Exemple #1
        [STAThread()] /* WinForms */
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            ReturnCode code;
            Result     result = null;

            using (interpreter = Interpreter.Create(
                       args, CreateFlags.ShellUse, ref result))
                if (interpreter != null)
                    code = interpreter.Initialize(false, ref result);

                    if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                        Assembly     assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                        AssemblyName assemblyName = assembly.GetName();
                        string       fileName     = assembly.Location;
                        string       typeName     = typeof(_Plugins.Toolkit).FullName;
                        Uri          uri          = Utility.GetAssemblyUri(assembly);

                        IPlugin plugin = new _Plugins.Toolkit(new PluginData(
                                                                                           typeName), null, null, ClientData.Empty,
                                                                  PluginFlags.None, assemblyName.Version, uri,
                                                                  interpreter.GetAppDomain(), assembly, assemblyName,
                                                                  fileName, typeName, null, null, null, null, null,
                                                                  null, null, null, 0));

                        code = Utility.PrepareStaticPlugin(plugin, ref result);

                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                            code = interpreter.AddPlugin(plugin, null,
                                                         ref toolkitPluginToken, ref result);

                    if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                        Thread thread = Engine.CreateThread(
                            interpreter, InteractiveLoopThreadStart, 0, true,

                        if (thread != null)
                            thread.Name = String.Format(
                                "interactiveLoopThread: {0}", interpreter);



                            Toplevel toplevel = new Toplevel(interpreter, ".");


                            if (thread != null)

                            exitCode = interpreter.ExitCode;
                            result = "could not create interactive loop thread";
                            code   = ReturnCode.Error;

                    if (code != ReturnCode.Ok)
                        IInteractiveHost interactiveHost = interpreter.Host;

                        if (interactiveHost != null)
                                code, result, interpreter.ErrorLine);

                        exitCode = Utility.ReturnCodeToExitCode(code, true);
                    // NOTE: Creation of the interpreter failed.
                                          ReturnCode.Error, result));

                    exitCode = Utility.FailureExitCode();

Exemple #2
        public override ReturnCode Execute(
            Interpreter interpreter,
            IClientData clientData,
            ArgumentList arguments,
            ref Result result
            ReturnCode code;

            if (interpreter != null)
                if (arguments != null)
                    if (arguments.Count >= 2)
                        OptionDictionary options = new OptionDictionary(
                            new IOption[] {
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-nocommands", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-nofunctions", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-nopolicies", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-notraces", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-noprovide", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-noresources", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-verifiedonly", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-trustedonly", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-noisolated", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsafe | OptionFlags.Unsupported, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid,
                                       "-noisolated", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveObjectValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-clientdata", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveObjectValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-data", null),
                            new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, Option.EndOfOptions, null)

                        int argumentIndex = Index.Invalid;

                        code = interpreter.GetOptions(options, arguments, 0, 1, Index.Invalid, false, ref argumentIndex, ref result);

                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                            // NOTE: There should be a minimum of one and a maximum
                            //       of three arguments after the final option.
                            if ((argumentIndex != Index.Invalid) &&
                                ((argumentIndex + 3) >= arguments.Count))
                                string path = ((argumentIndex + 2) < arguments.Count) ?
                                              (string)arguments[argumentIndex + 2] : String.Empty;

                                Interpreter slaveInterpreter = null;

                                code = interpreter.GetNestedSlaveInterpreter(
                                    path, LookupFlags.Interpreter, false,
                                    ref slaveInterpreter, ref result);

                                if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                    Variant     value           = null;
                                    IClientData localClientData = clientData;

                                    if (options.IsPresent("-clientdata", ref value))
                                        IObject @object = (IObject)value.Value;

                                        if ((@object.Value == null) ||
                                            (@object.Value is IClientData))
                                            localClientData = (IClientData)@object.Value;
                                            result = "option value has invalid clientData";
                                            code   = ReturnCode.Error;

