private Vector3 getOutgoingVectorForOneWayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road connectedRoad)
        float roadEndWidth  = connectedRoad.GetRoadWidth();
        float roadEndLength = roadEndWidth / 2;

        return(IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, connectedRoad).normalized *roadEndWidth / 2);
        //     private string infoString
        //     {
        //         get
        //	return "Volume :  " + volume + "    Surface Area :  " + surfaceArea + "    Perimeter :  " + perimeter + "   CrossSection :  " + crossSectionArea;
        //         }
        //     }

        private Vector3[] PyramidPlaneIntersect(float planeHeight)
            //find an intersection in a parallel plane.

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[myPyramid.basePolygon.pointList.Count];

            Vector3 planePos  = Vector3.up * planeHeight;
            Vector3 planeNorm = Vector3.up;

            foreach (InteractableLineSegment line in myPyramid.allEdges)
                if (line.point1 == myPyramid.apex)
                    int idx = myPyramid.basePolygon.pointList.IndexOf(line.point2);
                    //LinePlane intersection uses LinesPos and LineDir.
                    //vertices[idx] = IntersectionMath.LinePlaneIntersection(line.vertex0, line.vertex1-line.vertex0, planePos,planeNorm).vectordata[0];

                    //SegmentPlaneIntersection uses LinePos1 and LinePos2
                    vertices[idx] = IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(line.vertex0, line.vertex1, planePos, planeNorm).vectordata[0];
                else if (line.point2 == myPyramid.apex)
                    int idx = myPyramid.basePolygon.pointList.IndexOf(line.point1);
                    //vertices[idx] = IntersectionMath.LinePlaneIntersection(line.vertex0, line.vertex1-line.vertex0, planePos, planeNorm).vectordata[0];
                    vertices[idx] = IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(line.vertex0, line.vertex1, planePos, planeNorm).vectordata[0];
    private Vector3 CoordinateForRoadWithAbstractRoadInfos(Intersection intersection, Road connectedRoad, RightOrLeft rtlt,
                                                           AbstractWayInfo[] infos)
        infos = AbstractWayInfo.sortAbstractWayInfos(infos);

        // convert the road to an abstract way info
        AbstractWayInfo info = new AbstractWayInfo(IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, connectedRoad).normalized,
        // TODO : CHECK FOR nonexistent index
        int index = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
            if (infos[i] == info)
                index = i;

        Vector3[] vertices = MeshVerticesForAbstractWayInfos(infos);

        switch (rtlt)
        case RightOrLeft.LEFT:
            return(vertices[index - 1 < 0 ? infos.Length - 1 : index - 1]);

        case RightOrLeft.RIGHT:
        Debug.LogError("Semantics Error, please check");

Exemple #4
        private static bool IsLineVisible(LineHL line, double nearPlaneDistance, TriangleHL[] triangles)
            var rayAxis = GetRaytracingRay(line, nearPlaneDistance);

            var(success, edgeIntersection) = GetRayIntersectionWithEdge(rayAxis, line.Edge);
            if (!success)

            var rayToEdgeDirection  = (edgeIntersection - rayAxis.Offset);
            var edgeDistanceSquared = rayToEdgeDirection.SquaredLength();

            foreach (var triangle in triangles)
                if (!IsTriangleNeighbourOfLine(triangle, line))
                    if (!IsLineInTrianglePlane(line, triangle))
                        var(hasIntersection, triangleDistanceSquared) = IntersectionMath.GetSquaredDistanceOfIntersectionOfRayAndTriangle(rayAxis.Offset, rayToEdgeDirection, triangle.P1, triangle.P2, triangle.P3);
                        if (hasIntersection && triangleDistanceSquared < edgeDistanceSquared)

Exemple #5
        public void Check2DLineWithLineTest1()
            var(hasIntersection, ix, iy) = IntersectionMath.Check2DLineWithLine(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0);

            Assert.Equal(5.0, ix, 2);
            Assert.Equal(5.0, iy, 2);
Exemple #6
        public static (bool, Position3D, Body) GetIntersectionOfRayAndScene(this Scene scene, Position3D rayOffset, Vector3D rayDirection)
            var triangles = GetSceneTriangles(scene);
            var minIntersectionResult
                = triangles.Select(triangle => (triangle.Item1, IntersectionMath.GetIntersectionAndSquaredDistanceOfRayAndTriangle(rayOffset, rayDirection, triangle.Item2, triangle.Item3, triangle.Item4)))
                  .Where(result => result.Item2.Item1)
                  .Aggregate(((Body)null, (false, new Position3D(), double.MaxValue)), (acc, x) => x.Item2.Item3 < acc.Item2.Item3 ? x : acc);

