public int Part1() { var lines = InputUtils.GetDayInputLines(1).Select(p => int.Parse(p)); int total = 0; foreach (int line in lines) { total += (line / 3) - 2; } return(total); }
public long Part2() { var lines = InputUtils.GetDayInputLines(22); var ops = lines.Select(p => Shuffler.Parse(p, bigDeckSize)); var agg = ops.Aggregate((a, b) => a.Merge(b)); var pow = agg.Power(bigRepeat); var inv = pow.Invert(); var app = inv.Apply(2020); return(app); }
public int Part1() { var lines = InputUtils.GetDayInputLines(2018, 1); int result = 0; foreach (var line in lines) { result += int.Parse(line); } return(result); }
public void CreateTokensFromInputTest() { string input = "2+4-4"; InputToken[] result = InputUtils.CreateTokensFromInput(input); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new InputToken[] { new InputToken("2", InputTokenType.Operand), new InputToken("+", InputTokenType.Operator), new InputToken("4", InputTokenType.Operand), new InputToken("+", InputTokenType.Operator), new InputToken("-4", InputTokenType.Operand) }, result); }
public static void Eliminar() { Listar(); Console.WriteLine("Seleccione Id:"); int id = InputUtils.leerId(); if (HabilidadesEspecialesDAO.obtener(id) == null) { Console.WriteLine("Id no existe."); return; } HabilidadesEspecialesDAO.eliminar(HabilidadesEspecialesDAO.obtener(id)); }
public static void Crear() { Console.WriteLine("Nombre:"); String nombre = InputUtils.leerString(); Console.WriteLine("Descripcion:"); String descripcion = InputUtils.leerString(); HabilidadesEspecialesDAO.crear(new HabilidadEspecial { Nombre = nombre, Descripccion = descripcion }); }
public static void Eliminar() { Listar(); Console.WriteLine("Seleccione Id:"); int id = InputUtils.leerId(); if (CaracteristicasVariablesDAO.obtener(id) == null) { Console.WriteLine("Id no existe."); return; } CaracteristicasVariablesDAO.eliminar(CaracteristicasVariablesDAO.obtener(id)); }
public static void Eliminar() { ListarInformacionBasica(); Console.WriteLine("Seleccione Id:"); int id = InputUtils.leerId(); if (PersonajeDAO.obtener(id) == null) { Console.WriteLine("Id no existe."); return; } PersonajeDAO.eliminar(PersonajeDAO.obtener(id)); }
void setDirection() { if (!InputUtils.MovingHorizontaly()) { return; } this.Direction = InputUtils.GoingRight() ? Direction2D.Right : Direction2D.Left; if ((Direction == Direction2D.Left || Direction == Direction2D.Right) && direction != Direction) { skinSpriteRenderer.flipX = !skinSpriteRenderer.flipX; direction = Direction; } }
private void UpdateInputToMoveAndStretchNotes(EKeyboardModifier modifier) { Vector2 arrowKeyDirection = InputUtils.GetArrowKeyDirection(); if (arrowKeyDirection == { return; } List <Note> selectedNotes = selectionController.GetSelectedNotes(); if (selectedNotes.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return; } if (modifier == EKeyboardModifier.None) { return; } List <Note> followingNotes = GetFollowingNotesOrEmptyListIfDeactivated(selectedNotes); // Move with Shift if (modifier == EKeyboardModifier.Shift && arrowKeyDirection.x != 0) { moveNotesAction.MoveNotesHorizontalAndNotify((int)arrowKeyDirection.x, selectedNotes, followingNotes); } if (modifier == EKeyboardModifier.Shift && arrowKeyDirection.y != 0) { moveNotesAction.MoveNotesVerticalAndNotify((int)arrowKeyDirection.y, selectedNotes, followingNotes); } // Move notes one octave up / down via Ctrl+Shift if (modifier == EKeyboardModifier.CtrlShift) { moveNotesAction.MoveNotesVerticalAndNotify((int)arrowKeyDirection.y * 12, selectedNotes, followingNotes); } // Extend right side with Alt if (modifier == EKeyboardModifier.Alt) { extendNotesAction.ExtendNotesRightAndNotify((int)arrowKeyDirection.x, selectedNotes, followingNotes); } // Extend left side with Ctrl if (modifier == EKeyboardModifier.Ctrl) { extendNotesAction.ExtendNotesLeftAndNotify((int)arrowKeyDirection.x, selectedNotes); } }
