public static PageMargin PageMarginFromPredefined(PredefinedPageMargins marginType) { var margins = PageMargins(marginType); return(new PageMargin { Top = Int32Value.FromInt32(Convert.ToInt32(, Left = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(margins.left.ToDxa())), Right = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(margins.right.ToDxa())), Bottom = Int32Value.FromInt32(Convert.ToInt32(margins.bottom.ToDxa())), Header = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(margins.header.ToDxa())), Footer = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(margins.footer.ToDxa())) }); }
private void SetFont(double size, string fontName, int fontFamilyId, bool bold, bool italic, UnderlineValues underlineValue, string fontColor = null) { Font font = new Font(); font.FontSize = new FontSize() { Val = DoubleValue.FromDouble(size) }; font.FontName = new FontName() { Val = StringValue.FromString(fontName) }; font.FontFamilyNumbering = new FontFamilyNumbering() { Val = Int32Value.FromInt32(fontFamilyId) }; font.Bold = new Bold() { Val = BooleanValue.FromBoolean(bold) }; font.Italic = new Italic() { Val = BooleanValue.FromBoolean(italic) }; font.Underline = new Underline() { Val = new EnumValue <UnderlineValues>(underlineValue) }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontColor)) { font.Color = new Color() { Rgb = fontColor }; } //font.FontScheme = new FontScheme() { Val = new EnumValue<FontSchemeValues>(fontScheme) }; //font.Color = new Color() { Theme = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(colorSchemeId) }; ActualFonts.Append(font); SetFontsCount(); }
public static SectionProperties PageMargin(this SectionProperties properties, int Left = 1134, int Top = 568, int Right = 850, int Bottom = 1134, int Header = 708, int Footer = 708, int Gutter = 0) { var margin = properties.Content().GetOrAppend <PageMargin>(); margin.Left = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)Left); margin.Top = Int32Value.FromInt32(Top); margin.Right = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)Right); margin.Bottom = Int32Value.FromInt32(Bottom); margin.Header = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)Header); margin.Footer = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)Footer); margin.Gutter = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)Gutter); return(properties); }
public static Cell GerarCelula(int linha, int coluna, object conteudo) { var celula = new Cell { CellReference = $"{DeParaColuna(coluna)}{linha}", }; if (conteudo != null) { if (conteudo is short || conteudo is int) { celula.CellValue = new CellValue(Int32Value.FromInt32(Convert.ToInt32(conteudo))); celula.DataType = new EnumValue <CellValues>(CellValues.Number); } else if (conteudo is DateTime) { celula.CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(conteudo).ToOADate().ToString(cultura)); celula.DataType = new EnumValue <CellValues>(CellValues.Number); } else if (conteudo is double || conteudo is decimal) { celula.CellValue = new CellValue(DoubleValue.FromDouble(Convert.ToDouble(conteudo, cultura))); celula.DataType = new EnumValue <CellValues>(CellValues.Number); } else { celula.CellValue = new CellValue(conteudo.ToString()); celula.DataType = new EnumValue <CellValues>(CellValues.String); } } else { celula.CellValue = new CellValue(); } return(celula); }
public void OpenXmlSimpleTypeConverterTest() { // 1. Base64BinaryValue Base64BinaryValue base64 = new Base64BinaryValue(); base64 = "AA3322"; Assert.True(base64 == "AA3322"); Assert.Equal("AA3322", base64.Value); base64 = Base64BinaryValue.FromString("1234"); Assert.Equal("1234", base64.ToString()); Assert.Equal("1234", Base64BinaryValue.ToString(base64)); // 2. BooleanValue BooleanValue booleanValue = new BooleanValue(); booleanValue = true; Assert.True(booleanValue); Assert.True(booleanValue.Value); booleanValue = BooleanValue.FromBoolean(false); Assert.False(booleanValue); Assert.False(BooleanValue.ToBoolean(booleanValue)); // 3. ByteValue ByteValue byteValue = new ByteValue(); byte bt = 1; byteValue = bt; Assert.True(bt == byteValue); Assert.Equal(bt, byteValue.Value); bt = 2; byteValue = ByteValue.FromByte(bt); Assert.Equal(bt, ByteValue.ToByte(byteValue)); // 4. DateTimeValue DateTimeValue dtValue = new DateTimeValue(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; dtValue = dt; Assert.True(dt == dtValue); dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); dtValue = DateTimeValue.FromDateTime(dt); Assert.Equal(dt, dtValue.Value); Assert.Equal(dt, DateTimeValue.ToDateTime(dt)); // 5. DecimalValue DecimalValue decimalValue = new DecimalValue(); decimal dcm = 10; decimalValue = dcm; Assert.True(dcm == decimalValue); decimalValue = DecimalValue.FromDecimal(20); Assert.Equal(20, decimalValue.Value); Assert.Equal(20, DecimalValue.ToDecimal(decimalValue)); // 6. DoubleValue DoubleValue doubleValue = new DoubleValue(); double dbl = 1.1; doubleValue = dbl; Assert.True(dbl == doubleValue); doubleValue = DoubleValue.FromDouble(2.2); Assert.Equal(2.2, doubleValue.Value); Assert.Equal(2.2, DoubleValue.ToDouble(doubleValue)); // 7. HexBinaryValue HexBinaryValue hexBinaryValue = new HexBinaryValue(); string hex = "0X99CCFF"; hexBinaryValue = hex; Assert.True(hex == hexBinaryValue); hex = "111111"; hexBinaryValue = HexBinaryValue.FromString(hex); Assert.Equal(hex, hexBinaryValue.Value); Assert.Equal(hex, HexBinaryValue.ToString(hexBinaryValue)); // 8. Int16 Int16Value int16Value = new Int16Value(); short int16 = 16; int16Value = int16; Assert.True(int16 == int16Value); int16 = 17; int16Value = Int16Value.FromInt16(int16); Assert.Equal(int16, int16Value.Value); Assert.Equal(int16, Int16Value.ToInt16(int16Value)); // 9. Int32 Int32Value int32Value = new Int32Value(); int int32 = 32; int32Value = int32; Assert.True(int32 == int32Value); int32 = 33; int32Value = Int32Value.FromInt32(int32); Assert.Equal(int32, int32Value.Value); Assert.Equal(int32, Int32Value.ToInt32(int32Value)); // 10. Int64 Int64Value int64Value = new Int64Value(); long int64 = 64; int64Value = int64; Assert.True(int64 == int64Value); int64 = 17; int64Value = Int64Value.FromInt64(int64); Assert.Equal(int64, int64Value.Value); Assert.Equal(int64, Int64Value.ToInt64(int64Value)); // 11. IntegerValue IntegerValue integerValue = new IntegerValue(); int integer = 64; integerValue = integer; Assert.True(integer == integerValue); integer = 17; integerValue = IntegerValue.FromInt64(integer); Assert.Equal(integer, integerValue.Value); Assert.Equal(integer, IntegerValue.ToInt64(integerValue)); // 12. OnOffValue OnOffValue onOffValue = new OnOffValue(); onOffValue = true; Assert.True(onOffValue); onOffValue = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(false); Assert.False(onOffValue.Value); Assert.False(OnOffValue.ToBoolean(onOffValue)); // 13. SByteValue SByteValue sbyteValue = new SByteValue(); sbyte sbt = sbyte.MaxValue; sbyteValue = sbt; Assert.True(sbt == sbyteValue); sbt = sbyte.MinValue; sbyteValue = SByteValue.FromSByte(sbt); Assert.Equal(sbt, sbyteValue.Value); Assert.Equal(sbt, SByteValue.ToSByte(sbt)); // 14. SingleValue SingleValue singleValue = new SingleValue(); float single = float.MaxValue; singleValue = single; Assert.True(single == singleValue); single = float.NaN; singleValue = SingleValue.FromSingle(single); Assert.Equal(single, singleValue.Value); Assert.Equal(single, SingleValue.ToSingle(singleValue)); // 15. StringValue StringValue stringValue = new StringValue(); string str = "Ethan"; stringValue = str; Assert.True(str == stringValue); str = "Yin"; stringValue = StringValue.FromString(str); Assert.Equal(str, stringValue.Value); Assert.Equal(str, stringValue.ToString()); Assert.Equal(str, StringValue.ToString(stringValue)); // 16. TrueFalseBlankValue TrueFalseBlankValue tfbValue = new TrueFalseBlankValue(); tfbValue = true; Assert.True(tfbValue); tfbValue = TrueFalseBlankValue.FromBoolean(false); Assert.False(tfbValue.Value); Assert.False(TrueFalseBlankValue.ToBoolean(tfbValue)); // 17. TrueFalseValue TrueFalseValue tfValue = new TrueFalseValue(); tfValue = true; Assert.True(tfValue); tfValue = TrueFalseValue.FromBoolean(false); Assert.False(tfValue.Value); Assert.False(TrueFalseValue.ToBoolean(tfValue)); // 18. UInt16Value UInt16Value uint16Value = new UInt16Value(); ushort uint16 = ushort.MaxValue; uint16Value = uint16; Assert.True(uint16 == uint16Value); uint16 = ushort.MinValue; uint16Value = UInt16Value.FromUInt16(uint16); Assert.Equal(uint16, uint16Value.Value); Assert.Equal(uint16, UInt16Value.ToUInt16(uint16Value)); // 19. UInt32Value UInt32Value uint32Value = new UInt32Value(); uint uint32 = uint.MaxValue; uint32Value = uint32; Assert.True(uint32 == uint32Value); uint32 = uint.MinValue; uint32Value = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(uint32); Assert.Equal(uint32, uint32Value.Value); Assert.Equal(uint32, UInt32Value.ToUInt32(uint32Value)); // 20. UInt64Value UInt64Value uint64Value = new UInt64Value(); ulong uint64 = ulong.MaxValue; uint64Value = uint64; Assert.True(uint64 == uint64Value); uint64 = ulong.MinValue; uint64Value = UInt64Value.FromUInt64(uint64); Assert.Equal(uint64, uint64Value.Value); Assert.Equal(uint64, UInt64Value.ToUInt64(uint64Value)); }
private void SetFileProperties(CustomFilePropertiesPart customProp) { customProp.Properties = new Properties(); int kvIndex = 2; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvPair in DocProperties) { CustomDocumentProperty newProp = new CustomDocumentProperty() { Name = kvPair.Key, FormatId = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}", PropertyId = Int32Value.FromInt32(kvIndex), VTLPWSTR = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.VariantTypes.VTLPWSTR(kvPair.Value) }; customProp.Properties.Append(newProp); kvIndex++; } }
