public void ChildWithOneInterface_IncludeMixinWithManyInterfaces_OnlyMissingInterfacesAdded()
            var sourceCode = new SourceCode(Files.Interface);
            var childClass = sourceCode.Class(nameof(ChildWithInterface));
            var startPos = childClass.GetLocation().SourceSpan.Start;
            var interfaces = new InterfaceList(new[] 
                new Interface(sourceCode.GetTypeByName(nameof(IFirstInterface))),
                new Interface(sourceCode.GetTypeByName(nameof(ISecondInterface))) 

            var @class = Substitute.For<ClassWithTypeSymbol>();
            var mixin = Substitute.For<MixinReference>();

            var addInterfaceWriter = new AddInterfacesToChildSyntaxWriter(mixin, sourceCode.Semantic, startPos);
            var newChildClass = (ClassDeclarationSyntax)addInterfaceWriter.Visit(childClass);

            var baseList = newChildClass.BaseList.Types;
            // assert: child class should have both interfaces
            Assert.AreEqual(2, baseList.Count);
                baseList.Single(x => x.TypeName() == nameof(IFirstInterface)));
                baseList.Single(x => x.TypeName() == nameof(ISecondInterface)));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取接口列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <List <InterfaceList> > GetInterfaceList()
            var list = new List <InterfaceList>();
            var sql  = "select * from InterfaceList";

            using (var conn = DBFactory.Create())
                    var cmd = conn.CreateCommand() as DbCommand;
                    cmd.CommandText = sql;
                    var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();

                    while (reader.Read())
                        var model = new InterfaceList
                            InterfaceName = reader["InstrumentName"].ToString(),
                            Comment       = reader["ModelName"].ToString(),
                            Active        = reader["ModulesMax"].ToInt32(),
                catch (Exception e)
        private ClassDeclarationSyntax ImplementInterfaceByChild(string childClassName)
            var sourceCode = new SourceCode(Files.Interface);
            var childClass = sourceCode.Class(childClassName);
            var startPos = childClass.GetLocation().SourceSpan.Start;

            // create a mixin class that implements an interface
            var mixin = Substitute.For<MixinReference>();
            var @class = Substitute.For<ClassWithTypeSymbol>();
                new InterfaceList(
                    new Interface(sourceCode.GetTypeByName(nameof(IFirstInterface)))));


            var interfaces = new InterfaceList(new[] 
                new Interface(sourceCode.GetTypeByName(nameof(IFirstInterface)))
            var addInterfaceWriter = new AddInterfacesToChildSyntaxWriter(mixin,sourceCode.Semantic, startPos);
            var newChildClass = addInterfaceWriter.Visit(childClass);

            return (ClassDeclarationSyntax)newChildClass;
        public static void GenerateDependency(string dependencyPath, InterfaceList interList)
            string dependencyClassName = interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "DependencyResolver";
            string dependencyContent   = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.Lib.Core/DependencyTemplate.txt"));//读取依赖模板

            dependencyContent = dependencyContent.Replace("${CoreFolderName}", interList.FileName + "Core");
            StringBuilder dependencyCore    = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder serviceDictionary = new StringBuilder();
            string        tempVar           = ""; //变量名

            interList.lstInterDis.ForEach(x =>    //接口列表
                tempVar = x.InterfaceName.RemoveFirstLetter().ToFirstLower();
                dependencyCore.AppendLine("\t\tprivate static readonly " + x.InterfaceName + " " + tempVar + " = new " + x.InterfaceName.GetDefaultExcutor() + "();");
                serviceDictionary.AppendLine("\t\t\t{typeof (" + x.InterfaceName + "), () => " + tempVar + "},");
            dependencyCore.AppendLine("\t\tprivate static readonly IDictionary<Type, Func<object>> ServiceDictionary = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object>>//服务类型字典");
            dependencyCore.AppendLine("\t\t {");
            dependencyCore.Append(serviceDictionary.ToString().Substring(0, serviceDictionary.ToString().LastIndexOf(",")));
            dependencyCore.AppendLine("\t\t };");

            dependencyContent = dependencyContent.Replace("${ClassName}", dependencyClassName);
            dependencyContent = dependencyContent.Replace("${CoreCode}", dependencyCore.ToString());
            FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(dependencyPath, "" + dependencyClassName + ".cs"), dependencyContent);
        public static void GenerateCoreConfig(InterfaceList interList, string configPath)
            string ConfigContent = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.Lib.Core/ConfigHelperTemplate.txt"));

            ConfigContent = ConfigContent.Replace("${CoreFolderName}", interList.FileName + "Core");
            FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(configPath, "ConfigHelper.cs"), ConfigContent);
 public void RemoveInterface(InterfaceType interfaceType)
     if (InterfaceList.Remove(interfaceType))
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 添加通用头部
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="str"></param>
        //private static void AddCommonHeader(ref StringBuilder str)
        //    str.AppendLine("using System");
        //    str.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic");
        //    str.AppendLine("using System.Linq");
        //    str.AppendLine("using System.ServiceModel");
        //    str.AppendLine("using System.Text");
        //    str.AppendLine("using System.Threading.Tasks");

        //private static void AddExtraHeader(ref StringBuilder str, InterfaceDiscription interDis = null)
        //    if (interDis != null)
        //    {
        //        foreach (var item in interDis.InterUsings)
        //        {
        //            str.AppendLine(item.UsingName);

        //        }

        //    }

        //#region 生成ND.WebService.Service
        //public static void GenerateService(InterfaceList interList)
        //    string ServiceName = "";//服务文件名
        //    string DirectPath = "";//保存目录
        //    string RequestType = "";//请求类型
        //    string RequestName = "";//请求名称
        //    string InterfaceName = "";//接口名称
        //    interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
        //    {
        //        InterfaceName = x.InterfaceName.Replace("Executor", "");
        //        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        //        ServiceName = InterfaceName.Substring(1) + "Controller";
        //        AddCommonHeader(ref str);//添加通用头部
        //        AddExtraHeader(ref str, x);//添加额外的引用头部
        //        str.AppendLine("namespace ND.WebService.Service." + x.FileName);
        //        str.AppendLine("{");
        //        str.AppendLine("  public  class " + ServiceName + ":" + InterfaceName + "");
        //        str.AppendLine("\t{");

        //        x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
        //        {
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t[RuleOperationInterceptor]");
        //            str.Append("\t\tpublic string " + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(");
        //            int index = 0;
        //            k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
        //            {
        //                if (index > 0)
        //                {
        //                    str.Append(",");
        //                }
        //                str.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);
        //                index++;
        //            });
        //            str.AppendLine(")");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t {");
        //            RequestType = k.Request.Count > 0 ? k.Request[0].RequestParamType : RequestType;
        //            RequestName = k.Request.Count > 0 ? k.Request[0].RequestParamName : RequestName;
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + InterfaceName + " plugin = ControllerHelper.GetCurrentPlugin<" + RequestType + "," + InterfaceName + ">(" + RequestName + ");");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\treturn plugin." + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(" + RequestName + ");");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t }");
        //        });
        //        str.AppendLine("\t}");
        //        str.AppendLine("}");
        //        DirectPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.Web.Service"] + x.FileName;
        //        ApiLogHelper.Save(DirectPath, ServiceName, str.ToString());
        //    });