private OptionResult CreateStudent(string command, IList <string> args) { Regex matricNumberRegex = new Regex("/^U[0-9]{7}[A-Z]"); Console.Write("Enter matric number (valid format): "); string matricNumber = Console.ReadLine(); if (!matricNumberRegex.IsMatch(matricNumber)) { Log.Error(3); return(OptionResult.Break); } Console.Write("Enter full name: "); string fullName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter study year (1-7): "); int studyYear; if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out studyYear)) { Log.Error(2); return(OptionResult.Break); } if (studyYear < 1 || studyYear > 7) { Log.Error(4); return(OptionResult.Break); } Console.Write("Sex types: "); Sex sex; if (!InputUtils.ReadEnumChoice <Sex>(out sex)) { Log.Error(1); return(OptionResult.Break); } Console.Write("Nationality types: "); Nationality nationality; if (!InputUtils.ReadEnumChoice <Nationality>(out nationality)) { Log.Error(1); return(OptionResult.Break); } //System.Instance.Database.StudentManager.Create(matricNumber, fullName, studyYear, sex, nationality); return(OptionResult.Break); }
void Update() { if (InputUtils.OnPressed()) { _touchStartPoint = InputUtils.GetTouchPosition(); } else if (InputUtils.OnReleased()) { if (EnableDrag || (InputUtils.GetTouchPosition() - _touchStartPoint).sqrMagnitude < 225 && Event != null) { Event.Shoot(); } } }
void Update() { if (InputUtils.OnPressed()) { GameObject go = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject; if (go == null) { if (LandlordsModel.Instance.IsInFight) { Interaction.Instance.Chongxuan(); } } } }
private void DirectionCheck() { m_rawDirection = new Vector3(_input.Move.x, 0, _input.Move.y); if (InputUtils.ValidMove(_input.Move)) { m_direction = m_rawDirection.normalized; } if (!m_idle) { m_lookDirection = m_direction + new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新输入 /// </summary> void updateInputting() { freezeTime += Time.deltaTime; var down = false; if (freezeTime >= freezeDuration) { down = InputUtils.getKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow, KeyCode.S); if (down) { freezeTime = 0; } //var ver = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); } bool left = InputUtils.getKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow, KeyCode.A); bool right = InputUtils.getKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow, KeyCode.D); if (right) { fallingX++; } if (left) { fallingX--; } //if (right || left) freezeTime = 0; var w = currentMap.mapX; fallingX = (w + fallingX) % w; var rotate = InputUtils.getKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow, KeyCode.W, KeyCode.Space); if (rotate) { currentGrids.rotate(); } if (down) { placeGrids(currentGrids, fallingX); } else if (!currentMap.isPlacePointValid(currentGrids, fallingX, fallingY - 1)) { placeGrids(currentGrids, fallingX, fallingY); } else { placeGrids(currentGrids, fallingX, fallingY, true); } }
private void DirectionCheck(ControlProperty control, InputProperty input) { control.m_rawDirection = new Vector3(input.Move.x, 0, input.Move.y); if (InputUtils.ValidMove(input.Move)) { control.m_direction = control.m_rawDirection.normalized; } if (!control.m_idle) { control.m_lookDirection = control.m_direction + new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Advent Of Code 2016, day 9"); var input = InputUtils.GetInput(args).ReadToEnd().Trim(); var decompressedFileLength = GetDecompressedFileLength(input, recurse: false); Console.WriteLine($"Decompressed file length: {decompressedFileLength}"); var decompressedFileV2Length = GetDecompressedFileLength(input); Console.WriteLine($"Decompressed file v2 length: {decompressedFileV2Length}"); }
void Start() { // Clear selection so we can't manipulate things Selection.activeGameObject = null; SetupPreferences(); m_SmoothInput.Reset(0.0f); if (primary) { this.AddRayVisibilitySettings(rayOrigin, this, false, false); SetupBrushUI(); HandleBrushSize(m_Preferences.brushSize); m_ToolMenu = this.InstantiateMenuUI(rayOrigin, m_MenuPrefab); var contextMenu = m_ToolMenu.GetComponent <AnnotationContextMenu>(); this.ConnectInterfaces(contextMenu, rayOrigin); contextMenu.close = Close; contextMenu.colorChanged = OnAnnotationColorChanged; OnAnnotationColorChanged(m_Preferences.annotationColor); contextMenu.preferences = m_Preferences; contextMenu.toolRayOrigin = rayOrigin; var controls = new BindingDictionary(); InputUtils.GetBindingDictionaryFromActionMap(m_ActionMap, controls); foreach (var control in controls) { var tooltipText = control.Key; var suppressExisting = control.Key == "Vertical" || control.Key == "StickButton"; if (suppressExisting) { tooltipText = null; } foreach (var id in control.Value) { var request = (ProxyFeedbackRequest)this.GetFeedbackRequestObject(typeof(ProxyFeedbackRequest)); request.node = node; request.control = id; request.priority = 1; request.tooltipText = tooltipText; request.suppressExisting = suppressExisting; this.AddFeedbackRequest(request); } } } }
