new int[expectedDatum + 1];
        string[] strArrayRecvBuffer = new string[expectedDatum + 1];
        Request[] requests = new Request[8];
        requests[0] = comm.ImmediateReceive<int>(Communicator.anySource, 0);
        requests[1] = comm.ImmediateReceive<string>(Communicator.anySource, 1);
        requests[2] = comm.ImmediateReceive(Communicator.anySource, 2, intArrayRecvBuffer);
        requests[3] = comm.ImmediateReceive(Communicator.anySource, 3, strArrayRecvBuffer);
        requests[4] = comm.ImmediateSend(datum, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
        requests[5] = comm.ImmediateSend(datum.ToString(), (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 1);
        requests[6] = comm.ImmediateSend(intArraySendBuffer, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 2);
        requests[7] = comm.ImmediateSend(strArraySendBuffer, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 3);

        if (requestList == null)
            // Complete all communications manually
            bool allDone = false;
            while (!allDone)
                allDone = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; ++i)
                    allDone = allDone && requests[i].Test() != null;
            // Use the request list to complete all communications
            for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; ++i)

        ReceiveRequest intRecv = (ReceiveRequest)requests[0];
        CompletedStatus intStatus = intRecv.Wait();
        if ((int)intRecv.GetValue() != expectedDatum
            || intStatus.Source != expectedDatum
            || intStatus.Tag != 0)
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("error in non-blocking receive of integer: got " + (int)intRecv.GetValue() + " from " 
                + intStatus.Source + " on tag " + intStatus.Tag + ", expected " + expectedDatum);

        ReceiveRequest strRecv = (ReceiveRequest)requests[1];
        CompletedStatus strStatus = strRecv.Wait();
        if ((string)strRecv.GetValue() != expectedDatum.ToString()
            || strStatus.Source != expectedDatum
            || strStatus.Tag != 1)
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("error in non-blocking receive of string: got " + strRecv.GetValue() + " from "
            + strStatus.Source + " on tag " + strStatus.Tag + ", expected " + expectedDatum);

        ReceiveRequest intArrayRecv = (ReceiveRequest)requests[2];
        CompletedStatus intArrayStatus = intArrayRecv.Wait();
        if (intArrayRecv.GetValue() != intArrayRecvBuffer
            || intArrayStatus.Source != expectedDatum
            || intArrayStatus.Tag != 2 )
            System.Console.WriteLine("error: received into the wrong integer array");
        for (int i = 0; i <= expectedDatum; ++i)
            if (intArrayRecvBuffer[i] != i)
                System.Console.WriteLine("error: intArrayRecv[" + i + "] is " + intArrayRecvBuffer[i] + ", expected " + i);

        ReceiveRequest strArrayRecv = (ReceiveRequest)requests[3];
        CompletedStatus strArrayStatus = strArrayRecv.Wait();
        if (strArrayRecv.GetValue() != strArrayRecvBuffer
            || strArrayStatus.Source != expectedDatum
            || strArrayStatus.Tag != 3)
            System.Console.WriteLine("error: received into the wrong string array");
        for (int i = 0; i <= expectedDatum; ++i)
            if (strArrayRecvBuffer[i] != i.ToString())
                System.Console.WriteLine("error: strArrayRecv[" + i + "] is " + strArrayRecvBuffer[i] + ", expected " + i.ToString());
 public override void initialize()
     comm = this.WorldComm; // Mpi.localComm(this);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns a recommended configuration for a new Cartesian grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldcomm">
        ///   The existing communicator.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ndims">
        ///   The number of dimensions for the Cartesian grid.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dims">
        ///   An array of length <paramref name="ndims"/> indicating the size of the grid in each dimension.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="periods">
        ///   A logical array of length <paramref name="ndims"/> indicating whether the grid is periodic in any given dimension.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   The new rank of the calling process.
        /// </returns>
        public static int Map(Intracommunicator oldcomm, int ndims, int[] dims, bool[] periods)
            int newrank;
            int[] periods_int = BoolToInt(periods);
                fixed (int* dimsPtr = dims, periodsPtr = periods_int)
                    int errorCode =Unsafe.MPI_Cart_map(oldcomm.comm, ndims, dimsPtr, periodsPtr, out newrank);
                    if (errorCode != Unsafe.MPI_SUCCESS)
                      throw Environment.TranslateErrorIntoException(errorCode);