        //#region 生成插件层代码ND.Plugin.DefaultPlugin
        //public static void GeneratePlugin(InterfaceList interList)
        //    string FileName = "";//插件文件名
        //    string DirectPath = "";//保存目录
        //    string RequestType = "";//请求类型
        //    string RequestName = "";//请求名称
        //    string InterfaceName = "";//接口名称
        //    string enter = ",";//\r\n
        //    interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
        //    {
        //        InterfaceName = x.InterfaceName.Replace("Executor", "");
        //        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        //        FileName = InterfaceName.Substring(1) + "Plugin";
        //        AddCommonHeader(ref str);//添加通用头部
        //        AddExtraHeader(ref str, x);//添加额外的引用头部
        //        str.AppendLine("using ND.Lib.Enums.common;");
        //        str.AppendLine("using ND.Lib.LibHelper.log;");
        //        str.AppendLine("using ND.Plugin.PluginProvider;");
        //        str.AppendLine("using ND.Lib.LibHelper.extention;");
        //        str.AppendLine("using ND.Lib.Core." + x.FileName + "Core.handlers;");
        //        str.AppendLine("namespace ND.Plugin.DefaultPlugin." + x.FileName.ToFirstUpper());
        //        str.AppendLine("{");
        //        str.AppendLine("\tpublic class " + InterfaceName.RemoveFirstLetter() + "Plugin:" + InterfaceName + ",IPlugin");
        //        str.AppendLine("\t{");
        //        x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
        //        {
        //            str.Append("\t\tpublic string " + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(");
        //            int index = 0;
        //            k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
        //            {
        //                if (index > 0)
        //                {
        //                    str.Append(",");
        //                }
        //                str.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);
        //                index++;
        //            });
        //            str.AppendLine(")");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t {");
        //            RequestType = k.Request.Count > 0 ? k.Request[0].RequestParamType : RequestType;
        //            RequestName = k.Request.Count > 0 ? k.Request[0].RequestParamName : RequestName;
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t try");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t {");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t   I" + x.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "HandlerContext handlerContext = new  " + x.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "HandlerContext();");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t   I" + x.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "Handler handler = new " + x.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "Handler(handlerContext);");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t   " + k.Response.ResponseParamType + " baseResponse = handler." + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(" + RequestName + ");//反序列化对象");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t   string result = PluginHelper<" + k.Response.ResponseParamType.SubResponse() + ", I" + k.Response.ResponseParamType.SubResponse() + ">.SelectResponsePlugin(baseResponse, " + RequestName + ".ClientType);//根据客户端类型找对应的插件返回,app或者前台或者后台");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t   return result;");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t }");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t catch (Exception e)");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t {");//e00001
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t LogHelper.Log(typeof(" + InterfaceName.RemoveFirstLetter() + "Plugin), e.Message " + enter + " e.StackTrace  " + enter + " e.InnerException);");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ResponseBase<EmptyResponse> { errCode = ErrorCode.e00001.ToString(), errMsg = ErrorCode.e00001.description(), ResponseData = null });");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t\t }");
        //            str.AppendLine("\t\t }");

        //        });
        //        str.AppendLine("\t}");
        //        str.AppendLine("}");
        //        DirectPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.Plugin.DefaultPlugin"] + x.FileName;
        //        ApiLogHelper.Save(DirectPath, FileName, str.ToString());

        //    });

        #region 生成ND.Lib.Core
        public static void GenerateCore(InterfaceList interList)
            string        DirectPath   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.Lib.Core"];
            List <string> lstCreateDir = new List <string>();

            #region 先生成各个文件夹
            string corePath = Path.Combine(DirectPath, interList.FileName + "Core");        //核心path
            string dependencyInjectionPath = Path.Combine(corePath, "dependencyInjection"); //依赖path
            string excutorImpPath          = Path.Combine(corePath, "Executor/impl");
            string excutorInterPath        = Path.Combine(corePath, "Executor/inter");
            string hanlderPath             = Path.Combine(corePath, "handlers");
            string configPath = Path.Combine(corePath, "config");

            lstCreateDir.ForEach(k =>

            NDLibCoreHelper.GenerateDependency(dependencyInjectionPath, interList); //生成依赖类
            NDLibCoreHelper.GenerateHandlers(interList, hanlderPath);               //生成handler类
            NDLibCoreHelper.GenerateHandlerContext(interList, hanlderPath);         //生成handlercontext类
            NDLibCoreHelper.GenerateCoreConfig(interList, configPath);              //生成配置类
            NDLibCoreHelper.GenerateCoreExcutorInter(interList, excutorInterPath);  //生成excutorInter类
            NDLibCoreHelper.GenerateCoreExuctorImpl(interList, excutorImpPath);     //生成接口实现类
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets IP interfaces which are up
        /// </summary>
        private void GetInterfaces()
            foreach (NetworkInterface networkInterface in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
                if (networkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)
                    foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation ip in networkInterface.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses)
                        if (ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                            InterfaceList.Add(new IPNetworkInterface
                                InterfaceAddress = ip.Address.ToString(),
                                InterfaceName    = networkInterface.Name

            if (InterfaceList.Count > 0)
                SelectedInterface = InterfaceList[0];
                selectedInterface = null;

Exemple #9
        public static void GenerateCode(InterfaceList interList, string contractPath)
            string fileName      = interList.FileName;
            string interfaceName = "";

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                interfaceName = x.InterfaceName;
                StringBuilder contractCore = new StringBuilder();
                x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
                    contractCore.AppendLine("\t\t [OperationContract]");
                    contractCore.Append("\t\t  string " + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(");
                    int index = 0;
                    k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
                        if (index > 0)
                        contractCore.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);

                string contractContent = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.WebService.Contract/ContractTemplate.txt"));
                contractContent        = contractContent.Replace("${FileName}", fileName);
                contractContent        = contractContent.Replace("${InterfaceName}", x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor()).Replace("${CoreCode}", contractCore.ToString());
                FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(contractPath, "" + x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor() + ".cs"), contractContent);
        private void OnInterfaceListChanged(string newName, string oldName)
            //validate the interface list by remove interfaces that are not listed and duplicated entries
            implementedInterfaces = implementedInterfaces.Where(i => InterfaceList.Contains(i.Name)).Distinct().ToList();

            //also check for error
            string[] s = InterfaceList.Replace(" ", "").Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                IsInterfacesExist(s, ref interfaceListError) ? 0 : 1;
            new Thread(() =>
                    //search for suggestion based on the last listed interface name
                    if (s.HasElement())
                        string suggest       = s[s.Length - 1];
                        interfaceSuggesstion = SearchInterfaces(suggest);
                        forceRepaint         = true;
                catch (Exception e)
Exemple #11
 public void RemoveInterface(InterfaceType interfaceType)
     if (InterfaceList.Remove(interfaceType))
Exemple #12
 public void RemoveInterface(InterfaceType interfaceType)
     if (InterfaceList.Remove(interfaceType))
        private void RefreshInterfaceList()
            // Retrieve the interfaces list
            IList <LivePacketDevice> allDevices = LivePacketDevice.AllLocalMachine;

            // Scan the list printing every entry
            for (int i = 0; i < allDevices.Count(); i++)
        public static void GenerateHandlerContext(InterfaceList interList, string handlerContextPath)
            string coreFodlerName = interList.FileName + "Core";
            string handlerContextDependencyClassName = interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "DependencyResolver";
            string handlerContextInterfaceName       = "I" + interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "HandlerContext";
            string handlerContextContent             = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.Lib.Core/HandlerContextTemplate.txt"));

            handlerContextContent = handlerContextContent.Replace("${CoreFolderName}", coreFodlerName).Replace("${InterfaceName}", handlerContextInterfaceName);
            handlerContextContent = handlerContextContent.Replace("${ClassName}", handlerContextInterfaceName.RemoveFirstLetter()).Replace("${HandlerContextDependencyClassName}", handlerContextDependencyClassName);
            FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(handlerContextPath, "" + handlerContextInterfaceName + ".cs"), handlerContextContent);
        public void PopulateLists()
            InterfaceList.Add(new DerivedIFaceA());
            InterfaceList.Add(new DerivedIFaceB());

            AbstractTypeList.Add(new DerivedAbstractA());
            AbstractTypeList.Add(new DerivedAbstractB());

