Exemple #1
        // Returns the amount of consecutive free memory available in a block
        // of pages.  If we didn't have enough address space, we still return
        // a positive value < size, to help potentially avoid the overhead of
        // this check if we use a MemoryFailPoint with a smaller size next.
        private static unsafe ulong MemFreeAfterAddress(void *address, ulong size)
            if (size >= s_topOfMemory)

            ulong largestFreeRegion = 0;

            Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION memInfo = default;
            UIntPtr sizeOfMemInfo = (UIntPtr)sizeof(Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION);

            while (((ulong)address) + size < s_topOfMemory)
                UIntPtr r = Interop.Kernel32.VirtualQuery(address, ref memInfo, sizeOfMemInfo);
                if (r == UIntPtr.Zero)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();

                ulong regionSize = memInfo.RegionSize.ToUInt64();
                if (memInfo.State == Interop.Kernel32.MemOptions.MEM_FREE)
                    if (regionSize >= size)
                        largestFreeRegion = Math.Max(largestFreeRegion, regionSize);
                address = (void *)((ulong)address + regionSize);
        public static unsafe MemoryMappedView CreateView(SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle memMappedFileHandle,
                                                         MemoryMappedFileAccess access, long offset, long size)
            // MapViewOfFile can only create views that start at a multiple of the system memory allocation
            // granularity. We decided to hide this restriction from the user by creating larger views than the
            // user requested and hiding the parts that the user did not request.  extraMemNeeded is the amount of
            // extra memory we allocate before the start of the requested view. MapViewOfFile will also round the
            // capacity of the view to the nearest multiple of the system page size.  Once again, we hide this
            // from the user by preventing them from writing to any memory that they did not request.
            ulong nativeSize;
            long  extraMemNeeded, newOffset;

                size, offset, GetSystemPageAllocationGranularity(),
                out nativeSize, out extraMemNeeded, out newOffset);

            // if request is >= than total virtual, then MapViewOfFile will fail with meaningless error message
            // "the parameter is incorrect"; this provides better error message in advance

            // create the view
            SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle viewHandle = Interop.MapViewOfFile(memMappedFileHandle,
                                                                          (int)MemoryMappedFile.GetFileMapAccess(access), newOffset, new UIntPtr(nativeSize));

            if (viewHandle.IsInvalid)
                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();

            // Query the view for its size and allocation type
            Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION viewInfo = new Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION();
            Interop.Kernel32.VirtualQuery(viewHandle, ref viewInfo, (UIntPtr)Marshal.SizeOf(viewInfo));
            ulong viewSize = (ulong)viewInfo.RegionSize;

            // Allocate the pages if we were using the MemoryMappedFileOptions.DelayAllocatePages option
            // OR check if the allocated view size is smaller than the expected native size
            // If multiple overlapping views are created over the file mapping object, the pages in a given region
            // could have different attributes(MEM_RESERVE OR MEM_COMMIT) as MapViewOfFile preserves coherence between
            // views created on a mapping object backed by same file.
            // In which case, the viewSize will be smaller than nativeSize required and viewState could be MEM_COMMIT
            // but more pages may need to be committed in the region.
            // This is because, VirtualQuery function(that internally invokes VirtualQueryEx function) returns the attributes
            // and size of the region of pages with matching attributes starting from base address.
            // VirtualQueryEx: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366907(v=vs.85).aspx
            if (((viewInfo.State & Interop.Kernel32.MemOptions.MEM_RESERVE) != 0) || ((ulong)viewSize < (ulong)nativeSize))
                IntPtr tempHandle = Interop.VirtualAlloc(
                    viewHandle, (UIntPtr)(nativeSize != MemoryMappedFile.DefaultSize ? nativeSize : viewSize),
                    Interop.Kernel32.MemOptions.MEM_COMMIT, MemoryMappedFile.GetPageAccess(access));
                int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (viewHandle.IsInvalid)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(lastError);
                // again query the view for its new size
                viewInfo = new Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION();
                Interop.Kernel32.VirtualQuery(viewHandle, ref viewInfo, (UIntPtr)Marshal.SizeOf(viewInfo));
                viewSize = (ulong)viewInfo.RegionSize;