                                    if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                        if (options.IsPresent("-data", ref value))
                                            IObject @object = (IObject)value.Value;

                                            if (@object != null)
                                                localClientData = _Public.ClientData.WrapOrReplace(
                                                    localClientData, @object.Value);
                                                result = "option value has invalid data";
                                                code   = ReturnCode.Error;

                                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                            // NOTE: All plugins loaded by this command are considered
                                            //       as having been loaded "on demand".
                                            PluginFlags pluginFlags = PluginFlags.Demand;

                                            // NOTE: Add the plugin flags for the target interpreter.
                                            pluginFlags |= slaveInterpreter.PluginFlags;

                                            // NOTE: Disable loading this plugin into an isolated
                                            //       application domain (i.e. load it into the default
                                            //       application domain for the target interpreter).
                                            if (options.IsPresent("-noisolated"))
                                                pluginFlags &= ~PluginFlags.Isolated;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-nocommands"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.NoCommands;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-nofunctions"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.NoFunctions;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-nopolicies"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.NoPolicies;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-notraces"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.NoTraces;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-noprovide"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.NoProvide;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-noresources"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.NoResources;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-verifiedonly"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.VerifiedOnly;

                                            if (options.IsPresent("-trustedonly"))
                                                pluginFlags |= PluginFlags.TrustedOnly;

                                            string fileName = PathOps.ResolveFullPath(
                                                interpreter, arguments[argumentIndex]);

                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                                                string typeName = null;

                                                if ((argumentIndex + 1) < arguments.Count)
                                                    typeName = arguments[argumentIndex + 1];

                                                IPlugin plugin = null;
                                                long    token  = 0;

                                                    code = slaveInterpreter.LoadPlugin(
                                                        null, null, AssemblyHashAlgorithm.None,
                                                        typeName, localClientData, pluginFlags,
                                                        ref plugin, ref result);

                                                    if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                        code = slaveInterpreter.AddPlugin(
                                                            plugin, localClientData, ref token,
                                                            ref result);
                                                    if (code != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                        if (token != 0)
                                                            // NOTE: Terminate and remove the plugin now.
                                                            //       This does not unload the associated
                                                            //       AppDomain, if any.
                                                            ReturnCode removeCode;
                                                            Result     removeResult = null;

                                                            removeCode = slaveInterpreter.RemovePlugin(
                                                                token, localClientData, ref removeResult);

                                                            if (removeCode != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                                    slaveInterpreter, removeCode,

                                                        if (plugin != null)
                                                            // NOTE: Unload the plugin.  This basically does
                                                            //       "nothing" unless the plugin was isolated.
                                                            //       In that case, it unloads the associated
                                                            //       AppDomain.
                                                            ReturnCode unloadCode;
                                                            Result     unloadResult = null;

                                                            unloadCode = slaveInterpreter.UnloadPlugin(
                                                                plugin, localClientData, pluginFlags |
                                                                PluginFlags.SkipTerminate, ref unloadResult);

                                                            if (unloadCode != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                                    slaveInterpreter, unloadCode,
                                                result = "invalid file name";
                                                code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                                if ((argumentIndex != Index.Invalid) &&
                                    result = OptionDictionary.BadOption(options, arguments[argumentIndex]);
                                    result = "wrong # args: should be \"load ?options? fileName ?packageName? ?interp?\"";

                                code = ReturnCode.Error;
                        result = "wrong # args: should be \"load ?options? fileName ?packageName? ?interp?\"";
                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                    result = "invalid argument list";
                    code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                result = "invalid interpreter";
                code   = ReturnCode.Error;

Exemple #3
        [STAThread()] /* WinForms */
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            #region Shell Debugging Support (Optional)
            // NOTE: Pause for them to attach a debugger, if requested.
            //       This cannot be done inside the Interpreter class
            //       because they may want to debug its initializers.
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvVars.Break) != null)
                // NOTE: Prevent further breaks into the debugger.
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(EnvVars.Break, null);

                // NOTE: Display the prompt and then wait for the user to
                //       press a key.
                                      _Constants.Prompt.Debugger, GetProcessId()));

                    Console.ReadKey(true);        /* throw */
                catch (InvalidOperationException) // Console.ReadKey
                    // do nothing.

