Exemple #1
        public IntersectionPart Execute(IFeature other)
            const string methodName = "CalculateIntersectionCommand";

            IGeometry intersection;
            var       part = new IntersectionPart();

            switch (other.ShapeCopy.GeometryType)
            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                intersection = _whole.Intersect(other.ShapeCopy, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);

                var area = (IArea)intersection;
                part.Size         = Math.Abs(area.Area);
                part.Intersection = intersection;
#if !DEBUG
                _logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, methodName, MessageCode, string.Format("Area: {0}", area.Area));

            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                intersection = _whole.Intersect(other.ShapeCopy, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry1Dimension);

                var length = (IPolyline5)intersection;
                part.Size         = Math.Abs(length.Length);
                part.Intersection = intersection;
#if !DEBUG
                _logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, methodName, MessageCode, string.Format("Length: {0}", length.Length));

Exemple #2
        public IntersectionPart Execute(IFeature other)
            const string methodName = "CalculateMuniPrivateCommand";

            var municipleIntersection = new CalculateIntersectionCommand(_whole, _logger).Execute(other);

            if (municipleIntersection.Intersection == null)
                return(new IntersectionPart());

            var wholeMuni     = (ITopologicalOperator4)municipleIntersection.Intersection;
            var privateFilter = new SpatialFilter
                Geometry    = municipleIntersection.Intersection,
                SpatialRel  = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects,
                WhereClause = "OWNER = 'Private'"

            var       cursor = LandOwnership.FeatureClass.Search(privateFilter, true);
            IFeature  privateLand;
            IGeometry privateGeometry = null;

            while ((privateLand = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                var intersection = wholeMuni.Intersect(privateLand.ShapeCopy, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);

                if (privateGeometry == null)
                    privateGeometry = intersection;
                    privateGeometry = ((ITopologicalOperator4)privateGeometry).Union(intersection);

            if (privateGeometry == null)
                return(new IntersectionPart());

            var part = new IntersectionPart();
            var area = (IArea)privateGeometry;

#if !DEBUG
            _logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, methodName, MessageCode, string.Format("Area: {0}", area.Area));
            part.Size         = Math.Abs(area.Area);
            part.Intersection = privateGeometry;

        public IntersectionPart Execute(IFeature other)
            const string methodName = "CalculateCountyPrivateCommand";

            var countyIntersection = new CalculateIntersectionCommand(_whole, _logger).Execute(other);

            //  out of utah
            if (countyIntersection.Intersection == null)
                return(new IntersectionPart());

            var countyPart    = (ITopologicalOperator4)countyIntersection.Intersection;
            var privateFilter = new SpatialFilter
                Geometry    = countyIntersection.Intersection,
                SpatialRel  = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects,
                WhereClause = "OWNER = 'Private'"
            var muniFilter = new SpatialFilter
                Geometry   = countyIntersection.Intersection,
                SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects

            var privateGeometry   = UnionItemsFor(LandOwnership.FeatureClass, privateFilter, countyPart);
            var municipalGeometry = UnionItemsFor(Municipalities.FeatureClass, muniFilter, countyPart);

            // no private or municipal land
            if (privateGeometry == null && municipalGeometry == null)
                return(new IntersectionPart());

            // no municipality - return private
            if (municipalGeometry == null)
                var privateArea = (IArea)privateGeometry;
#if !DEBUG
                _logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, methodName, MessageCode, string.Format("Area: {0}", privateArea.Area));
                return(new IntersectionPart
                    Size = Math.Abs(privateArea.Area),
                    Intersection = privateGeometry

            // no private - return 0 because it's places people live not in a city
            if (privateGeometry == null)
                return(new IntersectionPart());

            // there are both private and muni
            var privatePart  = (ITopologicalOperator4)privateGeometry;
            var intersection = privatePart.Difference(municipalGeometry);

            var part = new IntersectionPart();
            var area = (IArea)intersection;
#if !DEBUG
            _logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, methodName, MessageCode, string.Format("Area: {0}", area.Area));
            part.Size         = Math.Abs(area.Area);
            part.Intersection = intersection;

Exemple #4
        public void ProcessEvent(Event nextEvent, double time)
            switch (nextEvent.EventType)
            case EventType.TrafficLightChange:
                // Dodaj sledecu promenu semafora
                AddEvent(new Event(EventType.TrafficLightChange, time + 60.0));