            // if the user specified DefaultSize as the size, we need to get the actual size
            if (size == MemoryMappedFile.DefaultSize)
                size = (long)(viewSize - (ulong)extraMemNeeded);
                Debug.Assert(viewSize >= (ulong)size, "viewSize < size");

            viewHandle.Initialize((ulong)size + (ulong)extraMemNeeded);
            return(new MemoryMappedView(viewHandle, extraMemNeeded, size, access));
        public static unsafe MemoryMappedView CreateView(SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle memMappedFileHandle,
                                            MemoryMappedFileAccess access, long offset, long size)
            // MapViewOfFile can only create views that start at a multiple of the system memory allocation 
            // granularity. We decided to hide this restriction from the user by creating larger views than the
            // user requested and hiding the parts that the user did not request.  extraMemNeeded is the amount of
            // extra memory we allocate before the start of the requested view. MapViewOfFile will also round the 
            // capacity of the view to the nearest multiple of the system page size.  Once again, we hide this 
            // from the user by preventing them from writing to any memory that they did not request.
            ulong nativeSize;
            long extraMemNeeded, newOffset;
                size, offset, GetSystemPageAllocationGranularity(), 
                out nativeSize, out extraMemNeeded, out newOffset);

            // if request is >= than total virtual, then MapViewOfFile will fail with meaningless error message 
            // "the parameter is incorrect"; this provides better error message in advance

            // create the view
            SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle viewHandle = Interop.MapViewOfFile(memMappedFileHandle,
                    (int)MemoryMappedFile.GetFileMapAccess(access), newOffset, new UIntPtr(nativeSize));
            if (viewHandle.IsInvalid)
                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();

            // Query the view for its size and allocation type
            Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION viewInfo = new Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION();
            Interop.Kernel32.VirtualQuery(viewHandle, ref viewInfo, (UIntPtr)Marshal.SizeOf(viewInfo));
            ulong viewSize = (ulong)viewInfo.RegionSize;

            // Allocate the pages if we were using the MemoryMappedFileOptions.DelayAllocatePages option
            // OR check if the allocated view size is smaller than the expected native size
            // If multiple overlapping views are created over the file mapping object, the pages in a given region
            // could have different attributes(MEM_RESERVE OR MEM_COMMIT) as MapViewOfFile preserves coherence between 
            // views created on a mapping object backed by same file.
            // In which case, the viewSize will be smaller than nativeSize required and viewState could be MEM_COMMIT 
            // but more pages may need to be committed in the region.
            // This is because, VirtualQuery function(that internally invokes VirtualQueryEx function) returns the attributes 
            // and size of the region of pages with matching attributes starting from base address.
            // VirtualQueryEx: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366907(v=vs.85).aspx
            if (((viewInfo.State & Interop.Kernel32.MemOptions.MEM_RESERVE) != 0) || ((ulong)viewSize < (ulong)nativeSize))
                IntPtr tempHandle = Interop.VirtualAlloc(
                    viewHandle, (UIntPtr)(nativeSize != MemoryMappedFile.DefaultSize ? nativeSize : viewSize), 
                    Interop.Kernel32.MemOptions.MEM_COMMIT, MemoryMappedFile.GetPageAccess(access));
                int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (viewHandle.IsInvalid)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(lastError);
                // again query the view for its new size
                viewInfo = new Interop.Kernel32.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION();
                Interop.Kernel32.VirtualQuery(viewHandle, ref viewInfo, (UIntPtr)Marshal.SizeOf(viewInfo));
                viewSize = (ulong)viewInfo.RegionSize;

            // if the user specified DefaultSize as the size, we need to get the actual size
            if (size == MemoryMappedFile.DefaultSize)
                size = (long)(viewSize - (ulong)extraMemNeeded);
                Debug.Assert(viewSize >= (ulong)size, "viewSize < size");

            viewHandle.Initialize((ulong)size + (ulong)extraMemNeeded);
            return new MemoryMappedView(viewHandle, extraMemNeeded, size, access);