                Debugger.Break(); /* throw */


            #region Interpreter Creation Flags (Optional)
            // NOTE: Start with default shell flags.
            CreateFlags flags = CreateFlags.ShellUse;

            // NOTE: The console is enabled and we are going to use our custom
            //       host which inherits from it; therefore, prevent a default
            //       host from being created for the interpreter.
            flags |= CreateFlags.NoHost;

            // NOTE: Get the effective interpreter creation flags for the shell
            //       from the environment, etc.
            flags = Interpreter.GetStartupCreateFlags(
                args, flags, OptionOriginFlags.Shell, true, true);


            // NOTE: We need a return code and result variable now (in case
            //       querying the interpreter library path fails).
            ReturnCode code   = ReturnCode.Ok;
            Result     result = null;


            #region Interpreter Pre-Initialize Text (Optional)
            // NOTE: Start with the default pre-initialize text.
            string text = null;

            // NOTE: Get the effective interpreter pre-initialize text for the
            //       shell from the environment, etc.
            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                code = Interpreter.GetStartupPreInitializeText(
                    args, flags, OptionOriginFlags.Shell, true,
                    true, ref text, ref result);


            #region Interpreter Library Path (Optional)
            // NOTE: Start with the default library path.
            string libraryPath = null;

            // NOTE: Get the effective interpreter library path for the shell
            //       from the environment, etc.
            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                code = Interpreter.GetStartupLibraryPath(
                    args, flags, OptionOriginFlags.Shell, true,
                    true, ref libraryPath, ref result);


            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                // NOTE: Create an interpreter now inside of a using block so
                //       that we can be relatively sure it will be finalized
                //       on this thread.
                using (interpreter = Interpreter.Create(
                           args, flags, text, libraryPath, ref result))
                    // NOTE: Make sure the interpreter was actually created.
                    //       This can, in theory, be a problem if the
                    //       ThrowOnError flag ends up getting removed somehow
                    //       prior to the call to create the interpreter.
                    if (interpreter != null)
                        // NOTE: Fetch the interpreter host now for error
                        //       reporting purposes.
                        IHost host = interpreter.Host;


                        #region Interpreter Startup Options (Optional)
                        // NOTE: By default, initialize the script library for
                        //       the interpreter.
                        bool initialize = true;

                        // NOTE: Process all the remaining startup options
                        //       (i.e. the ones that do not modify the
                        //       interpreter creation flags) now.
                        code = Interpreter.ProcessStartupOptions(
                            interpreter, args, flags, OptionOriginFlags.Shell,
                            true, true, ref initialize, ref result);


                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                            #region Command Line Arguments (Optional)
                            // NOTE: In debug mode, show the command line
                            //       arguments just as we received them.
                            if (interpreter.Debug)
                                Console.WriteLine("The command line is: {0}",
                                                  Utility.BuildCommandLine(args, true));

                            // NOTE: Save the intial arguments for later use.
                            mainArguments = args;


                            #region Host - Window Preference (Optional)
                            // NOTE: By default, show the host window?
                            // TODO: Make this an argument?
                            bool console = DefaultConsole;

                            // NOTE: Do we want the initial (auto-created) host
                            //       window to be visible?
                            if (console)
                                if (Utility.GetEnvironmentVariable(
                                        EnvVars.NoConsole, true, false) != null)

                                    console = false;
                                if (Utility.GetEnvironmentVariable(
                                        EnvVars.Console, true, false) != null)

                                    console = true;


