/// <summary>
        /// Loads graphics content for this screen. This uses the shared ContentManager
        /// provided by the Game class, so the content will remain loaded forever.
        /// Whenever a subsequent MessageBoxScreen tries to load this same content,
        /// it will just get back another reference to the already loaded data.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()

            Btn_Ok.Clicked     += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Ok_Clicked);
            Btn_Cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Cancel_Clicked);
            Btn_Apply.Clicked  += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Apply_Clicked);
            Btn_Apply.Text      = "Refresh";

            ScrollPanel = new vxListView(
                new Vector2(
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.X + this.ArtProvider.Padding.X,
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Y + this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y),
                (int)(this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Width - this.ArtProvider.Padding.X * 2),
                (int)(this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Height - Btn_Ok.BoundingRectangle.Height - this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y * 3));


            vxEngine.GameServerListRecieved += new EventHandler <vxGameServerListRecievedEventArgs>(Engine_GameServerListRecieved);
            //Send the request string
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up Local Server Dialog. It also sends out the subnet broadcast here searching for any available servers on this subnet.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()

            //The Okay Button here Acts  as the "Ready" button for the Server Lobby
            Btn_Ok.Clicked += new EventHandler<vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Ok_Clicked);

            //The Cancel Button is Naturally the 'Back' button
            Btn_Cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler<vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Cancel_Clicked);

            ScrollPanel = new vxScrollPanel(
                new Vector2(
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.X + this.ArtProvider.Padding.X,
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Y + this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y),
                (int)(this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Width - this.ArtProvider.Padding.X * 2),
                (int)(this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Height - Btn_Ok.BoundingRectangle.Height - this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y * 3));

            ScrollPanel.ScrollBarWidth = 15;

            //Setup Client Events
            vxEngine.ClientManager.OtherPlayerConnected += ClientManager_OtherPlayerConnected;
            vxEngine.ClientManager.OtherPlayerDisconnected += ClientManager_OtherPlayerDisconnected;

            //Set up the Server Code
            if (vxEngine.NetworkedGameRoll == vxEnumNetworkPlayerRole.Server)
                Vector2 viewportSize = new Vector2(vxEngine.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, vxEngine.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

                //Create The New Server Button
                Btn_LaunchServer = new vxButton(vxEngine, "Launch Game", new Vector2(viewportSize.X / 2 - 115, viewportSize.Y / 2 + 20));

                //Set the Button's Position relative too the background rectangle.
                Btn_LaunchServer.Position = new Vector2(
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.X, this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Y) +
                    new Vector2(
                        vxEngine.vxGUITheme.Padding.X * 2,
                        this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Height - vxEngine.vxGUITheme.ArtProviderForButtons.DefaultHeight - vxEngine.vxGUITheme.Padding.Y * 2);

                Btn_LaunchServer.Clicked += Btn_LaunchServer_Clicked; ;

                //Now Start The Server

                //Now Connect to it's self if it's the Server
                NetOutgoingMessage approval = vxEngine.ClientManager.CreateMessage();
                vxEngine.ClientManager.Connect(NetUtility.Resolve("localhost").ToString(), vxEngine.ServerManager.Server.Configuration.Port, approval);

            //vxEngine.NetworkedGameRoll == vxEnumNetworkPlayerRole.Client
            //The Server acts as a Client as well, so no need for an 'else if' block here.

            Btn_Ok.Text = "Not Ready";
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up Local Server Dialog. It also sends out the subnet broadcast here searching for any available servers on this subnet.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()

            Vector2 viewportSize = new Vector2(vxEngine.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, vxEngine.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

            //Create The New Server Button
            Btn_CreateNewLocalServer = new vxButton(vxEngine, "Create New Local Server", new Vector2(viewportSize.X / 2 - 115, viewportSize.Y / 2 + 20));

            //Set the Button's Position relative too the background rectangle.
            Btn_CreateNewLocalServer.Position = new Vector2(
                this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Y) + new Vector2(
                vxEngine.vxGUITheme.Padding.X * 2,
                this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Height - vxEngine.vxGUITheme.ArtProviderForButtons.DefaultHeight - vxEngine.vxGUITheme.Padding.Y * 2);

            Btn_CreateNewLocalServer.Clicked += Btn_CreateNewLocalServer_Clicked;

            //The Okay Button here Selects the Selected Server in the List
            Btn_Ok.Clicked += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Ok_Clicked);

            //The Cancel Button is Naturally the 'Back' button
            Btn_Cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Cancel_Clicked);

            //The Apply Button here is used to start a New Server
            Btn_Apply.Clicked += Btn_Refresh_Clicked;// new EventHandler<vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Refresh_Clicked);
            Btn_Apply.Text     = "Refresh";

            ScrollPanel = new vxScrollPanel(
                new Vector2(
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.X + this.ArtProvider.Padding.X,
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Y + this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y),
                (int)(this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Width - this.ArtProvider.Padding.X * 2),
                (int)(this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Height - Btn_Ok.BoundingRectangle.Height - this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y * 3));

            ScrollPanel.ScrollBarWidth = 15;


            //Initialise the network client

            //Now setup the Event Handlers
            vxEngine.ClientManager.DiscoverySignalResponseRecieved += ClientManager_DiscoverySignalResponseRecieved;

            //By Default, The Game will start looking for other networked games as a client.
            vxEngine.NetworkedGameRoll = vxEnumNetworkPlayerRole.Client;

            //Finally at the end, send out a pulse of discovery signals
            vxConsole.WriteLine("Sending Discovery Signal...");
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads graphics content for this screen. This uses the shared ContentManager
        /// provided by the Game class, so the content will remain loaded forever.
        /// Whenever a subsequent MessageBoxScreen tries to load this same content,
        /// it will just get back another reference to the already loaded data.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()

            Btn_Ok.Clicked     += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Ok_Clicked);
            Btn_Cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler <vxGuiItemClickEventArgs>(Btn_Cancel_Clicked);

            ScrollPanel = new vxScrollPanel(
                new Vector2(
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.X + this.ArtProvider.Padding.X,
                    this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Y + this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y) + this.ArtProvider.PosOffset,
                this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Width - (int)this.ArtProvider.Padding.X * 2,
                this.ArtProvider.BoundingGUIRectangle.Height - Btn_Ok.BoundingRectangle.Height - (int)this.ArtProvider.Padding.Y * 4);
