private InstantiationPath BestDownPath(Node node)
            var curNode = node;
            var curPath = new InstantiationPath();

            while (curNode.OutEdges.Any())
                curPath = AllDownPaths(curPath, curNode, pathSegmentSize).OrderByDescending(path => InstantiationPathScoreFunction(path, false, true)).First();
                curNode = graph.FindNode(curPath.getInstantiations().Last().uniqueID);
        private void highlightPath(InstantiationPath path)
            if (previouslySelectedNode != null || highlightedNodes.Count != 0)

            foreach (var instantiation in path.getInstantiations())
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns a score to instantiation paths based on the predicted likelyhood that it conatins a matching loop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Higher values indicate a higher likelyhood of the path containing a matching loop.</returns>
        /// <remarks>All constants were determined experimentally.</remarks>
        private static double InstantiationPathScoreFunction(InstantiationPath instantiationPath, bool eliminatePrefix, bool eliminatePostfix)
            //There may be some "outiers" before or after a matching loop.
            //We first identify quantifiers that occur at most outlierThreshold times as often as the most common quantifier in the path...
            var statistics           = instantiationPath.Statistics();
            var eliminationTreshhold = (statistics == null || !statistics.Any()) ? 1 :
                                       Math.Max(statistics.Max(dp => dp.Item2) * outlierThreshold, 1);
            var nonEliminatableQuantifiers = new HashSet <Tuple <Quantifier, Term, Term> >(statistics
                                                                                           .Where(dp => dp.Item2 > eliminationTreshhold)
                                                                                           .Select(dp => dp.Item1));

            //...find the longest contigous subsequence that does not contain eliminatable quantifiers...
            var pathInstantiations = instantiationPath.getInstantiations();
            var instantiations     = pathInstantiations.Zip(pathInstantiations.Skip(1), (prev, next) => !next.bindingInfo.IsPatternMatch() ?
                                                            Enumerable.Repeat(Tuple.Create <Quantifier, Term, Term>(next.Quant, null, null), 1) :
                                                            next.bindingInfo.bindings.Where(kv => prev.concreteBody.isSubterm(
                                                            .Select(kv => Tuple.Create(next.Quant, next.bindingInfo.fullPattern, kv.Key))).ToArray();

            var maxStartIndex     = 0;
            var maxLength         = 0;
            var lastMaxStartIndex = 0;

            var firstKept     = nonEliminatableQuantifiers.Any(q => q.Item1 == pathInstantiations.First().Quant&& q.Item2 == pathInstantiations.First().bindingInfo.fullPattern);
            var curStartIndex = firstKept ? 0 : 1;
            var curLength     = firstKept ? 1 : 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < instantiations.Count(); ++i)
                if (instantiations[i].Any(q => nonEliminatableQuantifiers.Contains(q)))
                    if (curLength > maxLength)
                        maxStartIndex     = curStartIndex;
                        lastMaxStartIndex = curStartIndex;
                        maxLength         = curLength;
                    else if (curLength == maxLength)
                        lastMaxStartIndex = curStartIndex;
                    curStartIndex = i + 2;
                    curLength     = 0;
            if (curLength > maxLength)
                maxStartIndex     = curStartIndex;
                lastMaxStartIndex = curStartIndex;
                maxLength         = curLength;
            else if (curLength == maxLength)
                lastMaxStartIndex = curStartIndex;

            //...and eliminate the prefix/postfix of that subsequence
            var remainingStart          = eliminatePrefix ? maxStartIndex : 0;
            var remainingLength         = (eliminatePostfix ? lastMaxStartIndex + maxLength : instantiations.Count()) - remainingStart;
            var remainingInstantiations = instantiationPath.getInstantiations().ToList().GetRange(remainingStart, remainingLength);

            if (remainingInstantiations.Count() == 0)

            var remainingPath = new InstantiationPath();

            foreach (var inst in remainingInstantiations)

            /* We count the number of incoming edges (responsible instantiations that are not part of the path) and penalize them.
             * This ensures that we choose the best path. E.g. in the triangular case (A -> B, A -> C, B -> C) we want to choose A -> B -> C
             * and not A -> B which would have an incoming edge (B -> C).
            var numberIncomingEdges = 0;

            foreach (var inst in remainingInstantiations)
                numberIncomingEdges += inst.ResponsibleInstantiations.Where(i => !instantiationPath.getInstantiations().Contains(i)).Count();

            /* the score is given by the number of remaining instantiations devided by the number of remaining quantifiers
             * which is an approximation for the number of repetitions of a matching loop occuring in that path.
            return((remainingPath.Length() - numberIncomingEdges * incomingEdgePenalizationFactor) / remainingPath.NumberOfDistinctQuantifierFingerprints());