            return(minIntersectionResult.Item2.Item1, minIntersectionResult.Item2.Item2, minIntersectionResult.Item1);
Exemple #7
        public void Check2DLineWithLineTest5()
            var x1 = 0.0079377614887504739;
            var y1 = -0.093839459278913212;
            var x2 = 0.0651634776216613;
            var y2 = -0.046422111432387225;
            var x3 = 0.0651634776216613;
            var y3 = -0.046422111432387225;
            var x4 = 0.0079377614887504687;
            var y4 = -0.0938394592789132;

            var(hasIntersection, ix, iy) = IntersectionMath.Check2DLineWithLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);

    private GameObject buildTwoWayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road road1, Road road2)
        // create a four way intersection instead of a two way intersection if the angle is less than 90
        switch (GetTwoWayIntersectionType(intersection))
        case TwoWayIntersectionType.SKEW:
        case TwoWayIntersectionType.TRANSITION:
            AbstractWayInfo[] infos = AbstractWayInfosForTwoWayIntersection(intersection, road1, road2);
            return(buildMultiwayIntersectionWithVectors(intersection, infos));

        case TwoWayIntersectionType.SMOOTH:
            // only when angle > 90
            Vector3 vec1       = IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, road1).normalized;
            Vector3 vec2       = IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, road2).normalized;
            float   roadWidth1 = road1.GetRoadWidth();
            float   roadWidth2 = road2.GetRoadWidth();
            Vector3 vec1Norm   = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 90, 0)) * vec1 * roadWidth1 / 2;
            Vector3 vec2Norm   = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, -90, 0)) * vec2 * roadWidth2 / 2;
            // check the intersection, if there's its inner, if there isn't, its outer
            Vector3    refPoint;
            GameObject inner;
            GameObject outer;
            if (Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out refPoint, vec1Norm, vec1, vec2Norm,
                // we intersected, its inner
                inner = buildInner(vec1Norm, vec2Norm, refPoint, intersection.position, intersection.customization);
                outer = buildOuter(-vec1Norm, -vec2Norm, 4, intersection.position, intersection.customization);
                // we are outer
                outer = buildOuter(vec1Norm, vec2Norm, 4, intersection.position, intersection.customization);
                // get the real intersection
                // we need to * a const since the Math scirpt only considers line to be that long

                inner = buildInner(-vec1Norm, -vec2Norm, refPoint, intersection.position, intersection.customization);

            // add rigidbody to enable selection
            return(createParentIntersectionWithChildIntersections("Two way intersection", intersection.customization, inner,

        Debug.LogError("Semantics Error, please check");
Exemple #9
 // log this
 public Vector3[] findCrossSectionSegment()
     if (IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(l1.vertex0, l1.vertex1, Vector3.up * crossSectionHeight, Vector3.up).figtype == GeoObjType.point && IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(l2.vertex0, l2.vertex1, Vector3.up * crossSectionHeight, Vector3.up).figtype == GeoObjType.point)
         Vector3 vertex0 = IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(l1.vertex0, l1.vertex1, Vector3.up * crossSectionHeight, Vector3.up).vectordata[0];
         Vector3 vertex1 = IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(l2.vertex0, l2.vertex1, Vector3.up * crossSectionHeight, Vector3.up).vectordata[0];
         return(new Vector3[] { vertex0, vertex1 });
         //cross section height is erroring.
         Vector3 vertex0 = IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(l1.vertex0, l1.vertex1, Vector3.up * (height1 + .00001f), Vector3.up).vectordata[0];
         Vector3 vertex1 = IntersectionMath.SegmentPlaneIntersection(l2.vertex0, l2.vertex1, Vector3.up * (height1 + .00001f), Vector3.up).vectordata[0];
         return(new Vector3[] { vertex0, vertex1 });
    private AbstractWayInfo[] AbstractWayInfosForMultiwayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road[] connectedRoads)
// convert roads to vectos
        Vector3[] vectors = connectedRoads.Select(rd => IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, rd)).ToArray();
        float[]   widths  = connectedRoads.Select(rd => rd.GetRoadWidth()).ToArray();

        AbstractWayInfo[] infos;
        // handle when connectedRoads.Length == 3  << build a four-way intersection instead
        if (connectedRoads.Length == 3)
            // find the vector whose direction is of greatest difference to other two

            Vector3 maxVector    = vectors[0];
            float   maxRoadWidth = widths[0];
            float   maxAngles    = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                float accum = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    float zeroTo180Angle = Vector3.Angle(vectors[i], vectors[j]);
                    float distance       = zeroTo180Angle > 90 ? 180 - zeroTo180Angle : zeroTo180Angle;
                    accum += distance;

                if (accum > maxAngles)
                    maxVector    = vectors[i];
                    maxRoadWidth = widths[i];
                    maxAngles    = accum;

