public async void UploadWithOptions()
            // You can add hashtags or locations or poll questions to your photo/video stories!
            // Note that you must draw your hashtags/location names/poll questions in your image first and then upload it!

            var storyOptions = new InstaStoryUploadOptions();

            // Add hashtag
            storyOptions.Hashtags.Add(new InstaStoryHashtagUpload
                X        = 0.5, // center of image
                Y        = 0.5, // center of image
                Z        = 0,
                Width    = 0.3148148,
                Height   = 0.110367894,
                Rotation = 0,
                TagName  = "IRAN"

            // Add poll question
            storyOptions.Polls.Add(new InstaStoryPollUpload
                X        = 0.5, // center of image
                Y        = 0.5, // center of image
                Z        = 0,
                Width    = 0.3148148,
                Height   = 0.110367894,
                Rotation = 0,
                Question = "Do you love IRAN?",
                Answer1  = "Are", // "YES" answer
                Answer2  = "Na"   // "NO" answer

            // Add location
            var locationsResult = await api.LocationProcessor.SearchLocationAsync(0, 0, "kazeroun").ConfigureAwait(false);

            var firstLocation = locationsResult.Value.FirstOrDefault();
            var locationId    = firstLocation.ExternalId;

            storyOptions.Locations.Add(new InstaStoryLocationUpload
                X          = 0.5, // center of image
                Y          = 0.5, // center of image
                Z          = 0,
                Width      = 0.3148148,
                Height     = 0.110367894,
                Rotation   = 0,
                LocationId = locationId

            // Mention people
            storyOptions.Mentions.Add(new InstaStoryMentionUpload
                X        = 0.5, // center of image
                Y        = 0.5, // center of image
                Z        = 0,
                Width    = 0.7972222,
                Height   = 0.21962096,
                Rotation = 0,
                Username = "******"

            // Add story question
            storyOptions.Questions.Add(new InstaStoryQuestionUpload
                X               = 0.5, // center of image
                Y               = 0.5, // center of image
                Z               = 0,
                Width           = 0.9507363,
                Height          = 0.32469338000000003,
                Rotation        = 0,
                Question        = "What do you think about InstagramApiSharp?!",
                BackgroundColor = "#ffffff", // #ffffff is white
                TextColor       = "#000000"  // #000000 is black

            var image = new InstaImage {
                Uri = @"c:\someawesomepicture.jpg"

            var result = await api.StoryProcessor.UploadStoryPhotoAsync(image, "someawesomepicture", storyOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // upload video
            //var result = await InstaApi.MediaProcessor.UploadVideoAsync(video, "ramtinak", storyOptions);
                                  ? $"Story created: {result.Value.Media.Pk}"
                                  : $"Unable to upload photo story: {result.Info.Message}");
        public async void UploadWithOptions()
            // You can add hashtags or locations or poll questions to your photo/video stories!
            // Note that you must draw your hashtags/location names/poll questions in your image first and then upload it!

            var storyOptions = new InstaStoryUploadOptions();

            // Add hashtag
            storyOptions.Hashtags.Add(new InstaStoryHashtagUpload
                X        = 0.5, // center of image
                Y        = 0.5, // center of image
                Z        = 0,
                Width    = 0.3148148,
                Height   = 0.110367894,
                Rotation = 0,
                TagName  = "IRAN"

            // Add poll question
            storyOptions.Polls.Add(new InstaStoryPollUpload
                X        = 0.5, // center of image
                Y        = 0.5, // center of image
                Z        = 0,
                Width    = 0.3148148,
                Height   = 0.110367894,
                Rotation = 0,
                Question = "Do you love IRAN?",
                Answer1  = "Are", // "YES" answer
                Answer2  = "Na"   // "NO" answer

            // Add location
            var locationsResult = await InstaApi.LocationProcessor.SearchLocationAsync(0, 0, "kazeroun");

            var firstLocation = locationsResult.Value.FirstOrDefault();
            var locationId    = firstLocation.ExternalId;

            storyOptions.Locations.Add(new InstaStoryLocationUpload
                X          = 0.5, // center of image
                Y          = 0.5, // center of image
                Z          = 0,
                Width      = 0.3148148,
                Height     = 0.110367894,
                Rotation   = 0,
                LocationId = locationId

            var image = new InstaImage {
                Uri = @"c:\someawesomepicture.jpg"

            var result = await InstaApi.StoryProcessor.UploadStoryPhotoAsync(image, "someawesomepicture", storyOptions);

            // upload video
            //var result = await InstaApi.MediaProcessor.UploadVideoAsync(video, "ramtinak", storyOptions);
                ? $"Story created: {result.Value.Media.Pk}"
                : $"Unable to upload photo story: {result.Info.Message}");