            return newrank;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a <see cref="CartesianCommunicator"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldComm">
        ///   An existing Intracommunicator from which to create the new communicator (e.g. <see cref=""/>).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ndims">
        ///   The number of dimensions for the Cartesian grid.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dims">
        ///   An array of length <paramref name="ndims"/> indicating the size of the grid in each dimension.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="periods">
        ///   A logical array of length <paramref name="ndims"/> indicating whether the grid is periodic in any given dimension.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reorder">
        ///   Logical indicating whether ranks may be reordered or not.
        /// </param>
        public CartesianCommunicator(Intracommunicator oldComm, int ndims, int[] dims, bool[] periods, bool reorder)
            int reorder_int = Convert.ToInt32(reorder);
            int[] periods_int = BoolToInt(periods);
                fixed (int* dimsPtr = dims, periodsPtr = periods_int)
	            fixed (MPI_Comm* commPtr = &(this.comm))
                        int errorCode = Unsafe.MPI_Cart_create(oldComm.comm, ndims, dimsPtr, periodsPtr, reorder_int, commPtr);
                        if (errorCode != Unsafe.MPI_SUCCESS)
                            throw Environment.TranslateErrorIntoException(errorCode);

            NDims = ndims;
            Dims = dims;
            Periods = periods;
            Coords = GetCartesianCoordinates(Rank);

Exemple #37
        internal virtual void WorkLoop(Intracommunicator comm)
            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting worker {0} ", comm.Rank);
            var timer = new Stopwatch();

            int partitionHeight = info.SourceImage.Height / comm.Size;
            int partitionY = partitionHeight * comm.Rank;

            for (int i = 0; i < info.Settings.PolygonsMax; i++)
                var polygon = new DnaPolygon();
                polygon.Init(parentDrawing, info);

                //foreach (DnaPoint p in polygon.Points)
                //    p.Y = partitionY + partitionHeight / 2;

            int waitTimer = 0;
            while (true)
                if (comm.Rank == 0)


                while (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < waitTimer)
                    var currentDrawing = parentDrawing.GetMutatedChild(info);
                    var currentErrorLevel = GetFitnessForDrawing(currentDrawing);

                    if (currentErrorLevel < parentErrorLevel)
                        parentErrorLevel = currentErrorLevel;
                        parentDrawing = currentDrawing;

                if (waitTimer < 6000)
                    waitTimer += 500;



                var drawingInfo = new MpiWorkerDrawingInfo
                                          Drawing = parentDrawing

            //    Stopwatch swSync = new Stopwatch();
            //    swSync.Start();
                MpiWorkerDrawingInfo[] allResults = comm.Allgather(drawingInfo);

                if (bgImage != null)

                bgImage = new Bitmap(info.SourceImage.Width, info.SourceImage.Height,
                var bgGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bgImage);

                bgGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                for (int i = 0; i < comm.Rank; i++)
                    Renderer.Render(allResults[i].Drawing, bgGraphics, 1);

                if (fgImage != null)

                fgImage = new Bitmap(info.SourceImage.Width, info.SourceImage.Height,
                var fgGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(fgImage);

                fgGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                for (int i = comm.Rank + 1; i < comm.Size; i++)
                    Renderer.Render(allResults[i].Drawing, fgGraphics, 1);


                //recalc the new parent error level
                parentErrorLevel = GetFitnessForDrawing(parentDrawing);
            //    swSync.Stop();

            //    Console.WriteLine("sync {0}", swSync.Elapsed);
Exemple #38
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // By default, test with primitives types and the predefined MPI_SUM
        Test test = testPrimitiveAndPredefined;

        using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/direct")
                test = testDirect;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using direct MPI interface.");
            else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/user")
                test = testPrimitiveAndMethod;
                Operation<double>.UseGeneratedUserOps = true;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using primitive type (double) with user-defined sum and run-time code generation");
            else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/marshaluser")
                test = testPrimitiveAndMethod;
                Operation<double>.UseGeneratedUserOps = false;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using primitive type (double) with user-defined sum and marshalling");
            else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/valuetype")
                test = testValueType;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using value types with user-defined sum");
            else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/reftype")
                test = testReferenceType;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using reference types with user-defined sum");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using MPI.NET interface.");

            comm =;
            self = comm.Rank;
            System.Console.WriteLine(comm.Rank + ": " + MPI.Environment.ProcessorName);

            bwstats = new Stats[nSamp];

            comm.Broadcast(ref latency, 0);

            if (self == 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Latency: {0:F9}", latency);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Sync Time: {0:F9}", synctime);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Now starting main loop");

            int n, nq;
            int inc = 1, len;
            int start = 0, end = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
            int bufflen = start;
            double tlast = latency;

            for (n = nq = 0, len = start; tlast < stopTime && len <= end; len += inc, nq++)
                if (nq > 2 && (nq % 2 != 0)) inc *= 2;
                int ipert, pert;
                for (ipert = 0, pert = (inc > PERT + 1) ? -PERT : 0;
                     pert <= PERT;
                     ipert++, n++, pert += (inc > PERT + 1) ? PERT : PERT + 1)
                    int nRepeat = bufflen == 0 ?
                                  latencyReps :
                                  (int)Math.Max((RUNTM / ((double)bufflen / (bufflen - inc + 1.0) * tlast)),
                    comm.Broadcast(ref nRepeat, 0);

