private void RunInsights() { // let's identify the user of this software. This can be a single person, or a group of people (perhaps from a group subscription to an app) // 1. For a single user // The format is unique identifier, key, value btnSingle.TouchUpInside += delegate { Insights.Identify("*****@*****.**", "Name", "Alan James User"); btnCrashApp.Enabled = btnDivByZero.Enabled = btnFileException.Enabled = btnNullRef.Enabled = btnPartialInfo.Enabled = btnStartMultiTracker.Enabled = btnStartTimer.Enabled = true; btnMultipleId.Enabled = false; }; // 2. For a group of users, a dictionary is used, this should be provided after the unique ID btnMultipleId.TouchUpInside += delegate { var extraInformation = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Email", "*****@*****.**" }, { "Name", "Alan James User" }, }; Insights.Identify("UniqueUserId", extraInformation); btnCrashApp.Enabled = btnDivByZero.Enabled = btnFileException.Enabled = btnNullRef.Enabled = btnPartialInfo.Enabled = btnStartMultiTracker.Enabled = btnStartTimer.Enabled = true; btnSingle.Enabled = false; }; // to make the Insights reporting tool report, an exception has to be thrown // the reports can be sent via one of three ways // the simplest is to just send back the exception btnDivByZero.TouchUpInside += delegate { try { int divByZero = 42 / int.Parse("0"); } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { Insights.Report(); } }; // the next is to send specific information. This can achieved using a Dictionary<string,string>() // and may be constructed as part of the report or outside of it // 1. as part of the exception btnFileException.TouchUpInside += delegate { try { using (var text = File.OpenText("some_file.tardis")) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", text.ReadLine()); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Insights.Report(ex, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "File missing", "some_file.tardis" }, { "Source file", "MainActivity.cs" }, { "Method name", "protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)" } }); } }; // 2. outside the exception. Essentially, this is the same as the 1st type, but there is additional flexibility // Here it calls CreateDictionary which takes a T exception and produces a new dictionary from it // This is a very trivial example - data from Reflection would probably be of more use btnNullRef.TouchUpInside += delegate { try { List <string> myList = null; myList.Add("Hello"); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { var report = CreateDictionary(ex); Insights.Report(ex, report); } }; // 3. Instead of sending over the full exception, just send a piece over btnPartialInfo.TouchUpInside += delegate { try { var block = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; using (var text = File.OpenWrite(@"/bin/hello.txt")) { text.Write(block, 0, 10); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ua) { ua.Data["MoreData"] = "You can't write to the bin directory!"; // send the report Insights.Report(ua); // throw the exception - this exception would need to be caught using another try/catch throw ua; } catch (IOException ex) { // see for more details on this ex.Data["MoreData"] = "You can't write to the bin directory!"; // send the report Insights.Report(ex); // throw the exception - this exception would need to be caught using another try/catch throw ex; } }; // catching an uncaught exception btnCrashApp.TouchUpInside += delegate { var block = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; block[11] = 10; }; // An important aspect of any form of trace software is the ability to track an event. In the following example. // a simple reaction time will be measured. btnStartTimer.TouchUpInside += delegate { btnStartTimer.SetTitle("Stop the clock", UIControlState.Normal); var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // from System.Diagnostics btnStartTimer.TouchUpInside += delegate { using (var react = Insights.TrackTime("reactionTime")) { btnStartTimer.TouchUpInside += async delegate { timer.Stop(); var timeSpan = timer.Elapsed; await StoreReactionTime(DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeSpan).Second); }; } }; }; // it is also possible to track a specific thread. There are two ways to do this - with and without additional parameters btnStartMultiTracker.TouchUpInside += delegate { Insights.Track("mySpecificProcess"); // In a similar way to using Debug.WriteLine, a dictionary can be used to track Insights.Track("setUpForEach", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "process1", "create list" }, { "process2", "populate list" } }); var myList = new List <string>(); myList.AddRange(new string[] { "iOS", "Android", "Symbian", "Windows Mobile", "Blackberry" }); // The next part is to do some work on the list. This will be a mix of TrackTimer and Track Insights.Track("doSomeWorkOnList", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "process3", "encrypt and time data" } }); var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (var handle = Insights.TrackTime("encrypter")) { EncryptData(myList); if (WorkCompleted == null) { return; } WorkCompleted.Change += async delegate(object s, WorkCompletedEventArgs ea) { if (ea.ModuleName == "Encryption") { timer.Stop(); var timeSpan = timer.Elapsed; await StoreReactionTime(DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeSpan).Second); } }; } // tell the tracker we're done Insights.Track("mySpecificProcess", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "process4", "processing completed" } }); }; }