            Vector3[] resultingVectors = { vectors[0], vectors[1], vectors[2], -maxVector };
            float[]   resultingWidths  = { widths[0], widths[1], widths[2], maxRoadWidth };

            infos = AbstractWayInfo.InfosWithDirectionsAndWidths(resultingVectors, resultingWidths);
            infos = AbstractWayInfo.InfosWithDirectionsAndWidths(vectors, widths);

Exemple #11
    // returns the maximum value of AbstractCarPosition.offset so that the car is not rushing into the intersection
    public float stoppingDistanceForCurrentDrive(AbstractCarPosition carPosition)
         *  toIntersection                                     ref intersection
         *  toLeftEdge
         *  \===================================================|   ^
         *   \|<          STOPPING DISTANCE                   > |  width(refIntersection)
         *    \ ------------------------------------------------|   x
         *     \                                                |  width(toIntersection)
         *      \===============================================|   v
         *     toRightEdge

        Intersection toIntersection = carPosition.referenceRoad.otherIntersection(carPosition.referenceIntersection);
        Vector3      toLeftEdge     = builder.coordinateForRoadAtIntersection(toIntersection, carPosition.referenceRoad,
        Vector3 toRightEdge = builder.coordinateForRoadAtIntersection(toIntersection, carPosition.referenceRoad,

        // get the proportion
        int totalNumberOfLanes =
            + carPosition.referenceRoad.GetNumberOfLanesInDirectionWithReferenceIntersection(carPosition

        Vector3 stoppingLocation = Vector3.Lerp(toLeftEdge, toRightEdge,
                                                1f / 2 - (1f / 2 + carPosition.laneNumber) / totalNumberOfLanes) * (1f / 2);

        // project the stopping location onto the outgoing vector

        Vector3 stoppingCompensation = Vector3.Project(stoppingLocation,
                                                       IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(toIntersection, carPosition.referenceRoad));

        float stoppingDistance = carPosition.referenceRoad.GetRoadLength() - stoppingCompensation.magnitude;

Exemple #12
    public float startingDistanceForCurrentDrive(AbstractCarPosition carPosition)
         *  refIntersection                                     toIntersection
         *  fromLeftEdge
         *  \===================================================|   ^
         *   \                                                  |  width(toIntersection)
         *    \ ------------------------------------------------|   x
         * <  >\                                                |  width(refIntersection)
         *  |   \===============================================|   v
         *  |  fromRightEdge
         *  |
         *  +--> startingDistance

        Intersection toIntersection = carPosition.referenceRoad.otherIntersection(carPosition.referenceIntersection);
        Vector3      fromLeftEdge   = builder.coordinateForRoadAtIntersection(carPosition.referenceIntersection, carPosition.referenceRoad,
        Vector3 fromRightEdge = builder.coordinateForRoadAtIntersection(carPosition.referenceIntersection, carPosition.referenceRoad,

        // get the proportion
        int totalNumberOfLanes =
            + carPosition.referenceRoad.GetNumberOfLanesInDirectionWithReferenceIntersection(carPosition

        Vector3 startingLocation = Vector3.Lerp(fromLeftEdge, fromRightEdge,
                                                1f / 2 + (1f / 2 + carPosition.laneNumber) / totalNumberOfLanes) * (1f / 2);

        // project the stopping location onto the outgoing vector

        Vector3 startignCompensation = Vector3.Project(startingLocation,
                                                       IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(carPosition.referenceIntersection, carPosition.referenceRoad));

        float startingDistance = startignCompensation.magnitude;

    private AbstractWayInfo[] AbstractWayInfosForTwoWayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road road1, Road road2)
        Vector3 vec1 = IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, road1).normalized;
        Vector3 vec2 = IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, road2).normalized;

        // create a four way intersection instead of a two way intersection if the angle is less than 90
        Vector3[] vecs       = null;
        float[]   roadWidths = null;
        switch (GetTwoWayIntersectionType(intersection))
        case TwoWayIntersectionType.SKEW:

            vecs       = new[] { vec1, vec2, -vec1, -vec2 };
            roadWidths = new[] { road1.GetRoadWidth(), road2.GetRoadWidth(), road1.GetRoadWidth(), road2.GetRoadWidth() };

        case TwoWayIntersectionType.TRANSITION:
            // create a halfway rotation
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Quaternion.FromToRotation(vec1, vec2).eulerAngles / 2);
            // this is the virtual directional vector
            Vector3 newVec = rotation * vec1;
            // this is the virtual road width, set it to be the average of the two
            float newWidth = road1.GetRoadWidth() + road2.GetRoadWidth() / 2;

            vecs       = new[] { vec1, vec2, newVec, -newVec };
            roadWidths = new[] { road1.GetRoadWidth(), road2.GetRoadWidth(), newWidth, newWidth };

        case TwoWayIntersectionType.SMOOTH:
            Debug.LogError("Code Error, this method is to be called without smooth transition");