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseMoveEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); try { InputUtils.UpdateMouse(e.Mouse); if (linerider.IO.TrackRecorder.Recording) { return; } var r = _input.ProcessMouseMessage(e); _uicursor = _input.MouseCaptured; if (Canvas.GetOpenWindows().Count != 0) { UpdateCursor(); return; } if (_dragRider) { var pos = new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y); var gamepos = ScreenPosition + (pos / Track.Zoom); Track.Stop(); using (var trk = Track.CreateTrackWriter()) { trk.Track.StartOffset = gamepos; Track.Reset(); Track.NotifyTrackChanged(); } Invalidate(); } if (CurrentTools.SelectedTool.RequestsMousePrecision) { CurrentTools.SelectedTool.OnMouseMoved(new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y)); } if (r) { Invalidate(); } UpdateCursor(); } catch (Exception ex) { // SDL2 backend eats exceptions. // we have to manually crash. Program.Crash(ex, true); Close(); } }
public override void choose(T item) { Assert.isNotNull(item, "item cannot be null"); if (_isDisabled) { return; } var index = array.IndexOf(item); if (selected.Count > 0 && rangeSelect && multiple && InputUtils.isShiftDown()) { int oldRangeState = rangeStart; snapshot(); // Select new range. int start = rangeStart, end = index; if (start > end) { var temp = end; end = start; start = temp; } if (!InputUtils.isControlDown()) { selected.Clear(); } for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { selected.Add(array[i]); } if (fireChangeEvent()) { rangeStart = oldRangeState; revert(); } cleanup(); return; } else { rangeStart = index; } base.choose(item); }
public Vector2 GetPointBetweenFingers_Gui() { if (Input.touches == null || Input.touches.Length == 0) { return(ScreenPosToGui(InputUtils.GetInputPosition())); } if (Input.touches.Length < 2) { return(ScreenPosToGui(Input.GetTouch(0).position)); } var poin1 = Input.GetTouch(0).position; var poin2 = Input.GetTouch(1).position; return(ScreenPosToGui((poin1 + poin2) / 2)); }
void PointerDown() { if (InputUtils.OnReleased()) { m_PointerStatus = PointerStatus.Idle; m_SelectArea.ClearNodeList(); } Vector2 vec = InputUtils.GetTouchPosition() - m_StartPos; if (vec.magnitude > StartDragValve) { m_PointerStatus = PointerStatus.Dragging; } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !InputUtils.CheckMouseOnUI()) { mIsDown = true; bridgeInfo.GetComponent <Image>().DOFade(0, .8f); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && mIsDown) { if (mLastPos != { var delta = RATIO * (Input.mousePosition - mLastPos); mSphericalPos.phi -= delta.x; mSphericalPos.theta += delta.y; if (mSphericalPos.theta < 0.15f * Mathf.PI) { // Debug.LogError("Cs"); mSphericalPos.theta = Mathf.PI * 0.15f; } // Debug.Log(delta + " " + mSphericalPos); } mLastPos = Input.mousePosition; var a = camera.transform.localPosition; var b = SphericalCoordinateSystem.ToCartesian(mSphericalPos) + mCurrentFocus; if (b.y <= mCurrentFocus.y) { b = new Vector3(b.x, mCurrentFocus.y, b.z); } // camera.transform.localPosition = b; camera.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(a, b, Time.deltaTime * 4); camera.transform.LookAt(mCurrentFocus); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { mLastPos =; mIsDown = false; } UpdateUI(); }
public ActionMapInput CreateActionMapInput(ActionMap map, InputDevice device) { // Check for improper use of action maps first if (device != null && !IsValidActionMapForDevice(map, device)) { return(null); } var devices = device == null?GetSystemDevices() : new List <InputDevice> { device }; var actionMapInput = ActionMapInput.Create(map); // It's possible that there are no suitable control schemes for the device that is being initialized, // so ActionMapInput can't be marked active var successfulInitialization = false; if (actionMapInput.TryInitializeWithDevices(devices)) { successfulInitialization = true; } else { // For two-handed tools, the single device won't work, so collect the devices from the action map devices = InputUtils.CollectInputDevicesFromActionMaps(new List <ActionMap>() { map }); if (actionMapInput.TryInitializeWithDevices(devices)) { successfulInitialization = true; } } if (successfulInitialization) { actionMapInput.autoReinitialize = false; // Resetting AMIs cause all AMIs (active or not) that use the same sources to be reset, which causes // problems (e.g. dropping objects because wasJustPressed becomes true when reset) actionMapInput.resetOnActiveChanged = false; = true; } return(actionMapInput); }