                // Dodaj dogadjaj za pesake
                AddEvent(new Event(EventType.StartCrossing, time));

                // Dodaj dogadjaj za vozila
                AddEvent(new Event(EventType.EnterIntersection, time));

                // Promeni svetlo na semaforu
                if (trafficLight == TrafficLight.EW)
                    trafficLight = TrafficLight.NS;
                    trafficLight = TrafficLight.EW;

            case EventType.Arrival:
                // Uvek dodaj novi dolazak
                AddEvent(new Event(EventType.Arrival, time + arrival.NextValue()));

                TravelType       traveler  = travelers.NextValue();
                IntersectionPart direction = intersectionPart.NextValue();

                if (traveler == TravelType.Pedestrian)
                    // Dodaj ga u red cekanja

                    // Proveri da li je novi red veci od poslednjeg najveceg
                    if (pedestrianQue[(int)direction].Count > largestPedestrianQue)
                        largestPedestrianQue = pedestrianQue[(int)direction].Count;

                    // Zabelezi statistiku reda cekanja
                    pedestrianQueLength[(int)direction].Add(new DoublePair(time, pedestrianQue[(int)direction].Count));

                    // Proveri semafor, zatim gledaj suprotne pesacke
                    if ((int)trafficLight != (int)direction / 2)
                        // Dodaj dogadjaj za prelazenje
                        AddEvent(new Event(EventType.StartCrossing, time));
                    // Dodaj vozila u red cekanja

                    // Zabelezi statistiku reda cekanja
                    vehicleQueLength[(int)direction].Add(new DoublePair(time, vehicleQue[(int)direction].Count));

                    // Proveri da li je novi red veci od poslednjeg najveceg
                    if (vehicleQue[(int)direction].Count > largestVehicleQue)
                        largestVehicleQue = vehicleQue[(int)direction].Count;

                    // Proveri semafor
                    if ((int)trafficLight == (int)direction / 2)
                        if (intersectionInUse[(int)direction] == VehicleDirection.Free)
                            // Dodaj dogadjaj za prelazenje
                            AddEvent(new Event(EventType.EnterIntersection, time));

            case EventType.StartCrossing:
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    // Zapad i istok su otvoreni pesacki kada je semafor za automobile sever i jug
                    int direction = trafficLight == TrafficLight.NS ? 2 + i : i;

                    // Pokreni sve pesake za North tj. East
                    while (pedestrianQue[direction].Count != 0)
                        double timeOfArrival = pedestrianQue[direction].Dequeue();

                        // Zabelezi koliko je cekao pesak
                        pedestrianWait.Add(time - timeOfArrival);

                        // Vreme da predje
                        double timeToCross = time + pedestrianService.NextValue();

                        // Dodaj dogadjaj da je pesak zavrsio prelazenje
                        AddEvent(new Event(EventType.EndCrossing, timeToCross));

                        // Zauzmi pesacki
                        peopleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(timeToCross, direction));
                        crossingInUse[direction] = true;
                    // Zabelezi da su svi pesaci prosli
                    pedestrianQueLength[direction].Add(new DoublePair(time, 0));
                // Sortiraj pesake od najranije do najkasnijeg

            case EventType.EndCrossing:
                // Pronadji koji prelaz je presao pesak
                int direction = peopleCrossing[0].Item2;

                // Oslobodi prelaz ako nema pesaka na njemu
                if (peopleOnCrossing[direction] == 0)
                    crossingInUse[direction] = false;

                    // Ako se oslobodio pesacki, obavesti vozila ako postoje, prvo levo iza, ako nema, onda desno iza
                    int left = WhichWayIsLeft(direction);
                    // Proveri da li vozilo ide desno
                    if (intersectionInUse[left] == VehicleDirection.Right)
                        // Pronadji da li lokacija postoji u listi servisiranja
                        if (vehicleCrossing.Select((t) => t.Item2).ToArray().Contains(left) == false)
                            AddEvent(new Event(EventType.ExitIntersection, time));
                            vehicleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(time, left));
                    // Ako nema vozila koje skrece desno, proveri da li je ta pozicija prazna
                    else if (intersectionInUse[left] == VehicleDirection.Free)
                        int right = WhichWayIsRight(direction);
                        // Proveri da li vozilo ide levo
                        if (intersectionInUse[right] == VehicleDirection.Left)
                            // Pronadji da li lokacija postoji u listi servisiranja
                            if (vehicleCrossing.Select((t) => t.Item2).ToArray().Contains(right) == false)
                                AddEvent(new Event(EventType.ExitIntersection, time));
                                vehicleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(time, right));

