Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the modules instantiated within vMod by inserting shadow clock in and chain out ports.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vMod"></param>
        /// <param name="changeLog"></param>
        private void UpdateInstantiations(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog)
            //Propose changes in order to generate finalized change list
            int chainOutBit = 0;

            foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in vMod.InstantiatedModules)
                StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder();//"," + Environment.NewLine);
                if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                    if (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth > 0)
                        String paramChange = String.Empty;
                        if (vmi.Parameterized)
                            if (vmi.ParametersNamed)
                                paramChange = " ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "),";
                                paramChange = " " + ERROR_PARAMETER + ", ";
                            paramChange = " #(." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + ")) ";
                        changeLog.ProposeChange(vmi.ParameterList.Pos, paramChange.ToString());

                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + ERROR_ENABLE + "(" + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_ENABLE + "), // [ERROR]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + ERROR_CONTROL + "(" + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_CONTROL + ") // [ERROR]");

                if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                    if (vmi.Type.NumChainsOut > 0)
                        int    chainOutBitUpperLimit = (chainOutBit + vmi.Type.NumChainsOut - 1);
                        string bitLimits             = (chainOutBit == chainOutBitUpperLimit) ? ((vMod.NumChainsIn == 1) ? string.Empty : "[" + chainOutBit.ToString() + "]") : "[" + (chainOutBitUpperLimit + ":" + chainOutBit) + "]";
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + SHADOW_CLOCK + "(" + SHADOW_CLOCK + "),   // [SHADOW]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + SHADOW_RESET + "(" + SHADOW_RESET + "),   // [SHADOW]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "(" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "),   // [SHADOW]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + DUMP_ENABLE + "(" + CHAINS_DUMP_ENABLE + bitLimits + "),   // [SHADOW]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CHAINS_OUT + "(" + INST_CHAINS_OUT + bitLimits + "),   // [SHADOW]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + "(" + INST_CHAINS_OUT_DONE + bitLimits + "),    // [SHADOW]");
                        update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + "(" + INST_CHAINS_OUT_VALID + bitLimits + ") // [SHADOW]");

                        chainOutBit += vmi.Type.NumChainsOut;
                if (update.ToString() == ("," + Environment.NewLine))
                changeLog.ProposeChange(vmi.InOutListEnd.Pos, update.ToString());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates DFFs to support error injections
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vMod"></param>
        /// <param name="changeLog"></param>
        private void UpdateDffs(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog)
            int i = 0;

            foreach (DffInstance dff in vMod.LocalDffs)
                if (dff.ParametersExist)
                    if (dff.ParametersNamed)
                        changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, " ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "), ");
                        if (dff.ParamsInParens)
                            changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, " ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "), .SIZE(");
                            changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterEnd.Pos, ") ");
                            changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, "( ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "), .SIZE(");
                            changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterEnd.Pos, ")) ");
                    changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, " #( ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + ")) ");
                changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.PortList.Pos, Environment.NewLine + ".err_en(lcl_err" + ((vMod.ErrorControlWidth > 1)? "[" + i + "]" : string.Empty) + "),");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts all the inputs and outputs into the module being shadowed that are required by the shadow capture module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vMod"></param>
        /// <param name="changeLog"></param>
        private void InsertLocalPorts(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog)
            StringBuilder inouts = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine);

            if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                inouts.AppendLine("," + Environment.NewLine + "//*****[ERROR CAPTURE MODULE INOUTS]*****");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + ERROR_ENABLE + ", // Error injection enable");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + ERROR_CONTROL + " // Error injection control");

            if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                inouts.AppendLine("," + Environment.NewLine + "//*****[SHADOW CAPTURE MODULE INOUTS]*****");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + SHADOW_CLOCK + ", // Shadow/data clock");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + SHADOW_RESET + ", // Shadow/data reset");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + ", // Capture enable");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + DUMP_ENABLE + ", // Dump enable");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CHAINS_OUT + ", // Chains out");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + ", // Chains out valid");
                inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + " // Chains done");
            changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.InOutListEnd.Pos, inouts.ToString());

