Exemple #1
        public virtual void GenDeposit(IServerChunk[] chunks, int chunkX, int chunkZ, BlockPos depoCenterPos, DepositVariant variant)
            int lx = GameMath.Mod(depoCenterPos.X, chunksize);
            int lz = GameMath.Mod(depoCenterPos.Z, chunksize);

            // Check if suited for this area, climate wise
            if (variant.Climate != null)
                IMapChunk originMapchunk = api.WorldManager.GetMapChunk(depoCenterPos.X / chunksize, depoCenterPos.Z / chunksize);

                if (originMapchunk == null)
                    return;                         // Definition: Climate dependent deposits are limited to size 32x32x32
                depoCenterPos.Y = originMapchunk.RainHeightMap[lz * chunksize + lx];

                IntDataMap2D climateMap = blockAccessor.GetMapRegion(depoCenterPos.X / regionSize, depoCenterPos.Z / regionSize).ClimateMap;

                float posXInRegionClimate = ((float)lx / regionSize - (float)lx / regionSize) * noiseSizeClimate;
                float posZInRegionClimate = ((float)lz / regionSize - (float)lz / regionSize) * noiseSizeClimate;

                int   climate = climateMap.GetUnpaddedColorLerped(posXInRegionClimate, posZInRegionClimate);
                float temp    = TerraGenConfig.GetScaledAdjustedTemperatureFloat((climate >> 16) & 0xff, depoCenterPos.Y - TerraGenConfig.seaLevel);
                float rainRel = TerraGenConfig.GetRainFall((climate >> 8) & 0xff, depoCenterPos.Y) / 255f;

                if (rainRel < variant.Climate.MinRain || rainRel > variant.Climate.MaxRain || temp < variant.Climate.MinTemp || temp > variant.Climate.MaxTemp)

            variant.GeneratorInst?.GenDeposit(blockAccessor, chunks, chunkX, chunkZ, depoCenterPos, ref subDepositsToPlace);
        private void OnChunkColumnGeneration(IServerChunk[] chunks, int chunkX, int chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams = null)
            rnd.InitPositionSeed(chunkX, chunkZ);

            IntDataMap2D forestMap  = chunks[0].MapChunk.MapRegion.ForestMap;
            IntDataMap2D climateMap = chunks[0].MapChunk.MapRegion.ClimateMap;
            IntDataMap2D beachMap   = chunks[0].MapChunk.MapRegion.BeachMap;

            ushort[] heightMap = chunks[0].MapChunk.RainHeightMap;

            int regionChunkSize = api.WorldManager.RegionSize / chunksize;
            int rdx             = chunkX % regionChunkSize;
            int rdz             = chunkZ % regionChunkSize;

            // Amount of data points per chunk
            float climateStep = (float)climateMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;
            float forestStep  = (float)forestMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;
            float beachStep   = (float)beachMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;

            // Retrieves the map data on the chunk edges
            int forestUpLeft   = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * forestStep), (int)(rdz * forestStep));
            int forestUpRight  = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * forestStep + forestStep), (int)(rdz * forestStep));
            int forestBotLeft  = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * forestStep), (int)(rdz * forestStep + forestStep));
            int forestBotRight = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * forestStep + forestStep), (int)(rdz * forestStep + forestStep));

            int beachUpLeft   = beachMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * beachStep), (int)(rdz * beachStep));
            int beachUpRight  = beachMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * beachStep + beachStep), (int)(rdz * beachStep));
            int beachBotLeft  = beachMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * beachStep), (int)(rdz * beachStep + beachStep));
            int beachBotRight = beachMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rdx * beachStep + beachStep), (int)(rdz * beachStep + beachStep));

            // increasing x -> left to right
            // increasing z -> top to bottom

            float transitionSize = blockLayerConfig.blockLayerTransitionSize;

            for (int x = 0; x < chunksize; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunksize; z++)
                    // Some weird randomnes stuff to hide fundamental bugs in the climate transition system :D T_T   (maybe not bugs but just fundamental shortcomings of using lerp on a very low resolution map)
                    float distx = (float)distort2dx.Noise(chunkX * chunksize + x, chunkZ * chunksize + z);
                    float distz = (float)distort2dz.Noise(chunkX * chunksize + x, chunkZ * chunksize + z);

                    double posRand        = (double)GameMath.MurmurHash3(x + chunkX * chunksize, 1, z + chunkZ * chunksize) / int.MaxValue;
                    double transitionRand = (posRand + 1) * transitionSize;

                    int posY = heightMap[z * chunksize + x];

                    int climate = climateMap.GetUnpaddedColorLerped(
                        rdx * climateStep + climateStep * (float)(x + distx) / chunksize,
                        rdz * climateStep + climateStep * (float)(z + distz) / chunksize