public int Part2() { List <int> results = new List <int>(); List <int> values = new List <int> { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; var permutations = values.Permute(); foreach (var permutation in permutations) { IntcodeComputer a = new IntcodeComputer(InputUtils.GetFileName(7)); IntcodeComputer b = new IntcodeComputer(InputUtils.GetFileName(7)); IntcodeComputer c = new IntcodeComputer(InputUtils.GetFileName(7)); IntcodeComputer d = new IntcodeComputer(InputUtils.GetFileName(7)); IntcodeComputer e = new IntcodeComputer(InputUtils.GetFileName(7)); a.EnqueueInput(permutation.ToList()[0]); b.EnqueueInput(permutation.ToList()[1]); c.EnqueueInput(permutation.ToList()[2]); d.EnqueueInput(permutation.ToList()[3]); e.EnqueueInput(permutation.ToList()[4]); long eOutput = 0; while (!a.IsHalted && !b.IsHalted && !c.IsHalted && !d.IsHalted && !e.IsHalted) { a.EnqueueInput(eOutput); long aOutput = a.RunUntilNextOutput(); b.EnqueueInput(aOutput); long bOutput = b.RunUntilNextOutput(); c.EnqueueInput(bOutput); long cOutput = c.RunUntilNextOutput(); d.EnqueueInput(cOutput); long dOutput = d.RunUntilNextOutput(); e.EnqueueInput(dOutput); eOutput = e.RunUntilNextOutput(); } results.Add((int)eOutput); } return(results.Max()); }
public void GameUpdate() { GameUpdateHandleInput(); var updates = Track.Scheduler.UnqueueUpdates(); if (updates > 0) { Invalidate(); if (Track.Playing) { if (InputUtils.Check(Hotkey.PlaybackZoom)) { Track.ZoomBy(0.08f); } else if (InputUtils.Check(Hotkey.PlaybackUnzoom)) { Track.ZoomBy(-0.08f); } } } if (_autosavewatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes >= 5) { _autosavewatch.Restart(); new Thread(() => { Track.BackupTrack(false); }).Start(); } if (Track.Playing) { if (ReversePlayback) { for (int i = 0; i < updates; i++) { Track.PreviousFrame(); Track.UpdateCamera(true); } } else { Track.Update(updates); } } AudioService.EnsureSync(); if (Program.NewVersion != null) { Canvas.ShowOutOfDate(); } }
public static void Crear() { Console.WriteLine("Nombre:"); String nombre = InputUtils.leerString(); Console.WriteLine("Descripcion:"); String descripcion = InputUtils.leerString(); ClasesDAO.crear(new Clase { Nombre = nombre, Descripcion = descripcion, habilidadesEspeciales = new List <HabilidadEspecial>(), personajes = new List <Personaje>() }); }
public static void LoadWorldState(World world) { // Tryo to load from file. string path = OutputUtils.RealitySaveDirectory + world.RealityName + OutputUtils.WorldStateSaveFile; WorldSaveState sd = InputUtils.FileToObject<WorldSaveState>(path); if(sd != null) { sd.Apply(world); Debug.Log("Applied loaded world state..."); } else { Debug.LogError("Null world state save file, no world state data applied."); } }
private void OnDestroy() { // Remove this ContextMenu from the list of opened ContextMenus only after all Input has been released // to avoid triggering additional actions (e.g. onClick of button). if (CoroutineManager.Instance != null) { CoroutineManager.Instance.StartCoroutineAlsoForEditor( CoroutineUtils.ExecuteWhenConditionIsTrue( () => !InputUtils.AnyKeyboardOrMouseOrTouchPressed(), () => RemoveOpenContextMenuFromList(this))); } else { RemoveOpenContextMenuFromList(this); } }
public void DrawCursor(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState, SamplerState, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise); float cursorSize = CursorScale * GlobalScale * ((float)p_CursorWidth / (float)p_CursorTexture.Width); Vector2 cursorPos = InputUtils.GetMousePosition(); spriteBatch.Draw(p_CursorTexture, new Rectangle( (int)(cursorPos.X + p_CursorOffset.X + cursorSize), (int)(cursorPos.Y + p_CursorOffset.Y + cursorSize), (int)(p_CursorTexture.Width * cursorSize), (int)(p_CursorTexture.Height * cursorSize)), Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); }