public void initializeData()
            if (!initialized)
                debug = new InterstellarDebugMessages(debugMode, "InterstellarMeshSwitch");
                // you can't have fuel switching without symmetry, it breaks the editor GUI.
                if (useFuelSwitchModule) 
                    updateSymmetry = true;

                fuelTankSetupList = ParseTools.ParseIntegers(fuelTankSetups);
                objectDisplayList = ParseTools.ParseNames(objectDisplayNames);

                if (useFuelSwitchModule)
                    fuelSwitch = part.GetComponent<InterstellarFuelSwitch>();
                    if (fuelSwitch == null)
                        useFuelSwitchModule = false;
                        debug.debugMessage("no FSfuelSwitch module found, despite useFuelSwitchModule being true");
                initialized = true;
        // runs the kind of commands that would normally be in OnStart, if they have not already been run. In case a method is called upon externally, but values have not been set up yet
        private void initializeData()
            if (initialized) return;

            debug = new InterstellarDebugMessages(debugMode, "InterstellarTextureSwitch2");
            // you can't have fuel switching without symmetry, it breaks the editor GUI.
            if (useFuelSwitchModule) updateSymmetry = true;

            objectList = ParseTools.ParseNames(objectNames, true);
            texList = ParseTools.ParseNames(textureNames, true, true, textureRootFolder);
            mapList = ParseTools.ParseNames(mapNames, true, true, textureRootFolder);
            textureDisplayList = ParseTools.ParseNames(textureDisplayNames);
            fuelTankSetupList = ParseTools.ParseIntegers(fuelTankSetups);

            debug.debugMessage("found " + texList.Count + " textures, using number " + selectedTexture + ", found " + objectList.Count + " objects, " + mapList.Count + " maps");

            foreach (String targetObjectName in objectList)
                Transform[] targetObjectTransformArray = part.FindModelTransforms(targetObjectName);
                List<Material> matList = new List<Material>();
                foreach (Transform t in targetObjectTransformArray)
                    if (t != null && t.gameObject.renderer != null) // check for if the object even has a mesh. otherwise part list loading crashes
                        Material targetMat = t.gameObject.renderer.material;
                        if (targetMat != null && !matList.Contains(targetMat))

            if (useFuelSwitchModule)
                fuelSwitch = part.GetComponent<InterstellarFuelSwitch>(); // only looking for first, not supporting multiple fuel switchers
                if (fuelSwitch == null)
                    useFuelSwitchModule = false;
                    debug.debugMessage("no InterstellarFuelSwitch module found, despite useFuelSwitchModule being true");
            initialized = true;