                    int   tempUnscaled = (climate >> 16) & 0xff;
                    int   rnd          = (int)(distx / 5);
                    float temp         = TerraGenConfig.GetScaledAdjustedTemperatureFloat(tempUnscaled, posY - TerraGenConfig.seaLevel + rnd);
                    float tempRel      = TerraGenConfig.GetAdjustedTemperature(tempUnscaled, posY - TerraGenConfig.seaLevel + rnd) / 255f;
                    float rainRel      = TerraGenConfig.GetRainFall((climate >> 8) & 0xff, posY + rnd) / 255f;
                    float forestRel    = GameMath.BiLerp(forestUpLeft, forestUpRight, forestBotLeft, forestBotRight, (float)x / chunksize, (float)z / chunksize) / 255f;
                    float beachRel     = GameMath.BiLerp(beachUpLeft, beachUpRight, beachBotLeft, beachBotRight, (float)x / chunksize, (float)z / chunksize) / 255f;

                    int prevY = posY;

                    posY = PutLayers(transitionRand, x, posY, z, chunks, rainRel, temp, tempUnscaled, heightMap);
                    int blockID = chunks[0].MapChunk.TopRockIdMap[z * chunksize + x];

                    GenBeach(x, prevY, z, chunks, rainRel, temp, beachRel, blockID);
                    PlaceTallGrass(x, prevY, z, chunks, rainRel, tempRel, temp, forestRel);

                    // Try again to put layers if above sealevel and we found over 10 air blocks
                    int foundAir = 0;
                    while (posY >= TerraGenConfig.seaLevel - 1)
                        int chunkY  = posY / chunksize;
                        int lY      = posY % chunksize;
                        int index3d = (chunksize * lY + z) * chunksize + x;
                        int blockId = chunks[chunkY].Blocks[index3d];

                        if (blockId == 0)
                            if (foundAir >= 8)
                                //temp = TerraGenConfig.GetScaledAdjustedTemperatureFloat(tempUnscaled, posY - TerraGenConfig.seaLevel);
                                //rainRel = TerraGenConfig.GetRainFall((climate >> 8) & 0xff, posY) / 255f;
                                //PutLayers(transitionRand, x, posY, z, chunks, rainRel, temp, tempUnscaled, null);
                                foundAir = 0;

        protected virtual void PrintProbeResults(IWorldAccessor world, IServerPlayer byPlayer, ItemSlot itemslot, BlockPos pos)
            DepositVariant[] deposits = api.ModLoader.GetModSystem <GenDeposits>()?.Deposits;
            if (deposits == null)

            IBlockAccessor blockAccess = world.BlockAccessor;
            int            chunksize   = blockAccess.ChunkSize;
            int            regsize     = blockAccess.RegionSize;

            IMapRegion reg = world.BlockAccessor.GetMapRegion(pos.X / regsize, pos.Z / regsize);
            int        lx  = pos.X % regsize;
            int        lz  = pos.Z % regsize;

            pos   = pos.Copy();
            pos.Y = world.BlockAccessor.GetTerrainMapheightAt(pos);

            int[] blockColumn = ppws.GetRockColumn(pos.X, pos.Z);

            List <KeyValuePair <double, string> > readouts = new List <KeyValuePair <double, string> >();

            List <string> traceamounts = new List <string>();

            foreach (var val in reg.OreMaps)
                IntDataMap2D map       = val.Value;
                int          noiseSize = map.InnerSize;

                float posXInRegionOre = (float)lx / regsize * noiseSize;
                float posZInRegionOre = (float)lz / regsize * noiseSize;

                int oreDist = map.GetUnpaddedColorLerped(posXInRegionOre, posZInRegionOre);

                double ppt;
                double totalFactor;

                if (!ppws.depositsByCode.ContainsKey(val.Key))
                    string text = Lang.Get("propick-reading-unknown", val.Key);
                    readouts.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, string>(1, text));

                ppws.depositsByCode[val.Key].GetPropickReading(pos, oreDist, blockColumn, out ppt, out totalFactor);

                string[] names = new string[] { "propick-density-verypoor", "propick-density-poor", "propick-density-decent", "propick-density-high", "propick-density-veryhigh", "propick-density-ultrahigh" };

                if (totalFactor > 0.025)
                    string pageCode = ppws.pageCodes[val.Key];
                    string text     = Lang.Get("propick-reading", Lang.Get(names[(int)GameMath.Clamp(totalFactor * 7.5f, 0, 5)]), pageCode, Lang.Get("ore-" + val.Key), ppt.ToString("0.#"));
                    readouts.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, string>(totalFactor, text));
                else if (totalFactor > 0.002)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            IServerPlayer splr = byPlayer as IServerPlayer;

            if (readouts.Count >= 0 || traceamounts.Count > 0)
                var elems = readouts.OrderByDescending(val => val.Key);

                sb.AppendLine(Lang.Get("propick-reading-title", readouts.Count));
                foreach (var elem in elems)

                if (traceamounts.Count > 0)
                    var sbTrace = new StringBuilder();
                    int i       = 0;
                    foreach (var val in traceamounts)
                        if (i > 0)
                            sbTrace.Append(", ");
                        string pageCode = ppws.pageCodes[val];
                        string text     = string.Format("<a href=\"handbook://{0}\">{1}</a>", pageCode, Lang.Get("ore-" + val));

                    sb.Append(Lang.Get("Miniscule amounts of {0}", sbTrace.ToString()));

            splr.SendMessage(GlobalConstants.InfoLogChatGroup, sb.ToString(), EnumChatType.Notification);