Exemple #1
        private void ActivateSpringForce()
            var dampingConstant = 5;
            var springConstant  = 20;

            var modifier = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

            // Set the condition to true (always)

            // Define a spring-like force, anchored at position 0.
            var target = ExpressionValues.Target.CreateInteractionTrackerTarget();

            modifier.SetMotion((-target.Position.Y * springConstant) - (dampingConstant * target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y));

            _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
        private void ActivateSpringForce(float pullToRefreshDistance)
            var dampingConstant = 5;
            var springConstant  = 5;

            var modifier = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

            // Set the condition to true (always)

            var target = ExpressionValues.Target.CreateInteractionTrackerTarget();

            // Define a spring-like force, anchored at position 0. This brings the listView back to position 0.
            modifier.SetMotion(-(target.Position.Y * springConstant) - (target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y * dampingConstant));

            _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
Exemple #3
        private void ActivateSpringForce()
            var dampingConstant = 5;
            var springConstant  = 20;

            var modifier = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

            // Set the condition to true (always)
            modifier.Condition = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("true");

            // Define a spring-like force, anchored at position 0.
            modifier.Motion = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation(@"(-(this.target.Position.Y) * springConstant) - (dampingConstant * this.target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y)");

            modifier.Motion.SetScalarParameter("dampingConstant", dampingConstant);
            modifier.Motion.SetScalarParameter("springConstant", springConstant);

            _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
Exemple #4
        private void ActivateGravityForce()
            var gravity = -700;
            var bounce  = -150f;

            var modifier = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

            modifier.Condition = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("true");

            modifier.Motion = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation(
                "(this.target.Position.Y > 0) ? (gravity) :" +
                "((this.target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y <= 0) ?" +
                "(bounce * this.target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y) : (0))");

            modifier.Motion.SetScalarParameter("gravity", gravity);
            modifier.Motion.SetScalarParameter("bounce", bounce);

            _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
        private void ActivateSpringForce()
#if SDKVERSION_15063
            // On newer builds, use the Spring NaturalMotion
            if (MainPage.RuntimeCapabilities.IsSdkVersionRuntimeSupported(RuntimeSupportedSDKs.SDKVERSION._15063))
                var modifier        = InteractionTrackerInertiaNaturalMotion.Create(_compositor);
                var springAnimation = _compositor.CreateSpringScalarAnimation();
                springAnimation.Period       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.15);
                springAnimation.DampingRatio = .4f;
                springAnimation.FinalValue   = 0.0f;

                modifier.Condition     = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("true");
                modifier.NaturalMotion = springAnimation;
                _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
            // On older builds, use a custom force that behaves like a spring
                var dampingConstant = 5;
                var springConstant  = 20;
                var modifier        = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

                // Set the condition to true (always)

                // Define a spring-like force, anchored at position 0.
                var target = ExpressionValues.Target.CreateInteractionTrackerTarget();
                modifier.SetMotion((-target.Position.Y * springConstant) - (dampingConstant * target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y));
                _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
Exemple #6
        private void ActivateGravityForce()
            // Setup the gravity+bounce inertia modifier.

            string posY = "this.target.Position.Y";
            string velY = "this.target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y";

            // Gravity Force

            // Adding a factor of 100 since -9.8 pixels / second ^2 is not very fast.
            var gravity = -9.8f * 100;

            // Always on.
            string gravityForce = "gravity";

            // Floor Force
            // This is the force that resists gravity and causes the bouncing. It's defined as:
            // 1. Zero if above the floor,
            // 2. Equal and opposite to gravity if "on" the floor (1 pixel above floor or below),
            // 3. The effects of 2., plus a reflective force if the direction of motion is still downward and the tracker is below the floor.
            //        This force is at its strongest (-1.8 * 100 * V) if the tracker is 5 or more
            //        pixels below floor, and weakest (-1.0 * 100 * V) if the tracker is "at" the
            //        floor.

            // The amount the tracker is below the floor, capped to at most 5 below.
            string amountBelowFloor = $"clamp(0, ({0} - {posY}), 5)";

            // The time slice our force engine uses.
            float dt = .01f;

            // Defining bounce constants.
            // -2 would cause perfectly inellastic reflection, bouncing as high as it fell from.
            // -1 would cause perfectly ellastic reflection, freezing motion.
            // We want some bounce, but we also want the bouncing to decay, so choose
            // bounce factors between -1 and -2.
            // Also, divide by the time slice width to make this reflective force apply entirely
            // all at once.
            var weakestBounce   = -1.1f / dt;
            var strongestBounce = -1.8f / dt;

            string floorForce =
                /*2.*/ $"(({posY} < ({0} + 1)) ? -gravity : 0) + " +
                /*3.*/ $"((({velY} < 0) && ({posY} < {0})) ? lerp({weakestBounce}, {strongestBounce}, ({amountBelowFloor} / 5)) * {velY} : 0)";

            // Apply the forces to the modifier

            var modifier = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

            modifier.Condition = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("true");

            modifier.Motion = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation($"{gravityForce} + {floorForce}");

            modifier.Motion.SetScalarParameter("gravity", gravity);

            _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });
Exemple #7
        private void ActivateGravityForce()
            // Setup the gravity+bounce inertia modifier.

            var target = ExpressionValues.Target.CreateInteractionTrackerTarget();
            var posY   = target.Position.Y;
            var velY   = target.PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond.Y;

            // Gravity Force

            // Adding a factor of 100 since -9.8 pixels / second ^2 is not very fast.
            var gravity = -9.8f * 100;

            // Floor Force
            // This is the force that resists gravity and causes the bouncing. It's defined as:
            // 1. Zero if above the floor,
            // 2. Equal and opposite to gravity if "on" the floor (1 pixel above floor or below),
            // 3. The effects of 2., plus a reflective force if the direction of motion is still downward and the tracker is below the floor.
            //        This force is at its strongest (-1.8 * 100 * V) if the tracker is 5 or more
            //        pixels below floor, and weakest (-1.0 * 100 * V) if the tracker is "at" the
            //        floor.

            // The amount the tracker is below the floor, capped to at most 5 below.

            var belowFloor = EF.Clamp(0, 0 - posY, 5);

            // The time slice our force engine uses.
            float dt = .01f;

            // Defining bounce constants.
            // -2 would cause perfectly inellastic reflection, bouncing as high as it fell from.
            // -1 would cause perfectly ellastic reflection, freezing motion.
            // We want some bounce, but we also want the bouncing to decay, so choose
            // bounce factors between -1 and -2.
            // Also, divide by the time slice width to make this reflective force apply entirely
            // all at once.
            var weakestBounce   = -1.1f / dt;
            var strongestBounce = -1.8f / dt;

            var floorForceExpression = EF.Conditional(posY < 1,
                                                      0) +
                                       EF.Conditional(EF.And(velY < 0f, posY < 0f),
                                                      EF.Lerp(weakestBounce, strongestBounce, belowFloor / 5) * velY,

            // Apply the forces to the modifier
            var modifier = InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion.Create(_compositor);

            modifier.SetMotion(gravity + floorForceExpression);
            _tracker.ConfigurePositionYInertiaModifiers(new InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier[] { modifier });