                    bufflen = len + pert;
                    if (self == 0)
                        System.Console.Write("{0,3:D}: {1,9:D} doubles {2,7:D} times ---> ", n, bufflen, nRepeat);
                    test(bufflen, n, nRepeat, ref tlast);
                    if (self == 0)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("{0,9:F2} Mbps in {1:F9} sec", bwstats[n].bps, tlast);
Exemple #39
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Whether we should use the unsafe, Direct interface to MPI.
        // When false, use the normal MPI.NET interface.
        bool useDirectInterface = false;

        using (MPI.Environment env = new MPI.Environment(ref args))
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/direct")
                useDirectInterface = true;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using direct MPI interface.");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Using MPI.NET interface.");

            comm =;
            if (comm.Size != 2)
                if (comm.Rank == 0)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Only two processes allowed.  Rerun with -np 2");
                self = comm.Rank;
                other = (comm.Rank + 1) % 2;

            System.Console.WriteLine(comm.Rank + ": " + MPI.Environment.ProcessorName);

            bwstats = new Stats[nSamp];

            comm.Broadcast(ref latency, 0);

            if (self == 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Latency: {0:F9}", latency);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Sync Time: {0:F9}", synctime);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Now starting main loop");

            int i, j, n, nq;
            int inc = 1, len;
            int start = 0, end = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
            int bufflen = start;
            double tlast = latency;

            for (n = nq = 0, len = start; tlast < stopTime && len <= end; len += inc, nq++)
                if (nq > 2 && (nq % 2 != 0)) inc *= 2;
                int ipert, pert;
                for (ipert = 0, pert = (inc > PERT + 1) ? -PERT : 0;
                     pert <= PERT;
                     ipert++, n++, pert += (inc > PERT + 1) ? PERT : PERT + 1)
                    int nRepeat = bufflen == 0 ?
                                  latencyReps :
                                  (int)Math.Max((RUNTM / ((double)bufflen / (bufflen - inc + 1.0) * tlast)),
                    comm.Broadcast(ref nRepeat, 0);

                    bufflen = len + pert;
                    byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[bufflen]; // Align the data?  Some day.  Maybe.
                    byte[] recvBuffer = new byte[bufflen];
                    if (self == 0)
                        System.Console.Write("{0,3:D}: {1,9:D} bytes {2,7:D} times ---> ", n, bufflen, nRepeat);

                    bwstats[n].t = 1e99;
                    double t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; i++)
                        double t0 = when();
                        if (useDirectInterface)
                            // Use the unsafe, direct interface to MPI via P/Invoke
                                fixed (byte* sendPtr = sendBuffer, recvPtr = recvBuffer)
                                    for (j = 0; j < nRepeat; j++)
                                        if (self == 0)
                                            Unsafe.MPI_Send(new IntPtr(sendPtr), bufflen, Unsafe.MPI_BYTE, other, 142, Unsafe.MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                                            Unsafe.MPI_Recv(new IntPtr(recvPtr), bufflen, Unsafe.MPI_BYTE, other, 242, Unsafe.MPI_COMM_WORLD, out *Unsafe.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                                            Unsafe.MPI_Recv(new IntPtr(recvPtr), bufflen, Unsafe.MPI_BYTE, other, 142, Unsafe.MPI_COMM_WORLD, out *Unsafe.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                                            Unsafe.MPI_Send(new IntPtr(sendPtr), bufflen, Unsafe.MPI_BYTE, other, 242, Unsafe.MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                            for (j = 0; j < nRepeat; j++)
                                if (self == 0)
                                    comm.Send(sendBuffer, other, 142);
                                    comm.Receive(other, 242, ref recvBuffer);
                                    comm.Receive(other, 142, ref recvBuffer);
                                    comm.Send(sendBuffer, other, 242);
                        double t = (when() - t0) / (2.0 * nRepeat);
                        t2 += t*t;
                        t1 += t;
                        bwstats[n].t = Math.Min(bwstats[n].t, t);
                        bwstats[n].variance = t2 / TRIALS - t1 / TRIALS * t1 / TRIALS;
                        tlast = bwstats[n].t;
                        bwstats[n].bits = bufflen * sizeof(byte)*8;
                        bwstats[n].bps = bwstats[n].bits / (bwstats[n].t * 1024 * 1024);
                        bwstats[n].repeat = nRepeat;
                    if (self == 0)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("{0,9:F2} Mbps in {1:F9} sec", bwstats[n].bps, tlast);