            BaseTypeList.Add(new BaseType());
            BaseTypeList.Add(new DerivedBaseA());
            BaseTypeList.Add(new DerivedBaseB());
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to see if a type and parameter are valid template arguments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type to check</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameter to check</param>
        /// <returns>True if it is valid, false if not</returns>
        private static bool IsValidTemplateArgument(TypeNode type, TypeNode parameter)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            // Check that the parameter really is a type parameter
            ITypeParameter itp = parameter as ITypeParameter;

            if (itp == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'parameter' argument is null or not an 'ITypeParameter'.");

            // Test constraints
            bool reference = ((itp.TypeParameterFlags & TypeParameterFlags.ReferenceTypeConstraint) > 0);

            if (reference && type.IsValueType)

            bool value = ((itp.TypeParameterFlags & TypeParameterFlags.ValueTypeConstraint) > 0);

            if (value && !type.IsValueType)

            InterfaceList contracts = parameter.Interfaces;

            if (contracts != null)
                foreach (Interface contract in contracts)
                    if (!type.IsAssignableTo(contract))

            TypeNode parent = parameter.BaseType;

            if (parent != null && !type.IsAssignableTo(parent))

            // Okay, passed all tests
Exemple #17
        public static void GenerateCode(InterfaceList interList, string hostPath)
            string fileName = interList.FileName;

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                string content = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.WebService.IISHost/HostTemplate.txt"));
                content        = content.Replace("${FileName}", fileName);
                content        = content.Replace("${ClassName}", x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor().RemoveFirstLetter().ToFirstUpper() + "Controller");
                FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(hostPath, "" + x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor().RemoveFirstLetter().ToFirstUpper() + "Service" + ".svc"), content);
        public static void GenerateHandlers(InterfaceList interList, string handlerPath)
            string        coreFodlerName       = interList.FileName + "Core";
            string        fileName             = interList.FileName;
            string        handlerInterName     = "I" + interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "Handler";
            string        handlerClassName     = interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "Handler";
            StringBuilder handlerInterfaceList = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder handlerCore          = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder paramList            = new StringBuilder();

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                handlerInterfaceList.Append(x.InterfaceName + ",");
                x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t #region " + k.InterfaceMethodName);
                    handlerCore.Append("\t\t public " + k.Response.ResponseParamType + " " + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(");
                    int index = 0;
                    k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
                        if (index > 0)
                        handlerCore.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t {");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + x.InterfaceName + " executor = Context.dependencyResolver.GetService<" + x.InterfaceName + ">();");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t if(executor == null)");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t {");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t  throw new NullReferenceException(\"" + handlerClassName + "." + x.InterfaceName + " is null\");");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t }");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine(" \t\t\treturn executor." + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(" + paramList.ToString() + ");");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t }");
                    handlerCore.AppendLine("\t\t #endregion ");
            string handlerContent = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.Lib.Core/HandlersTemplate.txt"));

            handlerContent = handlerContent.Replace("${CoreFolderName}", coreFodlerName).Replace("${FileName}", fileName);
            handlerContent = handlerContent.Replace("${InterfaceName}", handlerInterName).Replace("${HandlerInterfaceList}", handlerInterfaceList.ToString().Substring(0, handlerInterfaceList.Length - 1));
            handlerContent = handlerContent.Replace("${ClassName}", handlerClassName).Replace("${CoreCode}", handlerCore.ToString());
            FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(handlerPath, "" + handlerInterName + ".cs"), handlerContent);
Exemple #19
        private ClassParameter ConvertToClassParameter(TypeNode typeParameter, InterfaceList interfaces, Class baseClass, ClassExpression cExpr)
            ClassParameter cParam = typeParameter is MethodTypeParameter ? new MethodClassParameter() : new ClassParameter();

            this.typeParamToClassParamMap[typeParameter.UniqueKey] = cParam;
            cParam.SourceContext      = typeParameter.SourceContext;
            cParam.TypeParameterFlags = ((ITypeParameter)typeParameter).TypeParameterFlags;
            if (typeParameter.IsUnmanaged)
            cParam.Name                = typeParameter.Name;
            cParam.Namespace           = StandardIds.ClassParameter;
            cParam.BaseClass           = baseClass == null ? SystemTypes.Object : baseClass;
            cParam.BaseClassExpression = cExpr;
            cParam.DeclaringMember     = ((ITypeParameter)typeParameter).DeclaringMember;
            cParam.DeclaringModule     = typeParameter.DeclaringModule;
            cParam.DeclaringType       = typeParameter is MethodTypeParameter ? null : typeParameter.DeclaringType;
            cParam.Flags               = typeParameter.Flags & ~TypeFlags.Interface;
            cParam.ParameterListIndex  = ((ITypeParameter)typeParameter).ParameterListIndex;
            MemberList mems = cParam.DeclaringType == null ? null : cParam.DeclaringType.Members;
            int        n    = mems == null ? 0 : mems.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if ((mems[i] as TypeNode) == typeParameter)
                    mems[i] = cParam;
            if (cExpr != null)
                n = interfaces.Count - 1;
                InterfaceList actualInterfaces = new InterfaceList(n);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    actualInterfaces.Add(interfaces[i + 1]);
                cParam.Interfaces = actualInterfaces;
                cParam.Interfaces = interfaces;
            if (cExpr != null)
                cParam.BaseClass = this.VisitClassExpression(cExpr);
                public EditorDialog(Repository repository, ObjectType subType)
                    this.Title         = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Edit Interfaces");
                    this.Icon          = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("Allors.R1.Development.GtkSharp.Icons.allors.ico");
                    this.DefaultWidth  = 600;
                    this.DefaultHeight = 400;

                    var form = new Form();


                    var scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow();

                    this.interfaceList = new InterfaceList(repository);

                    this.interfaceList.ActiveItems = subType.DirectSuperinterfaces;

                    var buttonCancel = new Button
                        CanDefault   = true,
                        UseStock     = true,
                        UseUnderline = true,
                        Label        = "gtk-cancel"

                    this.AddActionWidget(buttonCancel, -6);

                    var buttonOk = new Button
                        CanDefault   = true,
                        Name         = "buttonOk",
                        UseStock     = true,
                        UseUnderline = true,
                        Label        = "gtk-ok"

                    buttonOk.Clicked += this.OnButtonOkClicked;

                    // Layout
                    form.Attach(scrolledWindow, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0);


                    this.repository = repository;

                    this.Resize(this.DefaultWidth, this.DefaultHeight);
 public AddInterfacesToChildSyntaxWriter(
     MixinReference mixin,
     SemanticModel model,
     // needed to reduce type names depending on namespaces
     int positionOfChildClassInCode)
     _mixinInterfaces = new InterfaceList();
     if (mixin.Class.IsInterface)
         foreach (var @interface in mixin.Class.Interfaces)
     _semantic = model;
     _positionOfChildClassInCode = positionOfChildClassInCode;
        public static void GenerateCoreExuctorImpl(InterfaceList interList, string excutorImplPath)
            string        coreFodlerName  = interList.FileName + "Core";
            string        fileName        = interList.FileName;
            string        className       = "";
            string        interfaceName   = "";
            StringBuilder excutorImplCore = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder paramList       = new StringBuilder();

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>//遍历所有接口
                className                 = x.InterfaceName.GetDefaultExcutor();
                interfaceName             = x.InterfaceName;
                string exuctorImplContent = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.Lib.Core/ExcutorImplTemplate.txt"));
                exuctorImplContent        = exuctorImplContent.Replace("${CoreFolderName}", coreFodlerName).Replace("${FileName}", fileName);
                exuctorImplContent        = exuctorImplContent.Replace("${ClassName}", className).Replace("${InterfaceName}", interfaceName);
                x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t #region " + k.InterfaceMethodName);
                    excutorImplCore.Append("\t\t public " + k.Response.ResponseParamType + " " + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(");
                    int index = 0;
                    k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
                        if (index > 0)
                        excutorImplCore.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t {");
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t  " + k.Response.ResponseParamType + " rep = new " + k.Response.ResponseParamType + "();");
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t //to do whatever you want;");
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t  return rep;");
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t }");
                    excutorImplCore.AppendLine("\t\t #endregion ");
                exuctorImplContent = exuctorImplContent.Replace("${CoreCode}", excutorImplCore.ToString());
                FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(excutorImplPath, "" + className + ".cs"), exuctorImplContent);
        public static void GenerateNDPlugin(InterfaceList interList)
            string        DirectPath   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.Plugin.DefaultPlugin"];
            List <string> lstCreateDir = new List <string>();