private static void FillFirstTableRow(OpenXmlElement table, string relationshipId) { var tableRow = new TableRow { TextId = HexBinaryValue.FromString("77777777"), ParagraphId = HexBinaryValue.FromString("080C4265"), RsidTableRowAddition = HexBinaryValue.FromString("009B2C1D") }; var rowProperties = new TableRowProperties(); rowProperties.AppendChild(new GridAfter { Val = Int32Value.FromInt32(2) }); rowProperties.AppendChild(new WidthAfterTableRow { Width = StringValue.FromString("6375"), Type = new EnumValue <TableWidthUnitValues> { Value = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa } }); tableRow.TableRowProperties = rowProperties; var tableCell = new TableCell { TableCellProperties = new TableCellProperties { TableCellWidth = new TableCellWidth { Width = StringValue.FromString("800"), Type = new EnumValue <TableWidthUnitValues> { Value = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa } }, TableCellBorders = new TableCellBorders { TopBorder = new TopBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") }, LeftBorder = new LeftBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") }, BottomBorder = new BottomBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") }, RightBorder = new RightBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") } } } }; AddMainLogo(tableCell, relationshipId); tableRow.AppendChild(tableCell); table.AppendChild(tableRow); }
private static void FillSecondTableRow(OpenXmlElement table) { var tableRow = new TableRow { TextId = HexBinaryValue.FromString("77777777"), ParagraphId = HexBinaryValue.FromString("3125C09D"), RsidTableRowAddition = HexBinaryValue.FromString("009B2C1D") }; var rowProperties = new TableRowProperties(); rowProperties.AppendChild(new GridAfter { Val = Int32Value.FromInt32(2) }); rowProperties.AppendChild(new WidthAfterTableRow { Width = StringValue.FromString("6375"), Type = new EnumValue <TableWidthUnitValues> { Value = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa } }); tableRow.TableRowProperties = rowProperties; var tableCell = new TableCell { TableCellProperties = new TableCellProperties { TableCellWidth = new TableCellWidth { Width = StringValue.FromString("800"), Type = new EnumValue <TableWidthUnitValues> { Value = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa } }, TableCellBorders = new TableCellBorders { TopBorder = new TopBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") }, LeftBorder = new LeftBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") }, BottomBorder = new BottomBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") }, RightBorder = new RightBorder { Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues> { Value = BorderValues.Single }, Size = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Space = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(0), Color = StringValue.FromString("FFFFFF") } } } }; tableCell.AppendChild(new Paragraph { ParagraphId = HexBinaryValue.FromString("595BC873"), TextId = HexBinaryValue.FromString("77777777"), RsidParagraphAddition = HexBinaryValue.FromString("009B2C1D"), RsidRunAdditionDefault = HexBinaryValue.FromString("009B2C1D") }); tableRow.AppendChild(tableCell); table.AppendChild(tableRow); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the supplied sheet instance from the workbook part /// </summary> /// <param name="workbookPart">The workbook part to delete the sheet from</param> /// <param name="sheet">The sheet to delete</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// workbookPart /// or /// sheet /// </exception> public static void DeleteSheet(this WorkbookPart workbookPart, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet sheet) { if (workbookPart == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("workbookPart"); } if (sheet == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sheet"); } // get the id of the sheet for deletion Int32Value sheetId = Int32Value.FromInt32((int)sheet.SheetId.Value); // Remove the sheet reference from the workbook. WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)(workbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id)); SheetViews views = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetViews>(); if (views != null) { views.Remove(); worksheetPart.Worksheet.Save(); } sheet.Remove(); // Delete the worksheet part. workbookPart.DeletePart(worksheetPart); // Get the CalculationChainPart // Note: An instance of this part type contains an ordered set of references to all cells in all worksheets in the // workbook whose value is calculated from any formula CalculationChainPart calChainPart = workbookPart.CalculationChainPart; if (calChainPart != null) { List <CalculationCell> forRemoval = new List <CalculationCell>(); var calChainEntries = calChainPart.CalculationChain.Descendants <CalculationCell>().ToList(); foreach (CalculationCell item in calChainEntries) { if (item.SheetId == null) { item.Remove(); } else if (item.SheetId.HasValue && item.SheetId.Value.Equals(sheetId)) { item.Remove(); } } if (calChainPart.CalculationChain.Count() == 0) { workbookPart.DeletePart(calChainPart); } } workbookPart.Workbook.Save(); }