                // Ukloni tog pesaka iz liste

            case EventType.EnterIntersection:
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    // Sever/Jug(0) -> Sever(0), Jug(1), Istok/Zapad(1) -> Istok(2), Zapad(3)
                    int direction = ((int)trafficLight * 2) + i;

                    if (intersectionInUse[direction] == VehicleDirection.Free)
                        if (vehicleQue[direction].Count != 0)
                            double timeToCross   = vehicleService.NextValue();
                            double timeOfArrival = vehicleQue[direction].Dequeue();

                            // Zabelezi koliko je cekao pesak
                            vehicleWait.Add(time - timeOfArrival);

                            // Obelezio deo raskrsnice kao zauzet
                            intersectionInUse[direction] = vehicleDirection.NextValue();

                            // Zabelezi statistiku reda cekanja
                            vehicleQueLength[(int)direction].Add(new DoublePair(time, vehicleQue[(int)direction].Count));

                            // Dodaj dogadjaj za izlazak iz raskrsnice
                            AddEvent(new Event(EventType.ExitIntersection, time + timeToCross));

                            // Kada se desi dogadjaj za izlazak iz raskrsnice, treba da se zna koji je najraniji za izlazak
                            vehicleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(timeToCross, (int)direction));

            case EventType.ExitIntersection:
                int direction = vehicleCrossing[0].Item2;
                int across = WhichWayIsAcross(direction);

                // Za slucaj da se semafor promenio u medjuvremenu,
                // oslobodi ovaj deo raskrsnice kome je crveno svetlo, a usli su u raskrsnicu
                if ((int)trafficLight != direction / 2)
                    intersectionInUse[direction] = VehicleDirection.Free;
                    // Proveri u kom pravcu ide vozilo
                    if (intersectionInUse[direction] == VehicleDirection.Straight)
                        intersectionInUse[direction] = VehicleDirection.Free;
                        if (vehicleQue[direction].Count != 0)
                            AddEvent(new Event(EventType.EnterIntersection, time));
                            if (intersectionInUse[across] == VehicleDirection.Left)
                                if (vehicleCrossing.Select((t) => t.Item2).ToArray().Contains(across) == false)
                                    AddEvent(new Event(EventType.ExitIntersection, time));
                                    vehicleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(time, across));
                    else if (intersectionInUse[direction] == VehicleDirection.Right)
                        int right = WhichWayIsRight(direction);
                        if (crossingInUse[right] == false)
                            intersectionInUse[direction] = VehicleDirection.Free;
                            if (vehicleQue[direction].Count != 0)
                                AddEvent(new Event(EventType.EnterIntersection, time));
                                if (intersectionInUse[across] == VehicleDirection.Left)
                                    if (vehicleCrossing.Select((t) => t.Item2).ToArray().Contains(across) == false)
                                        AddEvent(new Event(EventType.ExitIntersection, time));
                                        vehicleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(time, across));
                    else if (intersectionInUse[direction] == VehicleDirection.Left)
                        int left = WhichWayIsLeft(direction);

                        // Vozilo moze da skrene levo ako vozilo prekoputa skrece levo
                        // ili ako je prekoputa prazno i niko ne ide u susret
                        if ((intersectionInUse[across] == VehicleDirection.Left) ||
                            ((intersectionInUse[across] == VehicleDirection.Free) && (vehicleQue[across].Count == 0)))
                            if (crossingInUse[left] == false)
                                intersectionInUse[direction] = VehicleDirection.Free;
                                if (vehicleQue[direction].Count != 0)
                                    AddEvent(new Event(EventType.EnterIntersection, time));
                                    if (intersectionInUse[across] == VehicleDirection.Left)
                                        if (vehicleCrossing.Select((t) => t.Item2).ToArray().Contains(across) == false)
                                            AddEvent(new Event(EventType.ExitIntersection, time));
                                            vehicleCrossing.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(time, across));