                            #region Resource Manager Creation
                            // NOTE: Create our resource manager (the host and
                            //       the form will both use this).
                            ResourceManager resourceManager =
                                new ResourceManager(resourceBaseName,


                            #region Host - Custom Creation (Optional)
                            // NOTE: Create a custom IHost bound to the
                            //       interpreter.
                            host = new _Hosts.Custom(new HostData(null, null,
                                                                  null, ClientData.Empty, typeof(_Hosts.Custom).Name,
                                                                  interpreter, resourceManager, null,
                                                                  Utility.HasFlags(flags, CreateFlags.UseAttach, true),
                                                                  Utility.HasFlags(flags, CreateFlags.NoColor, true),
                                                                  Utility.HasFlags(flags, CreateFlags.NoTitle, true),
                                                                  Utility.HasFlags(flags, CreateFlags.NoIcon, true),
                                                                  Utility.HasFlags(flags, CreateFlags.NoProfile, true),
                                                                  Utility.HasFlags(flags, CreateFlags.NoCancel, true)));


                            interpreter.Host = host;


                            #region Interpreter Initialization
                            // NOTE: Attempt to initialize the interpreter.
                            if (initialize)
                                code = interpreter.Initialize(false, ref result);
                                code = ReturnCode.Ok;


                            #region Application-Specific Startup
                            // NOTE: If initialization failed, no point in
                            //       continuing.
                            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)

                                mainForm = new _Forms.TestForm(interpreter, args);

                                Assembly     assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                                AssemblyName assemblyName = assembly.GetName();
                                string       fileName     = assembly.Location;
                                string       typeName     = typeof(_Plugins.TestForm).FullName;
                                Uri          uri          = Utility.GetAssemblyUri(assembly);

                                IPlugin plugin = new _Plugins.TestForm(mainForm,
                                                                       new PluginData(Utility.FormatPluginName(
                                                                                          assemblyName.FullName, typeName), null, null,
                                                                                      ClientData.Empty, PluginFlags.None,
                                                                                      assemblyName.Version, uri,
                                                                                      interpreter.GetAppDomain(), assembly,
                                                                                      assemblyName, fileName, typeName, null, null,
                                                                                      null, null, null, null, resourceManager, null,

                                code = Utility.PrepareStaticPlugin(
                                    plugin, ref result);

                                if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                    code = interpreter.AddPlugin(
                                        plugin, null, ref pluginToken, ref result);


                            #region Host - Window Startup
                            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                if (console)
                                    // NOTE: Create and start the interpreter
                                    //       loop thread.
                                    code = StartupInteractiveLoopThread(
                                        ref result);
                                else if (host.IsOpen())
                                    // NOTE: Close the initial host window.
                                    code = host.Close(ref result);


                            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                #region WinForms Specific
                                // NOTE: Show the primary user interface form
                                //       for the application.


                                #region Host - Window Shutdown
                                // NOTE: If there is an interactive loop thread,
                                //       we do not want to exit until it is no
                                //       longer running.
                                if (interactiveLoopThread != null)


                            #region Startup Error Handling
                            // NOTE: Was there any kind of failure above?
                            if (code != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                #region WinForms Specific Code
                                if (mainForm != null)
                                    mainForm = null;


                                if (host != null)
                                        code, result, interpreter.ErrorLine);

                                CommonOps.Complain(code, result);

                                exitCode = Utility.ReturnCodeToExitCode(
                                    code, true);
                            if (host != null)
                                host.WriteResultLine(code, result);

                            exitCode = Utility.ReturnCodeToExitCode(
                                code, true);
                        // NOTE: Creation of the interpreter failed.
                                              ReturnCode.Error, result));

                        exitCode = Utility.FailureExitCode();
                // NOTE: Querying the interpreter library path failed.
                Console.WriteLine(Utility.FormatResult(code, result));

                exitCode = Utility.ReturnCodeToExitCode(code, true);