        // zip vecs and roadWidths into abstract road infos
        AbstractWayInfo[] infos = AbstractWayInfo.InfosWithDirectionsAndWidths(vecs, roadWidths);
Exemple #14
    private GameObject buildAllWayStopSign(GameObject baseObj, Intersection intersection)
        foreach (Road road in intersection.getConnectedRoads())
            // get the coordinate of stop sign for that road

            // left and right are regarding the viewpoint from the intersection, although we want our stop sign on
            // the right, we need to pass in Left since stop sign is on the left of the road if you look at the road
            // from the intersection
            Vector3 position = intersectionBuilder.
                               coordinateForRoadAtIntersection(intersection, road, IntersectionBuilder.RightOrLeft.LEFT);

            position = position + intersection.position;

            // get the orientation
            Quaternion orientation = IntersectionMath.getAngle(intersection, road);

            GameObject stopSign = Instantiate(stopSignPrefab, position, orientation);

            stopSign.transform.parent = baseObj.transform;
     * @brief the detailed type for a two-way intersection
     * @param intersection the intersection to inspect type
    public TwoWayIntersectionType GetTwoWayIntersectionType(Intersection intersection)
        Debug.Assert(intersection.getConnectedRoads().Length == 2);
        Road road1 = intersection.getConnectedRoads()[0];
        Road road2 = intersection.getConnectedRoads()[1];

        Vector3 vec1 = IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, road1).normalized;
        Vector3 vec2 = IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, road2).normalized;

        // create a four way intersection instead of a two way intersection if the angle is less than 90
        if (Vector3.Angle(vec1, vec2) < 90)
        else         //force a four way intersection if two roads are of different width
        if (Mathf.Approximately(road1.GetRoadWidth(), road2.GetRoadWidth()) == false)
Exemple #16
        public void Check2DLineWithLineTest4()
            var(hasIntersection, ix, iy) = IntersectionMath.Check2DLineWithLine(0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0);

Exemple #17
        public void Check2DLineWithLineTest3()
            var(hasIntersection, ix, iy) = IntersectionMath.Check2DLineWithLine(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 5, 5);

Exemple #18
 public void AreLinesBoundedBoxesOverlappedTest6()
     Assert.False(IntersectionMath.AreLinesBoundedBoxesOverlapped(1, 1, 10, 10, 1, 20, 10, 10));
Exemple #19
 public void AreLinesBoundedBoxesOverlappedTest2()
     Assert.True(IntersectionMath.AreLinesBoundedBoxesOverlapped(1, 1, 10, 10, 5 - 1, 5 + 1, 5 + 1, 5 - 1));
Exemple #20
        public static IEnumerable <LineHL> CutLines(this IEnumerable <LineHL> lines)
            var source   = new Stack <LineHL>(lines);
            var target   = new Stack <LineHL>();
            var cutLines = new Stack <LineHL>();

            while (source.Count > 0)
                var first = source.Pop();

                // Testcode
                while (source.Count > 0)
                    var second = source.Pop();
                    var x1     = first.Start.X;
                    var y1     = first.Start.Y;
                    var x2     = first.End.X;
                    var y2     = first.End.Y;
                    var x3     = second.Start.X;
                    var y3     = second.Start.Y;
                    var x4     = second.End.X;
                    var y4     = second.End.Y;
                    if (IntersectionMath.AreLinesBoundedBoxesOverlapped(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4))
                        var(hasIntersection, x, y) = IntersectionMath.Check2DLineWithLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
                        if (hasIntersection)
                            var intersection = new PointHL(x, y);
                            var first1       = new LineHL {
                                Start = first.Start, End = intersection, Edge = first.Edge
                            var first2 = new LineHL {
                                Start = intersection, End = first.End, Edge = first.Edge
                            var second1 = new LineHL {
                                Start = second.Start, End = intersection, Edge = second.Edge
                            var second2 = new LineHL {
                                Start = intersection, End = second.End, Edge = second.Edge

                            if (!first2.Length.EqualsTo(0.0))
                                if (!first1.Length.EqualsTo(0.0))
                                    first = first1;
                                    first = first2;
                                first = first1;

                            if (!second1.Length.EqualsTo(0.0))
                            if (!second2.Length.EqualsTo(0.0))

                var help = source;
                source = target;
                target = help;
