Exemple #1
 /// <description>
 /// Attach<paramref name="" /> bottomWindow to
 /// </description>
 /// <param name="bottomWindow"></param>
 /// <param name="topWindow"></param>
 public static void Attach(GuiWindowCtrl bottomWindow, GuiWindowCtrl topWindow)
     InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args()
         bottomWindow = bottomWindow.ObjectPtr,
         topWindow    = topWindow.ObjectPtr,
Exemple #2
        /// <description>
        /// () Attaches the logger to the console and begins writing to file
        /// </description>
        /// <code>
        /// // Create the logger
        /// // Will automatically start writing to testLogging.txt with normal priority
        /// new ConsoleLogger(logger, "testLogging.txt", false);
        /// // Send something to the console, with the logger consumes and writes to file
        /// echo("This is logged to the file");
        /// // Stop logging, but do not delete the logger
        /// logger.detach();
        /// echo("This is not logged to the file");
        /// // Attach the logger to the console again
        /// logger.attach();
        /// // Logging has resumed
        /// echo("Logging has resumed");
        /// </code>
        public bool Attach()
            InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args()
            bool _engineResult = InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach()(ObjectPtr, _args);

        /// <summary>Push a line onto the back of the list.</summary>
        /// <description>
        /// </description>
        /// <param name="item">The GUI element being pushed into the control</param>
        /// <code>
        /// // All messages are stored in this HudMessageVector, the actual
        /// // MainChatHud only displays the contents of this vector.
        /// new MessageVector(HudMessageVector);
        /// // Attach the MessageVector to the chat control
        /// chatHud.attach(HudMessageVector);
        /// </code>
        /// <returns>Value</returns>
        public bool Attach(MessageVector item)
            InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args()
                item = item.ObjectPtr,
            bool _engineResult = InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach()(ObjectPtr, _args);

Exemple #4
 /// <summary>Attempts to associate the PhysicsForce with a PhysicsBody.</summary>
 /// <description>
 /// Performs a physics ray cast of the provided length and direction. The %PhysicsForce will attach itself to the first dynamic PhysicsBody the ray collides with. On every tick, the attached body will be attracted towards the position of the %PhysicsForce.
 /// A %PhysicsForce can only be attached to one body at a time.
 /// </description>
 /// <remarks> To determine if an %attach was successful, check isAttached() immediately after calling this function.n
 /// </remarks>
 public void Attach(Point3F start, Point3F direction, float maxDist)
     start.Alloc(); direction.Alloc();             InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach__Args()
         start     = start.internalStructPtr,
         direction = direction.internalStructPtr,
         maxDist   = maxDist,
     InternalUnsafeMethods.Attach()(ObjectPtr, _args);
     start.Free(); direction.Free();