Exemple #1
            public static InspectListReportDataTable GetHistoryData(string lastID)
                OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.dbConnectionString);
                OleDbCommand    cmd  = new OleDbCommand();

                cmd.Connection = conn;

                string cmdText = "SELECT Q.日期 as 檢驗日期, 產線, P.品號, QCN, 待驗數量 as 檢驗數量, W.單號 as 工作單號,送檢次數, IIF(檢驗結果,'OK',IIF(特許,'Concession','NG')) as 檢驗狀態, 客戶 as 客戶名稱, 工時資料編號" +
                                 " FROM ((((工時 as H INNER JOIN 產品檢驗 as Q on H.編號 = Q.工時資料編號)" +
                                 " INNER JOIN 工作單 as W ON H.工作單號 = W.單號)" +
                                 " INNER JOIN 工作單品號 as WP ON H.工作單號 = WP.單號 AND H.工品編號 = WP.編號)" +
                                 " INNER JOIN 產品品號 as P ON WP.品號 = P.品號)" +
                                 " WHERE 重驗=True AND 最後送檢編號=?" +
                                 " ORDER BY 單據日期, W.單號, P.品號, WP.編號, 送檢次數";

                cmd.CommandText = cmdText;
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("最後送檢編號", lastID));

                OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);

                InspectListReportDataTable table = new InspectListReportDataTable();


                foreach (DataRow row in table)
                    string   id        = row["工時資料編號"].ToString();
                    string[] ngReasons = DatabaseSet.GetNGReason(id);
                    row["品質履歷"] = string.Join("\n", ngReasons);

 internal InspectListReportRow(global::System.Data.DataRowBuilder rb) : 
         base(rb) {
     this.tableInspectListReport = ((InspectListReportDataTable)(this.Table));
 private void InitClass() {
     this.DataSetName = "ReportDataSet";
     this.Prefix = "";
     this.Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/ReportDataSet.xsd";
     this.EnforceConstraints = true;
     this.SchemaSerializationMode = global::System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema;
     this.tableFinishedWorksheetReportSource = new FinishedWorksheetReportSourceDataTable(false);
     this.tableUnfinishedWorksheetReportSource = new UnfinishedWorksheetReportSourceDataTable(false);
     this.tableUnitPriceReport = new UnitPriceReportDataTable(false);
     this.tableLineLaborHourReportSource = new LineLaborHourReportSourceDataTable();
     this.tableInspectListReport = new InspectListReportDataTable();
 internal void InitVars(bool initTable) {
     this.tableFinishedWorksheetReportSource = ((FinishedWorksheetReportSourceDataTable)(base.Tables["FinishedWorksheetReportSource"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableFinishedWorksheetReportSource != null)) {
     this.tableUnfinishedWorksheetReportSource = ((UnfinishedWorksheetReportSourceDataTable)(base.Tables["UnfinishedWorksheetReportSource"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableUnfinishedWorksheetReportSource != null)) {
     this.tableUnitPriceReport = ((UnitPriceReportDataTable)(base.Tables["UnitPriceReport"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableUnitPriceReport != null)) {
     this.tableLineLaborHourReportSource = ((LineLaborHourReportSourceDataTable)(base.Tables["LineLaborHourReportSource"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableLineLaborHourReportSource != null)) {
     this.tableInspectListReport = ((InspectListReportDataTable)(base.Tables["InspectListReport"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableInspectListReport != null)) {
Exemple #5
            public static InspectListReportDataTable GetData(DateTime from, DateTime to, string partNumber, string qcn, string worksheetFrom, string worksheetTo, bool group, string line, bool onlyNg)
                OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.dbConnectionString);
                OleDbCommand    cmd  = new OleDbCommand();

                cmd.Connection = conn;

                System.Collections.Generic.List <string> whereList = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>();
                whereList.Add("檢驗 = True");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcn))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("QCN", qcn + "%"));
                    whereList.Add("QCN LIKE ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partNumber))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("品號", partNumber + "%"));
                    whereList.Add("P.品號 LIKE ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetFrom))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("工作單號1", worksheetFrom));
                    whereList.Add("W.單號 >= ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetTo))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("工作單號2", worksheetTo));
                    whereList.Add("W.單號 <= ?");

                if (from != DateTime.MinValue)
                    OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("日期1", OleDbType.Date);
                    param.Value = from;
                    whereList.Add("Q.日期 >= ?");

                if (to != DateTime.MaxValue)
                    OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("日期2", OleDbType.Date);
                    param.Value = to;
                    whereList.Add("Q.日期 <= ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("產線", line));
                    whereList.Add("產線 = ?");

                if (group)
                    whereList.Add("最後檢驗紀錄 = True");

                if (onlyNg)
                    whereList.Add("檢驗結果 = False");

                string cmdText = "SELECT Q.日期 as 檢驗日期, 產線, W.單號 as 工作單號, P.品號, 客戶 as 客戶名稱, WP.數量 as 總數量, 待驗數量 as 檢驗數量, 送檢次數, QCN, IIF(檢驗結果,'OK',IIF(特許,'Concession','NG')) as 檢驗狀態, 工時資料編號, 最後送檢編號, 最後檢驗紀錄, WP.編號 as 工品編號" +
                                 " FROM ((((工時 as H INNER JOIN 產品檢驗 as Q on H.編號 = Q.工時資料編號)" +
                                 " INNER JOIN 工作單 as W ON H.工作單號 = W.單號)" +
                                 " INNER JOIN 工作單品號 as WP ON H.工作單號 = WP.單號 AND H.工品編號 = WP.編號)" +
                                 " INNER JOIN 產品品號 as P ON WP.品號 = P.品號)";

                if (whereList.Count > 0)
                    cmdText += " WHERE " + string.Join(" AND ", whereList.ToArray());

                cmdText += " ORDER BY 單據日期, W.單號, P.品號, WP.編號, 最後送檢編號, 送檢次數";

                cmd.CommandText = cmdText;
                OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);

