Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides very basic workbook parsing and shunting of code cells
        /// into the evaluation service. Does not display non-code-cell contents
        /// but does evaluate a workbook from top-to-bottom. Restores nuget
        /// packages from the workbook's manifest.
        /// </summary>
        static async Task <int> WorkbookPlayerMain(InteractiveSession session, ClientSessionUri sessionUri)
            var path = new FilePath(sessionUri.WorkbookPath);

            if (!path.FileExists)
                Error.WriteLine($"File does not exist: {path}");

            // load the workbook file
            var workbook = new WorkbookPackage(path);
            await workbook.Open(
                quarantineInfo => Task.FromResult(true),

            #pragma warning disable 0618
            // TODO: WorkbookDocumentManifest needs to eliminate AgentType like we've done on web
            // to avoid having to use the the flavor mapping in AgentIdentity.
            var targetPlatformIdentifier = AgentIdentity.GetFlavorId(workbook.PlatformTargets [0]);
            #pragma warning restore 0618

            // initialize the session based on manifest metadata from the workbook file
            language = workbook.GetLanguageDescriptions().First();
            await session.InitializeAsync(new InteractiveSessionDescription (
                                              new EvaluationEnvironment(Environment.CurrentDirectory)));

            // restore NuGet packages
            await session.PackageManagerService.RestoreAsync(
                workbook.Pages.SelectMany(page => page.Packages));

            // insert and evaluate cells in the workbook
            foreach (var cell in workbook.IndexPage.Contents.OfType <CodeCell> ())
                var buffer = cell.CodeAnalysisBuffer.Value;

                lastCodeCellId = await session.EvaluationService.InsertCodeCellAsync(

                ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;


                await session.EvaluationService.EvaluateAsync(lastCodeCellId);

                if (lastCellEvaluationStatus != CodeCellEvaluationStatus.Success)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Hosts an interactive REPL against a supported Workbooks target platform.
        /// This is analogous to 'csharp' or 'csi' or any other REPL on the planet.
        /// </summary>
        static async Task <int> ReplPlayerMain()
            // As an exercise to the reader, this puppy should take an optional
            // workbook flavor ID to know what platform you want to REPL and find
            // it in the list of installed and available ones...
            // For now we'll just pick the first available option 😺
            var workbookTarget = WorkbookAppInstallation.All.FirstOrDefault();

            if (workbookTarget == null)
                RenderError("No workbook target platforms could be found.");

            // We do not currently expose a list of available language descriptions
            // for the given build/installation, but if we did, this is when
            // you'd want to pick one. Just assume 'csharp' for now. Stay tuned.
            language = "csharp";

            // A session description combines just enough info for the entire
            // EvaluationService to get itself in order to do your bidding.
            var sessionDescription = new InteractiveSessionDescription(
                new EvaluationEnvironment(Environment.CurrentDirectory));

            // Now create and get ready to deal with the session; a more complete
            // client should handle more than just OnNext from the observer.
            var session = InteractiveSession.CreateWorkbookSession();

            session.Events.Subscribe(new Observer <InteractiveSessionEvent> (OnSessionEvent));

            // And initialize it with all of our prerequisites...
            // Status events raised within this method will be posted to the
            // observable above ("starting agent", "initializing workspace", etc).
            await session.InitializeAsync(sessionDescription);

            // At this point we have the following in order, ready to serve:
            //   1. a connected agent ready to execute code
            //   2. a workspace that can perform compliation, intellisense, etc
            //   3. an evaluation service that is ready to deal with (1) and (2)
            // It's at this point that a full UI would allow the user to actually
            // run code. This is the "User Experience main()"...
            // This is the REPL you're looking for...
            while (true)
                // append a new cell (no arguments here imply append)
                var cellId = await session.EvaluationService.InsertCodeCellAsync();

                // render the initial/top-level prompt

                while (true)
                    var deltaBuffer    = ReadLine();
                    var existingBuffer = await session.EvaluationService.GetCodeCellBufferAsync(cellId);

                    await session.EvaluationService.UpdateCodeCellAsync(
                        existingBuffer.Value + deltaBuffer);

                    if (session.WorkspaceService.IsCellComplete(cellId))

                    WriteReplPrompt(secondaryPrompt: true);

                await session.EvaluationService.EvaluateAsync(cellId);
                await EvaluationServiceRaceBug();
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides very basic workbook parsing and shunting of code cells
        /// into the evaluation service. Does not display non-code-cell contents
        /// but does evaluate a workbook from top-to-bottom. Restores nuget
        /// packages from the workbook's manifest.
        /// </summary>
        static async Task <int> WorkbookPlayerMain(string workbookPath)
            var path = new FilePath(workbookPath);

            if (!path.FileExists)
                Error.WriteLine($"File does not exist: {path}");

            // load the workbook file
            var workbook = new WorkbookPackage(path);
            await workbook.Open(
                quarantineInfo => Task.FromResult(true),

            // create and get ready to deal with the session; a more complete
            // client should handle more than just OnNext from the observer.
            var session = InteractiveSession.CreateWorkbookSession();

            session.Events.Subscribe(new Observer <InteractiveSessionEvent> (OnSessionEvent));

