public void DecompileFunction(StreamWriter output, int functionIndex)
            FunctionBody      body      = WasmModule.FunctionBodies[functionIndex];
            FunctionSignature signature = WasmModule.FunctionTypes[WasmModule.Functions[functionIndex]];

            // get IR
            var context = new IntermediateContext(signature, WasmModule, output);
            List <IntermediateInstruction> instructions = new IntermediateConverter(WasmModule, body, signature).Convert();

            output.WriteLine(" {");

            // write all IR while simulating the stack
            foreach (IntermediateInstruction instruction in instructions)
                HandleInstruction(ref context, instruction);


            if (context.Indentation != 0)
                throw new Exception("Function body has unbalanced indentation");

            if (context.Stack.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Unbalanced stack, found {context.Stack.Count} remaining values");

        private static void HandleInstruction(ref IntermediateContext context, IntermediateInstruction instruction)
            if (context.RestOfBlockUnreachable && instruction.IsImplicit)
                #if DEBUG
                context.WriteFull("// omitted implicit instruction because rest of block is unreachable");

            var args = new Variable[instruction.PopCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < instruction.PopCount; i++)
                args[i] = context.Pop();
                Debug.Assert(instruction.PopTypes[i] == args[i].Type || instruction.PopTypes[i] == ValueKind.Any || args[i].Type == ValueKind.Any);

            context.RestOfBlockUnreachable = instruction.RestOfBlockUnreachable;

            // NOTE: really ugly and slow, but can't be replaced with string.format since input is dynamic and can contain {}
            string s = instruction.OperationStringFormat.SafeFormat(args);

            Debug.Assert(instruction.PushCount <= 1);
            if (instruction.PushCount > 0)
                s = $"{context.Push(instruction.PushTypes[0])} = {s}";

            if (instruction.HasBlock)
                s += " {";

            if (instruction.Comment != null)
                s += " // " + instruction.Comment;


            if (instruction.HasBlock)
                HandleBlock(ref context, instruction.Block1 !);

                if (instruction.Block2 != null)
                    context.WriteFull("} else {");
                    HandleBlock(ref context, instruction.Block2);

 static void HandleBlock(ref IntermediateContext context2, in ControlBlock block)