                InspectListReportDataTable table = new InspectListReportDataTable();


                foreach (DataRow row in table)
                    string   id        = row["工時資料編號"].ToString();
                    string[] ngReasons = DatabaseSet.GetNGReason(id);
                    row["品質履歷"] = string.Join("\n", ngReasons);

Exemple #6
            public static InspectListReportDataTable GetData(DateTime from, DateTime to, string partNumber, string qcn, string worksheetFrom, string worksheetTo, bool group, string line, bool onlyNg)
                OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.dbConnectionString);
                OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand();
                cmd.Connection = conn;

                System.Collections.Generic.List<string> whereList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
                whereList.Add("檢驗 = True");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcn))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("QCN", qcn + "%"));
                    whereList.Add("QCN LIKE ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partNumber))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("品號", partNumber + "%"));
                    whereList.Add("P.品號 LIKE ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetFrom))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("工作單號1", worksheetFrom));
                    whereList.Add("W.單號 >= ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetTo))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("工作單號2", worksheetTo));
                    whereList.Add("W.單號 <= ?");

                if (from != DateTime.MinValue)
                    OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("日期1", OleDbType.Date);
                    param.Value = from;
                    whereList.Add("Q.日期 >= ?");

                if (to != DateTime.MaxValue)
                    OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("日期2", OleDbType.Date);
                    param.Value = to;
                    whereList.Add("Q.日期 <= ?");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("產線", line));
                    whereList.Add("產線 = ?");

                if (group)
                    whereList.Add("最後檢驗紀錄 = True");

                if (onlyNg)
                    whereList.Add("檢驗結果 = False");

                string cmdText = "SELECT Q.日期 as 檢驗日期, 產線, W.單號 as 工作單號, P.品號, 客戶 as 客戶名稱, WP.數量 as 總數量, 待驗數量 as 檢驗數量, 送檢次數, QCN, IIF(檢驗結果,'OK',IIF(特許,'Concession','NG')) as 檢驗狀態, 工時資料編號, 最後送檢編號, 最後檢驗紀錄, WP.編號 as 工品編號" +
                                " FROM ((((工時 as H INNER JOIN 產品檢驗 as Q on H.編號 = Q.工時資料編號)" +
                                " INNER JOIN 工作單 as W ON H.工作單號 = W.單號)" +
                                " INNER JOIN 工作單品號 as WP ON H.工作單號 = WP.單號 AND H.工品編號 = WP.編號)" +
                                " INNER JOIN 產品品號 as P ON WP.品號 = P.品號)";

                if (whereList.Count > 0)
                    cmdText += " WHERE " + string.Join(" AND ", whereList.ToArray());

                cmdText += " ORDER BY 單據日期, W.單號, P.品號, WP.編號, 最後送檢編號, 送檢次數";

                cmd.CommandText = cmdText;
                OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);

                InspectListReportDataTable table = new InspectListReportDataTable();

                foreach (DataRow row in table)
                    string id = row["工時資料編號"].ToString();
                    string[] ngReasons = DatabaseSet.GetNGReason(id);
                    row["品質履歷"] = string.Join("\n", ngReasons);

                return table;
Exemple #7
            public static InspectListReportDataTable GetHistoryData(string lastID)
                OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.dbConnectionString);
                OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand();
                cmd.Connection = conn;

                string cmdText = "SELECT Q.日期 as 檢驗日期, 產線, P.品號, QCN, 待驗數量 as 檢驗數量, W.單號 as 工作單號,送檢次數, IIF(檢驗結果,'OK',IIF(特許,'Concession','NG')) as 檢驗狀態, 客戶 as 客戶名稱, 工時資料編號" +
                                " FROM ((((工時 as H INNER JOIN 產品檢驗 as Q on H.編號 = Q.工時資料編號)" +
                                " INNER JOIN 工作單 as W ON H.工作單號 = W.單號)" +
                                " INNER JOIN 工作單品號 as WP ON H.工作單號 = WP.單號 AND H.工品編號 = WP.編號)" +
                                " INNER JOIN 產品品號 as P ON WP.品號 = P.品號)" +
                                " WHERE 重驗=True AND 最後送檢編號=?"+
                                " ORDER BY 單據日期, W.單號, P.品號, WP.編號, 送檢次數";

                cmd.CommandText = cmdText;
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("最後送檢編號", lastID));

                OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);

                InspectListReportDataTable table = new InspectListReportDataTable();

                foreach (DataRow row in table)
                    string id = row["工時資料編號"].ToString();
                    string[] ngReasons = DatabaseSet.GetNGReason(id);
                    row["品質履歷"] = string.Join("\n", ngReasons);

                return table;