public override void CommitAndRestartTx() { /* * This method is use by the Cypher runtime to cater for PERIODIC COMMIT, which allows a single query to * periodically, after x number of rows, to commit a transaction and spawn a new one. * * To still keep track of the running stream after switching transactions, we need to open the new transaction * before closing the old one. This way, a query will not disappear and appear when switching transactions. * * Since our transactions are thread bound, we must first unbind the old transaction from the thread before * creating a new one. And then we need to do that thread switching again to close the old transaction. */ CheckNotTerminated(); CollectTransactionExecutionStatistic(); // (1) Unbind current transaction QueryRegistryOperations oldQueryRegistryOperations = _statement.queryRegistration(); Statement oldStatement = _statement; InternalTransaction oldTransaction = _transaction; KernelTransaction oldKernelTx = _txBridge.getKernelTransactionBoundToThisThread(true); _txBridge.unbindTransactionFromCurrentThread(); // (2) Create, bind, register, and unbind new transaction _transaction = _graph.beginTransaction(TransactionType, SecurityContextConflict); _kernelTransaction = _txBridge.getKernelTransactionBoundToThisThread(true); _statement = _kernelTransaction.acquireStatement(); _statement.queryRegistration().registerExecutingQuery(_executingQuery); _txBridge.unbindTransactionFromCurrentThread(); // (3) Rebind old transaction just to commit and close it (and unregister as a side effect of that) _txBridge.bindTransactionToCurrentThread(oldKernelTx); oldQueryRegistryOperations.UnregisterExecutingQuery(_executingQuery); try { oldStatement.Close(); oldTransaction.Success(); oldTransaction.Close(); } catch (Exception t) { // Corner case: The old transaction might have been terminated by the user. Now we also need to // terminate the new transaction. _txBridge.bindTransactionToCurrentThread(_kernelTransaction); _transaction.failure(); _transaction.close(); _txBridge.unbindTransactionFromCurrentThread(); throw t; } // (4) Unbind the now closed old transaction and rebind the new transaction for continued execution _txBridge.unbindTransactionFromCurrentThread(); _txBridge.bindTransactionToCurrentThread(_kernelTransaction); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldWarnWhenUsingInternalAndOtherProvider() throws Throwable //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldWarnWhenUsingInternalAndOtherProvider() { ConfiguredSetup(stringMap(, InternalSecurityName() + " ,LDAP")); AssertSuccess(AdminSubject, "CALL", r => assertKeyIsMap(r, "username", "roles", ValueOf(_userList))); GraphDatabaseFacade localGraph = Neo.LocalGraph; InternalTransaction transaction = localGraph.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@explicit, StandardEnterpriseLoginContext.AUTH_DISABLED); Result result = localGraph.execute(transaction, "EXPLAIN CALL", EMPTY_MAP); string description = string.Format("{0} ({1})", Org.Neo4j.Kernel.Api.Exceptions.Status_Procedure.ProcedureWarning.code().description(), " only applies to native users."); assertThat(ContainsNotification(result, description), equalTo(true)); transaction.Success(); transaction.Close(); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void coreProceduresShouldBeAvailable() public virtual void CoreProceduresShouldBeAvailable() { string[] coreProcs = new string[] { "dbms.cluster.role", "dbms.cluster.routing.getServers", "dbms.cluster.overview", "dbms.procedures", "dbms.listQueries" }; foreach (string procedure in coreProcs) { Optional <CoreClusterMember> firstCore = _cluster.coreMembers().First(); Debug.Assert(firstCore.Present); CoreGraphDatabase database = firstCore.get().database(); InternalTransaction tx = database.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@explicit, AUTH_DISABLED); Result coreResult = database.Execute("CALL " + procedure + "()"); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops: assertTrue("core with procedure " + procedure, coreResult.HasNext()); coreResult.Close(); tx.Close(); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void readReplicaProceduresShouldBeAvailable() public virtual void ReadReplicaProceduresShouldBeAvailable() { // given string[] readReplicaProcs = new string[] { "dbms.cluster.role", "dbms.procedures", "dbms.listQueries" }; // when foreach (string procedure in readReplicaProcs) { Optional <ReadReplica> firstReadReplica = _cluster.readReplicas().First(); Debug.Assert(firstReadReplica.Present); ReadReplicaGraphDatabase database = firstReadReplica.get().database(); InternalTransaction tx = database.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@explicit, AUTH_DISABLED); Result readReplicaResult = database.Execute("CALL " + procedure + "()"); // then //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops: assertTrue("read replica with procedure " + procedure, readReplicaResult.HasNext()); readReplicaResult.Close(); tx.Close(); } }