            #region 先生成各个文件夹
            string corePath = Path.Combine(DirectPath, interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "Plugin");//核心path
            lstCreateDir.ForEach(k =>
            NDPluginHelper.GeneratePluginCode(corePath, interList);
        public static void GenerateWebServiceContract(InterfaceList interList)
            string        DirectPath   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.WebService.Contract"];
            List <string> lstCreateDir = new List <string>();

            #region 先生成各个文件夹
            string corePath = Path.Combine(DirectPath, interList.FileName);//核心path
            lstCreateDir.ForEach(k =>
            NDContractHelper.GenerateCode(interList, corePath);
        public static void GenerateData(InterfaceList interList, string contextPath, string responsePath, string responseInterPath, string contextValidatorPath)
            string fileName = interList.FileName;

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>                                                              //遍历所有方法
                    k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>                                                            //遍历所有参数
                        GenerateContext(m.RequestParamType, contextPath, fileName);                            //生成上下文对象
                        GenerateValidator(m.RequestParamType, contextValidatorPath, fileName);                 //生成验证器对象
                    GenerateResponse(k.Response.ResponseParamType, responsePath, responseInterPath, fileName); //生成响应类名和接口
Exemple #26
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// The language of <paramref name="interfaceType"/> does not equal.-or-
        /// <paramref name="interfaceType"/> is earlier implemented interface.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="interfaceType"/> is null.
        /// </exception>
        internal virtual void AddInterface(InterfaceType interfaceType)
            if (interfaceType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("interfaceType");

            for (int i = 0; i < InterfaceList.Count; i++)
                if (InterfaceList[i] == interfaceType)
                    throw new ArgumentException("error_cannot_add_same_interface");

Exemple #27
        public static void GenerateCode(InterfaceList interList, string servicePath)
            string        fileName       = interList.FileName;
            string        coreFodlerName = interList.FileName + "Core";
            string        pluginType     = interList.FileName.ToFirstUpper() + "Plugin";
            StringBuilder serviceCore    = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder paramList      = new StringBuilder();

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t #region " + k.InterfaceMethodName);
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t [RuleOperationInterceptor] ");
                    serviceCore.Append("\t\t public string " + k.InterfaceMethodName.RemoveExcutor() + "(");
                    int index = 0;
                    k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
                        if (index > 0)
                        serviceCore.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t {");
                    string requestType = k.Request.Count <= 0 ? "null" : k.Request[0].RequestParamType;
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t " + x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor() + " plugin = ControllerHelper.GetCurrentPlugin<" + requestType + ", " + x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor() + ">(" + paramList + ");");
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t\t return plugin." + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(" + paramList + ");");
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t }");
                    serviceCore.AppendLine("\t\t #endregion ");
                string serviceContent = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.WebService.Service/WebServiceController.txt"));
                serviceContent        = serviceContent.Replace("${FileName}", fileName);
                serviceContent        = serviceContent.Replace("${ClassName}", x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor().RemoveFirstLetter().ToFirstUpper() + "Controller");
                serviceContent        = serviceContent.Replace("${InterfaceName}", x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor()).Replace("${CoreCode}", serviceCore.ToString());
                FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(servicePath, "" + x.InterfaceName.RemoveExcutor().RemoveFirstLetter().ToFirstUpper() + "Controller" + ".cs"), serviceContent);
Exemple #28
        /// <exception cref="RelationshipException">
        ///     The language of <paramref name="interfaceType" /> does not equal.-or-
        ///     <paramref name="interfaceType" /> is earlier implemented interface.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <paramref name="interfaceType" /> is null.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void AddInterface(InterfaceType interfaceType)
            if (interfaceType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("interfaceType");

            foreach (var implementedInterface in InterfaceList)
                if (interfaceType == implementedInterface)
                    throw new RelationshipException(Strings.ErrorCannotAddSameInterface);

        public static void GenerateWebServiceHost(InterfaceList interList)
            string        directPath   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.WebService.IISHost"];
            List <string> lstCreateDir = new List <string>();

            #region 先生成各个文件夹
            string autoMapperPath = Path.Combine(directPath, "autoMapperConfiguration");//核心path
            string configPath     = Path.Combine(directPath, "configFile");
            lstCreateDir.ForEach(k =>
            NDHostHelper.GenerateCode(interList, directPath);
        /// <exception cref="RelationException">
        /// The language of <paramref name="interfaceType"/> does not equal.-or-
        /// <paramref name="interfaceType"/> is earlier implemented interface.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="interfaceType"/> is null.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void AddInterface(InterfaceType interfaceType)
            if (interfaceType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("interfaceType");

            foreach (InterfaceType implementedInterface in InterfaceList)
                if (interfaceType == implementedInterface)
                    throw new RelationException(

        public static void GenerateCoreExcutorInter(InterfaceList interList, string excutorInterPath)
            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in SrcExcutorInter)
            //    FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(ExcutorInterPath, "" + item.Key + ".cs"), item.Value);

            string coreFodlerName = interList.FileName + "Core";
            string fileName       = interList.FileName;
            string interfaceName  = "";

            StringBuilder paramList = new StringBuilder();

            interList.lstInterDis.ToList().ForEach(x =>//遍历所有接口
                StringBuilder excutorImplCore = new StringBuilder();
                interfaceName             = x.InterfaceName;
                string exuctorImplContent = FileHelper.ReadFile(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "template/ND.Lib.Core/ExcutorInterTemplate.txt"));
                exuctorImplContent        = exuctorImplContent.Replace("${CoreFolderName}", coreFodlerName).Replace("${FileName}", fileName);
                exuctorImplContent        = exuctorImplContent.Replace("${InterfaceName}", interfaceName);
                x.MethodDis.ToList().ForEach(k =>
                    excutorImplCore.Append("\t\t  " + k.Response.ResponseParamType + " " + k.InterfaceMethodName + "(");
                    int index = 0;
                    k.Request.ToList().ForEach(m =>//参数
                        if (index > 0)
                        excutorImplCore.Append(m.RequestParamType + " " + m.RequestParamName);
                exuctorImplContent = exuctorImplContent.Replace("${CoreCode}", excutorImplCore.ToString());
                FileHelper.WriteFile(Path.Combine(excutorInterPath, "" + x.InterfaceName + ".cs"), exuctorImplContent);
        public static void GenerateDtoModel(InterfaceList interList)
            string        DirectPath   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ND.Lib.DtoModel"];
            List <string> lstCreateDir = new List <string>();

