public async Task CheckLicenceFeaturepack() { #if DEBUG _isFeaturepackLicensed = true; return; #endif try { var listing = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync(); var featurepackLicence = listing.ProductListings.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value.ProductId == FeaturepackProductKey); if (CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses != null) { _isFeaturepackLicensed = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[featurepackLicence.Key].IsActive; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ex.Message.Contains("0x805A0194")) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } } }
private async Task GetBackupId() { await GetBackupFolder(); try { var operationResultFolder = await _liveClient.GetAsync(_folderId + "/files"); dynamic files = operationResultFolder.Result.Values; foreach (var data in files) { foreach (var file in data) { if ( == BACKUP_NAME) { _backupId =; break; } } } } catch (LiveConnectException ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Uploads a copy of the current database to onedrive /// </summary> /// <returns>State if the task succeed successfully</returns> public async Task <TaskCompletionType> Upload() { if (_liveClient == null) { await Login(); } await GetBackupFolder(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_folderId)) { return(TaskCompletionType.Unsuccessful); } try { var localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; var storageFile = await localFolder.GetFileAsync(DB_NAME); var uploadOperation = await _liveClient.CreateBackgroundUploadAsync( _folderId, BACKUP_NAME, storageFile, OverwriteOption.Overwrite); var uploadResult = await uploadOperation.StartAsync(); return(TaskCompletionType.Successful); } catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); return(TaskCompletionType.Aborted); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); return(TaskCompletionType.Unsuccessful); } }
private static void SaveTransaction(RecurringTransaction recurringTransaction) { try { DateTime date = DateTime.Now; if (recurringTransaction.Recurrence == (int)TransactionRecurrence.Monthly) { date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(recurringTransaction.StartDate.Day - DateTime.Today.Day); } var newTransaction = new FinancialTransaction { ChargedAccount = recurringTransaction.ChargedAccount, TargetAccount = recurringTransaction.TargetAccount, Date = date, IsRecurring = true, Amount = recurringTransaction.Amount, AmountWithoutExchange = recurringTransaction.AmountWithoutExchange, Currency = recurringTransaction.Currency, CategoryId = recurringTransaction.CategoryId, Type = recurringTransaction.Type, ReccuringTransactionId = recurringTransaction.Id, Note = recurringTransaction.Note }; transactionRepository.Save(newTransaction); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Creationtime of an existing backup. /// </summary> /// <returns>Creationtime as DateTime</returns> public async Task <DateTime> GetLastCreationDate() { if (_liveClient == null) { await Login(); } await GetBackupId(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_backupId)) { return(DateTime.MinValue); } try { var operationResult = await _liveClient.GetAsync(_backupId); dynamic result = operationResult.Result; DateTime createdAt = Convert.ToDateTime(result.created_time); return(createdAt); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); return(DateTime.MinValue); } }
private async Task GetBackupFolder() { try { var operationResultFolder = await _liveClient.GetAsync("me/skydrive/"); dynamic toplevelfolder = operationResultFolder.Result; operationResultFolder = await _liveClient.GetAsync( + "/files"); dynamic folders = operationResultFolder.Result.Values; foreach (var data in folders) { foreach (var folder in data) { if ( == BACKUP_FOLDER_NAME) { _folderId =; break; } } } } catch (LiveConnectException ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Restore the database backup /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task RestoreBackup() { try { await _backupService.Restore(); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); throw new BackupException(Translation.GetTranslation("RestoreFailedMessage"), ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Prompts a login screen to the user. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ConnectionException">Is thrown if the user couldn't be logged in.</exception> public async void Login() { try { await _backupService.Login(); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); throw new ConnectionException(Translation.GetTranslation("LoginFailedMessage"), ex); } }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { try { new BackgroundTaskViewModelLocator(); RecurringTransactionLogic.CheckRecurringTransactions(); await TransactionLogic.ClearTransactions(); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
public static async Task ClearTransactions() { IEnumerable <FinancialTransaction> transactions = TransactionRepository.GetUnclearedTransactions(); foreach (FinancialTransaction transaction in transactions) { try { await AccountLogic.AddTransactionAmount(transaction); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } } }
private static async Task <double> GetAmount(double baseAmount, FinancialTransaction transaction, Account account) { try { if (transaction.Currency != account.Currency) { double ratio = await CurrencyManager.GetCurrencyRatio(transaction.Currency, account.Currency); return(baseAmount * ratio); } } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } return(baseAmount); }
/// <summary> /// Return a JSON string from the instanced service /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns>Recived JSON string.</returns> public async Task <string> GetJsonFromService(string url) { try { PrepareHttpClient(); var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url); HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(req); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); return(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } return(String.Empty); }
public static void RemoveRecurringForTransactions(RecurringTransaction recTrans) { try { IEnumerable <FinancialTransaction> relatedTrans = transactionRepository.Data.Where(x => x.IsRecurring && x.ReccuringTransactionId == recTrans.Id); foreach (FinancialTransaction transaction in relatedTrans) { transaction.IsRecurring = false; transaction.ReccuringTransactionId = null; transactionRepository.Save(transaction); } } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
private double ParseToExchangeRate(string jsonString) { try { var typeExample = new { Conversion = new { val = "" } }; var currency = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(jsonString, typeExample); //use US culture info for parsing, since service uses us format return(Double.Parse(currency.Conversion.val, new CultureInfo("en-us"))); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } return(1); }
public static async void RegisterBackgroundTask() { try { if (IsTaskExisting() || !await RequestAccess()) { return; } var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder(); //Task soll alle 12 Stunden laufen var trigger = new TimeTrigger(720, false); builder.Name = name; builder.TaskEntryPoint = typeof(TransactionTask).FullName; builder.SetTrigger(trigger); builder.Register(); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
private async void ButtonBuyNow_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var btn = sender as Button; string key = btn.Tag.ToString(); if (!CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[key].IsActive) { ListingInformation products = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync(); ProductListing productListing; if (!products.ProductListings.TryGetValue(ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <LicenseManager>().FeaturepackProductKey, out productListing)) { await ShowProductNotFoundDialog(); return; } await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productListing.ProductId); RenderStoreItems(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("0x80004005")) { var dialog = new MessageDialog(Translation.GetTranslation("PurchasedFailedMessage"), Translation.GetTranslation("PurchasedFailedTitle")); dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(Translation.GetTranslation("OkLabel"))); dialog.ShowAsync(); } else { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } } }
private static void SetDefaultAccount() { try { if (AccountRepository.Data.Any()) { SelectedTransaction.ChargedAccount = AccountRepository.Data.First(); } if (AccountRepository.Data.Any() && Settings.DefaultAccount != -1) { SelectedTransaction.ChargedAccount = AccountRepository.Data.First(x => x.Id == Settings.DefaultAccount); } if (AccountRepository.Selected != null) { SelectedTransaction.ChargedAccount = AccountRepository.Selected; } } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Restore a database backup from OneDrive /// </summary> /// <returns>TaskCompletionType wether the task was successful or not.</returns> public async Task <TaskCompletionType> Restore() { if (_liveClient == null) { await Login(); } try { await GetBackupId(); var localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; var storageFile = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(DB_NAME, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); await _liveClient.BackgroundDownloadAsync(_backupId + "/content", storageFile); return(TaskCompletionType.Successful); } catch (Exception ex) { InsightHelper.Report(ex); return(TaskCompletionType.Unsuccessful); } }
private async void RenderStoreItems() { picItems.Clear(); try { ListingInformation li = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync(); foreach (string key in li.ProductListings.Keys) { ProductListing pListing = li.ProductListings[key]; string status = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[key].IsActive ? Translation.GetTranslation("PurchasedLabel") : pListing.FormattedPrice; picItems.Add( new ProductItem { ImgLink = key.Equals("10001") ? "/Images/{0}/unlock.png" : "/Assets/Logo.scale-240.png", Name = pListing.Name, Status = status, Key = key, Description = pListing.Description, BuyNowButtonVisible = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[key].IsActive ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible } ); } Plugin.ItemsSource = picItems; } catch (Exception ex) { ShowProductNotFoundDialog(); InsightHelper.Report(ex); } }