            StringBuilder inoutDeclarations = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine);

            if ((mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both) && vMod.ErrorControlWidth > 0)
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("parameter " + ERROR_PARAMETER + " = 1;" + Environment.NewLine);
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\t//*****[ERROR CAPTURE MODULE INOUTS INSTANTIATIONS]*****");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + ERROR_ENABLE + "; // Error injection enable");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + ((vMod.ErrorControlWidth == 1) ? string.Empty : "[" + (vMod.ErrorControlWidth - 1) + ":0] ") + ERROR_CONTROL + "; // Error injection control");

            if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                string chainsOutLimits = "[" + (vMod.NumChainsOut - 1) + ":0]";
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\t//*****[SHADOW CAPTURE MODULE INOUT INSTANTIATIONS]*****");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + SHADOW_CLOCK + "; // Shadow/data clock");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + SHADOW_RESET + "; // Shadow/data reset");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "; // Capture enable");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + DUMP_ENABLE + "; // Dump enable");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\toutput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + CHAINS_OUT + "; // Chains out");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\toutput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + "; // Chains out Valid");
                inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\toutput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + "; // Chains done");
            changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PostHeader.Pos, inoutDeclarations.ToString());
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates all wires required for routing signals to/from the shadow capture module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vMod"></param>
        /// <param name="changeLog"></param>
        private void InstantiateWires(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog)
            StringBuilder wireInst = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine);

            if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                wireInst.AppendLine("\t//*****[ERROR WIRE INSTANTIATIONS]******");
                if (vMod.NumLocalDffs > 0)
                    wireInst.AppendLine("\twire [" + (vMod.NumLocalDffs - 1) + ":0] " + ERROR_LOCAL_CONTROL + ";");
                foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in vMod.InstantiatedModules)
                    if (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth <= 0)
                    wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_ENABLE + ";");
                    wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + ((vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth == 0)? string.Empty :  "[" + (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth - 1) + ":0] ") + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_CONTROL + ";");
                changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PostHeader.Pos, wireInst.ToString());

            if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                if (vMod.NumChainsIn == 0)

                string bitLimits = (vMod.NumChainsIn == 1) ? string.Empty : "[" + (vMod.NumChainsIn - 1).ToString() + ":0] ";

                wireInst.AppendLine(Environment.NewLine + "//*****[SHADOW WIRE INSTANTIATIONS]*****");
                wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + INST_CHAINS_OUT + ";");
                wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + INST_CHAINS_OUT_VALID + ";");
                wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + INST_CHAINS_OUT_DONE + ";");
                wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + CHAINS_DUMP_ENABLE + ";");
                changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PostHeader.Pos, wireInst.ToString());
Exemple #5
        public void InsertChanges(InserterMode mode, int numTopChains)
            Dictionary <string, FileChangeLog> projectChangeLogs = new Dictionary <string, FileChangeLog>();

            foreach (VerilogModule vMod in heirarchy.FlattenedHeirarchy)
                if (vMod.NumChainsOut == 0)
                    continue; //No changes to file required. Skip file.
                string        vFileName = project.GetWorkingCopyPath(vMod);
                FileChangeLog changeLog;
                if (projectChangeLogs.ContainsKey(vFileName))
                    changeLog = projectChangeLogs[vFileName];
                    changeLog = new FileChangeLog(vFileName);
                    projectChangeLogs.Add(vFileName, changeLog);
                UpdateInstantiations(mode, vMod, changeLog);

                if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                    UpdateDffs(mode, vMod, changeLog);
                    InstantiateLocalErrorSplitter(vMod, changeLog);
                    InstantiateSubErrorSplitters(vMod, changeLog);

                if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both)
                    InstantiateShadowCapture(vMod, changeLog);

                InsertLocalPorts(mode, vMod, changeLog);
                InstantiateWires(mode, vMod, changeLog);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, FileChangeLog> changeLogEntry in projectChangeLogs)

            string snapKeyFile = Path.Combine(project.Directory, project.Name + ".snpkey");
            string snapArgFile = Path.Combine(project.Directory, project.Name + ".snparg");

            if (!File.Exists(snapKeyFile))
                FileStream fs = File.Create(snapKeyFile);
            if (!File.Exists(snapArgFile))
                FileStream fs = File.Create(snapKeyFile);
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <List <DffBitRecord> >));

            using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(snapKeyFile)) {
                List <List <DffBitRecord> > exported = heirarchy.SnapshotKey.RotateExport();
                serializer.Serialize(stream, exported);
            File.WriteAllText(snapArgFile, snapArgLog.ToString());