            #region 先生成各个文件夹
            string corePath                = Path.Combine(DirectPath, interList.FileName); //核心path
            string autoMappernPath         = Path.Combine(corePath, "autoMapper");         //依赖path
            string contextPath             = Path.Combine(corePath, "context");
            string dtoEntityContextPath    = Path.Combine(corePath, "dtoEntity/context");
            string dtoEntityResponsePath   = Path.Combine(corePath, "dtoEntity/response");
            string responsePath            = Path.Combine(corePath, "response");
            string responseAppPath         = Path.Combine(corePath, "response/app");
            string responseBackstagePath   = Path.Combine(corePath, "response/backstage");
            string responseBaseClassPath   = Path.Combine(corePath, "response/baseClass");
            string responseFrontPath       = Path.Combine(corePath, "response/front");
            string responseInterPath       = Path.Combine(corePath, "response/inter");
            string contextValidatorPath    = Path.Combine(corePath, "validator/contextValidator");
            string dtoEnitityValidatorPath = Path.Combine(corePath, "validator/dtoEnitityValidator");

            lstCreateDir.ForEach(k =>
            NDLibDtoModelHelper.GenerateData(interList, contextPath, responseBaseClassPath, responseInterPath, contextValidatorPath);
        private void RefreshInterfaceListExecute()
            IPNetworkInterface prevSelectedAddress = SelectedInterface;


            if (InterfaceList.Contains(prevSelectedAddress))
                SelectedInterface = prevSelectedAddress;
            else if (InterfaceList.Count > 0)
                SelectedInterface = InterfaceList[0];
                SelectedInterface = null;

 private Interface[] GetExposedInterfaces(InterfaceList contracts) {
     List < Interface > exposedContracts = new List < Interface >();
     for (int i = 0; i < contracts.Count; i++) {
         Interface contract = contracts[i];
         if (this.ApiFilter.IsExposedType(contract)) {
             // if generic, check whether specialization types are exposed
     return (exposedContracts.ToArray());
Exemple #35
 public virtual void SupportedInterfaces(TypeNode t, InterfaceList ifaceList, TypeViewer typeViewer){
   if (ifaceList == null) return;
   TypeNode unwrappedT = this.Unwrap(t);
   Interface iface = unwrappedT as Interface;
   if (iface != null){
     // possibly not needed, but seems better to keep ifaceList as a set
     int i = 0;
     while (i < ifaceList.Count){
       if (ifaceList[i] == iface)
     if (i == ifaceList.Count) // not found
     // nop
   InterfaceList ifaces = TypeViewer.GetTypeView(typeViewer, unwrappedT).Interfaces;
   for (int i = 0, n = ifaces == null ? 0 : ifaces.Count; i < n; i++){
Exemple #36
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes an upper bound in the type hierarchy for the set of argument types.
    /// This upper bound is a type that all types in the list are assignable to.
    /// If the types are all classes, then *the* least-upper-bound in the class
    /// hierarchy is returned.
    /// If the types contain at least one interface, then *a* deepest upper-bound
    /// is found from the intersection of the upward closure of each type.
    /// Note that if one of the types is System.Object, then that is immediately
    /// returned as the unified type without further examination of the list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ts">A list containing the set of types from which to compute the unified type.</param>
    /// <returns>The type corresponding to the least-upper-bound.</returns>
    public virtual TypeNode UnifiedType(TypeNodeList ts, TypeViewer typeViewer){
      if (ts == null || ts.Count == 0) return null;
      TypeNode unifiedType = SystemTypes.Object; // default unified type
      bool atLeastOneInterface = false;
      #region If at least one of the types is System.Object, then that is the unified type
      for (int i = 0, n = ts.Count; i < n; i++){
        TypeNode t = this.Unwrap(ts[i]);
        if (t == SystemTypes.Object){
          return SystemTypes.Object;
      #endregion If at least one of the types is System.Object, then that is the unified type
      // assert forall{TypeNode t in ts; t != SystemTypes.Object};
      #region See if any of the types are interfaces
      for (int i = 0, n = ts.Count; i < n; i++){
        TypeNode t = this.Unwrap(ts[i]);
        if (t.NodeType == NodeType.Interface){
          atLeastOneInterface = true;
      #endregion See if any of the types are interfaces