            #pragma warning disable 0618
            // TODO: WorkbookDocumentManifest needs to eliminate AgentType like we've done on web
            // to avoid having to use the the flavor mapping in AgentIdentity.
            var targetPlatformIdentifier = AgentIdentity.GetFlavorId(workbook.PlatformTargets [0]);
            #pragma warning restore 0618

            // initialize the session based on manifest metadata from the workbook file
            language = workbook.GetLanguageDescriptions().First();
            await session.InitializeAsync(new InteractiveSessionDescription (
                                              new EvaluationEnvironment(Environment.CurrentDirectory)));

            // restore NuGet packages
            await session.PackageManagerService.RestoreAsync(
                workbook.Pages.SelectMany(page => page.Packages));

            // insert and evaluate cells in the workbook
            foreach (var cell in workbook.IndexPage.Contents.OfType <CodeCell> ())
                var buffer = cell.CodeAnalysisBuffer.Value;

                lastCodeCellId = await session.EvaluationService.InsertCodeCellAsync(


                await session.EvaluationService.EvaluateAsync(lastCodeCellId);
                await EvaluationServiceRaceBug();

                if (lastCellEvaluationStatus != CodeCellEvaluationStatus.Success)

Exemple #4
        static async Task <int> MainAsync(string [] args)
            ClientSessionUri sessionUri = null;
            TextWriter       logWriter  = null;
            var showHelp = false;

            var options = new OptionSet {
                { "usage: xic [OPTIONS]+ [URI]" },
                { "" },
                { "Options:" },
                { "" },
                { "l|log=", "Write debugging log to file",
                  v => logWriter = new StreamWriter(v) },
                { "h|help", "Show this help",
                  v => showHelp = true }

            try {
                args = options.Parse(args).ToArray();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error.WriteLine($"Invalid option: {e.Message}");
                showHelp = true;

            if (showHelp)

            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (!ClientSessionUri.TryParse(args [0], out sessionUri))
                    Error.WriteLine($"Invalid URI: {args [0]}");

            // set up the very basic global services/environment
            var clientApp = new ConsoleClientApp();

                logProvider: new LogProvider(LogLevel.Info, logWriter));

            // Now create and get ready to deal with the session; a more complete
            // client should handle more than just OnNext from the observer.
            var session = new InteractiveSession(agentUri: sessionUri);

            session.Events.Subscribe(new Observer <InteractiveSessionEvent> (OnSessionEvent));

            if (sessionUri?.WorkbookPath != null)
                await WorkbookPlayerMain(session, sessionUri);
                await ReplPlayerMain(session);

            // Nevermind this... it'll get fixed!
            await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Hosts an interactive REPL against a supported Workbooks target platform.
        /// This is analogous to 'csharp' or 'csi' or any other REPL on the planet.
        /// </summary>
        static async Task <int> ReplPlayerMain(InteractiveSession session)
            // As an exercise to the reader, this puppy should take an optional
            // workbook flavor ID to know what platform you want to REPL and find
            // it in the list of installed and available ones...
            // For now we'll just pick the first available option 😺
            var workbookTarget = WorkbookAppInstallation.All.FirstOrDefault();

            if (workbookTarget == null)
                RenderError("No workbook target platforms could be found.");

            // We do not currently expose a list of available language descriptions
            // for the given build/installation, but if we did, this is when
            // you'd want to pick one. Just assume 'csharp' for now. Stay tuned.
            language = "csharp";

            // A session description combines just enough info for the entire
            // EvaluationService to get itself in order to do your bidding.
            var sessionDescription = new InteractiveSessionDescription(
                new EvaluationEnvironment(Environment.CurrentDirectory));

            // And initialize it with all of our prerequisites...
            // Status events raised within this method will be posted to the
            // observable above ("starting agent", "initializing workspace", etc).
            await session.InitializeAsync(sessionDescription);

            CodeCellId cellId = default;

            var editor = new LineEditor("xic");

            editor.BeforeRenderPrompt = () => ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
            editor.AfterRenderPrompt  = () => ResetColor();

            // At this point we have the following in order, ready to serve:
            //   1. a connected agent ready to execute code
            //   2. a workspace that can perform compliation, intellisense, etc
            //   3. an evaluation service that is ready to deal with (1) and (2)
            // It's at this point that a full UI would allow the user to actually
            // run code. This is the "User Experience main()"...
            // This is the REPL you're looking for...
            while (true)
                // append a new cell (no arguments here imply append)
                cellId = await session.EvaluationService.InsertCodeCellAsync();

                for (int i = 0; true; i++)
                    var deltaBuffer = editor.Edit(
                        GetPrompt(i > 0),

                    var existingBuffer = await session.EvaluationService.GetCodeCellBufferAsync(cellId);

                    await session.EvaluationService.UpdateCodeCellAsync(
                        existingBuffer.Value + deltaBuffer);

                    if (session.WorkspaceService.IsCellComplete(cellId))

                var finishedEvent = await session.EvaluationService.EvaluateAsync(cellId);

                // if the evaluation was not successful, remove the cell so it's not internally
                // re-evaluated (which would continue to yield the same failures)
                if (finishedEvent.Status != CodeCellEvaluationStatus.Success)
                    await session.EvaluationService.RemoveCodeCellAsync(finishedEvent.CodeCellId);