      #region Find the LUB in the class hierarchy (if there are no interfaces)
      if (!atLeastOneInterface){
        TrivialHashtable h = new TrivialHashtable(ts.Count);
        // Create the list [s, .., t] for each element t of ts where for each item
        // in the list, t_i, t_i = t_{i+1}.BaseType. (s.BaseType == SystemTypes.Object)
        // Store the list in a hashtable keyed by t.
        // Do this only for classes. Handle interfaces in a different way because of
        // multiple inheritance.
        for (int i = 0, n = ts.Count; i < n; i++){
          TypeNodeList tl = new TypeNodeList();
          TypeNode t = this.Unwrap(ts[i]);
          TypeNode t2 = t.BaseType;
          while (t2 != null && t2 != SystemTypes.Object){ // avoid including System.Object in the list for classes
            t2 = this.Unwrap(t2.BaseType);
          h[ts[i].UniqueKey] = tl;
        bool stop = false;
        int depth = 0;
        while (!stop){
          TypeNode putativeUnifiedType = null;
          int i = 0;
          int n = ts.Count;
          putativeUnifiedType = ((TypeNodeList) h[ts[0].UniqueKey])[depth];
          while (i < n){
            TypeNode t = ts[i];
            TypeNodeList subTypes = (TypeNodeList) h[t.UniqueKey];
            if (subTypes.Count <= depth || subTypes[depth] != putativeUnifiedType){
              // either reached the top of the hierarchy for t_i or it is on a different branch
              // than the current one.
              stop = true;
          if (i == n){ // made it all the way through: all types are subtypes of the current one
            unifiedType = putativeUnifiedType;
      #endregion Find the LUB in the class hierarchy (if there are no interfaces)
      #region Find *a* LUB in the interface hierarchy (if there is at least one interface or current LUB is object)
      if (unifiedType == SystemTypes.Object || atLeastOneInterface){
        TrivialHashtable interfaces = new TrivialHashtable();
        for (int i = 0, n = ts.Count; i < n; i++){
          InterfaceList il = new InterfaceList();
          interfaces[ts[i].UniqueKey] = il;
          this.SupportedInterfaces(ts[i],il,typeViewer); // side-effect: il gets added to
        // interfaces[ts[i]] is the upward closure of all of the interfaces supported by ts[i]
        // compute the intersection of all of the upward closures
        // might as well start with the first type in the list ts
        InterfaceList intersection = new InterfaceList();
        InterfaceList firstIfaceList = (InterfaceList)interfaces[ts[0].UniqueKey];
        for (int i = 0, n = firstIfaceList.Count; i < n; i++){
          Interface iface = firstIfaceList[i];
          bool found = false;
          int j = 1; // start at second type in the list ts
          while (j < ts.Count){
            InterfaceList cur = (InterfaceList)interfaces[ts[j].UniqueKey];
            found = false;
            for (int k = 0, p = cur.Count; k < p; k++){
              if (cur[k] == iface){
                found = true;
            if (!found){
              // then the j-th type doesn't support iface, don't bother looking in the rest
          if (found){
        // TODO: take the "deepest" interface in the intersection.
        // "deepest" means that if any other type in the intersection is a subtype
        // of it, then *don't* consider it.
        if (intersection.Count > 0){
          InterfaceList finalIntersection = new InterfaceList(intersection.Count);
          Interface iface = intersection[0];
          for (int i = 0, n = intersection.Count; i < n; i++){
            Interface curFace = intersection [i];
            int j = 0;
            int m = intersection.Count;
            while (j < m){
              if (j != i){
                Interface jFace = intersection[j];
                if (TypeViewer.GetTypeView(typeViewer, jFace).IsAssignableTo(curFace))
            if (j == m){ // made it all the way through, no other iface is a subtype of curFace
          if (finalIntersection.Count > 0){
            unifiedType = finalIntersection[0]; // heuristic: just take the first one
      #endregion Find *a* LUB in the interface hierarchy (if there is at least one interface or current LUB is object)
      return unifiedType;
Exemple #37
 private void GetInterfaces(int i, int firstInterfaceIndex, InterfaceList/*!*/ interfaces)
     InterfaceImplRow[] intfaces = this.tables.InterfaceImplTable;
     for (int j = firstInterfaceIndex, n = intfaces.Length; j < n; j++)
         if (intfaces[j].Class != i) continue; //TODO: break if sorted
         TypeNode ifaceT = this.DecodeAndGetTypeDefOrRefOrSpec(intfaces[j].Interface);
         Interface iface = ifaceT as Interface;
         if (iface == null)
             iface = new Interface();
             if (ifaceT != null)
                 iface.DeclaringModule = ifaceT.DeclaringModule;
                 iface.Namespace = ifaceT.Namespace;
                 iface.Name = ifaceT.Name;
Exemple #38
 internal TypeNode(Module declaringModule, TypeNode declaringType, AttributeList attributes, TypeFlags flags,
   Identifier Namespace, Identifier name, InterfaceList interfaces, MemberList members, NodeType nodeType)
     : base(null, attributes, name, nodeType)
     this.DeclaringModule = declaringModule;
     this.DeclaringType = declaringType;
     this.Flags = flags;
     this.Interfaces = interfaces;
     this.members = members;
     this.Namespace = Namespace;
Exemple #39
 private void GetGenericParameterConstraints(int index, ref TypeNode/*!*/ parameter)
     Debug.Assert(parameter != null);
     GenericParamConstraintRow[] genericParameterConstraints = this.tables.GenericParamConstraintTable;
     TypeNodeList constraints = new TypeNodeList();
     Class baseClass = null;
     InterfaceList interfaces = new InterfaceList();
     int i = 0, n = genericParameterConstraints.Length, j = n - 1;
     bool sorted = (this.sortedTablesMask >> (int)TableIndices.GenericParamConstraint) % 2 == 1;
     if (sorted)
         while (i < j)
             int k = (i + j) / 2;
             if (genericParameterConstraints[k].Param < index)
                 i = k + 1;
                 j = k;
         while (i > 0 && genericParameterConstraints[i - 1].Param == index) i--;
     for (; i < n; i++)
         if (genericParameterConstraints[i].Param == index)
             TypeNode t = this.DecodeAndGetTypeDefOrRefOrSpec(genericParameterConstraints[i].Constraint);
             Class c = t as Class;
             if (c != null)
                 baseClass = c;
             else if (t is Interface)
         else if (sorted)
     ClassParameter cp = parameter as ClassParameter;
     if (cp == null && baseClass != null)
         cp = ((ITypeParameter)parameter).DeclaringMember is Method ? new MethodClassParameter() : new ClassParameter();
         cp.Name = parameter.Name;
         cp.DeclaringMember = ((ITypeParameter)parameter).DeclaringMember;
         cp.ParameterListIndex = ((ITypeParameter)parameter).ParameterListIndex;
         cp.DeclaringModule = this.module;
         cp.TypeParameterFlags = ((ITypeParameter)parameter).TypeParameterFlags;
         parameter = cp;
     if (cp != null)
         cp.structuralElementTypes = constraints;
         ((TypeParameter)parameter).structuralElementTypes = constraints;
     if (baseClass != null && cp != null) cp.BaseClass = baseClass;
     parameter.Interfaces = interfaces;
Exemple #40
 public virtual void VisitResolvedInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList resolvedInterfaceList, InterfaceList interfaceExpressionList){
   if (resolvedInterfaceList == null || interfaceExpressionList == null) return;
   int n = resolvedInterfaceList.Count;
   if (n > interfaceExpressionList.Count){Debug.Assert(false); n = interfaceExpressionList.Count;}
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
     Interface resolvedInterface = resolvedInterfaceList[i];
     if (resolvedInterface == null) continue;
     Interface reference = interfaceExpressionList[i];
     if (reference == null) continue;
     this.VisitResolvedTypeReference(resolvedInterface, reference);
Exemple #41
 public Interface(InterfaceList baseInterfaces, NestedTypeProvider provideNestedTypes, TypeAttributeProvider provideAttributes, TypeMemberProvider provideMembers, object handle)
     : base(NodeType.Interface, provideNestedTypes, provideAttributes, provideMembers, handle)
     this.Interfaces = baseInterfaces;
Exemple #42
 public Interface(Module declaringModule, TypeNode declaringType, AttributeList attributes, TypeFlags flags,
   Identifier Namespace, Identifier name, InterfaceList baseInterfaces, MemberList members)
     : base(declaringModule, declaringType, attributes, flags, Namespace, name, baseInterfaces, members, NodeType.Interface)
     this.Flags |= TypeFlags.Interface | TypeFlags.Abstract;
Exemple #43
 public Struct(Module declaringModule, TypeNode declaringType, AttributeList attributes, TypeFlags flags,
   Identifier Namespace, Identifier name, InterfaceList interfaces, MemberList members)
     : base(declaringModule, declaringType, attributes, flags, Namespace, name, interfaces, members, NodeType.Struct)
     this.Interfaces = interfaces;
     this.typeCode = ElementType.ValueType;
     this.Flags |= TypeFlags.Sealed;
Exemple #44
 public MethodTypeParameter(InterfaceList baseInterfaces, NestedTypeProvider provideNestedTypes, TypeAttributeProvider provideAttributes, TypeMemberProvider provideMembers, object handle)
     : base(baseInterfaces, provideNestedTypes, provideAttributes, provideMembers, handle)
     this.NodeType = NodeType.TypeParameter;
     this.Flags = TypeFlags.Interface | TypeFlags.NestedPublic | TypeFlags.Abstract;
     this.Namespace = StandardIds.TypeParameter;
 private void WriteInterfaces(InterfaceList contracts) {
     Interface[] implementedContracts = GetExposedInterfaces(contracts);
     if (implementedContracts.Length == 0) return;
     StartElementCallbacks("implements", implementedContracts);
     for (int i = 0; i < implementedContracts.Length; i++) {
     EndElementCallbacks("implements", implementedContracts);
Exemple #46
 public virtual bool IsAllowedAsImplementedType(InterfaceList declaringTypeInterfaces, Interface implementedInterface) {
   if (declaringTypeInterfaces == null) return false;
   if (declaringTypeInterfaces.SearchFor(implementedInterface) >= 0) return true;
   for (int i = 0, n = declaringTypeInterfaces.Count; i < n; i++) {
     Interface iface = declaringTypeInterfaces[i];
     if (iface != null && this.GetTypeView(iface).IsAssignableTo(implementedInterface)) return true;
   return false;
 public override InterfaceList VisitInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList interfaceReferences)
   throw new ApplicationException("unimplemented");
 public virtual Differences VisitInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList list1, InterfaceList list2,
   out InterfaceList changes, out InterfaceList deletions, out InterfaceList insertions){
   changes = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   deletions = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   insertions = list1 == null ? new InterfaceList() : list1.Clone();
   //^ assert insertions != null;
   Differences differences = new Differences();
   //Compare definitions that have matching key attributes
   TrivialHashtable matchingPosFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   TrivialHashtable matchedNodes = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int j = 0, n = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < n; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     Interface nd2 = list2[j];
     if (nd2 == null || nd2.Name == null) continue;
     matchingPosFor[nd2.Name.UniqueIdKey] = j;
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     Interface nd1 = list1[i];
     if (nd1 == null || nd1.Name == null) continue;
     object pos = matchingPosFor[nd1.Name.UniqueIdKey];
     if (!(pos is int)) continue;
     //^ assert pos != null;
     //^ assume list2 != null; //since there was entry int matchingPosFor
     int j = (int)pos;
     Interface nd2 = list2[j];
     //nd1 and nd2 have the same key attributes and are therefore treated as the same entity
     matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] = nd1;
     //^ assume nd2 != null;
     matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] = nd2;
     //nd1 and nd2 may still be different, though, so find out how different
     Differences diff = this.VisitInterface(nd1, nd2);
     if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
     if (diff.NumberOfDifferences != 0){
       changes[i] = diff.Changes as Interface;
       deletions[i] = diff.Deletions as Interface;
       insertions[i] = diff.Insertions as Interface;
       insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
       //Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes[i] && diff.Deletions == deletions[i] && diff.Insertions == insertions[i]);
       differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
       differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = null;
     insertions[i] = null;
     insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
   //Find deletions
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     Interface nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = nd1;
     insertions[i] = null;
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1;
   //Find insertions
   for (int j = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count, m = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     Interface nd2 = list2[j]; 
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     insertions[n+j] = nd2;  //Records nd2 as an insertion into list1, along with its position in list2
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1; //REVIEW: put the size of the tree here?
   if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
     changes = null;
     deletions = null;
     insertions = null;
   return differences;
Exemple #49
        private TypeNode/*!*/ ConstructCorrectTypeNodeSubclass(int i, Identifier/*!*/ namesp, int firstInterfaceIndex, int lastInterfaceIndex,
          TypeFlags flags, InterfaceList interfaces, int baseTypeCodedIndex, bool isSystemEnum)
            TypeNode result;
            TypeNode.TypeAttributeProvider attributeProvider = new TypeNode.TypeAttributeProvider(this.GetTypeAttributes);
            TypeNode.NestedTypeProvider nestedTypeProvider = new TypeNode.NestedTypeProvider(this.GetNestedTypes);
            TypeNode.TypeMemberProvider memberProvider = new TypeNode.TypeMemberProvider(this.GetTypeMembers);
            bool isTemplateParameter = false;

            if ((flags & TypeFlags.Interface) != 0)
                if (isTemplateParameter)
                    result = new TypeParameter(interfaces, nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);
                    result = new Interface(interfaces, nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);
            else if (isTemplateParameter)
                result = new ClassParameter(nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);
                result = null;
                TypeNode baseClass = this.GetTypeIfNotGenericInstance(baseTypeCodedIndex);
                if (baseClass != null)
                    if (baseClass == CoreSystemTypes.MulticastDelegate) //TODO: handle single cast delegates
                        result = new DelegateNode(nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);
                    else if (baseClass == CoreSystemTypes.Enum)
                        result = new EnumNode(nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);
                    else if (baseClass == CoreSystemTypes.ValueType &&
                      !(isSystemEnum && (flags & TypeFlags.Sealed) == 0))
                        result = new Struct(nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);

                if(result == null)
                    result = new Class(nestedTypeProvider, attributeProvider, memberProvider, i);

            result.Flags = flags;
            result.Interfaces = interfaces;
            return result;
Exemple #50
 public virtual InterfaceList VisitInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList interfaces, InterfaceList changes, InterfaceList deletions, InterfaceList insertions){
   if (interfaces == null) return changes;
   if (changes != null){
     if (deletions == null || insertions == null)
   }else if (deletions != null)
     return null;
   return interfaces;
Exemple #51
 public Interface(InterfaceList baseInterfaces)
     : base(NodeType.Interface)
     this.Interfaces = baseInterfaces;
     this.Flags = TypeFlags.Interface | TypeFlags.Abstract;
Exemple #52
 private InterfaceList ParseInterfaceList(TokenSet followers, bool expectLeftBrace){
   InterfaceList ilist = new InterfaceList();
   TokenSet followersOrComma = followers|Token.Comma;
     Expression id = this.scanner.GetIdentifier();
       case Token.Bool:
       case Token.Decimal:
       case Token.Sbyte:
       case Token.Byte:
       case Token.Short:
       case Token.Ushort:
       case Token.Int:
       case Token.Uint:
       case Token.Long:
       case Token.Ulong:
       case Token.Char:
       case Token.Float:
       case Token.Double:
       case Token.Object:
       case Token.String:
       case Token.Void:
         TypeExpression texpr = this.TypeExpressionFor(this.currentToken);
         ilist.Add(new InterfaceExpression(texpr.Expression, texpr.SourceContext));
         goto lookForComma;
         bool idOK = Parser.IdentifierOrNonReservedKeyword[this.currentToken];
         if (idOK){
           if (this.currentToken == Token.DoubleColon){
             Identifier id2 = this.scanner.GetIdentifier();
             id2.Prefix = (Identifier)id;
             id2.SourceContext.StartPos = id.SourceContext.StartPos;
             id = id2;
           if (this.currentToken == Token.Dot)
             id = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(id, followersOrComma|Token.LessThan);
           int col = this.scanner.endPos;
           if (col == this.scanner.endPos && this.currentToken != Token.EndOfFile){
             //Did not consume a token, but just gave an error
             if (!followersOrComma[this.currentToken]) this.GetNextToken();
             if (followers[this.currentToken]) return ilist;
             if (this.currentToken != Token.Comma){
               if (Parser.IdentifierOrNonReservedKeyword[this.currentToken]) continue;
           if (this.currentToken == Token.Dot)
             id = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(id, followersOrComma|Token.LessThan);
           if (!idOK) goto lookForComma;
     //I really want an Identifier here for StartName
     if (this.sink != null) {
       Identifier name = id as Identifier;
       if (id is QualifiedIdentifier) {
         name = ((QualifiedIdentifier)id).Identifier;
       if (name != null) {
     InterfaceExpression ifaceExpr = new InterfaceExpression(id, id.SourceContext);
     if (this.currentToken == Token.LessThan){
       TypeNodeList arguments = new TypeNodeList();
         TypeNode t = this.ParseTypeExpression(null, followers|Token.Comma|Token.GreaterThan);
         if (this.currentToken != Token.Comma) break;
       ifaceExpr.TemplateArguments = arguments;
       ifaceExpr.TemplateArgumentExpressions = arguments.Clone();
       ifaceExpr.SourceContext.EndPos = this.scanner.endPos;
       if (this.currentToken == Token.Dot) {
         TemplateInstance tempInst = new TemplateInstance(ifaceExpr.Expression, ifaceExpr.TemplateArguments);
         tempInst.TypeArgumentExpressions = ifaceExpr.TemplateArguments == null ? null : ifaceExpr.TemplateArguments.Clone();
         tempInst.SourceContext = ifaceExpr.SourceContext;
         ifaceExpr.Expression = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(tempInst, followersOrComma|Token.LessThan);
         ifaceExpr.TemplateArguments = null;
         ifaceExpr.TemplateArgumentExpressions = null;
         if (ifaceExpr.Expression != null) ifaceExpr.SourceContext = ifaceExpr.Expression.SourceContext;
         if (this.currentToken == Token.LessThan) goto yetAnotherTypeArgumentList;
     if (Parser.TypeOperator[this.currentToken] && !(expectLeftBrace && this.currentToken == Token.LeftBrace)){
       if (this.currentToken == Token.RightBracket || this.currentToken == Token.RightBrace)
       this.SkipTo(followersOrComma, Error.None);
     }else if (!followersOrComma[this.currentToken])
       this.SkipTo(followersOrComma, Error.TypeExpected);
     if (this.currentToken == Token.Comma){
       if (followers[Token.Comma] && followers[Token.GreaterThan])
         break; //Parsing the constraint of a type parameter
       if (expectLeftBrace && (this.currentToken == Token.Class || this.currentToken == Token.Struct || this.currentToken == Token.New))
     }else if (!Parser.TypeStart[this.currentToken] || this.currentToken == Token.Where)
     else if (Parser.ContractStart[this.currentToken])
   return ilist;
Exemple #53
 public Class(Module declaringModule, TypeNode declaringType, AttributeList attributes, TypeFlags flags,
   Identifier Namespace, Identifier name, Class baseClass, InterfaceList interfaces, MemberList members)
     : base(declaringModule, declaringType, attributes, flags, Namespace, name, interfaces, members, NodeType.Class)
     this.baseClass = baseClass;
Exemple #54
        public override InterfaceList VisitInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList interfaceReferences)
            if(interfaceReferences == null)
                return null;

            return base.VisitInterfaceReferenceList(new InterfaceList(interfaceReferences));
 public virtual InterfaceList VisitInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList interfaceReferences)
     if (interfaceReferences == null) return null;
     for (int i = 0, n = interfaceReferences.Count; i < n; i++)
         interfaceReferences[i] = this.VisitInterfaceReference(interfaceReferences[i]);
     return interfaceReferences;
 public virtual InterfaceList VisitInterfaceReferenceList(InterfaceList interfaceReferences1, InterfaceList interfaceReferences2)
     if (interfaceReferences1 == null) return null;
     for (int i = 0, n = interfaceReferences1.Count, m = interfaceReferences2 == null ? 0 : interfaceReferences2.Count; i < n; i++)
         //^ assert interfaceReferences2 != null;
         if (i >= m)
             interfaceReferences1[i] = this.VisitInterfaceReference(interfaceReferences1[i], null);
             interfaceReferences1[i] = this.VisitInterfaceReference(interfaceReferences1[i], interfaceReferences2[i]);
     return interfaceReferences1;
Exemple #57
 private ClassParameter ConvertToClassParameter(TypeNode typeParameter, InterfaceList interfaces, Class baseClass, ClassExpression cExpr){
   ClassParameter cParam = typeParameter is MethodTypeParameter ? new MethodClassParameter() : new ClassParameter();
   this.typeParamToClassParamMap[typeParameter.UniqueKey] = cParam;
   cParam.SourceContext = typeParameter.SourceContext;
   cParam.TypeParameterFlags = ((ITypeParameter)typeParameter).TypeParameterFlags;
   if (typeParameter.IsUnmanaged) { cParam.SetIsUnmanaged(); }
   cParam.Name = typeParameter.Name;
   cParam.Namespace = StandardIds.ClassParameter;
   cParam.BaseClass = baseClass == null ? SystemTypes.Object : baseClass;
   cParam.BaseClassExpression = cExpr;
   cParam.DeclaringMember = ((ITypeParameter)typeParameter).DeclaringMember;
   cParam.DeclaringModule = typeParameter.DeclaringModule;
   cParam.DeclaringType = typeParameter is MethodTypeParameter ? null : typeParameter.DeclaringType;
   cParam.Flags = typeParameter.Flags & ~TypeFlags.Interface;
   cParam.ParameterListIndex = ((ITypeParameter)typeParameter).ParameterListIndex;
   MemberList mems = cParam.DeclaringType == null ? null : cParam.DeclaringType.Members;
   int n = mems == null ? 0 : mems.Count;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
     if ((mems[i] as TypeNode) == typeParameter){
       mems[i] = cParam;
   if (cExpr != null){
     n = interfaces.Count - 1;
     InterfaceList actualInterfaces = new InterfaceList(n);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       actualInterfaces.Add(interfaces[i + 1]);
     cParam.Interfaces = actualInterfaces;
     cParam.Interfaces = interfaces;
   if (cExpr != null) cParam.BaseClass = this.VisitClassExpression(cExpr);
   return cParam;
 public virtual void VisitBaseClassReference(Class Class){
   if (Class == null) return;
   if (Class.Name.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.CapitalObject.UniqueIdKey && Class.Namespace.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.System.UniqueIdKey) {
     Class.BaseClass = null; Class.BaseClassExpression = null;
   if (Class.PartiallyDefines is Class && ((Class)Class.PartiallyDefines).BaseClass == null) 
   TypeNodeList partialTypes = Class.IsDefinedBy;
   if (partialTypes != null){
     for (int i = 0, n = partialTypes == null ? 0 : partialTypes.Count; i < n; i++){
       Class partialClass = partialTypes[i] as Class;
       if (partialClass == null || partialClass.BaseClass == SystemTypes.Object) continue;
       partialClass.PartiallyDefines = null; //Stop recursion
       partialClass.PartiallyDefines = Class;
       if (partialClass.BaseClass == SystemTypes.Object) continue;
       Class.BaseClass = partialClass.BaseClass;
   //Visit Class.BaseClass, but guard against doing it twice 
   //(this routine can get called when visiting a derived class that occurs lexically before Class)
   if (Class.BaseClassExpression == Class) return; //Still resolving the base class. This is a recursive call due to a recursive type argument.
   if (Class.BaseClass != null) {
     ClassExpression cExpr = Class.BaseClass as ClassExpression;
     if (cExpr == null) return; //Been here before and found a base class
     this.VisitBaseClassReference(Class, true);
   //Leaving the BaseClass null is the convention for asking that the first expression in the interface list be treated as the base class, if possible.
   //If not possible, the convention is to set BaseClass equal to SystemTypes.Object.
   InterfaceList interfaces = Class.Interfaces;
   InterfaceList interfaceExpressions = Class.InterfaceExpressions;
   if (interfaces != null && interfaces.Count > 0){
     Interface iface = interfaces[0];
     InterfaceExpression ifExpr = iface as InterfaceExpression;
     if (ifExpr != null){
       ClassExpression cExpr = new ClassExpression(ifExpr.Expression, ifExpr.TemplateArguments, ifExpr.SourceContext);
       Class.BaseClass = Class.BaseClassExpression = cExpr;
       if (this.VisitBaseClassReference(Class, false)){
         //The first expression is not meant as an interface, remove it from the list
         int n = interfaces.Count-1;
         InterfaceList actualInterfaces = new InterfaceList(n);
         InterfaceList actualInterfaceExpressions = new InterfaceList(n);
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
           if (interfaceExpressions != null)
         Class.Interfaces = actualInterfaces;
         if (interfaceExpressions != null)
           Class.InterfaceExpressions = actualInterfaceExpressions;
         Class.BaseClass = SystemTypes.Object; Class.BaseClassExpression = null;
       Class.BaseClass = SystemTypes.Object; Class.BaseClassExpression = null;
     Class.BaseClass = SystemTypes.Object; Class.BaseClassExpression = null;
   if (Class.BaseClass != null && Class.BaseClass != SystemTypes.Object) {
     this.VisitBaseClassReference(Class.BaseClass.Template as Class);
        private static bool InterfaceListContains(InterfaceList interfaceList, TypeNode intf)
            if (interfaceList == null) return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < interfaceList.Count; i++)
                if (interfaceList[i] == intf) return true;
            return false;
Exemple #60
 internal TypeNode/*!*/ GetTypeFromDefHelper(int i)
     // This is added to prevent loops. 
     //  Check the code in GetTypeFromDef which checks != null before calling this function
     this.tables.TypeDefTable[i - 1].Type = Class.Dummy;
     TypeDefRow typeDef = this.tables.TypeDefTable[i - 1];
     Identifier name = this.tables.GetIdentifier(typeDef.Name);
     Identifier namesp = this.tables.GetIdentifier(typeDef.Namespace);
     int firstInterfaceIndex;
     int lastInterfaceIndex;
     this.GetInterfaceIndices(i, out firstInterfaceIndex, out lastInterfaceIndex);
     InterfaceList interfaces = new InterfaceList();
     TypeNode result = this.ConstructCorrectTypeNodeSubclass(i, namesp, firstInterfaceIndex, lastInterfaceIndex,
       (TypeFlags)typeDef.Flags, interfaces, typeDef.Extends,
       name.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.Enum.UniqueIdKey && namesp.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.System.UniqueIdKey);
     result.DeclaringModule = this.module;
     result.Name = name;
     result.Namespace = namesp;
     TypeNodeList typeParameters = this.currentTypeParameters = this.GetTypeParametersFor((i << 1) | 0, result);
     result.TemplateParameters = typeParameters;
     result.IsGeneric = typeParameters != null;
     this.tables.TypeDefTable[i - 1].Type = result;
     this.currentType = result;
     this.RemoveTypeParametersBelongToDeclaringType(i, ref typeParameters, result);
     //Now that the type instance has been allocated, it is safe to get hold of things that could refer to this type.
     if (result is Class && result.BaseType == null)
         TypeNode baseType = this.DecodeAndGetTypeDefOrRefOrSpec(typeDef.Extends);
         ((Class)result).BaseClass = baseType as Class;
         if (baseType != null && !(baseType is Class) && this.module != null)
             HandleError(this.module, ExceptionStrings.InvalidBaseClass);
     if (result.IsGeneric)
         this.GetTypeParameterConstraints((i << 1) | 0, typeParameters);
     if (firstInterfaceIndex >= 0)
         this.GetInterfaces(i, firstInterfaceIndex, interfaces);
     if ((result.Flags & (TypeFlags.ExplicitLayout | TypeFlags.SequentialLayout)) != 0)
         this.GetClassSizeAndPackingSize(i, result);
     return result;